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Botaro et al. Scientia

Quality based Agricola
payment program and milk quality

Quality based payment program and milk quality in dairy cooperatives of Southern
Brazil: an econometric analysis
Bruno Garcia Botaro1, Augusto Hauber Gameiro2, Marcos Veiga dos Santos2*

USP/FMVZ Depto. de Medicina Veterinria Preventiva e ABSTRACT: Programs designed to enhance milk quality have been used to motivate dairy farm-
Sade Animal. ers to improve the quality of the raw milk they produce. The objective of this study was to evalu-
USP/FMVZ Depto. de Nutrio e Produo Animal, ate the association between a milk quality payment program and four indicative variables of milk
Av. Duque de Caxias Norte, 225 13635-900 quality, by testing bulk tank somatic cell count (SCC), bulk tank total bacterial count (TBC), fat
Pirassununga, SP Brasil. (FAT) and protein (PROT) percentages over three years in four dairy cooperatives in Southern
*Corresponding author <> Brazil. We used a multiple regression econometric model estimated from market data of milk
delivered by farmers to the cooperatives. Bulk tank milk samples (n = 19,644) were monthly col-
Edited by: Daniel Scherer de Moura lected. The data set was analyzed for the effects of seasonality, average daily volume of milk, the
award/penalty, producer, and cooperatives on SCC, TBC, FAT and PROT. Results suggested an
association between the adoption of a payment program based on milk quality and the reduction
of SCC and TBC. Nevertheless, the program seems to have not contributed to increase fat and
protein milk percentages. This information may help the dairy industry in developing countries to
Received December 13, 2011 conceive strategies to enhance overall milk quality.
Accepted August 08, 2012 Keywords: bacterial count, somatic cell count, premium payment, milk composition, milk production

Introduction total bacterial counts, respectively), but also milk com-

position (percentages of milk fat and protein). Thus, the
Milk quality is an important aspect of dairy produc- aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of a milk
tion that affects milk processing, its technological proper- quality payment program adopted by a dairy central co-
ties, and thus economical efficiency (Auldist and Hubble, operative in Brazil on milk quality of dairy products by
1998; Barbano et al., 2006). Dairy industries worldwide monthly testing of bulk tank somatic cells (BTSCC), bulk
have instituted penalty and premium programs to provide tank total bacterial count (BTTBC), fat (FAT) and protein
incentives for dairy producers to improve milk quality (PROT) percentages during three years.
(Schukken et al., 1992a,b; Nightingale et al., 2008). Most
of these programs are focused on bulk tank milk qual- Materials and Methods
ity, such as total bacterial count (TBC), somatic cell count
(SCC) and milk composition (percentage of fat, protein Data used for this study were collected from a
and solids non-fat) (Draaiyer et al., 2009; Dekkers et al., dairy central cooperative in Southern Brazil, from Aug.
1996). Premium payments motivate farmers to produce 2005 through Apr. 2008, accumulating 19,644 observa-
high quality milk without disrupting the milk supply tions. Each observation corresponds to the total volume
chain of the market they operate (Nightingale et al., 2008). delivered by a producer in one month, with monthly
However, the degree that this inducement affects overall weighted average indicators of BTSCC, BTTBC, FAT and
milk quality in developing countries is not documented in PROT. This central cooperative was a tier of four small
the literature. Brazilian milk ordinance currently allows cooperatives (A, B, C and D) which had, respectively,
an upper limit of 750,000 cells mL-1 both for bulk tank so- 203, 92, 321 and 459 permanent dairy producers whose
matic cell and total bacterial counts (Brasil, 2002), which total milk production was delivered to the central co-
might compromise trading of the countrys dairy products, operative (Table 1). Milk delivered during the period of
as legal limits for SCC and TBC at international level are data collection was mainly destined for powder milk
generally lower. In Europe, for instance, the EEC directive production.
92/46 established legal limits of 400,000 cells mL-1 and Bulk tank samples were monthly collected and
100,000 cfu mL-1, for SCC and TBC, respectively, while milk composition analyses were performed using Bentley
the USA and Canada have limited SCC to 750,000 and 2000 (Bentley Instruments, Chaska, MN) to determine
500,000 cells mL-1, respectively (Sargeant et al., 1998). fat and protein percentages, Somacount 300 (Bentley In-
Quality premiums paid to producers have proven their struments, Chaska, MN) and BactoScan (Foss Electric,
effectiveness in influencing milk quality (Schukken et al., Hillerd, Denmark) for somatic cell and total bacteria
1992a; Valeeva et al., 2007; Nightingale et al., 2008). counts, respectively.
We hypothesized that monetary incentives offered The recorded data set included producer identifi-
to dairy producers can encourage them to improve overall cation (anonymous and individually identified by a nu-
milk quality parameters, not only those related to udder merical code), and the monthly producers BTSCC and
health and milk hygiene procedures (i. e., somatic cell and BTTBC, FAT and PROT percentages, and whether dairy

Sci. Agric. v.70, n.1, p.21-26, January/February 2013


Botaro et al. Quality based payment program and milk quality

producer had/had not achieved milk quality goals adopt- as recommended by FAO and IDF Guide to milking hy-
ed by the cooperative for each parameter. Observations giene practices (FAO, 2011). After the accomplishment of
were omitted for missing values in any analyzed category. the extension program, dairy farmers began to be paid
Each producers daily average volume of milk (L day-1) according to the newly established milk payment policy
was obtained by dividing the total volume delivered by a (Table 2), which was applied to all dairy farmers deliver-
producer on a monthly basis. Premium was the grant paid ing milk to the cooperative.
to the producer if quality targets were achieved. The payment policy consisted of a fixed premium
The development of the premium program adopted per penalty on the milk price paid to the dairy producer,
by the cooperative was based on targets currently estab- according to their achievement of each bulk tank param-
lished by federal regulation (Brasil, 2002) for dairy farm- eter targeted by the central cooperative (Table 2), accord-
ers bulk tank somatic cell and total bacterial counts in ingly to the implementation schedule adopted by each of
the period of the study, and also balanced to fulfill market the four cooperatives. Cooperative B first implemented
demands for milk quality. Before implementation of the premiums and penalties to milk price in Nov. 2006. The
premium program, the central cooperative focused on cooperative C introduced incentives for FAT and PROT
capacity-building and knowledge delivery to each of its at the same time; later, in Apr. 2007, it included the oth-
cooperatives dairy extension personnel. It was intended er two variables. Cooperative D began to offer incentives
that each one of the four cooperatives, by means of their by Apr. 2007, while cooperative A started by Dec. 2007.
extension personnel, would be responsible for training The adopted different schedules were due to internal
farmers in management practices to achieve milk qual- factors of each cooperative, e. g., number of dairy pro-
ity goals (Nettle et al., 2003). The adopted extension ducers and number of dairy producers assisted by dairy
approach was based on individual on-farm guidelines, extension personnel. Furthermore, the central coopera-

Table 1 Sample composition.

Before implementation of QPP After implementation of QPP
Indicators QPP for BTSCC, BTTBC, FAT and PROT
Period Feb. 2006 to Nov. 2007 Dec. 2007 to Apr. 2008
Cooperative A
Months 22 5
n 3,140 917
Indicators QPP for BTSCC, BTTBC, FAT and PROT
Period Ago. 2005 to Oct. 2006 Nov. 2006 to Apr. 2008
Cooperative B
Months 15 18
n 697 893
Indicators QPP for FAT and PROT
Period Ago. 2005 to Oct. 2006 Nov. 2006 to Apr. 2008
Months 15 18
n 2,246 4,215
Cooperative C
Indicators QPP for BTSCC and BTTBC
Period Ago. 2005 to Mar. 2007 Apr. 2007 to Apr. 2008
Months 20 13
n 3,616 2,845
Indicators QPP for BTSCC, BTTBC, FAT and PROT
Period Nov. 2005 to Mar. 2007 Apr. 2007 to Apr. 2008
Cooperative D
Months 17 13
n 4,064 3,472
Number of observations (n = 19,644). QPP: Quality Premium Program; BTSCC: bulk tank somatic cells; BTTBC: bulk tank total bacterial count; FAT: fat percentage;
PROT: protein percentage.

Table 2 Premium and penalty program adopted by the central cooperative according to bulk tank somatic cell (BTSCC) and total bacterial
counts (BTTBC) and stringency through the observed years of the payment policy.
Premium/Penalty (US$)1
Year after implementation Parameter
+ 0.0083 + 0.0028 0.0000 - 0.0111
BTSCC (103 cells mL-1) 400 401 up to 700 701 up to 1,000 > 1,000
BTTBC (103 cfu mL-1) 100 101 up to 400 401 up to 1,000 > 1,000
+ 0.0139 + 0.0056 0.0000 - 0.0083
BTSCC (103 cells mL-1) 300 301 up to 500 501 up to 750 > 750
BTTBC (103 cfu mL-1) 75 75,001 up to 300,000 301 up to 750 > 750
Currency: US$ 1.00 = R$ 1.80.

Sci. Agric. v.70, n.1, p.21-26, January/February 2013


Botaro et al. Quality based payment program and milk quality

tive had adopted a variable BTSCC and BTTBC premi- operatives were involved (A, B, C and D), only three
um/penalty policy, with the level of stringency based on other dummy variables had to be include in the model to
the targeted parameters over two years of evaluation of avoid perfect multicollinearity (a statistical phenomenon
the payment program. For milk with fat concentration in which two or more predictor variables in a multiple
higher than 3.2 %, a premium of US$ 1.44 per kg of ex- regression model are correlated) (Greene, 1993).
tra fat was paid; for protein concentration above 3.1 %, The units for the dependent variables were: cells
a premium of US$ 2.77 per kg of extra protein was paid mL-1 for BTSCC, cfu mL-1 for BTTBC, and percentage (%)
(Note: US$ 1.00 = R$ 1.80). for FAT and PROT. The choice of variables was based on
All data were analyzed using SAS version 9.2 (SAS two grounds: i) proposed by previous studies (Nightingale
Institute, Cary, NC, USA). Descriptive analysis of milk et al., 2008), Schukken et al. (1992a) and Schukken et al.
variables by month was performed using PROC MEANS. (1992b); and ii) variables covered by the quality program
To identify possible effects over each of these four vari- of the analyzed cooperatives: the data were obtained from
ables, ANOVA was conducted using PROC GLM. Tested the cooperatives themselves, so that the variables used
effects were: seasonality, daily average volume of milk, were those included in their programs.
premium payment/deduction, producer and cooperative.
Seasonality was modeled as suggested by Nightingale et Results and Discussion
al. (2008), using a sine-cosine function to represent an-
nual variation of the effect over variables. The seasonal The total number of observations used in this
function was: study was 19,644, collected from 1,075 dairy farmers.
Average, number of observations (sample size) and stan-
1Sin [2 (month / 12)] + 2 Cos [2 (month / 12)] dard deviation for BTSCC, BTTBC, FAT and PROT of
milk of the four cooperatives are shown in Table 3. Dur-
Once relevant effects were identified, multiple ing the study, 10.4 % of the delivered milk exceeded the
linear regression models were estimated, attempting to Brazilian BTSCC legal limit of 750,000 cells mL-1. Simi-
measure such influence over the four considered milk larly, 35.8 % was above the Brazilian BTTBC legal limit
quality variables, using PROC MIXED: of 750,000 cfu mL-1.
BTSCC and BTTBC were influenced by all variables
BTSCC=+ 1 Sin (.)+2 Cos(.)+3 QPP+4CoopB+5CoopC +6CoopD+ included in the model (Table 4). Figure 1 shows average
BTSCC and average BTTBC according to season variation in
the course of the study, whilst Figure 2 illustrates the rela-
BTTBC, FAT and PROT were estimated using simi- tion between average BTSCC and the size of the farms, rep-
lar models. resented by the daily average volume of delivered milk.
The econometric linear multiple regression model FAT of delivered milk was influenced by premium
estimated and 1 to 6 parameters. Seasonality effect incentives and dairy producer. Seasonality and coopera-
was adjusted by 1 and 2 parameters, as previously de- tive significantly affected fat percentage as well. Daily
scribed. The variable Quality Premium Program period
(QPP) is of particular interest to this research, as it aimed Table 3 Descriptive analysis of the bulk tank somatic cell (BTSCC), total
to measure the effect of the premium program imple- bacterial counts (BTTBC), fat (FAT), and protein (PROT) of milk shipped
mentation on the considered milk quality parameters. by the central cooperative during the period of data collection.
A dummy variable represented QPP, being 0 (zero) for Variable Mean Standard deviation
the milk delivered before the institution of the program, BTSCC (103cells mL-1) 393.87 316.77
and 1 (one) for milk delivered to the cooperatives af- BTTBC (103cfu mL-1) 1,543.88 2,926.72
ter the program implementation. A set of other dummy FAT (%) 3.50 0.52
variables was included to estimate each cooperatives PROT (%) 3.22 0.17
influence on milk quality parameters. Once the four co- Number of observations (n = 19,644).

Table 4 ANOVA of seasonality, daily volume, premium/penalty, producer, cooperative on bulk tank somatic cell (BTSCC), total bacterial count
(BTTBC), fat (FAT) and protein (PROT).
variation Sum of squares Sum of squares Sum of squares Sum of squares
Sine 482,334 < .0001 127,269,792 < .0001 5.65 < .0001 0.351 < .0001
Cosine 182,906 0.0119 14,690,910 0.0054 9.66 < .0001 1.67 < .0001
Daily volume 252,471 0.0031 16,508,878 0.0032 0.00005 0.9510 0.028 0.0019
Premium/Penalty 21,848,213 < .0001 252,741,325 < .0001 443.46 < .0001 0.235 < .0001
Producer 301,453,198 < .0001 21,929,851 < .0001 111.51 < .0001 0.0143 < .0001
Cooperative 6,268,321 < .0001 90,934,817 < .0001 0.453 < .0001 0.0046 0.1949
Number of observations (n = 19,644).

Sci. Agric. v.70, n.1, p.21-26, January/February 2013


Botaro et al. Quality based payment program and milk quality

Figure 1 Monthly average of bulk tank somatic cell count (BTSCC) and total bacterial count (BTTBC) during the study period.

Figure 2 Average of bulk tank somatic cell count (BTSCC) according to the daily average volume of delivered milk.

volume delivered did not exert any influence on this pa- parameter has been estimated at 65,000 suggests that -
rameter. PROT was influenced by all variables included irrespective of other variables - the SCC was reduced by
in the model, except the cooperative one. this magnitude after the implementation of the program.
The results for the multiple linear regression mod- BTSCC throughout the period was 393,870 cells mL-1
els are presented in Table 5. The set of dummy values (Table 3), thus suggesting that the reduction of 65,000
related to cooperatives was not included on the PROT was representative.
model as the cooperative did not seem to affect PROT The regression model could ratify the cooperative
(Table 4). When data concerning the four cooperatives effect, with the three dummy values being similar (be-
were considered, three dummy values had to be used tween 84 and 88 103 cells mL-1), and with significant
(CoopB, CoopC and CoopD). Thus, the set for coopera- effect on BTSCC. The estimated regression parameter
tive A was: CoopB = 0;CoopC = 0; CoopD = 0; the for BTSCC of cooperative A was higher compared to
one related to cooperative B was: CoopB = 1; CoopC the others. Considering cooperative effects, for B, C
= 0; CoopD = 0; and so on. The daily volume was not and D the program itself was able to reduce the original
included in the regression model, due to the lack of this counting of somatic cell by around 16 % [65.07/(489.349-
information for some observations of the sample. 88.25) for B; 65.07/(489.349-84.29) for C; 65.07/(489.349-
Implementation of the milk quality premium pro- 87.59) for D], whilst values observed in cooperative A
gram had a significant effect on BTSCC, reducing it by (65.07/489.349) had achieved reductions up to 13.3 %.
more than 65,000 cells mL-1 (Table 5). The reduction of BTTBC was also reduced by the milk quality pre-
65,000 cells mL-1 was obtained as a result of parameter mium program (Table 5). Nevertheless, in contrast to the
estimates (Table 5) by the regression model for binary SCC, there was a wide original variation among coop-
variable that represented the beginning of the period of eratives. For cooperative B, the payment program con-
payment for quality. The variable had value 0 (zero) for tributed to a reduction of more than 90 % in the over-
the months before the beginning of the program, and it all BTTBC [1,044.72/(1,486.09-355.70)]. For cooperatives
had value 1 (one) after it had started. The fact that the C, D and A the reductions were 39.4 % [1,044.72/

Sci. Agric. v.70, n.1, p.21-26, January/February 2013


Botaro et al. Quality based payment program and milk quality

(1,486.09+1,167.33)], 58.7 % [1,044.72/(1,486.09+292.89)] tern observed (specifically the peak in rainy seasons and
and 70.3 % (1,044.72/1,486.09), respectively. the reduction in dry ones - Figure 1) was expected and
The adoption of the milk quality-based payment followed the same trends as described in previous re-
varied among cooperatives, and had an interestingly, small ports on similar climate conditions (Botaro et al., 2008).
negative association between fat percentage of milk (Table Establishment of a milk quality premium program
6). In contrast, seasonality influenced BTSCC and BTTBC. played a key role in motivating dairy producers to focus
The cooperative effect was not uniform as well. Dairy pro- their efforts on farm management practices that control
ducers from cooperatives C and D had delivered milk with mastitis, as referred by BTSCC. Previous studies have
higher fat percentages than those from cooperatives B and shown the impact of penalty (Sargeant et al., 1998) and
A. The reason for this could not be established, and further premium approaches (Nightingale et al., 2008) on lower-
research is suggested to clarify this point. ing population mean SCC. Although a penalty program
Similarly to fat percentage, milk protein was not af- had shown to be effective in decreasing overall mean
fected by the adoption of a quality premium program by BMSCC (Sargeant et al., 1998), further reductions would
the cooperatives considered in this study, when the mul- be achieved if a combination of a penalty program for
tiple regression model was used to evaluate it. Seasonality high BTSCC. Financial incentives targeting low BTSCC
showed effect on protein levels (Table 4). Because the mod- were adopted (Nightingale et al., 2008), as it was imple-
el analyzed real data from the market instead of data from mented by the central cooperative here studied. How-
experimental results specifically designed for this proposal, ever, the multivariate model used in the present study
it was not possible to control the adoption of correct and could not distinguish which parameter was the most ef-
accurate recommendations for the producers. fective on improving mastitis control at the farm level.
The premium per penalty payments had signifi- Another area of concern yet to be investigated is the
cant association with quality parameters established by apparent adverse effect that a BTSCC reduction pro-
the central cooperative. Results of this study suggested gram has on the increase of subclinical cases of mastitis
that the producer was the only factor that influenced all treated during lactation. This is especially important and
dependent variables. Farmers average daily volume de- must be studied in this kind of scenario once the over-
livered did not contribute significantly to milk quality at- treatment of subclinical mastitis aiming at reducing SCC
tributes, in contrast to information previously shown by (sters and Slverd, 2009) may lead to an increased
other studies (Nightingale et al., 2008). The BTSCC pat- risk of inhibitor violations.

Table 5 Effects of bulk tank somatic cell count (BTSCC) and total bacterial count (BTTBC) by each of the considered factors estimated by the
multiple linear regression model.
Effect Estimated Estimated
Standard deviation P Standard deviation P
parameter parameter
-------------------- 103 cells mL1 -------------------- -------------------- 103 cfu mL1 --------------------
Intercept 489,349 5.02 <.0001 1,486.09 45.53 <.0001
Sine 5.94 3.12 0.056 102.31 28.30 0.0003
Cosine -4.80 3.22 0.1364 236.64 29.25 <.0001
Quality Program (QPP) -65.07 4.66 <.0001 -1,044.72 42.21 <.0001
Cooperative B -88.25 9.38 <.0001 -355.70 85.027 <.0001
Cooperative C -84.29 6.34 <.0001 1,167.33 57.47 <.0001
Cooperative D -87.59 6.19 <.0001 292.89 56.07 <.0001
Number of observations (n = 19,644).

Table 6 Effects on fat (FAT) and protein percentages (PROT) by each of the considered factors estimated by the multiple linear regression model.
Effect Estimated Estimated
Standard deviation P Standard deviation P
Parameter Parameter
Intercept 3.487 0.008 <.0001 3.230 0.0015 <.0001
Sine -0.015 0.005 0.002 0.014 0.0016 <.0001
Cosine -0.188 0.005 <.0001 -0.066 0.0017 <.0001
Quality Program (QPP) -0.0186 0.007 0.013 -0.004 0.0024 0.0824
Cooperative B -0.024 0.0151 0.107 - - -
Cooperative C 0.065 0.010 <.0001 - - -
Cooperative D 0.0414 0.0099 <.0001 - - -
Number of observations (n = 19,644).

Sci. Agric. v.70, n.1, p.21-26, January/February 2013


Botaro et al. Quality based payment program and milk quality

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terms of bacterial counts, approximately 36 % of all milk DF, Brazil (in Portuguese).
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Acknowledgements Schukken, Y.H.; Leslie, K.E.; Weersink, A.J.; Martin, S.W. 1992b.
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To Dr. Adrian Molenaar, from AgResearch Ltd., Dynamics of bulk milk somatic-cell counts. Journal of Dairy
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his assistance with the textual analysis and careful Eng- Valeeva, N.I.; Lam, T.J.G.M.; Hogeveen, H. 2007. Motivation
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Dairy Science 90: 44664477.
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Sci. Agric. v.70, n.1, p.21-26, January/February 2013

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