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Part 1. Load Estimating | Chapter 4.

Solar Heat Gain Thru Glass

Since glass block windows have no sash, the

factors in Table 17 have been increased to include the
GLASS BLOCK 1/.85 multiplier in Table 15.
Glass block differs from sheet glass in that there is Use of Table 17
an appreciable absorption of solar heat and a fairly - Solar Heat Gain Factors for Glass Block,
long time lag before the heat reaches the inside (about With and Without Shading Devices
3 hours). This is primarily caused by the thermal The factors in Table 17 are used to determine the
storage capacity of the glass block itself. The high solar heat gain thru all types of glass block.
absorption of heat increases the inside surface The transmission of heat caused by a difference
temperature of the sunlit glass block which may require between the inside and outdoor temperatures must also
lower room temperatures to maintain comfort conditions be figured, using the appropriate U value, Chapter 5.
as explained in Chapter 2.
Shading devices on the outdoor side of glass block Example 6-Peak Solar Heat Gain, Glass Block
are almost as effective as with any other kind of glass Given:
since they keep the heat away from the glass. Shading West exposure, 40 North latitude
devices on the inside are not effective in reducing the Glass block window
heat gain because most of the heat reflected is Find:
absorbed in the glass block. Peak solar heat gain
Basis of Table 17 By inspection of Table 15, the peak solar heat gain occurs
- Solar Heat Gain Factors for Glass block, on July 23.
With and Without Shading Devices Solar heat gain
The factors in Table 17 are the average of tests At 4:00 p.m. = (.39164) + (.21 43) = 73
conducted by the ASHAE on several types of glass At 5:00 p.m. = (.39161) + (.21 98) = 84
block. At 6:00 p.m. = (.39118) + (.21144) = 76
Peak solar heat gain occurs at 5:00 p.m. on July 23.


Apply Factors to Table 15
IN NORTH Instantaneous Absorption EXPOSURE
LATITUDES Transmission Transmission IN SOUTH
Factor Factor Time Lag LATITUDES
(Bi) (Ba) Hours
Northeast .27 .24 3.0 Southeast
East .39 .21 3.0 East
Southeast .35 .22 3.0 Northeast
South North
Summer .27 .24 3.0 Summer
Winter .39 .22 3.0 Winter
Southwest .35 .22 3.0 Northwest
West .39 .21 3.0 West
Northwest .27 .24 3.0 Southwest

*Factors include correction for no sash with glass block windows. Use the summer factors for all latitudes, North or South. Use the winter
factor for intermediate seasons, 30 to 50 North or South latitude.
Equations: Bi = Instantaneous transmission factor from Table 17.
Solar heat gain without shading devices Ba = Absorption transmission factor from Table 17.
= (Bili) + (Bala) li = Solar heat gain value from Table 15 for the desired time
Solar heat gain with outdoor shading devices and wall facing.
= (BilI+ Bala.25 la = Solar heat gain value from Table 15 for 3 hours earlier than
Solar heat gain with inside shading devices li and same wall facing.
= (BilI+ Bala).90

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