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JSA for Painting Works-Hazards Control

1.10 Paint works-Hazard Control

Location/Area Specific Hazards Classification Control Measures

Identified on (A/B/C)
Painting of newly Emission/Generation B/C Avoid inhalation of fumes, use
installed gypsum Of paint & thinner respirator with filter cartridge for
board walls and fumes organic fumes or equivalent SA
painting of Standard
exterior wall Avoid contact in skin, use
claddings chemical gloves, do not swallow
Workers should use complete
PPE, especially safety goggles,
safety coveralls, 3M approved
mask and it should be in
accordance with material safety
data sheet (MSDS)
RPE shall meet ANSI Z88.2
Manufacturer material safety
data sheet should be on site with
Store all paints in cool and dry
place by putting them under the
air ventilated shaded storage
area at least 3 Meter away from
any flammable materials
Store only minimum quantity of
paints material as per the
recruitment of works.
Paint storage area shall be
secured such as locked, fences
and located at least 15 meter
away from the nearest building
or Storage area for other
combustibles. No other material
shall be stored within these
flammable liquids.
Fugitive Emission of B Use only the paint having
paint and thinner MSDS on site.
Conduct tool box meeting by
using MSDS and record on s i t e
safety log book
Use only nonvolatile/water
base paints
Install air movers for proper
ventilation and emission of
fumes from inside building area.
Use only approved vendor paints
Eye contact with C Painter should wear safety goggle
paint all time while doing painting.
Use eye wash or eye wash
solvents in case of eye contact
with paints splashes. Eye wash
solvent shall meet the ANSI Z
358.1 and be installed and
maintained per SAES-8-069.

1.20 Misc. Work-Hazard Control

Location/Area Specific Classificati Control Measures

Hazards on on
Identified (A/B/C)
Project site Chemical A Appropriate precautions listed in the SASH work
Handling permit issuance guidelines
& Storage GI 2.100 and SACSM must be followed while
handling chemicals the following task specific
PPE [personal protective equipment] must be
used: safety glasses and face shield, rubber
gloves, rubber aprons, cartridge type respirator,
rubber boots, etc. Chemicals must be stored in
approved containers that are safe for
transporting and use of the materials.
Containers must be labeled with
appropriate hazardous materials label to
indicate the actual contents.
All chemicals shall be stored as per specific
storage recommendations for the respective
hazardous materials. Saudi Aramco CHB
[chemical hazard bulletins) and manufacturer
provided material safety data sheets (MSDS)
should be available to all personnel.
MSDS/CHB log shall be maintained properly.
Project site Heat Stress B The human body maintains an internal core
temperature of around 37 C. If this
temperature deviates by a few degrees. Vital
organs can be damaged. The best way to avoid
heat-related illnesses is proper preparation.
Recognize the signs of heat s tress and
remember to monitor Weathering the Heat
yourself and your coworkers.
Wear light-colored, lightweight, loose fitting,
breathable clothing. Change your clothes if they
get saturated. If your work requires personal
protective equipment (PPE), wear the lightest
weight PPE that is required for the job.
Drink fluids regularly. Do not wait until you are
thirsty. Avoid drinks with caffeine or a lot of
sugar as they cause the body to lose fluids.
Provide drinking water stations (e.g., coolers
with chilled or ice water) for workers and
remind them to drink plenty of water and
disposable paper cups or other separate cups
shall be provided for each person.
Take periodic cool down breaks in air
conditioned or shaded areas.
If you must work during the hottest part of the
day, slow the pace or take turn performing tasks
with coworkers.
Employees must follow
Drink water often.
Rest In designated break areas.
Report heat symptoms early
Know what to do In an emergency

Prepared By:

Site in charge

Reviewed & Approved By:

Project Manager

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