Does A Photochemical Reaction Have A Reaction Order?: S. R. Logan

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Research: Science & Education

Does a Photochemical Reaction Have a Reaction Order?

S. R. Logan
Department of Chemistry, University of Ulster at Coleraine, N. Ireland, BT52 1SA, UK

Among chemical reactions in the gas phase or in so- Two extreme situations are readily identified. One
lution that require no external agent such as light or occurs when cl > 2, so that well in excess of 99% of the
ionizing radiation to bring them about, the concept of light entering the cell is absorbed within it. Thus the
reaction order is well understood as the index of the con- number of moles of A reacting in unit time is essentially
centration of the reactant that leads to a parameter pro- Q/ NA, which is independent of the concentration of A.
portional to the reaction rate. Where the reaction is occa- That is, provided that the concentration of A is much
sioned by light absorption and is a straightforward con- greater than ( l){1, the rate of the photochemical conver-
version of one species into another, the progress of the sion is constant. Consequently, the amount of A in the
reaction is controlled simply by the rate of light absorp- cell will now decrease linearly, and if the cell contents
tion by the molecules of reactant. However, one can cite are well stirred, the concentration of A will fall off in
circumstances in which the log of the concentration of that manner.
the reacting species will fall linearly with time and there The other extreme is when cl << 1, and only a small
is then a temptation to describe the photochemical pro- fraction of the light entering the cell is absorbed within
cess as being a first-order reaction. The propriety of so it. In this case the factor (1 10 {cl ) is well approximated
doing deserves comment. by 2.303 cl, so that the number of moles of A reacting
If one considers a simple photochemical reaction sys- in unit time is given by 2.303 Qcl /NA, which is directly
tem in which the reactant molecule A absorbs at the proportional to the concentration of A. Consequently, the
wavelength of the exiting light whereas the product mol- amount of A in the cell will decrease exponentially.
ecule B does not, assuming that a parallel and uniform This shows that, as a consequence of these differ-
beam of light makes normal incidence on a rectangular ences in experimental conditions, this photochemical con-
cell, it is possible to produce a simple expression for the version may fit either of two regimes. In the first, the
rate of light absorption. If there are Q quanta per sec- amount of A in the cell decreases as it would for a reac-
ond entering the cell, of path length l, then the number tion of zero order; but in the second, it falls as for a first-
of quanta per second absorbed within the cell is given order reaction. Since the manner of the decrease of the
by Q (1 10-cl), where is the molar decadic absorption reactant concentration is so totally a function of the re-
coefficient of A at the wavelength of irradiation and c action conditions, it makes no sense to speak of a reac-
denotes the concentration of A. Consequently the num- tion order for such a photochemical reaction. A rate con-
ber of moles of A caused to react in unit time will be stant quoted in such a connection thus has no sound ba-
Q(1 10-cl) /NA, where is the quantum yield for the sis. The only parameter that may meaningfully be used
photochemical interconversion of A to B and N A is to denote how efficiently a photochemical conversion pro-
Avogadros constant. An equation equivalent to the above ceeds is the quantum yield.
expression is to be found in Levine (1) as eq 21.82. In gen-
eral, the topic of photochemical kinetics is not treated in Literature Cited
physical chemistry texts. 1. Levine, I. N. Physical Chemistry, 4th ed.; McGraw-Hill: New York, 1995.

Vol. 74 No. 11 November 1997 Journal of Chemical Education 1303

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