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Geology of China

The Geology of China (,

Zhnggu d zh) (or the geological
structure of the People's Republic of It was not until late in the Qing
China) can be divided into several Dynasty (16441911) that the
parts. The historical centre of government formulated a policy to
Chinese culture is on the loess introduce foreign science and
plateau, the world's largest technology into China. Modern geologic
Quaternary loess deposit, and on the ideas were introduced with the
alluvial lands at the east of it. The establishment of technical schools and
alluvial East China plain extends from the translation into Chinese of works
just south of Beijing in the north, to by James D. Dana and Charles Lyell
the Yangzi river delta in the south, during the 1870s. Early in the
punctuated only by the igneous twentieth century, foreign geology
Shandong highlands and peninsula. teachers were brought to China and
South of the Yangzi river, most of the Chinese students were sent to foreign
landscape is mountainous, dominated by countries to study geology. This
sedimentary deposits and by the Yangzi infusion successfully developed the
craton. The most famous scenery in modern teaching and practice of
China is found in the karst landscapes geology in China.
of Guangxi and Yunnan provinces. The
alluvial Sichuan basin is surrounded During the 1960's, the theory of plate
by mountains, the Qinling mountains to tectonics gained world-wide acceptance
the north and the Himalaya to the west - except in China. The theory proposed
and southwest. Much of Northeast that large sections of the earth's
China, or Manchuria, is dominated by crust, called plates, moved relative
alluvial plains, but the border to each other, producing major
regions with Korea are also highly topographic features such as the Rocky
mountainous. In the west, most of the Mountains and the Andes. Earthquakes
Tibetan plateau is in China, and occurred at plate boundaries such as
averages over 4000 metres in the San Andreas Fault or on zones of
elevation. The Yunnan-Guizhou plateau discontinuity within a plate as it
is also an extension of the Tibetan moved.
While the plate tectonics revolution
was occurring in the West,
universities in China were closed.
The town Most of the Chinese geoscientists who
of Hongping, could apply the newly developing
in Shennongjia Fo theory to the highly active fault
restry District, systems of Tibet and western China
is proud of the were out of work for over a decade.
Rhino Cave, one Furthermore, China had been closed to
of the foreigners since 1949, so western
richest fossil si geoscientists were forced to evaluate
tes in the their ideas about the geology of China
nation. using data from remote instruments
such as satellite photographs and there are now more Chinese students in
seismographs. the US than any other foreign
nationality. It has also encouraged
Prior to the Cultural Revolution, foreign scientists to participate in
Chinese geoscientists, in particular cooperative studies with Chinese
paleontologists and geomorphologists, scientists.
had a worldwide reputation for the
high quality of their work. In the China Geology Information
late 1800's, the works of several Infrastructure:
European geologists were translated
into Chinese, and European geologists The China Geological Survey (CGS)
began to visit China for cooperative constructed its geological survey
study. The first geology college was information infrastructure to meet the
established in China in 1912, and needs of international cooperation and
their National Geological Survey was coordination, disseminate public
founded in 1916. In 1922 the geoscience knowledge and information,
Geological Society of China was and to promote the sustainable
formed. Unfortunately, from then until development of the national economy
1949, China was at war, both with the and society. The main line of the
Japanese and with itself, so geology geological survey informationization
was a low priority. is the informationization of whole
procedure of the geological survey
With the exception of foreign including project application,
publications by geographer, botanist designing, implement, data processing
and anthropologist Joseph Rock and and providing the geoscience
geologists J.W. and C.J. Gregory in information to the public; The
the 1920's and geologists Peter Misch construction of information
and Arnold Heim in the 1940's, not standardization, basic network,
much about the geology of China was technological development and project
published outside of China until the management system make up of its
1970's. However, as soon as Mao Zedong technological support; The
gained control in 1949, he realized construction of national basic
that China badly needed raw materials geoscience database is the data
for industry. Mao emphasized geology support.
to the extent that, in spite of the
dark ages during the Cultural Geological Parks:
Revolution, today there are over 50
China has 44 national geological parks
geology colleges, over 80,000
managed since 1999 by the Chinese
professional geoscientists, and the
Ministry of Land and Resources in
Geological Society of China has 40,000
cooperation with UNESCO to find a way
members. In the late 1970's, many of
to protect geological sites of
their studies became available for use
importance while encouraging both
by foreign scientists.
tourism and scientific research.
Since the Cultural Revolution ended, Zhangjiajie Gritstone-peak Forest,
Chinese geoscientists have made China's best preserved cluster of
significant progress in understanding volcanoes and geological features in
and applying plate tectonic theory. Hunan Province, in 2001 became among
The Chinese government has encouraged the first nationally designated
students to study at major geological park. In February 2004,
universities in the US and Europe, and UNESCO announced the World Network of
Geological Parks as well as its first Geopark in central China's Henan
geology park conference to be held in Province, Danxia Geopark in
Beijing from June 2729, 2004. Of the Guangdong, Zhangjiajie Geopark
28 original UNESCO World Geoparks, in Hunan, and Wudalianchi
eight are in China. Currently there 26 Geopark in northeast China's
World Geoparks in China, including the Heilongjiang Province.

Shilin Geopark in China's Yunnan

Province, featuring a carbonate
peak forest landform, which
brings about the formation of
various karst landscapes, such
as stone teeth, corroded gullies
and corroded funnels.

Danxia Geopark in Guangdong


The study of geological structure, or
Huangshan Geopark in Anhui tectonics, as Prof C, Lapworth has
Province, famed for its grand already pointed out, implies the study
and steep mountains, with 72 of the present surface feature
peaks of over 1,000 meters high. (epidography), the succession of
The geopark is picturesque with strata (stratigraphy), and the
green and straight pines, jagged recognizable or inand the second
rocks of grotesque shapes, wide ferred deformations (Geoeidography).
and imposing cloud sea, as well The first/have already been dealt with
as many gushing warm springs. to some extent. At present it is
intended to gather observed facts
which appear to throw light upon the
principal- features of deformation and
dislocation of Chinese Strata, and as
far as the available information
permits, to * infer the date at which,
or the period during which such def-
, ormation or dislocation took place.
In a broad way we may divide
eidographical features into three
classes: (a) folds, (b) faults, (c)
Other world-class Chinese thrusts. Not only the classes (b) and
geology parks include Lushan (c) merge into each other by all
Geopark in Jiangxi Province, gradations, but along one and the same
Yuntaishan Geopark and Songshan line of disturbance we may find both
folding and faulting. Abundance of
such examples is found in China.

Geological Map of China from the China

Geological Survey.

Erosion of the Himalayas is a very

important source of sediment, which
flows via several great rivers (the
Indus to the Indian Ocean, and the
Ganges and Brahmaputra river system)
to the Bay of Bengal.
The geological structure of China is
divided into several parts.
The center of China is on the loess
plateau - the world's largest
Quaternary loess deposit. The
alluvial East China plain extends from
just south of Beijing in the north, to
the Yangzi river delta in the south,
punctuated only by the igneous
Shandong highlands and
peninsula. South of the Yangzi river,
most of the landscape is mountainous,
dominated by sedimentary deposits and
by the Yangzi craton.
The most famous scenery in China is
found in the karst landscapes
of Guangxi and Yunnan provinces.
The alluvial Sichuan basin is
surrounded by mountains, the Qinling
mountains to the north and the
Himalaya to the west and southwest.
Much of Northeast China, or Manchuria,
is dominated by alluvial plains, but
the border regions with Korea are also
highly mountainous.
In the west, most of the Tibetan
plateau is in China, and averages over
4000 meters in elevation. The Yunnan-
Guizhou plateau is also an extension
of the Tibetan plateau.
There are hundreds of sedimentary
basins in China. The Mesozoic-Cenozoic
sedimentary basins with terrestrial
facies source rocks provide 95% of the
current crude oil production in China.
Paleozoic marine facies source rocks
are proved existing in Tarim basin and
in the southeastern provinces.

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