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Quiz 3 Bhakti Poetry Total points 20

Please answer any two of the following questions. Each answer is worth 10 points. Quote from your
texts, cite your sources.

1) Pick any two poems, one from Mahadeviakka and Chokhamela each to analyze two specific ways in
which the body of the bhakt shapes the experience of their bhakti. Analyze each of the two poems you
pick to illustrate in detail how it works for each of the two poets. (500-600 words)

2) What are some of the characteristics of bhakti poetry that makes bhakti poets identifiable together as
a group of poets writing to express their bhakti similarly? If you can quote from poets as you make your
list it will be much appreciated (500-600 words)

3) Pick a bhakti poet we havent read in class, introduce that poet to me in a short biography (200
words) then analyze any two poems you pick to show what is special about the poetry and the
expression of bhav and bhakti for this poet. (500-600 words)

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