RM Assignment 5

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COMSATS Institute of Information

Technology, Lahore

Research Methodology in IT

Assignment 5

Submitted to: Dr. Atifa Athar

Submitted by: Waheed Abbas (FA17-RCS-013)

October 30, 2017

Theory 1: Fleischmann and Pons Cold Fusion

Before theory proven wrong

Question: Can we create fusion reaction at room temperature?
Claim: Palladium metal using electrolysis might result in nuclear fusion on room temperature.
Evidence: Electrolysis experiments using a palladium cathode and heavy water within a
calorimeter, an insulated vessel designed to measure process heat. Temperature rose from 30C to
50C without increase in power.
Argument: Yes, fusion reaction is created on room temperature bi product also produced
including neutrons and tritium and temperature rose without increase in power.

After theory proven wrong

Question: Why fusion reaction cannot be created at room temperature?
Claim: Fusion reaction require too much heat and pressure to occur.
Evidence: When tried max achievable heat and pressure possible on earth. Not reaction occur.
We dont have access to heat and pressure like sun to make sure fusion reaction.
Argument: Simply fusion reaction is not achievable on earth. Only place reaction possible is sun
or core of galaxy where we have extreme heat and pressure.

Theory 2: Einsteins Static Universe

Before theory proven wrong

Question: Is size of universe is constant?
Claim: Yes, Universe neither expanding nor shrinking.
Evidence: Universe does not have spatial curvature; that is to say that it is 'flat' or Euclidean.
Argument: Universe is constant as it always was there. No expansion or reduction been observe
on that large scale.

After theory proven wrong

Question: Is universe expanding?
Claim: Yes, Universe is expanding since the beginning of big bang.
Evidence: Hubble telescope observation, Red shift of light when observed far galaxies.
Argument: When far galaxies observed from Hubble instead of white they appear red in color.
Because universe expanding and coming light from far galaxy expands in wavelength too.

Theory 3: Phrenology

Before theory proven wrong

Question: Are certain brain areas have localized, specific functions or modules? OR How each
part of brain connected with individual traits?
Claim: Yes, each part of brain has different traits which effect individual character according to
shape or size of that part.
Evidence: A person who had a particularly large bump on their skull in the area for the sense of
colors, have a proclivity for painting.
Argument: It is observed that each part of brain has different traits which effect individual
personality. When that part was removed or modified individual character traits also change. A
person's capacity for a given personality trait could be determined simply by measuring the area
of the skull that overlies the corresponding area of the brain.

After theory proven wrong

Question: Can we measure a person's character by measuring the shape of his or her skull?
Claim: No, Individual traits or character of person is depending on many factors and
Evidence: A experiment on mouse here a part of his brain removed. Without a part of brain
mouse show same traits as it had with that part of brain.
Argument: Individual traits are really complex to understand because of physiological
limitation. Individual traits are depending on environment and his experiences as show with
experiments on mouse. There are cases where children are born with half brain.

Theory 4: The Blank State Theory

Before theory proven wrong

Question: Are individuals are born without built-in mental content?
Claim: Yes, Individual are born without built-in mental content. They learn and educate from
environment and education.
Evidence: Watson taught little Albert to be afraid of a white rat by presenting him with loud
noises every time he saw the rat.
Argument: Watson experiment presents evidence which supports the tabula rasa theory that we
are born with clean slates and we do learn from our environment. Like he taught albert to be
afraid of a white rat.

After theory proven wrong

Question: Are characteristics can be passed on through genes to generations?
Claim: Yes, many characteristics are inherited from parent to child through genes.
Evidence: Through different experiments on twin children it is shown that they inherit same
characteristics like their parent have.
Argument: Characteristics are depending on both genes and environment factor. Through
experiments it is show that many characteristics are passed through generations.

Theory 5: Luminiferous Aether

Before theory proven wrong

Question: How light travel through the universe?
Claim: Light travel through universe through a substance called ether.
Evidence: Sound require air as medium. Ripple require water as medium to travel.
Argument: Light require substance to travel just like sound in air or water. So there exits some
invisible, non-interactive matter which is medium for light travel.

After theory proven wrong

Question: How light travel through space?
Claim: Light doesn't need a medium through which to travel because the speed of light is
experimentally constant: independent of the movement of the source or detector or the direction
in which it travels.
Evidence: If light were a disturbance in a medium, it would exhibit the same behavior. But light
never doesits speed is the same under all circumstances.
Argument: So from above statement we can say that light travel through space without medium
in form of waves or photons.

Theory 6: The Martian Canals

Before theory proven wrong
Question: Is there irrigation system developed by intelligent species exists on surface of mars?
Claim: There exits long canals on the surface of Mars.
Evidence: Many astronomers absolved through their telescope. They observed same pattern of
canals just like we have on earth.
Argument: Only intelligence life is capable of creating canal system found on Mars surface so
there exit some intelligence life who created those canals on Martian surface.

After theory proven wrong

Question: There exit any canals system on Martian surface?
Claim: No theres not any irrigation system on Mars surface.
Evidence: Canals are optical illusion cause by streaks of dust. Close picture of spacecraft took
pictures which show no canals on surface.
Argument: Theres no intelligence life found on Martian surface yet. Irrigation system is only
possible if theres some life exits on Mars surface. But by observation those canals are only

Theory 7: Phlogiston Theory

Before theory proven wrong

Question: Do combustible objects contain element called phlogiston?
Claim: Combustible elements contain phlogiston which help in burning process.
Evidence: When log of wood was burn it reduce it weight because phlogiston released during
burning process.
Argument: Yes, combustible element absorbs phlogiston as natural process and release when
burned and release back into environment

After theory proven wrong

Question: Do phlogiston released during combustion process?
Claim: No, there no such thing as phlogiston which help in burning process and lose when it is
Evidence: Metals were burned, they actually gained weight instead of losing it.
Argument: Combustion is a type of oxidation reaction. Oxidation means combined chemically
with oxygen. Oxidation is an exothermic reaction, meaning it gives releases heat energy. So
there no such thing as phlogiston.

Theory 8: The Expanding Earth

Before theory proven wrong

Question: Is Earth expanding in volume?
Claim: Earth is expanding because continentals are drifting apart and underwater mountain
rangers are forming.
Evidence: When a balloon covered with thin layer of mud is filled with air. Air pressure causing
mud layer (crust) to drifted apart into small pieces.
Argument: Yes, earth is expanding because inner pressure of earth core pushing force on crust
which cause phenomenas like underwater mountain ranges and continental drift just like
example of balloon.

After theory proven wrong

Question: Why continentals are drifting apart and new mountains are rising?
Claim: Movement of plate tectonics due to earth quack or other natural phenomenas cause
continental drift and creation of mountains.
Evidence: When experiment in laboratory performed on mud bed and applied force to create
earth quake like situation along with other experiments. Same phenomena occur like drifting of
Argument: Under control experiment and simulation we can say that drifting of continents and
mountain rising cause by movement of tectonic plates of earth.

Theory 10: The Discovery of Vulcan

Before theory proven wrong

Question: What cause strange orbit behavior of planet Mercury? Or Is there some planet exist
between Mercury and Sun which cause orbit behavior change in Mercury?
Claim: There exists a planet or large object between Sun and Mercury which causing orbit
behavior change in Mercury due to gravity effect.
Evidence: Gravity of one object effect on other object or plant. And in solar system gravity of
one plant can cause behavior changes in other plant like little change in orbit.
Argument: Many amateur astronomers claimed to have witnessed the mysterious planet making
its transit around the Sun. Which is obvious reason it is one of cause in orbit change in Mercury.

After theory proven wrong

Question: What could be possible reason that why Mercury orbited the Sun in such a strange
Claim: Because it is closer to the sun and requires a faster freefall (orbit) around the sun to not
crash into it.
Evidence: In laboratory experiments with different mass place on a sheet. Object closer to
bigger mass show elliptical orbit to avoid freefall into bigger mass. Also it is bound by the rule
of General Relativity.
Argument: Due to close distance with sun and to avoid freefall Mercury orbit sun in strange
fashion as show with laboratory experiments.

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