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Rohit Kumar Singh Address:

Contact Information: 483/5, Gali no: 13,

Email: Arjun Nagar, Gurgaon,
Mob: +91- 8882468891 Haryana -122001

Career Objective
Seeking a position in an organization where my skills and abilities can be creatively utilized to add
value to the organization and to attain professional growth and being competent, innovative and

Domain Experience Areas

BigData Analytics

Brief Overview
A result oriented software professional with more than 2 years of work experience in BigData
Expertise in designing and provisioning the BigData framework with strong development and
problem solving skills.


Area of Expertise Hadoop, Hive, Apache Spark, Apache Storm,

Apache Kafka, Zookeeper, MongoDB,
Programming Languages Core JAVA, Spring Boot
Scripting languages Perl, shell scripting
Operating Systems Windows 7/XP, Unix/Linux(RHEL, Centos,
Fedora, Ubuntu )
Databases MySQL, MariaDB
NoSQL databases MongoDB, Cassandra

Web/Application Server Apache Tomcat

Tools. Eclipse, SpagoBI, OpenStack, MySQL
Workbench, Git

Languages (Speak / Read / Write)


Additional Qualifications / Affiliations/Certifications

Aricent Certified in Programming skills in Java.
Attended CCNA training at Zoom Technology, Hyderabad.

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Employment History

Period Position last Brief job description

Organization held
(From To)
AlmaMate March 2014 June 2014 Attended Technical Training
before Joining Aricent
Aricent 26/06/2014-Till Now Senior Worked on latest technology
Software as part of Innovation team (a
Engineer sort of R&D team)

Project Experience

Project Title MEC (Mobile Edge Computing)

Description Developing a platform to achieve low latency for applications.

Contribution Made Worked as back end developer with spring-boot framework,
mongoDB, Cassandra ,Rest APIs etc.
Tools/Technology/ Java spring-boot, MongoDB, Cassandra, git
Managerial Skills

Project Title - Trunk status / Carrier Link Monitoring

Description Continuous Analysis/Monitoring of ASCADE application using ELK

Stack and Analysis using Hive
Contribution Made Setup the ELK Stack cluster, written the logstash parser,
Elasticsearch HADOOP/Hive Integration, Creation of Reports and
Dashboard using Kibana
Tools/Technology/ Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, Hadoop, Hive, Java
Managerial Skills

Project Title - Optimization of Complex Closed loop Event processing

Description Design a framework that continuously monitors the Call servers and
push the stats into BigData framework which makes it available to
analytics platform and dynamically updates the threshold to make
the efficient use of call servers and resources.
Contribution Made Worked on ingesting the server stats into HDFS/Hive via Apache
Kafka and Confluent Platform. Load the data from Hive Databases
to Analytics platform R using RJDBC package.
Tools/Technology/ Apache Kafka, Monolith, Confluent-Platform, Hive, HDFS, R, Shiny-
Managerial Skills server, Hadoop, NFS, Rest APIs.

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Project Title - Closed loop Automation

Description Design a cloud based framework to demonstrate the security

based/nfv orchestration by monitoring the network events and
sending the alarm to orchestrator if breaches some defined
threshold and process as per rules defined in rule engine, i.e. drools
in closed loop system.
Contribution Made Worked on orchestration Engine and also on Rule Engine and end-
to-end integration of components involved in closed loop system.
Simulation of DOS (Denial of Service) attack. Stored the alarms and
events into HDFS through map reduce programs.
Tools/Technology/ Drools, Hadoop/HDFS, Monolith, Java , Rest Services, Openstack
Managerial Skills

Project Title - Optimization of Real time policy Management

Description Processes the CDR, apply some sort of ETL on CDR, defined
threshold for few of the columns, once any CDR breaches the
threshold value, we apply colour coding for the cells and generate
the email alert accordingly.
Contribution Made Installed and configured Postfix agent (for SMTP) and dovecot
agent (for POP3 and IMAP).configured mailR and sendmailR
package in R. Developed Shiny app for end-to-end Poc using
RStudio and shiny server.
Tools/Technology/ Rstudio,Shiny Server, Postfix Agent(for SMTP),dovecot Agent(for
Managerial Skills POP3 and IMAP)

Project Title - Real time Policy Management

Description Real time processing of CDR being generated continuously and

Apply several aggregations based on different factors such as
profile type(Silver user, Gold user, platinum users on basis of their
bandwidth/data plan),call type(voice calls, SMS, data), service
type(Email, Video, Volte, VOIP, Browsing, etc.) and calculate their
upload and download link and generating output files accordingly.
Contribution Made Analysed the CDR Grammars being generated. Designed the
overall architecture of the proposed system. Written Storm
application using java code and storm framework.
Tools/Technology/ Apache Storm, Zookeeper, Maven, Eclipse IDE, Java, R(for
Managerial Skills Analytics), Hadoop/HDFS

Project Title - Active and assignable Inventory

Description Parsing network logs being generated in real time and store the
fields (fetched from the network logs) in Cassandra DB and also
trigger the events to another application (NRM) in real time.

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Contribution Made Installation and setup of Apache Spark Clusters and Cassandra DB.
Designed the overall architecture for Real time processing. Written
Java code to parse the network logs and fetching required fields
using Spark framework.
Tools/Technology/ Apache Spark, Zookeeper, Maven, Eclipse, Java, Cassandra
Managerial Skills

Project Title - Innovation CSP (Enablers on BigData framework)

Description Installation and setup of Hadoop Clusters, Skill Development by

learning multiple components of Hadoop such as Sqoop, Hive, Hbase,
and Map- reduce Functions.
Contribution Made Setup of the Hadoop environment on Lab servers. Learned Hadoop
and its related components and also done hands-on practice for the
Tools/Technology/ Hadoop, Hbase, Hive, Sqoop Maven, Eclipse IDE, java, Apache
Managerial Skills Spark, Apache Storm, Apache Kafka.

Project Title - Enablers on Log Analytics and Business Intelligence

Description Worked on designing & developing multiple enablers like Business

Hours Prediction, SIP call log analytics, Multi-channel analytics,
Network KPI & analytics.
Contribution Made Design and development
Technology/ Elasticsearch, logstash, kibana, SpagoBI, R, Java, MySQL
Managerial Skills

Qualified GATE in year 2013.
Got Aricent Excellence award thrice in 2 years.


Listening music, playing cricket.

Personal profile

Father`s Name : Sindhu Prasad Singh

Mother`s Name : Chandrakala Devi
Date of Birth : 19-06-1991
Nationality : Indian
Languages Known : English, Hindi
Contact : +91- 8882468891

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I, Rohit Kumar Singh, do hereby declare the above furnished information are true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.

(Rohit Kumar Singh)

Place: Gurgaon

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