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Miklés Torkenczy Practical Hungarian Grammar CORVINA ch © Nil Tn 08 Nope my ped eit oe sea te pis Contents Aeviations Pronunlto, eer sound sorespondnses riche ours Nout ses Pexpoisons Pronouns ‘Adjetves nd Adverbs Nera Nee Defines the Bene ad indie 1 estat Ts ‘The Past Tense ‘The Conditional ‘The Conjunetveperave ‘Tee Faure Usage: Tense, Condon ‘Conjusive-mpeaive Nofinie toms ut ers Yer Stems Verbal Sutices| Proverbs ‘Word Formstion Barvaional Sixes CConseutons and Sentences Tex of Subets nex of Wor Index of Derivasonal Suities Abbreviations se fst person singular 2s Seond person singular ae the person sigue in frst person pra a9 secon person poral 3a "hed person pla. Tog 2seipe ag sub gpl object wo sinve a slave Posies pucreson comp comparative con! onditons eon) onjunetve-imperaive ‘tne Imperative indefinite plural Posessve present abit Subative se finger Po fuperessive a {indicates that the preceding comtonaat ist be doubled No! sands before an farmed smencedresfonn é consonant (char and formule) v ‘Vowel (in chars ad formulae) Sands before a senunceptiaeform which is not used ty some spore or obsolete 1. Pronunciation, letter-to-sound correspondences 41 The alphabet “The Hungarian alphabet es 44 eters, They ae sted below topeter with ‘he pronunciation of the name of acheter in Hungarian, Te ancy tis appear inthe fterional Phos Alpe PA). 2 (ay 1 sh ram) i fed m fel bbe the) ° tel © tte 1 teh y feel Wel Ty Eeleipsiton) fw) a (ae) m fem) St & [ey nen) ot Ges [age] ty ep) to eel © lol vy fey © (el Stel we [doped tee oe) x Tike) ze feel Se Yipstion) & lel Piped 2 feel P the a they Ge) aa) fea Note that in the pronunciation ofthe name of a vowel ete, the vowel i Tong even ifthe name refers tow shot rowel sud, Thus the lst vowel Teter in Rosa log and vad toto te spel iter, ut ‘rth pronounced with 4 phonetaly lng fy omless one ans mphasize the difeence) Note ago ha thence of consonant fte® {hat consist of + single closed slate are pronounced with fil fog. Ee) less the sable end i cons ‘Ace accents on vowel eters represent eng (and never ates). Thus, Toth lng eounterprt ofthe long esumerpan of 8b Long ouster of 3 ct 1 Promnciation, eta to-sound comapandenees ‘Consonant eters other than 4; 9) an be doled to dente phone feally long consonant hall oil "hear, old fol] sso esepp {ep "kop roppan (ropa, rack (kin) ‘outside’, ema (ens) "to fa ete In the case of raps only the fist letter i doubled to express lengthy ep rissa! [rea] “With pte”. egg [may] sour her Kon [E89] “por, lass klos| "grea etn few words con Sonat length sno indicated by the spelins: ep xy [eles [es “Thins always the sce with one-llable wonds thst nd in (Toei igri) ee, pech pes) "bad Hack, krack [rox] "breakdown sick ithe) ee “The consonant ete wa oi’ the sense that they only appear in foreign or archaic words sah as Westeén [vee aly nae, por [Eseroks) yophut [jokhure], quatrocento[kvatrotfento- ee The laters cannot be Suble. Hungarian has he following vowel: Sound Lever Example PR Syeb) 1B i ite ta £ ‘i Wy) a i by ‘ ‘ te © aa fe) é iB fo) 6 ro ts) é ae ta « iu tw é ‘ay fol ° fos a) 3 oo 5 : a t ‘ wal {In Hangavian, vowel eter tpicaly has a canstnt phonetic value, i ‘evenly tee Is a one-toronecorespndence between vowel eer hd ‘owel sounds As‘ given vowel sound is epescted bythe same ‘Vowel eter, and given vowel eter slays staods forthe sane 031 our. veplr exceptions are proper names wth achat pe! Dessewfy (eyes), Dy (dart ste ‘Pronunciation, etrte-sund comerpondences Somevtat more replaces Berween the spelling and the pao ‘ave valve Teagth (as opposed to quai). Tis length erence may bosptematc (oHumgsrian wordstems cannot en in sho (eo, lous ending ino are regularly pronounced with (e}-e-p. quarocento [kv3t seo Gates aan} ona on (vin colloquial standard Hungarian wordssems of more tan one ‘ilable re prnounced witha fal shorty, ul (even) if they end Ia vowel later spelt witha long compare fy] eel syed [yxy ing bu br] sreow” and dy (2) ‘cm Sometimes However the length diference is rather unpreirtable: posta [peo] "post ois’ sinha sinha} thea’. ds (oxf] sq ‘There are no diphthongs in sandard Hungarian, so adjacent vowels ae pronounced as separate sllable: Malate! [kitake | "evelop. ae {fie “that of isso et, Adjacent wencal short wewels ote han fa canbe pronounced as separate Mezcal vane soups Fas he co ‘espofing lng vowel og. vat acu’ [yskcosmava ke, ol iia "ool [zoaorgnfeorlergia,coapae leith do ie) tut nce ele Again some archaeal spel pret names ie excep tional eg, Ga gal, Weores. [vary]. et Hungarian hs the oloring consonants Sound Later Example PaSmbo) o wa , 5 fats tt t ate to 4 oa f 5 Iya i ® meee ih e id tg] : ¥ iat i Ee ra g@ i & eee Se ‘ z S a Bie i Bix Each ofthe consonnt sme above ein og (geinate)form 8 wel, [| fonn op [es hee “pack hall eae splints Indicted hy doting te consonant leer oh is letere the digraph {hat stand forte sod: hee “pranks meces wae ‘Within the word hs pronounced [h) bafre vowel (68 hai, rad! "ote door ‘nyt a (] before consonants anda the end ofthe sword (doh “mt smells doa rom the sy te). Ne ht in the Word eek “Conch the eter 8 aa pronounced fore 1 contonaia al word: finally eseh“Casch” (fel seh rom ®) (Canc [fetal but eek "Case pl fehek). Other Words which fam tee nthe same way (bt ean erie pananetonwith ‘rongunced h before a consonant and wet al) nl uh shee Imeh be’ cpu, dh "anper' rh scales oh Walacian “The consonant eter to consonant sound correspondence equi conta {Teive sound i sally spit with the sane leer combination an oe ters given leer combtatin) ually sa fo he sme ound US) temaiscounstexamples are some artialy spelt proper names (e Sitehony (oesVenil Kost (Rafat). Zarkenety (rorkene), forign {palling (epee pent “oad luck, Here band nane> es) and the sand if whieh is Ganpeeditbi sometimes spelt as ia “sp Se somes a5 1) (fly siver), Acsilaton tt are nt gad by ae eligi tmati coumeoxamps the stove The a ‘ones ue the Following 1 Prenton letter te sound coreondences 1.3.1 Regressive woive assimilation “Te voiced abstrents [bd J. do, ds,» 2, 3] change to hr voice Tata yes! FTreapetiey when followed by Nek ifs hAl-eg dian’ [dop “age it th] aed ram he) The s(t ‘im Tihrew bea cto foram (okt ‘zig (seem smoked me (reat) rar tomey esto iru) tom psc ete ‘The viclesecbartents [pf «ky, ST change tthe voiced conn bg: dh 3] ape when ones byt voiced absent (bd. gy d3, 2.3) 2 fopoes (ke zed) taining; heb hed “em seven sik [ga gba] out Of the) bug's Resterber (Keeredzben] ine ages desi ago “trom (a) carpenter’ sefoe (se-vben) in he safe’: meszb ene2- Tb out of he's (hogbo] “the stomach’ ee = Nowe that (4 does not case vice assimilation (he oes obs fens (pt 60K, es, 1] preceding] semain viele ae tor (poltson} ‘gh’ lvany (etex spectacle’ ee) and oes not andergo voice assimilation (eH doesnot become ced ‘then fllowed by avoicedobstusnt (Iby ds gs dys, $108 donb doxbot rom the) may sel, 41.3.2 Degemination (shortening of long consonants) Long consonants become short en preset or flowed by another ‘omsonant: gotta [atl with 3 ude vrrtam [esrenl Tae ‘thon (othon] home ee 1.3.9 Afteiation ex, # assimilation) ‘Wen the sop td yj] at followed by (the combination spo rounved she geminal fact [te 4 mete (metrt)“tching ride fotots oF] ee he ith ie". gsr [meet] Tour Une Whe the stops 6, dc ae fllowed by Ji te combination is pro- nounced atthe geminie Mest [ef Alay (keel dou favades. Heh] troubles egy [othe wate 1.3.4 Palatalization Y assimilation) {ed cm mH Become fee. ms mj especie, when folloked by seg. ge aco} “ae Sees ada [23] se gives Dang (baze}“hiser eer bate nage [nap9) oat of sna Ise ives has hans ate obs of (053) he shes 41.9.8 Nasal place assimilation The nasal [n] becomes {mn} before (pb, mn} Before, 3. 9). and (2) befor (, g}-This obligatory within he word eg. angba! (31) “nga gone [gone] ong, bu oponal arose word bourary poriseimpor, senpor]coa-dut nagyon kos [najopksral, noyon ‘eroft very harmful" oan mas fojamamay. ofnmay] so different, 0). 414 Vowel harmony Ts Hungarian mot suis tarmonize withthe tern hey ae attached to, (Geman) aifering in the sfx vowel, andthe ection ofthe solic alernants determined by te stom vowel). fi “The basi ts are he followin. Vows ele belong tthe fot st, [ss .0, Oh nthe ack at oy 0, 8d). ont vowels ee eter rounded Gd 2,5) oruroundes (fe. Sutin may be {) Non-hamonic “Those sixes have jus one frm, which thy do ot change regai- less wh the tem vowels ae: eg “ul Hens stor “atone Meteo 1b) Harmonic form ‘These suites have wo alemmtive forms, one with one ofthe font vowels and anther containing ae of the back vowels © -ban-Den Sisal! ftom -al-a (language et ©) Harmonic thee-form “These sulines hive thee sltematve fons, one with the back vowel 4 Prenunciaon, itr eund coreepondencee ‘vanother wth he front unrounded vowel ead thi with he font rounded vowel eg hoa-hes?2 o-onenOn on According othe rule of Vowel Harmony 1) Back vowel stems (hos hat aly contin bck vowels take the back tear ofthe two-man tvs frm sine “babes stan “in (he) nose” oaths? Iaahos "0 s) house" 1) From vostl stems (those that only contain font vowels take the {Hoa altemants of the two- form and tre form sis bbe “in ertben in the) pardon ohh ta? Heth: "o (he) garde Ai) Mixed vowel stems thse tha onan back vowels and root vowels) enrally take he back allerant of the tworform and thee form ‘ne: aw ben i tdnpérbon “in (te) plate beydrban in the) outlaw epirbon in se) paper ‘alin "in he) wert “heat heist ‘anyérhoz wo (he) plate’ Dendro o(he) oataw pepirhos"o(e) paper" ‘alighos othe) word Ite las vowel ofa mixed stem se ad here fs back vowel inthe preceding sabe some stems ke sul leans with fon ose) (ea olterbon in October) thers velit eg, dungeon dn {elien "inthe jungle) |) Stems with rounded foot vowels (2, 3 in their fina syllable "ake the rounded rot (2) alters ofthese form sie oat heh rn on he) circle {lon on (he) eat s Na tito fom is ve onde oat alter Lowering Stems: compe the ral sui nfl "eats" (a Tow ‘ing stam) and Lord els (a nolowerng stom) See the sco Sion of Lowering Stems in Seton 81 = Aat-hannonic tm: thee ar abot 60 exceptional oat vowel stems (ost of tem th some with) that take te ack teats Of the "o-form ad hee fom sufine: sian “in he) grave” shes to (the) grave! Examples include: edly aim ‘lerekammy waist Seine fngok fat Fam son? ‘dom my za? Ii crt bea" erst Ii "bridge dam ny ig’ hal hic ‘eal get fa? om ‘pf na sae (naomi ow" ‘jam my bow" re from Tete (it ik ‘zom Tdi fia" tna my aero” ‘iit "open ‘iat “ay ope’ arom ‘utom open! Siren rok Lexy Sir gee" ‘rom my eave’ id ecole? $eidom sold Sia ‘Son ‘Linkale’ et sere ison ‘sere? ira irom yt Stemfinal a abe lengthen into d and respectively before sixes. ace! pdl-rdl antennae hoot “toe apa ‘fer’ apd, aps! apdban——apdnak ‘ina ‘apple’ més inal imdbon—andnak feve'camel” ter evtrcl’ —iredben”—tednol te fefe"oont’ felts erst atten etmek te + Not tht thee i no Lengthening before some elie jtive forming megye “county” (a) ent'ae Jakes ate" orate tne of ‘vortatar ate ne of his depart’ sd “ness atone Ser ike fasrert"welte steor/-sersce mes’ Toba tipi by la 1.6 Word stress fi ‘Stes lays fas. on he Fis sabe of the wor insolation, Words may loge sess hen incorporated ito pases an enone, 24 ‘Thee cle Te defi ae so The vrata ‘Bed before consonants! words and az wed before vowel es Ss the ea a fhe oor ‘in nual (non contasive,no-empatic senenes) the ark ae not soc ‘The ales may no recive inflectional or derivation endings hus ‘ey reno flected Tore, nme, sas “iheengle” asaiok “the eagles” a.zasat “orth cage’ raj “Me doer — ajdt the doors’ azqtdnak “Tor he door cayhal aan ‘ey halnak "Tora fish 22 ‘The definite ances used before erin kinds of proper nouns, pare- tl, the nam of moun anges (a2 Apo the Alps) hillsnoutaine (a'Yanashegy “snes ll), versa Dang the Dae’) seas (a Fekete ‘enger ‘the Black Sen ses (o Balaton “Lake Balaton eons (Ale {le Great Hungarian Phin), Stet (a Copal toa Cpa Ste), Toads fo Ratées "Rakes! Road), sqatee fa Rakes Rk ‘Sqoe) counter consisting of more than on ulypensted word (> ‘merital EgyesitAllomot he United Sats o¢ Arsenal) newspapers (e iagyar Hla), books (ax Eds Aa) d insta a Magyar Ta. ‘ményor Akademia ‘he Hungarian Academy of Sciace [No ate i wed before the names of continents (Arka “ASCs, outings of one word or more than one hyphenated word (Magyar onde Hangar" Evel lrrszag‘Norber Lland), counties (Barara), ‘ioe! townsvillages Budapest Ia cologuanformal usage the dette arte i often aed before personal names (fist nmes or surames. This usage i sometimes Potalised by ports. infor ‘oom Hol vane Kristi? Hot van Krsife “Where is Christopher” Besziiem a Kovdcesal Beszétem Kondcesal have talked to Kove ‘née halla aRuhayt edad. Emm hllotom Rutt lade Twas forurate enough to her Ray lest? ‘= Not that the coogi use ofthe definite atte before person nas ‘ples a degre of failantyfiseverencfinfornaliy. Thus Enmée hllotam a Ruth? Shatespearerf ead “Tas fortunate enough o hear Rut lecture on Shakespeare? 50K, but {No! Ex més hallotam a Rutayt a Shoespeare-f lad "wos fount enough to hear Rata lecture on Shakespeare? 22 Usually no amici wed teore nouns or noun pases funcloning as sec complement Jinos rend. Einstein flu vol “Jolin i 3 pticean? stein wa physi? ‘Akobra has, Exh: palo xs. “The cobeaisareptle’ "This hoe wl be palace? ‘In colloqul usage the indefinite aici is wed before singular nouns ‘or noun phrases functioning as subjost complements. Ts usage Sometumas penalised hy pars. ins egy rend. inten egy fits vol “Io isa policeman insein wea phys A obra egy his sade ey pata les. “Thecobrisarepile? ——"Thishoue willbe palace! eet ie in alte definite alee ne wh encom “ein Soe mms ene xpeson ha eee nay mean heer ger “heer may be dangers say mean gel in genera "Mefsefit was aared to ils ‘Aor vaaes eer ating A potho: vonzidon _———$$$_$$<—$—<—<———— 34 Structure “The non in Hungarian consis of teste plus ive inflectional lots, sitions where nections sigs an toc ‘Te fest lot india one, dhe second sot indcaterrossessvrenzo, the hind ti tes None Fossa tbe Zour lt indicates NOMINAL POSSESSIVE ‘en andthe th shot nates cA. Fach of thse sles ay be empey the enmaied status ofthese exes (inl, non-pssessive on posesor, singular orsesred, tale) i always aul safe: The Nostra rssesivs buna can oly be poral Ifthe NOMINAL POSSESSIVE ‘loti fie “Tha, schematically dhe srt ofthe noun fo 1 mw ow y | stn +MnEex OSES + (SONAL POSSE + NOMA OSRSINE HUMBER) ¢ CSE | bearer: ot mm WV Ole Hoare tate ea Tiron are ee hed acc [owaiet bandh ok “tens ferdinand om sy en frat berh ‘ hao en Sonar bar om amy fond nce rdtone Dare ome “thay end” rtm ard m4 that fe Ac! ion ards me § 1 Stomatmy baad acc cited bards gh om ftw my te ac + Noe tha the rs farm shove (the minted singular stem in oi ‘ss ete ual dtionary fom fr noun Hungaria, Note tat grammatical gender doesnot exstin Hungarian, 24 Singular possessed The singular is unarka in Hngrian 1s. -omem-dim 1h -antnak " 2 2p odedsd 2p ounce ak “The purl isa hamonsing thee form sll -ob-eak where the choice a tek etd ‘of te appropiate varia is determined by Vowel Harmony (Se Seton 386 lye Spl jut jak i ate ‘a-ak ényok its? emberek people’ ie “pampkins ‘odtok “ses! rorek"mendows” Sot Redgshogs” The suis vowel sale tea fhe euler Lowering Stems (Gee Section), a appears afer back-vowel stems and appease Ss ront-vowel sims ncading the ons that havea rounded vowel Inthe stem final sya), {falak'wlls’——sxBgek nals’ fowok Yeo” flees ‘The suffix vowel unstable: doesnot appear the tem eds in a vowel ‘Ths the pla sk fer Vowel fn ste ole ravens’ hoes cane! “hie “The pla is the sfx iat jeu a-e(lnsend of t-te rou is mara for Fosse ols ey ravens* Aalajaln ‘ny has” lene“ daughter ‘adnan chisel Herein gardens oemetn 5) eye” For the choice between the variants se Section 3.3 on FOES RHERSOX fine, 3.3 Possessive/Person he noun refering to the thing possessed x marked with the POssesswvel| RSON sufi: (oro my sik Down our sek te). “The suees expressing the poser of ingulrposressed nouns ae the fallowing | | ‘These sufiaes are harmonizing two- or tes-orm sues where the 208 oe erent ran tnt by Nowe! Hamony (ee ow asc Las tai bar circle? sg botom bese Lavo 268 bowed ised. Lins Sse bod ise five Il doant stink tend 2pl bowiok here ‘rae Spl bot hea ‘rake ‘The ial vowel inthe 1st and 2nd person sixes is unstable and des not appear afer vowel fia te, ai Ere "Bath’ testy love a a? te iow Sse Meise Boe desi 1p fajink Basin tern 2h hoywot sate ep Bh fank kre Reet ‘Tenax vows le nef the replant 2 som singular and pura an the It perso singular ae Lowering Stems (ee Section 1-2 appears afer bck vowel ns te ¢ appt ler al troat vowel seme Cneuding the once that ave a rounded ‘owe the sei syle fog tot? fa foe tot faa se fosam fem 1Dl font ——fiink 28 fone’ filed 2h ovate fateh st fom ft ah form faa “The choice between the ess and the nal variants nthe 3 person (single sod pura) determine partly bythe lest sound ofthe tem and arly bythe las the stem Delon ‘Vowel fn stems tke jn variants aia“ ship’ Consonant tens ake ss variants if he inal consonants, Eraieren ty gy mp boot (eg hase bites mountain’ lina ‘ahs daar some heft eto), Oder consenting) Stems may (more res predate the inal vartants (bo ‘higher sk pada ‘hisherts bench fara hishetits arm’ ce) onthe less one (ile sfberts edge. de “isherits blood’. te.) ‘Altemting Stems and Lowering Stems usually take ess variant okra “hers st ala hist sh See Chapter 4 and See fon), ‘= Note that hare ae any regulsos (bie ‘hiker sin’ fame ‘J hiss far’ ene inert ming’ ete) saz “The sufies expressing the possessor of plural posessed nouns are the following: Plural possessed eg jai-eical-e +m ph ial eihai- e+ nk 2g tein +d 2p italia + 08k 38g yal jehaineine ph itjalellalet 6k ‘Te pond suffixes consist of he plural marker andthe posses ‘Svensk. Te lar have jst one oem excep in be 2 er sonra ret the bmonng woo sto The cee ‘Siveen th variants termined ty owe Hamony See Secon 1) bose yoy sticks’ ‘ite "yours Doran yours wines’ Aareitek Your les" Note hatter no marke inthe 3 penon singular. “The choice of he plural fore the possEsivifrsnso snake is eter ined by several actos. ‘The non harmonizing variant appear ithe sem ends ina vowel which fal higt heron” spend love lig aim enndin—Iphdaink—te Be fale tena’ 2 fate tempat Se tout Mespat’ 3 hai enya he stern il ends nan jhe sufi aye harmonizing je The ‘ce between ef determined by Vowel Marmont (See Sin) Brsi‘Beth’—ocsi‘cat” Brosh’ ng. Ere oes pl Eraaelak hoesiank 2s Ersajed doceld pl Ersfetck kocejaok See Brendel keen Spl Erssjekkoceyik ‘The choice bsewoen the less an nial variants of he sufi expest- ing plural possessed x determined ty the sue ats a the exe fe “inular pees 9 person forme dacussed above I fon for sine lar poset les, fs les fo lara possesed too if tela for nul possessed, sna or plural posesed ax wel, The choice betwen the vain in a as opposed to eis deterid by Vowel Harmony (Se Section 1. bot ick? Aés'hie’ karte Ise orjsin vel ein 256 hoya Aeeid reid 3s bogat Mase Ire pl bojaink vin havent 2pl hogatot —Aesetck rete Spl bogus Aesete ioe ‘= Note that he inal su variants may cause asimiion whichis ‘unindcated i he speling (© pada [poy-2). For the atl promin= {atin of the consonant lusts Eenisting of 4 comonant se Secon 13:4 on Paaalization 3.4 Nominsh possessive “The Nommva, POSES fr wsed when the possessor nou cur lone Standing fore whole possess constuction (non pas). Ti nota ‘oresive sue non harmon cooper 7 = on = fzelape olimand, Aza tua Kno un cement sures at scape, Sa cpualiaaatat oe * tectinvamata, Aston aum dene cae ‘ar ‘Tabooksthetexter's. ‘That bock the ache's book, mart oe fr abou pabconclg kaleet ae ae — a Reino) | reereeee = oe — eames, tate te ET e Sree oo e inne Se a aaa : ones Sisemts Tiere Spey aa aes teat, |F ian! oom ‘gat, Task and capensis ow han one tng prssred by Ie ae ae a ‘cotinine lansing e a fdndéka "Chrsiophers present. soe ‘Seaton 28:1. Note that the pave ns non-sytactc ares as wel, Nokia alma "He leaned gaat the wal” “The cases ingroup M expres “isirament (MSTRUMENTAL, €g, Baltdval ‘gto f le ent od with an axe"), purpose’ (eAUSAL iy. [A Eabadeisetharobl The fog fo feedon) andres (TRANS TW e Pilani valozot “She trea os butler) “The cases in group C relate fo pce. For example, A grobdban ona (Se reading the roam esse “The cases in groap D expres dco, Some of hem canbe aed in both syllal and temporal sons, eg Eloi asi He waked yp (0 Ihe oases Noli dlgonunt “We work ul eg (rattan) “The cases ingroup hive o do with time. For example, Tliltosunk syolkar Lets ret at gat reaeoRAl), Nopontarldtocnt. “We ‘at every did, (asmsteveonnoeA!) ‘The cases in group F ze amined bg, The misrUBLTVE ie be eas Une remo canbe ted temporally (KOnemként odom {La kanyydramar "Tam sling xg rary bythe book). Oe exa ls: Kune Deugrot 2 asba “(Stet junped ito the ake tozeier {bith ness dog: Ember nem fogdhaon elo eyenltenséset. “Agata Being {anno acces inequali' er setae "(he ‘eared as man being 1 In ation to these uses, vetnounsfetvs often rie tha thei dlopenden nouns) pear in3 cam case goverment’) The egied ses we (aore-or les) sapeditable and man Be exc Sepaftely {reach verbnoyniadjcive. For example, gyi V4sua.Are eng {oN Beir wv. (Seit ans fo pence’ alalmacdik Wes ive" atapt to N's Alalnastada a mete drdshos. "We opted tothe hot wether: serelmes vaio love wih N” Sarees ‘mandi (Ss love With Aman 3.6.2 Forms Some of the case suffixes ae harmonizing thes frm sulfines ike hoe! thes) two frm sss (ike halle). hers ae now haroele ke “tor. The choice between the variants of the harmon suis 5 Adenine by Vowel Hanpony (See Section 1 ob drum’ sem ‘eye" kd fog sowmamve dob san sex decussate dabot eet bar Dave bmok = remmek nok nsw dobbal ——emmel———‘del. Cavsacmien dere Semen ‘det cece dob femme nade oon ‘lobban ——oemben ‘dbo SureREsswe dao omen ‘tim —__- ‘esse oonat——szemnél nel. nose ‘ooh Sembe tbe fone ‘loner emboli beaanve dntrst Seema suave ‘tora mene bore eure dott emit Wa suave ‘hor rember‘ ‘remorve ole ome sig Dismmcrve ——sobonként—Semamknt kine rssocutre —— dobowtal™—sremeatl™ ada Pome ‘lookent—Seeméne ‘dint 3621 temporal and dative tempor “The tenoRal andthe Dione aoRAL sixes Behave ws normal tronic sizes tut only combine with paral expressions napost, "every day Aeon “every wee. etuorihinae, every Thun). 5.2.2 acmatine “The intial vowel of the ACCUSATVE is unstable (des not appear (and thas we get he arian) ‘ifthe sem ends in a vowel aia sitace” toe esti ‘ifthe tem ens na vowel olowed by the consonants 5 62, ees aH, eM MN, eartace’ “lovevace’ ‘paresace? desesst—“jastace! est apoursace” —sigest—“Atentintegce" fee “intessce", bros “broncheace™ earost “paper ace! aie ‘Sieace sie ‘weg aut ongrace, fable “Tooballeace foe wimtace” rt “Tower in ounce’ fio Finncace™ liye “eace™ fenny(et “pustace™ pence ‘moneyace”| (The unstable oe pears ‘hen the stm ends ina consonant or consonant caster oter than ‘he oes ited above: oor *seumtace™ rae bof th stent is a Lowering Sem. in which case the unible vomel ‘repr ae (se Secon 41 0 haeh sles) The choice of av csdeermined by Vowel Harmony (See Setion 1. fe Note that he sceusatve of Lowering Stems does havea vowel even ‘ven the sem happens to ead na Sonsanant ter which thee no ‘owe! in regular stems, semet “epeence™ asa ‘somachenoc’ Iehentt“oweace™ filet ‘esac’ ae “aerate” fe net "watervace’“Kapnyet“eevace™ 1 Note ht the unstable vowel appears in the acastive of Vowel delet ‘ng Stems even When they pen to end ina coysona fr hich there sno vowel ina regula stem. (See Section 4.2). tat 7 tise “tence! har oe ‘tion Poca 62.3 speressiv, associating dtibutve-tempora stribative ‘The inital vowel of th sureniSSvE Concent assonamve otal! cs nt) i ere Fo onl) th ‘ean Conkini-enként-onkén nt) ie unsabe does ppest Alter stems ending ia a vowel ain jt ajinkint “om ship? “heater with (a ship" “Tor every ship" oesin fossa socsnknt ‘o(adear’ ——“ogetier witha) ea” forever ear win sexta tevdnként “on apeamel” —“fogther with) cael” —“Torevery camel” _Atwer Lowering Sms (See Chapter 4 on noun ster) the inal vowel ofthe the amsecrive the Dmsuive Tokay the BSTRITVE, burn the Snenese ies ofthe Ula “lle oo “oan DUNE AGRA STRIVE fovea sport forse Age wi won’ tyson’ Meron tah fiat stove sent Teeter ies? “evr wine ‘fort lest faerins ‘ete wit (nee ‘Trova Jogo co? wor flotcnite at ‘anc nea 3624, jnstrumental ranting ‘The mona (le) Ho the TRANSLATE (va ey i Tita stem thn ond with «vo Iajival— “wid (3) sip’ —— ind “ar) ito a ship® ocsvat “with (a)ear™ ——oestnd om) int acar™ fesndvel “with (@) glove’ ‘eszdré (um) into a glove ‘terse, when he ter eds with consonant the nih v of al ve. nn becomes ena th the sem Gal eonsonan sTAUMENAL TRANSLATE lothal wid (drum? dobd ur) into a dru” Semel Coittan)eye—szemmé un) into aneye" (ike “th pape’ "Gkke—“tm) into a pumpkin Noell yn suffixes behave ia this Tore are no aemating Pita sulfaes at well ste a var 1° hata “sity levers roan forming -vi-vny:Kivany “sight deverbaladverb-forming ale lop scat, which are wana afer vowel fil stem, ‘it wheal mse unchanged venir consonant inal stern 4. Noun stems ngrin stems typically donot change when slfxe ar aed to them, Regular exceptions to ths genetlsaon result from the sound res di ‘tted in Chapter I: Resessive Voie Assimilation Seton 1.31, Degen ‘nan (Section 132) Alieation (Secon 133, Pulatallzatin (Section 1124), Nasal Place Asiniation (Section 13.3), and Final oe Lngthen ing ection 1.5). Thee are rogular inte sens that they automaally anu exceptoni=sly apply ote last sound of very ster tat comes under {he parvicw of any of tse ales. Regressive Voice Assimilation, Deger Inaion,Atcaion,Palstazation and Nasal Place Asnltion are mot Iniatedby the speling, bt Fina. ¢ Lengthening ‘There are, however, some ineguar stem ype, which do change when suffices ar aed to them or ease unpreicuble changin the saline ‘Thenominal neat he folowing 44 Lowering Stems Lowering Stems donot ange themselves, but cause some regulates inthe coie of the suivants: Aer those ters (0 the sutin-ina snatable vowel -ale insted ofthe regular ol (aot inthe SaperesiveD, and (i) the unstable vowel of the accusative retained even afer stein Consonants hat eherwise cause the deletion of the unstable vowels Compare datok songen flat “wallrs éetek ‘doubesre Iebek ‘places: tejolm “sourcreamsrossrenslsg! Glen “apstossiansag? dae songance’ flat “wallace! Behe “doubeence’ helt ‘plceeace! tefl “Sourereamerossirns:isg’ er “apeace! For further examples see Section 3.2.1 for the HAmRAL, Section 3.3. forthe relevant assess ensON sizes and Seton 3.62. for the fnccosaTie, the Sorbessvn, the sasocetive he DESTRANTEVE TEN Fomat and the perma he following i ist of some common nominal Lowering Stns ‘ir “preyhound! lige id ‘pole ae eat Fold “moon ‘ty fo. ow" figdr ny" aay haley lay ‘andr “donkey" & fe” “tendon? atl! “beard my ana ‘oon Sq) eu bogie tis tan any "wing ba asic ‘basket’ ad” in oa iy “tet in “el ek ‘in ook Bo. "wor Pa i some 20g al ‘ond fr “ve my Tmenster ‘nds a eg" fae Min" ara leet ar" rs a Ion ome! ‘alp “sok” & id goo’ tray oe os Duk ole" tars” pamer fat madara tehin "Sow" fale nay er tg le a melt “breast (ae Tout fa més honey’ Hi" isi “hasband” see “Tne ‘ir Seq" Jondt ‘hread™ mos “rms take" foe “oo ing "Work ofan’ oll eather fala ‘cat, ground jak ‘sock eae fit sear ‘ode “summer” gy i ‘prs ‘oat handle’ ley ak ‘ally wg" ‘ott anon (ores be" par dt ra Mere fay ‘ldel “Sie i nseman fat a road fae beat iy ctr has andes ‘ate 6, pode “lass cap’ ely re “copper” Mr cane a ee af "ater® mom nen voley valley” Although ite nprdictable which nominal stem is Lowering Stem, some Snepulst nour classes sr always lowering a6 well All nominal tems tau Vowel ortening Stems ae Lowering Stems (See Sections 43 an 9, 4.4.4 Lowering suffixes Not ony stems, bt sies may be lowering too, For example the LEAL andthe PoSsEsrreRsoN sfines lower ardiolat ‘wickeuanastsce’ compare bart ‘ekrace ‘ardromat "Sick ROSSER sg 0°" “The noun forming 1-6 "ship, nes doesnot Dardrdgor “iensisipince” compare harétor “sckeace™ 1 Inlectionalstixes ar loverng derivation sufies ae nonowe ing omer hey ae adjective forming [Se Chapter 32 on devationl suiees) Se ss ae ect thangs depending te sage fhe ix (aerating stems) The nominal oes ae the following 4.2 Vowel-deleting Stems. These sgl ein woe owe acing cmon The wove receding the ten-final consonant regal eld (ete ate four excep ‘onal omnia stems sah wortbless tig aval "haytsck, oat Up bajar moustache’) ‘In Vowel-deleting Stems the vowel prcesng the stem-Final consonant eltes if the sus tached fo the sem bogie with a vow. Sufies ‘with ina utable vowels keep thet Sutil vowels ad behave Tike vowel anal sues: inal su Dohor bus’ Bokarbo in (3) bush oko “bush feper‘srawery" eperion "in(a)srawbery” eprek‘stawberscs’ Bhar oe harem “intandox hist “oxen “Tomanrve ig caus NAL -€t,and NOMA FOSSESSVE dae excep Anal tecase they Dein wih a vowel, but do nt caste vowel dlton In Vowel deleting Stems “ an 4 okey “bus ‘otorie boost bore per’ “siwubery’ epee’ spe apere| Bir ox har hinere ane Note tat inthe accusam the snstable vowel ofthe accusative sfx appears after Vowel- deleting Stews even when they happen 1 end in ‘Consonant ser shih here no vowel nthe ACCUSAIVE na eB Tare (See Section 862), hatte eae fisngce’ Shiro ime foxrace Iaszon “proie Inst proerace torony ower forme owersace bagoly ‘ow bagive —“omteace baju. “mousache’ —Bajzor_“"mortachesace™ + Some nominal Vowel eletiag Store are Lowering Stem as wll “The fllowin itis of sme common nominal owel-deleting Stems (dhe undetined one are Lowering St). ake frost fimo ‘item fot “Som fase fos “came! ‘fen fro “owt fever fone? “och mn or’ eve it oe Pedant “empire ‘taaan “ate bo oa ‘rnatlon “rv” Gator “Sant of dower ‘rue cae aap fin odwte ioe omer Somat coe “aeanbery ‘Banco “safe Sr “nant ‘Becton “ing” from no fessor et Giden “et fataom “power fate "Snotn’ Son” Tres" her win potel ‘rodalom Teste tarot faxalom ‘exctemen™ shor fom mse" Sebo ‘alam “ows anor Tapoer “cas Eien ve erasiedlem, ‘commerce’ fron ‘pel teslon contort nobor—“Sculpur’ Tareq. “hat eae! osadalon “society form ‘sot felt “na tobok ka terem hal trim all tok seeret ‘maton ‘all forok “throat marae “ai forony—“tower" Imeler ‘verb ‘értnclom “history” ‘majo “monkey” faesok okt Indres—“poson” ‘kor “roe” Goat shay ‘bel a ail “ores hing Boron “linen ‘om ea “danger? pisok ith “uke 1 Noe tat ll Hungatan nouns ending in-afom-elem are owe-delet- ing Stems = Note that vowel ein uns ead in lon ae alt Lowering Stems (Nouns ending i sel ate slo Lowering Stems, but his in unde ‘Pcable in Standard Hunerian [the dale erred in hs book, r= Note that in thee words pehely “Muff, Acly chalice” and ter ‘eit, ot only ese @ vowel los, bu he consonant Nanking ‘he unsible stm vowel change pace whe te vowel s deleted Cini sai ‘ini uti teher ‘weigh? wherbon in (a) weigh? terok ‘weights’ ehety “chalice” tekelben'n a) cate” elyek ches” Pately “sit pehelyben “in (2) fu pelbik ts t | | | 4.3 vestems ‘There are 2 ral] number of tems that end ina Vowel i lation and before consonant sus, but end in th consonant» when fol Towed by a vowel si Tisai, CAUSAL AL id NOMINAL POSSESSIVE ~ do not lege the changes to the stms dened teow Le although they ‘Se vowel ial th shape of w stems preceding thm isthe ame imo. (ti, alr ct) Noe thal ein v-tns e al Lowerng Stems (ova “# Srresivek pee 4.3.4 wadding Stoms 1 “ors grass ni maga’ 5 sem id “pipe AS toe’, mk "eof a snow rd wo a 16k” ad atl» beers We ‘nial sues (fives with an unstable nial vowel cant as vow in al ative) hose’ fi pass md mage 6 ste’ x pp’ hs sone shoe thetevowels wn thy ake a belore a women sui: Cina us sta sa 16 hore’ abun “in(a) hore” Torah ‘hose 65 pine’ athena pipe’ rdek per = Note tht the vowel of ni “work of is aiding tem, but oes not hore: mck wrk of Tithe hoe stems hs snow sd “word and lake" seminal d changes ‘to 9 tea vowel (ina suis aria ai nn a {6 “wont? asdbon “in(a) word? Sava word” te ake’ tébon' “in(@lake’——tavak "lakes" = Note tht the Accusative of “won 6, Inthe thee stems flu vilage’ ar “rane ae Tose the tem final vowel changes into» before vowel ils nial ai inal sus fala “ings” (2) vila’ flak “ilges dara ‘crane (@)rare” —“dorak ‘eanes™ ‘ae ‘owe! (@)louie’ Teme ee" ‘= Note that these stems can be used in a regular nom-alterating way (Go fa "vas" and sometimes its ore usual fo use them 98 regular way (eg dara erabeeace et ouse+Ace’) 4.4 Vowel Shortoning Stems Some stems shorn their last (or only) stem vowel when followed by ini tis init yd ‘summer—mydybam “in (a) summer” myarak ‘summers {ge stand” ‘Edshen' ina) hand” Hesek “hands te Sine ‘shen “ina fe’ Mek “Tes 2 Tumanarve ig, CAUSAL-HINAL-t, and NOMINAL POSSESSIVE -é do sot cause vowel shorening (eg mii, set, Adz, et). though they are vowels Note tint the SUFERESSIVE-on-n-dn doesnot cause vowel shortening inmost cates (eg. nydnon, Ke, te.) It optionally can if the vowel 1s Ford (etn (ty20n(tyzon}: wen [vezen/vizen} ‘on wate) [eas aways shortens inthe SUPSESSIVE: 09" Note tht al Vowel shortening Stems ae Lowering Stems (nya ‘oummers et es The following is ist of some common nominal Vowsl-sharteing Sem agar “greyhound! — ders fea! ia. Eonar ja hate onde “hecle” née “moute’ fend “butocks eo “pipe flee ‘enough’ fond! “thread” ‘drdes onap? a Nan" ‘ems ar Sooont fe: “mind ‘ster “Toot hee ‘andr ‘donkey ha oe Sater ‘rt fe enn Sa Se fe, ie omer “ine andl “Sen Sen ‘cour leer "eal Se “igie fe “one hen oe fe tan a Sie foster teres pm tone rpe Tae Bip ‘mie? Fp hem en Som oe evel oer ee : = fey oe vee “nen tee ome tet ime Sinde Sy ‘= Not that ek sul isthe only Shoring Sten in which te shorten. ing vowel isnot the Int sylale of the sen lelatsoulence™ (hs also a Vowel deleting Stem). 4.8 Unrounding Stems ‘There ar afew stems with nal and th change these vowels ino ¢ and respectively when followed by cera yossessivineson sins, ipa te ones that may bei th oral he Pura Possessed sulfites (ce Section 3.3.2) andthe Singular Porsessd ud person sixes (Gee Seaton 331) erd6 “foes” endaje “her forest" erditek “your forests? 6 “oor —— gaia “hs dor” 0 ‘aot "Sour doors” “The commonest ouning Stns he fllowing as ae eo Power cee tas ‘ans top mess seus hy However, these stoms may behave in regular Way, Le. the change is Sometimes optional (eg erdje "hers forest 4.6 Final Vowel-deleting Stoms “There are three stems, boreal’ yar ‘crow andy ha may Asie theirstem fn vores the same evisonment asthe ge See {Sona before the FORA bows boria“tseal” boriaok“yourealves" bora “eaves ffir iho “beryouty’ Yfatot ‘Your youths’ Wok “youth wt Nara “is ow" Salk “Jour cows’ Yarat “crow However, these sts may behave in sepulr way, Le Ue change i someineseponal eg varia "erin crow’, Dorji eaves) 4.7 Migcollancous irregular steme 1 fi “son’ has regula singlar ad purl possessed forms (i dees the fina vowel ands « bake harmonic Lowering Stem). Nee tht fi "byte regula Bison! fi bosfriend? sicULAKrossessip Isp fam ‘fi ase Sad Suid ; Sse fe Fie ph fant ‘ink 2a fiatok tok Sal fuk fuk ueaLrossessen Ing. faim ‘fie 28 ald uta See fal a tpl fink fans 2 fii futok aN atk aie ‘5 Some of ie sige an pr posse foms of pa fie’ an aye ‘eter’ ae ier (these forthe se final vowel i Selted sd the appropriate sffis-vrans tach othe consaaa ial te) psn anydint apaiok anit Spl aaiapsie any BE 227 285 29E Nae afer many pene ther and es ‘younger both only have ronsearve forms, "Some of the sng and paral possessed forms of ‘mouth have inegla lemative variants (in which the seminal js deleted nd Uesppopeate etic variant sch to the vowels see) oe SINGULAR POSSESSED Isp soim/cdjam Ba feddjad Sse tie Ih sadnkcsnt 2 satokedinok Spl Sod PLURAL POSSESSED Ing sudan 2s Salad Bisa pl saint Bl djalok 3 deck "The ACcUSAIYE an he PLURAL Of id ae’ ate Bi (rs) and ‘rah respectively in abin ote regular Tors ian bil The ‘singular an plural possessed fos also have ieglar atematve vari n(n which the ster-inal 6 changes a bs iodge? SNCULAR FOSSESSED tag PuumaLrossesseD eg 28 Se nt 201 ap ican ia rd Pitino bikin irion bok Birgu boiut dirimbrsin iar iain Mrdinsbirink. Ditonto bi oF The murat off "ma, male is fia 5. Postpositions ‘Some of the preposionsl meanings found in English ae expressed in “Hungarian by ponpostion. ln ths expect posipost rear Hike case ruins. Homer, the are nol ataced to te now aif, hu fll [Sa cepa word (or efdadds wan ater te pefrmance’) ahd may even fefer‘o more than one noun o a nominal grup ar elas ts a wacsor ai“ the pecermance sn the dee) As th name Supsest ost ‘ostons normaly elo the non or omit prop they rele ‘The most important postpostons ae the following Pos ets oe ota mig moss mosul ‘ts ‘tar faoufelen ae pout melee mele oxo eee fale felt Orientation Deore from Pimecron from Dinero from Dinkerionc from cron from Meaning Usage in font of before’ SAC TIME “osinfontof”srnce “tomin ont of” —Srnce “behind sce ‘osbeting! since “fom:behind sac. “under, below, during” soxce ME “rortelow™ snce “from elon” sme ‘above, over" sence “above Sc romsbetecesoag SPACE “ovards" smsce from be deci of? Stace etal se sence, Fe fed Sate Space, ARSRACT nd ste jnnen see “om his sie Shice, asteact a “though across, Seace ME fortis) eres "ehoigh ers, space

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