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Chapter III


A. Read the following statements thoroughly and understand it. Once finished
rate every statement based on what you think about it. The following statements would
be all about answering what the effect of sports in academic performance of the
students is in Wright National High School.

(5) Strongly Agree

(4) Agree

(3) Moderately Agree

(2) Slightly Agree

(1) Disagree

Name: Grade Section:

Age: Sex:

(5) (3) (2)

Strongly (4) Moderately Slightly (1)
Statements Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree

Sports consume lots of my

Sport is a big distraction
I can manage my time for both
sports and my studies.
I can have good grades even if
I join sports.
I cant have good grades.
I rather spend most of my time
on studies than sports.
I rather spend my time in
sports than studies.
My parent pushes me to play
even if I dont want to.
I love playing sports.
Sports make me strong and
make me a better citizen.
Statement of the Problem

General Objectives:

This study aims to verify the effect of engaging students to join and participates

in any sports in school.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the personal profile of the students in terms of

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Section

2. Are the students able to manage their time for both academic and sports?

3. Is there any difference between joining sports and not, especially in the


4. What is the implication of this study to those who are athletes and non-


From the specific questions that had been mentioned, the following hypothesis

will be tested.

Null hypothesis - there isnt an effect even if the students join or not sports.

Alternative Hypothesis -there is a difference between students who join sports and not.

Significant of the Study

This would make the students understand that sports have a lot of benefits.

Especially to us teens, we can stay fit and healthy. In addition, sports balance our body

pressure and circulation. But of course knowing the effect of sports to the academic

performance of a student would let them know what they have to do especially if the

effect of sport in their academic is negative. They might as well reconsider it. Sports are

a good thing for students but they have to study well so they could continue it.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will focus on the effect of engaging students in sports and its effect to

the students academic performance. Basically, this study would be conducted in 50 SPS

Students in grade 7 and 50 non-athletes in grade 8 students. Furthermore, this study

will determine the personal profile of the respondents such as their age, sex, section and

a lot more.

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