Formula: Percentage F/N X 100% Where: F - Frequency

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The researchers used 182 respondents from Junior High School students of San Pablo
Colleges. Of these, 47 (25.82 %) of them are grade 10 and 45 (24.73%) each of the grade 7, 8
and 9. Their ages ranges to 11-18 years old. Of the participants, 90 (49.45%) are male and 92
(50.55%) are female.

Statistical Treatment

The researcher use the following statistical treatment to process the data:

Percentages. According to Calmorin (1997), a percentage is a way of expressing a proportion, a

ratio, or fraction in relation to a whole, with 100 as the denominator.

Formula: Percentage = f/N x 100%

Where: f frequency

N population

Weighted Mean. It refers to the set of data taken from the average of the population (Broto,

WM = fx
Formula: N
Where: WM Weighted Mean

fx sum of the products of the frequency with weights

N sample size

Sample Size/ Variance. The sample size of a survey most typically refers to the number of units
that were chosen from which data were gathered. The sample variance is the square of the
sample standard deviation and is represented by: (using Calmorins Formula)

NV + [Ss 2 + (1 p)]
Formula: Ss =
NSe + [ V2 + P (1 P) ]

Where: Ss sample size

N population size

V standard value (2.58) of 1% level of probability with 0.99 reliability

Se sampling error

P the largest possible proportion

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