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Table of Contents

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Ministry of Communications

Highway Materials Manual

Volume II
Part 3 Aggregates
Table of Contents
Content of Manual

This is Volume 11 of a series of three volumes comprising the Materials Manual.

The subjects of each volume are as follows:

Volume I

Part 1 Introduction
List of Report Sheets (RS) and Work Sheets (WS)
List of all MRDTM's
Sampling and testing frequency guide
List of field laboratory equipment
Table of conversion factors
List of MRDTM's general to several test methods
Test methods for general application

Part 2 A general discussion of soils and soil testing

List of MRDTM's for soils
Test methods for soils control

Volume II

Part 3 A general discussion of aggregates and aggregate testing

List of MRDTM's for aggregates
Test methods for aggregate control

Part 4 A general discussion of bituminous materials and mix properties

List of MRDTM's for bituminous materials
Test methods for bituminous materials and mix designs

Volume III

Part 5 A general discussion of portland cement concrete materials and design

List of MRDTM's for concrete, steel and miscellaneous materials
Test methods for portland cement concrete materials, concrete, steel, and miscellaneous materials

Part 6 Discussion of acceptance by certification

Typical examples of mill certifications
Procedure for laboratory standardization

Also included for each Test Method as applicable are examples of completed work sheets and test reports showing typical
results. It is strongly recommended that the proper work sheets and test reports be used and that all data be carefully and
accurately entered. These work sheets and test reports will constitute a valuable part of the documentation for all projects
for which the Ministry of Communications is responsible.

Table of Contents Aggregates

A. Introduction

The surface, base, and subbase of pavements consist of aggregates or a mixture of aggregates with cement and water
(portland cement concrete) or a bituminous material (bituminous concrete). The strength properties of a layer are a function
of both the quality and the proportions of ingredients.

Aggregates are hard, durable, mineral materials obtained by mining or quarrying operations of deposits of sand, gravel, talus
or ledges, and may be defined as "granular material of mineral composition, used either in combination with a binding
medium to form bituminous concrete, portland cement concrete, mortar, plaster, etc., or alone as in road bases, railroad
ballast, filter beds, etc."

Aggregates of designated sizes are obtained through crushing, screening, and sometimes, washing of the naturally occurring
material. Obviously the sizes of coarse aggregate available from a given gravel deposit are limited y size and percentage of
larger particles in that deposit. In some deposits, the largest particles must be subjected to crushing to be of commercial
value; in others the top size may not exceed 19 mm (3/4 in.) and there may be a surplus of sand. Coarse aggregates of
practically any size may be produced from most crushed stone quarries.

Rock fragments or particles are termed boulders, cobbles, gravel, sand, and silt or clay according to their sizes:
Boulders are rock fragments with an average dimension of 300 mm (or 12 in.) or more.
Cobbles have average dimensions from 300 mm (or 12 in.) down to about 75 mm (or 3 in.).
Gravel includes sizes from 75 rum (or 3 in.) down to that which will be retained on a 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve.
Sand will pass the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve and be retained on a sieve with quite small openings, usually the 0.075 mm
(No. 200) sieve.
Silts and clays extend from the 0.075 mm (No. 200) size down, but are distinguished from one another less by their
sizes than by their ability to exhibit plasticity (putty like properties) when wet. Some of the coarser silt size particles
can be tolerated in aggregates, but clays are generally undesirable.

All aggregate types exhibit certain inherent properties which depend upon the mineral constituents present in their original
rock formation. Rocks may embrace a great number of types, according to their mineral constituents, but only three major
classes, according to origin; these are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.

Igneous rocks were formed originally by cooling from a molten mass. They may also be grouped into two subclasses:
intrusive rocks, which cooled slowly deep inside the earth and often developed coarse-grained structure, and extrusive
rocks, which cooled much more rapidly on or near the surface and often are so fine grained that individual mineral grains
are difficult to distinguish even with a magnifying glass.

Sedimentary rocks are stratified rocks laid down usually under water but occasionally as the result of wind action. They may
be composed of preexisting rocks removed from their original location by water or wind, or they may be of chemical or
organic origin.

Metamorphic rocks may have had either igneous or sedimentary origins, but, as a result of intense heat or pressure or both,
have been altered or metamorphosed into rocks having significantly different properties.

All three classes of rock have been used successfully as road aggregate. The suitability of rock from a given deposit,
whether it be processed into crushed stone or merely separated into sands and gravels, cannot be determined merely from its
origin or method of formation, but is estimated from a combination of experience, physical tests, and mineralogical
examination. Even the most widely used tests may be misleading, however, and the best possible index of aggregate
suitability is its performance in earlier construction of the type contemplated.

Normally the aggregates for highways and structures are divided into two main types; coarse aggregate and fine aggregate.
Generally that material retained on a 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve is considered coarse aggregate, and that portion passing the
4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve is considered fine aggregate.

Table B. Qualification
of Contents Tests

Aggregates make up some 93 to 95 percent of all asphalt concrete paved roadways and some 80 percent of all portland
cement concrete. Because of these high percentages, the quality of pavements and structures is directly related to the quality
of the aggregate. The use of good quality aggregate can only be assured by a good sampling and testing program.

Sufficent samples, accurately taken, to fully describe the material going into a project, must be obtained and tested. Close
attention must be paid to the sampling and testing program to insure that material failing to meet the required quality tests is
not accepted.

Certain inherent qualities are generally assumed to be related in some degree to the serviceability of aggregates produced
from the various types of rocks. Among these are hardness, toughness, soundness, volumetric stability, compressive
strength, resistance to abrasion and other forms of mechanical breakdown, resistance to polishing (in pavement surfaces),
and resistance to chemical attack from outside sources or from alkalies in certain cements. In most cases it is not
economically feasible to alter these inherent properties to any great extent. The importance of any of these properties
depends to a great extent upon the intended use of the aggregate. This fact must be borne in mind in evaluating aggregates
and comparing one with another.

Another inherent characteristic of a rock is its specific gravity. In some cases the high specific gravity of heavy, dense, fine
grained rocks is desirable, that is, if to be used as riprap or jetty stone for shore protection. In others, it becomes something
of a disadvantage, as where it would increase the dead load of a concrete beam. In nearly all cases, it is important that the
specific gravity of given aggregates be known.

Some important properties of aggregates are much more easily controlled. The most obvious of these is gradation or particle
size distribution. In the case of ledge rock the usual steps involved are blasting, crushing, screening, recrushing, sometimes
washing, and perhaps blending to produce the gradation most appropriate for a given end use. Sand and gravel may or may
not require more than washing and screening, though oversize particles are sometimes crushed and fed into the finished
product. Often, however, the oversize is merely cast aside in waste piles until it can be disposed of as unspecified bulk

The hardness of rocks has been a property difficult to measure in meaningful terms. Hardness has been described as
resistance of the rock to displacement of its surface particles by abrasion.

A scratch hardness test, has been devised to assist in the visual examination of gravel deposits in the field; however, it is
highly subjective and has debatable value in judging the suitability of aggregates for highway purposes. For these reasons it
is not included in this Manual.

Toughness of rock means resistance to fracture from impact, or absence of brittleness. The Page Impact Test measures the
resistance of a 25 X 25 mm cylindrical specimen resting on a solid foundation to the impact of a 2 kg hammer dropped
freely between guides onto a spherically headed plunger resting on the specimen. The first blow is from a height of 10 mm,
the next from 20 mm, the next from 30 mm, etc. The height of drop which causes fracture, in mm (equal to the number of
blows delivered), is the toughness value. The toughness test is not specified and is therefore not included in this Manual.

The soundness test is used to indicate the ability of aggregates to resist breakdown through weathering or freezing and
thawing. An accelerated measure of this property is done by alternately soaking and drying a sample of the aggregate using
a solution of sodium or magnesium sulfate. The sulfate solution will soak into cracks, scams or interstices of softer materials
where it will expand on heating and drying to break the rock apart. Dense, strong rocks are affected very little by the
soundness test exposure. Porous, very weak rocks often disintegrate badly from the pressure of the salts gradually
recrystallizing in the pores during drying, simulating the action of ice crystals which might form in the aggregate when
subjected to severe exposure.

Volumetric stability, while important to an aggregate's performance in concrete, cannot be directly measured by testing the
aggregate itself Several tests have been developed to investigate the potential reactivity of certain carbonate aggregates to
alkali in the cement, but acceptance standards have not been generally established. Other tests for volume change in
aggregates require that the aggregate in question be made into concrete or mortar.

The compressive strength of rock is seldom required in specifications for road aggregate. When it is required, the test
should be made on a number of specimens, in some cases cut both perpendicular and parallel to bedding planes or seams in
the rock. The results of only one or two tests could be misleading.

Table The inherent
of Contents quality of aggregate most easily measured and, perhaps for this reason, most frequently specified, is abrasion
resistance. This ability of a coarse aggregate to resist loss through abrasion is measured by the Los Angeles Machine. The
test is also known as the Los Angeles Rattler Test and measures the degree to which a graded aggregate is reduced in size
when subjected to the rolling and pounding of steel spheres inside of a rotating steel drum. The Los Angeles Abrasion Test
(MRDTM 309) is a measure of both abrasion resistance and toughness.

The inherent properties of specific gravity and absorption are often important. The test methods are based on what is
traditionally known as Archimedes Principle, namely that a solid body of any kind, when immersed in water, loses mass by
an amount exactly equal to the mass of the water it displaces.

There are several types of specific gravity which are often confused. It is not generally feasible to determine the true or
absolute specific gravity of rocks; this could be the ratio of the mass of the absolutely solid portion of a material (exclusive
of any voids, including internal voids which water could not be made to penetrate). A close approximation may be made, if
necessary, by grinding the rock to a fine powder and testing a sample of the powder.

The more commonly referenced types of aggregate specific gravity are:

1. Apparent specific gravity-The ratio of the mass of dry aggregate to the mass of water having a volume equal to the
volume of the aggregate excluding its permeable pores at a specified temperature.
2. Bulk specific gravity-The ratio of the mass of dry aggregate to the mass of water having a volume equal to the
volume of the aggregate including both its permeable and impermeable pores. The concept of bulk specific gravity is
more easily grasped if it is imagined that an impermeable, weightless membrane of zero thickness is stretched over
the outer surface of the rock, preventing the entry of water into the surface voids. The bulk specific gravity is the dry
mass of the membrane covered rock divided by the mass of the water it displaces.
3. Bulk specific gravity (saturatedsurface-dry basis)-The ratio of the mass of aggregate, including the mass of the water
it contains when its permeable voids are saturated, to the mass of an equal volume of water.

These three kinds of specific gravity are determined by making the following three measurements:

A = mass of oven dry sample in air.

B = mass of saturated-surface-dry sample in air (usually after 24 h immersion followed by rolling in a large absorbent cloth
until all visible films of surface water are removed).
C = mass of saturated sample in water.

Simple formulas permit the determinations as follows:

Apparent Specific Gravity = Bulk Specific Gravity =

Bulk Specific Gravity(Saturated-Surface-Dry Basis) =

The percent of water absorbed into the permeable voids may also be computed easily, thus:

Absorption, percent = 100

The unit mass of an aggregate is the mass of a specific volume of the aggregate. It may be expressed in kilograms per cubic
meter or pounds per cubic foot. It may be determined on either a loose or compacted basis, with the method of filling the
container during the test determining whether a loose or compacted unit weight results. Corollary to the unit weight of an
aggregate is the void content or percentage of air voids existing between the aggregate particles in whatever state of
compaction the aggregate is in.

Moisture may occur within aggregates either as absorbed within the aggregate particle or on the surface of the particle. The
moisture on the surface is called free moisture and when an aggregate particle contains within it all the moisture it can hold,
but has no moisture on the surface of the individual pieces, it is identified as being in the saturated, surface dry state.

Certain types of organic materials have a detrimental effect on the strength developing properities of portland cement.
Organic substances also react with solutions of sodium hydroxide to cause the solution to turn brown in color. The more

Table organic
of Contentsmaterial
present the darker the solution. However, not all organic material is detrimental to portland cement
concrete. Therefore, when an organic impurities test indicates the presence of organic materials in an aggregate, the effect
of these impurities should be evaluated by running comparison tests for compressive strength, setting times and sulfate
expansion using aggregates free of impurities for comparison, Should no appreciable decrease (such as no more than a 5
percent drop in compressive strength) develop in the quality of the contaminated aggregate, it can be judged that the organic
substance present is not detrimental and the aggregate is safe to use providing the concentration of organic impurities does
not increase above the level found in the contaminated aggregate used in the test.

The sand equivalent test is used to measure the percentage of potentially plastic, clay-like fines present in fine aggregates.
The test is affected by external influences, especially any vibration or motion during the settling period. The graduates must
not be placed on tables attached to mechanically operated sieve shakers or other mechanical devices, nor in mobile
laboratories where people or nearby plant operations can cause vibrations.

The one characteristic subject to the closest control by means of conventional processing is gradation, or particle size
distribution. This is not an inherent geological property of the rock, although to some extent the type of rock does influence
the amount and character of fines produced by crushing. And certainly in the case of sand and gravel the top size and many
other aspects of gradation are limited by character of sediments laid down by the alluvial or glacial action responsible for
formation of the deposit.

Measurements of the gradation of a sample of aggregate are made by means of sieve analysis, which is the separation of a
sample of aggregate into several designated sizes by passing the material through a series of sieves arranged from coarse to
fine. Where the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve is specified, washing should be used in conjunction with the sieving process. In
any sieving operation performed to check for conformity to a specification, care must be exercised to insure complete
separation of sieve sizes. This should include shaking by hand of individual sieves over a clean sheet of paper or similar
material until no significant amount of aggregate passes the sieve during a 15 s period of shaking and hitting the sieve
against the heel of the hand.

The sampling procedure is at least equally important as the testing so every precaution should be taken to see that the
samples provide the most accurate representation of the material that is possible. This important subject is pursued further
elsewhere in this Manual.

The individual assigned to the inspection of aggregates as produced for placement on the roadway is responsible for
assuring that those materials meet all applicable specifications. Several suggestions that will assist in the successful
accomplishment of this task include:

1. Be well acquainted with the specifications, including all Special Provisions which may modify the Standard
2. Know the source of the aggregate, including any available information from the original evaluation of the source. Be
watchful for any significant changes in the pit or quarry, such as clay pockets, sand pockets, or major gradation
3. It can be very helpful in eliminating the necessity of continually referring to the book of Standard Specifications or
the Special Provisions, to copy the list of specifications for each material being produced and post the list on the wall
of the field laboratory next to your work area.
4. Sample the aggregates at least at the required sampling frequency; more often when production is variable or
evidence of problems are noted in the pit or quarry. Methods of sampling, quartering and preparing samples for
testing are discussed in MRDTM 301 and MRDTM 302. Instructions for sieving are found in MRDTM 204 and for
the sand equivalent test to detect potentially clay-like materials in MRDTM 313. Fracture counting is in MRDTM
5. Any question, no matter how insignificant it may seem, should be discussed with the project Engineer or work
6. Keep accurate and complete records of plant production, plant changes, sample test results, recommendations made
or received and any other activity which may have some influence on the production or quality of the material being
7. Report any deviations from the specifications immediately so corrections can be made before undue quantities of
unacceptable material are produced.

Table of Contents

List for Each Materials and Research Department

Test Method for Aggregates

The following list provides a summary of test methods by numerical order, listing Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of
Communications, Materials and Research Department, Standard Method of Test (MRDTM) and the MRDTM name.

MRDTM Number MRDTM Test Name

301 Sampling Stone, Gravel, and Sand for Use as Highway Materials
302 Reducing Field Samples of Aggregate to Testing Size
303 Total Moisture Content of Aggregate by Drying
304 Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate
305 Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate
306 Surface Moisture in Fine Aggregate
307 Sieve Analysis of Mineral Filler
308 Unit Mass and Voids in Aggregates
309 Resistance to Abrasion of Small Size Coarse Aggregate by Use of the Los Angeles Machine
310 Determination of Percentage of Crushed Aggregate
311 Soundness of Aggregate by Use of Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium Sulfate
312 Clay Lumps and Friable Particles in Aggregate
313 Plastic Fines in Graded Aggregates and Soils by Use of the Sand Equivalent Test
314 Vacant
315 Organic Impurities in Sands for Concrete
316 Acid Insoluble Residue in Carbonate Aggregates
317 Accelerated Polish Test for Coarse Aggregates
318 Determination of Sulfate Content in Aggregates
319 Chloride Determination in Aggregates
320 Total Soluble Salt Content in Aggregates

Table of Contents
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Sampling Stone, Gravel, and Sand for Use as Highway Materials

MRD Test Method 301

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 2-78)

1. Scope
1.1 These methods are intended to apply to the sampling of stone, gravel, and sand for the following purposes (Note 1):
1.1.1 Preliminary investigation of sources of supply,
1.1.2 Acceptance or rejection of source of supply,
1.1.3 Inspection of shipments of materials, and
1.1.4 Inspection of materials on the site of the work.

Note 1: Acceptance and control tests vary with the type of construction in which the material is used. The preliminary
investigation and sampling of potential aggregate types and sources occupies a very important place in determining the
availability and suitability of the largest single factor, material, entering into the construction. It dictates the type of
construction from the standpoint of economics and governs the necessary material control to Insure durability of the
resulting structure, from the aggregate standpoint.

2. Securing Samples
2.1 Samples of all materials for tests upon which the acceptance or rejection of the supply is to be based shall be taken
by the Engineer or his authorized representative.
2.2 Sampling is equally as important as the testing, and the sampler shall use every precaution to obtain samples that
will show the true nature and condition of the materials which they represent.

Stone From Ledges or Quarries

3. Inspection
3.1 The ledge or quarry face shall be inspected to determine any variation in different strata. Visual differences in color,
structure, or mineral composition shall be observed so that specimens from each stratum will be taken during sampling.

4. Sampling and Size of Sample

4.1 Separate samples of stone weighing at least 25 kg (or 50 lbs) each, and consisting of specimens that are obviously
not weathered beyond a degree of usefulness for the purpose intended, shall be obtained from all strata that
appear to vary in color, structure, or mineral composition.

5. Record
5.1 All samples shall be identified and the following information shall accompany samples that are not commercial
5.1.1 Name of owner or seller,
5.1.2 Location (include map of local area, if possible, with source plotted),
5.1.3 Estimated quantity of rock available,
5.1.4 Thickness and character of overburden,
5.1.5 Length of haul to nearest road and to proposed site of work, and
5.1.6 A sketch showing plan and elevation views of the source upon which the locations of the various samples are

Sand and Gravel

Preliminary Sampling

6. Inspection
6.1 A detailed inspection of the site of a proposed source shall be made to determine the extent of the deposit.
Variations in the deposit shall be recorded and an estimate made of quantities of various aggregates available.
Table of Contents
7. Sampling
7.1 Separate samples shall be selected of all aggregates available in the deposit that visual inspection indicates would be
suitable for use in construction.
7.2 If the deposit is worked as an open-face bank or pit, the sample shall be taken by channeling the face vertically,
bottom to top, so that it will be representative of the material proposed to be used. Overburden and disturbed material shall
not be included in the sample. Test holes shall be excavated or drilled at numerous locations in the deposit to determine the
quality of the materials and the extent of the deposit. The number and depth of the test holes will depend on the quantity of
the materials to be used, topography of the area, nature of the deposit, character of the material, and value of the resultant
product. Separate samples shall be obtained from the face of the bank and from test holes, in the manner described above,
and if visual inspection indicates that there is considerable variation in the material individual samples shall be selected to
represent the material in each well defined stratum. Otherwise, large samples from each test location shall be obtained and
reduced to the proper size by thoroughly mixing and quartering. The size of the samples shall be such that at least 12 kg (or
25 lbs) of sand and 35 kg (or 75 lb) of gravel are available for test, if both constituents are present. If the deposit being
investigated does not have an open face, samples shall be obtained entirely from test holes as outlined herein.

8. Record
8.1 Each sample shall be identified and the following information shall accompany samples from roadside sources that
are not commercial operations:
8.1.1 Name of owner or seller,
8.1.2 Location of proposed source (include map of local area, if possible, with source plotted thereon),
8.1.3 Estimated quantities available as represented by the various samples,
8.1.4 Character and quantity of any overburden,
8.1.5 Length of haul to nearest road and to proposed site of work, and
8.1.6 Any pertinent details not represented in the samples.

Sand, Gravel, and Stone

Commercial Sources

9. Sampling for Quality

9.1 When practicable, samples from commercial sources to be tested for quality shall be obtained from the finished
9.1.1 In sampling material from stockpiles, it is very difficult to insure representative samples due to the segregation
which usually occurs when material is stockpiled, with the coarser particles rolling to the outside base of the pile. When it is
necessary to sample stockpiles, every effort should be made to enlist the services of power equipment that is capable of
exposing the material at various levels and locations. Separate samples shall be taken from different areas of the stockpile to
represent the material in that portion. Test results of the individual samples will indicate the extent of segregation existing in
the stockpiles. In sampling sand from stockpiles, the outer layer, which may have become dry, causing segregation, shall be
removed and a representative sample of the damp sand selected.

10. Sample at Plant

10.1 A general inspection of the plant and a record of the screening facilities shall be made. The samples shall
preferably be taken at some suitable location that will insure positive representative sampling as the railroad cars, barges,
boats, or trucks are being loaded from stockpiles or bins. In order to determine variations in the grading of the material,
separate samples shall be obtained at different times while the material is being loaded. If the samples are taken from a bin,
they shall be taken from the entire cross section of the flow of material as it is being discharged. At the beginning of the
discharge from the bins, sufficient material should be permitted to flow to insure normal uniformity before the sample is
selected. Belt discharge of a flowing aggregate stream shall be sampled in a similar manner. Take samples only from bins
that are full, or nearly so, to minimize the chance of obtaining segregated material. If samples are to be taken from a
conveyor belt, randomly select units to be sampled from the production. Obtain at least three approximately equal
increments, selected at random, from the unit being sampled and combine to form a field sample whose mass equals or
exceeds the minimum recommended in Table 1. Stop the conveyor belt while the sample increments are being obtained.
Insert two templates, the shape of which conform to the shape of the belt in the aggregate stream on the belt, and space them
such that the material contained between them will yield an increment of the required mass. Carefully scoop all material
between the templates into a suitable container and collect the fines on the belt with a brush and dustpan and add to the
Table of Contents
11. Sampling at Point of Delivery
11.1 Where it is not practical to visit the plant, samples for both quality and size may be obtained at the destination and
shall be taken before the material is unloaded. Gradation tests shall be performed immediately to determine the acceptability
of the material for size. The material shall not be used prior to its approval from all respects. Separate samples shall be taken
from as many points in the unit of shipment as necessary to represent the material, realizing the probability of segregation as
the material was loaded. These separate samples will usually be combined to form a composite sample and this sample
shall, if necessary, be reduced by quartering; but, if information on variation is desired, the separate samples shall be tested.

Note 2: Samples of coarse aggregate from stockpiles should be taken at or near the top of the pile, at or near the base of the
pile, and at or near an intermediate point. A board shoved into the pile just above the point of sampling will aid in
preventing further segregation during sampling. Samples from railroad cars should be taken from three or more trenches
dug across the car at points that appear to be representative of the material. The trenches shall be approximately 0.3 m (or 1
ft) wide at the bottom. The bottom of the trench should be practically level. Equal portions should be taken at seven equally
spaced points along the bottom of the trench by pushing a shovel downward into the material and not by scraping
horizontally. Two of the seven points should be directly against the sides of the car.
11.2 Samples from trucks, barges, or boats should be taken in the same manner as described for railroad cars, except
that the number of trenches shall be adjusted to the size of the transportation unit and the tonnage involved.
11.3 Fine aggregate may be sampled as described in Sec 11.1 and 11.2 or by means of a sampling tube approximately
30 mm (1 in.) in diameter by 2 m (or 6 ft) in length which, with a little practice, will be found to hold damp sand forced
into it when inserted into the fine aggregate to be sampled. Five to eight insertions of the tube into the unit to be sampled
will furnish approximately 4.5 kg (or 10 lbs) of fine aggregate.
11.4 Where a test is to be made for size only, it is recommended that tests be made in the field in order not to delay the
use of material. Duplicate samples shall also be sent to the laboratory for check tests.
11.5 Sampling from Roadway (Bases and Subbases)-Sample units shall be selected by a random method at the
construction site. Obtain the number and frequency of samples as prescribed in the schedule for frequency of sampling and
testing. Take all increments from the roadway for the full depth of the material, taking care to exclude any underlying
material. Clearly mark the specific areas from which each increment is to be removed; a metal template placed over the area
is a definite aid in securing approximately equal increment masses.

12. Number and Size of Samples

12.1 The number of samples required depends on the intended use of the material, the quantity of material involved,
and the variations both in quality and size of the aggregate. A sufficient number of samples shall be obtained to cover all
variations in the material. It is recommended that each sample of crushed stone, gravel, or sand represent approximately 45
tons of material.
12.2 The sample sizes and mass cited are tentative. The quantities must be predicated on the type and number of tests to
which the material is to be subjected and sufficient material obtained to provide for the proper execution of these tests.

13. Marking
13.1 Each sample or separate container shall be accompanied by a copy of transmital form MRD Form 301, preferably
in the container, giving the following information:
13.1.1 By whom taken, and the official title or rank of the sampler,
13.1.2 By whom submitted,
13.1.3 Source of supply, and in case of commercial suppliers, daily production,
13.1.4 Proposed use for the material, and
13.1.5 Project identification.

14. Shipping Samples

14.1 Coarse aggregate shall be shipped in a secure container or sample bag free of contaminants.
14.2 Fine aggregate or samples containing fine sizes shall be shipped in a tight container or closely woven bag, free of
contaminants, so there will be no loss of finer particles.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Reducing Field Samples of Aggregate to Testing Size

MRD Test Method 302

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 248-74)

1. Scope
1.1 These methods cover the reduction of field samples of aggregate to the appropriate size for testing by using
techniques that will minimize the introduction of variations between the test portions so selected and the field sample as
submitted (Note 1).

Note 1: Under certain circumstances, reduction in size of the field sample prior to testing is not recommended. Substantial
differences between the selected test samples sometimes cannot be avoided, as for example, in the case of an aggregate
having relatively few large size particles in the field sample. The laws of chance dictate that these few particles may be
unequally distributed among the reduced size test samples. Similarly, if the test sample is being examined for certain
contaminants occurring as a few discrete fragments in only small percentages, caution should be used in interpreting results
from the reduced size test sample. Chance inclusion or exclusion of only one or two particles in the selected sample may
importantly influence interpretation of the characteristics of the field sample. In these cases, the entire field sample should
be tested.

2. Selection of Method
2.1 Fine Aggregates-Field samples of fine aggregate that are drier than the saturated-surface-dry condition shall be
reduced in size by a mechanical splitter according to Method A (Note 2). Field samples having free moisture on the particle
surfaces may be reduced in size by quartering according to Method B, or the entire field sample may be dried to at least the
surface-dry condition, using temperatures that do not exceed those specified for any of the tests contemplated, and then
reduced to test sample size using Method A.

Note 2: The method of determining the saturated-surface-dry condition is described in Sec 4.1 of MRDTM 305, Specific
Gravity and Absorbtion of Fine Aggregate. As a quick approximation, if the fine aggregate will retain its shape when
molded in the hand, it may be considered to be wetter than saturated-surface-dry.
2.1.1 If a moist field sample is very large, a preliminary split may be made using a mechanical splitter having wide
chute openings of 37.5 mm (1 in.) or more to reduce the sample to not less than 5000 g. The portion so obtained is then
dried, and reduction to test sample size is completed using Method A.
2.2 Coarse Aggregate-Use of a mechanical splitter in accordance with Method A is preferred; otherwise the field
sample shall be reduced by quartering in accordance with Method B.

3. Field Sample Size

3.1 When gradation tests only are contemplated, the size of the field sample shall conform to the requirements of
MRDTM 301, Sampling Stone, Gravel, and Sand for Use as Highway Materials. When additional tests are to be conducted,
the user shall satisfy himself that the initial size of the field sample is adequate to accomplish all intended tests.

Method A
Mechanical Splitter

4. Apparatus
4.1 Sample Splitter-Sample splitters shall have an even number of equal width chutes, but not less than a total of eight
for coarse aggregate, or twelve for fine aggregate, which discharge alternately to each side of the splitter. The minimum
width of the individual chutes shall be approximately 50 percent larger than the largest particles in the sample to be split
(Note 3). The splitter shall be equipped with two receptacles to hold the two halves of the sample following splitting. It shall
also be equipped with a hopper or straightedge pan which has a width equal to or slightly less than the overall width of the
assembly of chutes, by which the sample may be fed at a controlled rate to the chutes. The splitter and accessory equipment
shall be so designed that the sample will flow smoothly without restriction or loss of material (Fig. 1).
Table of Contents
Note 3: Mechanical splitters are commonly available in sizes adequate for coarse aggregate having the largest particle not
over 37.5 mm (1 in.). For fine aggregate, a splitter having chutes 12.5 mm ( in.) wide will be satisfactory when the
entire sample will pass a 9.5 mm (3/8 in.) sieve.

5. Procedure
5.1 Place the field sample in the hopper or pan and uniformly distribute it from edge to edge, so that when it is
introduced into the chutes, approximately equal amounts will flow through each chute. The rate at which the sample is
introduced shall be such as to allow free flowing through the chutes into the splitter as many times as necessary to reduce
the sample to the size specified for the intended test. The portion of the material collected in the other receptacles may be
reserved for reduction in size for other tests.

Method B

6. Apparatus
6.1 Apparatus shall consist of a straightedge scoop, shovel, or trowel; a broom or brush; and a canvas blanket
approximately 2 by 2 m (or 6 by 6 ft).

7. Procedure
7.1 Use either the procedure described in Sec 7.1.1 or 7.1.2 or a combination of both.
7.1.1 Place the field sample on a clean, hard, level surface where there will be neither loss of material nor the accidental
addition of foreign material. Mix the material thoroughly by turning the entire sample over three times. With the last
turning, shovel the entire sample into a conical pile to a uniform thickness and diameter by pressing down the apex with a
shovel so that each quarter sector of the resulting pile will contain representative material of the total sample. The diameter
should be approximately four to eight times the thickness. Divide the flattened mass into four equal quarters, with a shovel
or trowel and remove two diagonally opposite quarters, including all fine material, and brush the cleared space clean.
Successively mix and quarter the remaining material until the sample is reduced to the desired size (Fig. 2).
7.1.2 As an alternative to the procedure described in Sec 7.1.1 when the floor surface is uneven, the field sample may
be placed on a canvas blanket and mixed with a shovel as described in Sec 7.1.1, or by alternately lifting each corner of the
canvas and pulling it over the sample toward the diagonally opposite corner causing the material to be rolled. Flatten the
pile as described in Sec 7.1.1. Divide the sample as described in Sec 7.1.1 or if the surface beneath the blanket is uneven,
insert a stick or pipe beneath the blanket or under the center of the pile, then lift both ends of the stick, dividing the sample
into equal parts. Remove the stick leaving a fold of the blanket between the divided portions. Insert the stick under the
center of the pile at right angles to the first division and again lift both ends of the stick, dividing the sample into four equal
parts. Remove two diagonally opposite quarters, being careful to clean the fines from the blanket. Successively mix and
quarter the remaining material until the sample is reduced to the desired size (Fig. 3).
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Total Moisture Content of Aggregate by Drying

MRD Test Method 303

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 255-76)

1. Scope
1.1 This method covers the determination of the percent moisture content, both surface and absorbed, in a sample of
aggregate by drying (Note 1).

Note 1: This method is sufficiently accurate for usual purposes such as adjusting batch weights of concrete. It will generally
measure the moisture in the test sample more reliably than the sample can be made to represent the aggregate supply.

2. Apparatus
2.1 A balance or scale sensitive to 0. 1 percent of the mass of the sample being tested throughout the operating range
2.2 A suitable source of heat such as an electric or gas hot plate, electric heat lamps, or a ventilated oven capable of
maintaining the temperature surrounding the sample at 110 5 C.
2.3 A metal container not affected by the heat, and of sufficient volume to contain the sample without danger of
spilling, and of such shape that the depth of sample will not exceed one fifth of the least lateral dimension (Note 2).

Note 2: Except for testing large samples, an ordinary frying pan is suitable for use with a hot plate, or any shallow flat
bottomed metal pan with heat lamps or oven.
2.4 Stirrer-A metal spoon or spatula of convenient size.

3. Sample
3.1 Secure a sample of the aggregate representative of the moisture content in the supply being tested and, in the case of
normal weight aggregate, weighing not less than the amount listed in Table 1.

4. Procedure
4.1 Weigh the sample to the nearest 0.1 percent, avoiding the loss of moisture as much as possible during the weighing
4.2 Dry the sample thoroughly in the sample container by means of the selected source of heat, exercising care to avoid
loss of any particles. If a source of heat other than the controlled temperature oven is used, stir the sample during drying to
accelerate the operation and avoid localized overheating. The sample is thoroughly dry when further heating causes, or
would cause, less than 0.1 percent additional loss in mass.
4.3 Weigh the dried sample to the nearest 0.1 percent after it has cooled sufficiently not to damage the balance.

5. Calculation
5.1 Calculate total moisture content as follows:

p = Wo - Wd X 100

p = moisture content of sample, percent,
Wo = mass of original sample, g, and
Wd = mass of dried sample, g.

5.2 The surface moisture content is equal to the difference between the total moisture content and the absorption.
Absorption may be determined in accordance with MRDTM 304, Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate, or
MRDTM 305, Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate.
Table of Contents

Table 1

Sample Size for Normal Weight Aggregate

Maximum Mass of
Nominal Sizea Sample,
mm (alternate) kg
6.3 ( in.) (sand) 0.5
9.5 (3/8 in.) 1.5
12.5 ( in.) 2
19.0 ( in.) 3
25.0 (1 in.) 4
37.5 (1 in.) 6
50 (2 in.) 8
63 (2 in.) 10
75 (3 in.) 13
90 (3 in.) 16
100 (4 in.) 25
150 (6 in.) 50
Size of sieve upon which less than 5 percent will
be retained.

6. Report
6.1 The test results shall be recorded and calculated on Form No. MRDWS 303.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate

MRD Test Method 304

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 85-77)

1. Scope
1.1 This method covers the determination of bulk and apparent specific gravity 23/23 C and absorption of coarse
aggregate. Bulk specific gravity is the characteristic generally used for calculation of aggregate displacement in portland
cement concrete.
1.2 This method determines (after 15 h in water) the bulk specific gravity and the apparent specific gravity as defined in
MRDTM 103, Terms Relating to Density and Specific Gravity of Solids, Liquids, and Gases, and bulk specific gravity on
the basis of mass of saturatedsurface-dry aggregate.

2. Apparatus
2.1 Balance-The balance shall have a capacity of 5 kg or more and conform to Class E balance as described in
MRDTM 102, Weights and Balances Used in Testing of Highway Materials.
2.2 Sample Container-A wire basket of 3.35 mm (No. 6) or 2.36 mm (No. 8) sieve and with sufficient capacity to
handle the 5 kg sample [3500 cm3 (225 in.3) minimum] (a cylindrical basket approximately 15 cm in diameter and 20 cm in
length will meet these requirements). It shall have a wire apparatus as needed for suspending from the balance arm, and its
mass in water determined or otherwise compensated for, such as taring balance to zero with basket assembly attached and
2.3 Water Bath-A container of water of sufficient size to permit complete immersion of the sample and so placed that
the wire basket with the sample can be suspended freely from the scale pan holder on the balance.

3. Test Sample
3.1 An approximate 5 kg test sample shall be obtained in accordance with MRDTM 302, Reducing Field Samples of
Aggregate to Testing Size. Material passing the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve shall not be used.

4. Procedure
4.1 After thoroughly washing to remove dust or other coatings from the surface of the particles, dry the sample to
constant mass at a temperature of 110 5 C, cool in air at room temperature for 1 to 3 h and then immerse in water at room
temperature for a minimum of 15 h.

Note 1: Where the absorption and specific gravity values are to be used in proportioning concrete mixtures in which the
aggregates will be in their naturally moist condition, the requirement for drying to constant mass may be eliminated, and if
the surfaces of the particles in the sample have been kept continuously wet until test, the 15 h soaking may also be elimi-
4.2 Remove the sample from the water and roll it in a large absorbent cloth until all visible films of water are removed.
Wipe the large particles individually. Take care to avoid evaporation of water from aggregate pores during the operations of
surface drying. Weigh the sample in the saturated-surface-dry condition. Record this and all subsequent masses to the
nearest 1.0 g.
4.3 After weighing, immediately place the saturated-surface-dry sample in the wire basket and determine its mass in
water at 23 1.7 C. Take care to remove all entrapped air before weighing by shaking the container while immersed.

Note 2: The basket should be immersed to a depth sufficient to cover it and the test sample during weighing. Wire
suspending the container should be of the smallest practical size to minimize any possible effects of a variable immersed
4.4 Dry the sample to constant mass at a temperature of 110 5 C, cool in air at room temperature for 1 to 3 h, and

5. Bulk Specific Gravity

5.1 Calculate the bulk specific gravity 23/23 C, as defined in MRDTM 103, Terms Relating to Density and Specific
Gravity of Solids, Liquids and Gases, as follows:
Table of Contents
Bulk Specific Gravity = A___

A = mass of oven-dry sample in air, g,
B = mass of saturated-surface-dry sample in air, g, and
C = mass of saturated sample in water, g.

6. Bulk Specific Gravity (Saturated-Surface-Dry Basis)

6.1 Calculate the bulk specific gravity 23/23 C, on the basis of mass of saturated-surface-dry aggregate as follows:

Bulk Specific Gravity = B__

(Saturated-Surface-Dry Basis) B-C

7. Apparent Specific Gravity

7.1 Calculate the apparent specific gravity, 23/23 C as defined in MRDTM 103, as follows:

Apparent Specific Gravity = A__


8. Absorption
8.1 Calculate the percentage of absorption, as defined in ASTM C 125, as follows:

BA X 100
Absorption, % A

9. Example
9.1 Mass of oven-dry sample in air, A = 4880.5 g.
Mass of saturated-surface-dry sample in air, B = 4995.7 g.
Mass of saturated sample in water, C = 3188.1 g.

9.1.1 Bulk Specific Gravity:

A = 4880.5 = 2.700
B-C 4995.7 3188.1

9.1.2 Bulk Specific Gravity (Saturated-Surface-Dry Basis):

B = 4995.7 = 2.764
B-C 4995.7 3188.1

9.1.3 Apparent Specific Gravity:

A = 4880.5 = 2.884
A-C 4880.5 3188.1

9.1.4 Absorption:

B A 100 = 4995.7 4880.5 100 = 2.36%

A 4880.5

10. Report
10.1 Test results shall be recorded on Form No. MRDWS 303.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate

MRD Test Method 305

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 84-77)

1. Scope
1.1 This method covers the determination of bulk and apparent specific gravity, 23/23 C, and absorption of fine
aggregate. Bulk specific gravity is the characteristic generally used for calculation of aggregate displacement in portland
cement concrete.
1.2 This method determines (after 15 h in water) the bulk specific gravity and the apparent specific gravity as defined in
MRDTM 103, Terms Relating to Density and Specific Gravity of Solids, Liquids, and Gases.
1.3 Specific gravity is the ratio of the mass of a unit volume of a substance to the same volume of water, both at the
same temperature. All materials expand, or become less dense, as their temperatures are increased, but not necessarily at the
same rate. It is, therefore, necessary when determining specific gravity to perform the test at a standard temperature. If the
test is done at some other temperature, the specific gravity value obtained will have to be identified as a specific gravity at
the test temperature and related to the density of water at that temperature. The potential for error in temperature corrections
is so great that it is recommended that all tests be done at the standard temperature. If, however, the test must be performed
at some other temperature an adjustment may be made in the following manner:

To adjust the specific gravity at the test temperature to the specific gravity at the standard temperature; multiply by a
factor "K" found by dividing the unit mass of water at the test temperature by the unit mass of water at the standard
temperature. A table of values for unit mass of water at various temperatures is contained in MRDTM 308, Unit Mass
and Voids in Aggregates.

2. Apparatus
2.1 Balance-The balance shall conform to Class D balance as described in MRDTM 102, Weights and Balances Used
in Testing Highway Materials.
2.2 Pycnometer-A flask or other suitable container into which the fine aggregate test sample can be readily introduced
and in which the volume content can be reproduced within 0.1 ml. The volume of the container filled to mark shall be at
least 50 percent greater than the space required to accommodate the test sample. A volumetric flask of 500 ml capacity
fitted with a pycnometer top is satisfactory for a 500 g test sample of most fine aggregates.
2.3 Mold-A metal mold in the form of a frustrum of a cone 38 mm (or 1.5 in.) in diameter at the top 89 mm (or 3.5 in.)
in diameter at the bottom, and 74 mm (or 2.9 in.) in height, with the metal being a minimum of 20 gauge (approximately 0.9
2.4 Tamper-A metal tamper weighing 340 15 g (12 oz) and having a flat circular tamping face 25 3 mm (1
1/8 in.) in diameter.

3. Calibration of Pycnometer
3.1 Determine the mass of the pycnometer filled to its calibration capacity with water at 23 1.7 C.

4. Selection and Preparation of Sample

4.1 A test sample of approximately 1000 g shall be obtained as described in MRDTM 302, Reducing Field Samples of
Aggregate to Testing Sizes. The test sample shall be dried in a suitable pan to a constant mass at a temperature of 110 5
C. Allow to cool to below 60 C, cover with water and soak for 15 to 19 h (Note 1). Spread the sample on a flat non-
absorbent surface (the use of butcher or heavy kraft paper is recommended) and pass a current of warm, dry air over the
sample. Frequent stirring of the sample will assist in obtaining uniform drying. Continue drying until the sample approaches
a free flowing or surface-dry condition as determined by the following test. Fill the mold loosely to overflowing while
holding its large diameter down on a smooth, non-absorbent surface. Tamp the surface lightly 25 times with the tamper and
then lift the mold vertically away from the sample. If there is still surface moisture present, the fine aggregate will retain its
molded shape. Recombine the molded portion with the rest of the sample and continue drying. Retest at frequent intervals
with the molded fine aggregate until the tamped material slumps or sloughs away when the mold is lifted. This indicates that
the aggregate is in a surface-dry condition (Note 2).
Table of Contents
Note 1: Where the absorption and specific gravity values are to be use in proportioning concrete mixtures with aggregates
used in their naturally moist condition, the requirement for drying to constant mass may be eliminated and, if the surfaces of
the particles have been kept wet, the 15 h soaking may also be eliminated. Values for absorption and for specific gravity in
the saturated-surface-dry condition may be significantly higher for aggregate not oven dried before soaking than for the
same aggregate tested in accordance with Sec 4. 1.

Note 2: The procedure described in Sec 4, Selection and Preparation of Sample, is intended to ensure that the first trial
determination will be made with some surface water in the sample. If the fine aggregate slumps on the first trial, it has been
dried past the saturated-surface-dry condition. In this case, thoroughly mix a few milliliters of water with the fine aggregate
and permit the sample to stand in a covered container for 30 minutes. The process of drying and testing for the free flowing
condition shall then be resumed.

5. Procedure
5.1 Rapidly weigh and place into the pycnometer 500 g (Note 3) of the fine aggregate, prepared as described in Sec 4,
Selection and Preparation of Sample. Speed is necessary at this point to reduce further loss of moisture from the aggregate.
Fill the pycnometer with water to approximately 90 percent of its capacity. Roll, invert, and agitate the pycnometer to
eliminate all air bubbles, but using care that none of the fine aggregate is lost. Adjust the temperature of the pycnometer to
23 1.7 C if necessary by immersion in a circulating water bath and bring the water level in the pycnometer to its calibrated
capacity. Determine the combined total mass of the pycnometer, sample, and water. Record this and all masses weighed in
this procedure to the nearest 0.1 g.

Note 3: An amount other than 500 g, but not less than 50 g, may be used provided that this mass is inserted in place of the
figure "500" wherever it appears in the formulas of Sec 6.1, 7.1, 9.1, and 10.1. If the mass used is less than 500 g, limits on
accuracy of weighing and measuring must be scaled down in proportion.
5.2 The sample from the pycnometer shall be dried to a condition of constant mass such that it will not lose more than
0.1 percent of moisture after 2 h of drying at the specified temperature. Such a condition of dryness can be verified by
weighing the sample before and after successive 2 h drying periods. In lieu of such a determination, samples may be consid-
ered to have reached constant mass when they have dried at the specified temperature for an equal or longer period than that
previously found adequate for producing the desired constant mass condition under equal or heavier loading conditions of
the oven (Note 4).

Note 4: In lieu of weighing the sample which has been removed from the pycnometer, a second 500 g saturated-surface-dry
sample may be used to determine the dry mass.

6. Bulk Specific Gravity

6.1 Calculate the bulk specific gravity, 23/23 C as defined in MRDTM 103, Terms Relating to Density and Specific
Gravity of Solids, Liquids, and Gases, as follows:

Bulk Specific Gravity = A

B + 500 - C

A = mass of oven dry sample in air, g,
B = mass of pycnometer filled with water, g, and
C = mass of pycnometer with sample and water to calibration mark, g.

7. Bulk Specific Gravity (Saturated-Surface-Dry Basis)

7.1 Calculate the bulk specific gravity, 23/23 C on the basis of saturated-surface-dry aggregate as follows:
Bulk Specific Gravity = 500
(Saturated-Surface-Dry Basis) B + 500 - C

8. Apparent Specific Gravity

8.1 Calculate the apparent specific gravity 23/23 C, as defined in MRDTM 103 as

Apparent Specific Gravity = A

Table of Contents

9. Absorption
9.1 Calculate the percentage of absorption, as defined in ASTM C 125, as follows:

Absorption, % = 500 - A X 100

10. Example
10.1 Mass of oven dry sample in air, A = 475.5 g.
Mass of pycnometer filled with water, B = 1380.7 g.
Mass of pycnometer with sample and water, C = 1700.7 g.
10.1.1 Bulk Specific Gravity =

A = 475.5 = 2.642
B+500-C 1380.7 + 500 1700.7

10.1.2 Bulk Specific Gravity (Saturated-Surface-Dry Basis) =

500 = 500 = 2.778

B+500-C 1380.7 + 500 1700.7

10.1.3 Apparent Specific Gravity =

A = 475.5 = 3.058
B+A-C 1380.7 + 475.5 1700.7

10.1.4 Absorption, % =

500 - A 100 = 500 475.5 100 = 5.15%

A 475.5

11. Report
11.1 Use Form No. MRDWS 303 to calculate and record the test results.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Surface Moisture in Fine Aggregate

MRD Test Method 306

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 142-74)

1. Scope
1.1 This method of test covers a procedure for determining, in the field, the amount of surface moisture in fine
aggregate by displacement in water. The accuracy of the method depends upon an accurate determination of bulk specific
gravity of the material in a saturated-surface-dried condition. The same procedure, with appropriate changes in the size of
sample and dimensions of the container, may be used to determine the surface moisture on coarse aggregate.

2. Apparatus
2.1 A balance having a capacity of 2 kg or more and sensitive to 0.5 g or less.
2.2 A suitable container or flask, preferably of glass or noncorrosive metal. The container may be a pycnometer, a
volumetric flask, a graduated volumetric flask or other suitable measuring device. The volume of the container shall be from
2 to 3 times the loose volume of the sample. The container shall be so designed that it can be filled to a mark, or the volume
of its contents read within 0.5 ml.

3. Test Sample
3.1 The test sample shall be obtained in accordance with MRDTM 302, Method for Reducing Field Samples of
Aggregate to Testing Size, and shall weigh not less than 200 g. The test sample shall be weighed to the nearest 0.5 g. This
should be done as rapidly as possible to avoid loss of surface moisture.

4. Procedure
4.1 Fill the pycnometer or other container to the mark with water at room temperature 23 3 C and weigh.
4.2 Empty the container and refill with enough water to cover the sample. Add the weighed sample from Sec 3.1 and
stir or agitate to remove entrapped air. Fill the container to the mark and weigh to the nearest 0.5 g. Calculate the amount of
water displaced by the sample, as follows:

Ww = Wc + Ws W

Ww = mass of water displaced, g,
Wc = mass of container filled with water, g,
Ws = mass of sample, g, and
W = mass of container and sample, filled to mark with water, g.

5. Calculation
5.1 Calculate the percentage of surface moisture in terms of the saturated-surface-dry fine aggregate as follows:

P= D 100
Ws Wd

P = surface moisture in terms of saturated-surface-dry fine aggregate, percent,
Ww = mass of water displaced, g,
Ws = mass of sample, g, and
D = bulk specific gravity of sand on saturated-surface-dry basis.

6. Report
6.1 The test results shall be recorded and calculated on Form No. MRDWS 303.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Sieve Analysis of Mineral Filler

MRD Test Method 307

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 37-77)

1. Scope
1.1 This method of test covers the sieve analysis of mineral fillers used in road and paving materials.

2. Apparatus
2.1 Balance-The balance shall conform to the requirements given for Class D, Type 1 or 2 balances of MRDTM 102,
Weights and Balances Used in Testing of Highway Materials.
2.2 Sieves-Square-hole, woven-wire cloth 0.075 mm (No. 200), 0.300 mm (No. 50), and 0.600 mm (No. 30) sieves
conforming to MRDTM 101, Sieves for Testing Purposes, shall be used.
2.3 Oven-The oven shall be capable of maintaining a temperature of 110 5 C.

3. Test Sample
3.1 Thoroughly mix the mineral filler in the field sample, and then obtain a test sample for sieve analysis using a spoon
or small scoop. A minimum mass of approximately 100 g of dry material is required for each test.

4. Procedure
4.1 Dry the test sample to constant mass at a temperature of 110 5 C, and weigh to the nearest 0.1 g.
4.2 After drying and weighing, place the test sample on the 0.600 mm (No. 30) sieve, which shall be nested above the
0.300 mm (No. 50) and 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve. The material shall be washed by means of a stream of water from a
faucet (Note 1). The washing shall be continued until the water coming through the sieve is clear (Note 2). The residue on
each sieve shall be dried to constant mass at a temperature of 110 5 C. The masses of material retained on each sieve shall
be calculated as a percentage of the original sample.

Note 1: A spray nozzle or a piece of rubber tubing attached to a water faucet may be used for washing. The velocity of the
water which may be increased by pinching the tubing, shall not be sufficient to cause any splashing of the sample over the
sides of the sieve.

Note 2: Care shall be taken not to let water accumulate on the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve, because it may become clogged
and the operation cannot be completed within a reasonable period.

5. Report
5.1 Report the results of the sieve analysis as the total percentage passing each sieve, expressed to the nearest 0.5
percent on Form No. MRDWS 307.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Unit Mass and Voids in Aggregates

MRD Test Method 308

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 19-80 and 20-42)

1. Scope
1.1 One of the properties of an aggregate related to its unit mass is its gradation, particle shape and specific gravity.
This is a measure of how well an aggregate will pack together or consolidate. How well a material will pack together is
dependent on the amount of air space, or voids, left around the aggregate particles. This test method covers the
determination of the unit mass of, and voids in, fine, coarse, or mixed aggregates.

2. Significance and Use

2.1 This test method is often used to determine necessary unit mass values for use in designing portland cement
concrete mixtures.
2.2 Voids in aggregate for concrete may also be calculated by this method.

3. Apparatus
3.1 Balance-A balance or scale accurate within 0.1 percent of the test load at any point within the range of use. The
range of use shall be considered to extend from the mass of the measure empty to the mass of the measure plus its contents
at 1.6 g/cm (or 100 lb/ft).
3.2 Tamping Rod-A round, straight steel rod, 15.875 mm (5/8 in.) in diameter and approximately 610 mm (24 in.) in
length, having one end rounded to a hemispherical tip of the same diameter as the rod.
3.3 Measure-A cylindrical metal measure, preferably provided with handles. It shall be water tight, with the top and
bottom true and even, preferably machined to accurate dimensions on the inside, and sufficiently rigid to retain its form
under rough usage. The top rim shall be smooth and plane within 0.25 mm (0.01 in.) and shall be parallel to the bottom
within 0.5 degrees (Note 1). Measures of the two larger sizes listed in Table I shall be reinforced around the top with a
metal band, to provide an overall wall thickness of not less than 5.0 mm (or 0.20 in.) in the upper 38.0mm (or 1in.).
3.4 A sheet of plate glass 6 mm ( in.) or thicker, sufficiently large to completely cover the top of the measure with at
least 13 mm ( in.) overhang on all sides.

Note 1: The top rim is satisfactorily plane if a 0.25 mm (0.01 in.) feeler gauge cannot be inserted between the rim and a
piece of 6 mm (or in.) or thicker sheet of plate glass laid over the measure. The top and bottom are satisfactorily parallel
if the slope between pieces of plate glass in contact with the top and bottom does not exceed 1 percent in any direction.

Table 1

Dimensions of Measures
Metric System

of Metal, Size of
Inside Inside Minimum, Aggregate,
Capacity, Diameter, Height, mm Maximum,
Liters mm mm Bottom Wall Mm
3 155 160 5.0 2.5 12.5
10 205 295 5.0 2.5 25.0
15 255 280 5.0 3.0 37.5
30 355 285 5.0 3.0 100.0
Table of Contents

Table 1a
Dimensions of Measures
Alternate Customary System

of Metal,
in. Size of
Inside Inside Aggregate,
Capacity, Diameter, Height, Maximum,
ft in. in. Bottom Wall in.
1/10 6.0 0.1 6.1 0.l 0.20 0.10 1/2
1/3 8.0 0.l 11.5 0.1 0.20 0.10 1
1/2 10.0 0.1 11.0 0.1 0.20 0.12 1
1 14.0 0.1 11.2 0.1 0.20 0.12 4

4. Sampling
4.1 Sampling should generally be accomplished in accordance with MRDTM 301, Sampling Stone, Gravel, and Sand
for Use as Highway Materials, and sample reduction in accordance with MRDTM 302, Reducing Field Samples of
Aggregate to Testing Size.

5. Sample Preparation
5.1 Dry the sample of aggregate to essentially constant mass, preferably in an oven at 110 5 C.

6. Calibration of Measure
6.1 Weigh and record the mass of the empty measure together with the glass cover plate.
6.2 Fill the measure with water at room temperature and cover with the cover plate so as to eliminate bubbles under the
cover plate wipe away any excess water on the measure: plate and balance, and weigh.
6.3 Determine to an accuracy of 0.1 percent, the net mass of water in the measure by subtracting the value obtained in
Sec 6.1 from the value obtained in Sec 6.2.
6.4 Measure the temperature of the water and determine its unit mass from Table 2, interpolating if necessary.

Note 2: The density of any material is affected by temperature; however, it is impractical, if not impossible to perform all
density testing at the same temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to make adjustments for temperature to the values
obtained in the test. To adjust the density at the test temperature to the density at the desired temperature simply multiply by
a factor "K" found by dividing the relative unit mass of water at the test temperature by the relative unit mass of water at the
desired temperature.

Table 2
Unit Mass of Water

Temp, Unit Temp, Unit Temp, Unit

C Mass, C Mass, C Mass,
g/cm3 g/cm3 g/cm3
14 .99928 23 .99757 32 .99505
15 .99913 24 .99733 33 .99472
16 .99897 25 .99707 34 .99438
17 .99880 26 .99682 35 .99406
18 .99862 27 .99655 36 .99367
19 .99843 28 .99627 37 .99330
20 .99823 29 .99598 38 .99299
21 .99802 30 .99567 39 .99253
22 .99780 31 .99537 40 .99224

6.5 Calculate the volumetric factor for the measure by dividing the net mass of the water required to fill the measure (as
determined in Sec 6.3), by the unit mass of water from Sec 6.4.
6.6 Example:
Mass of measure (empty) and cover plate = 8,350 g, (A)
Mass of measure (full) and cover plate = 36,880 g, (B)
Temperature of water = 23 C,
Table of Contents
Unit mass of water at 23 C = .99757 g/cm3
Volume for measure = B A = 36,880 8,350 = 28,600 cm3
C .99757

7. Rodding Procedure
7.1 The rodding procedure is applicable to aggregates having a maximum dimension of 3 7.5 mm (1 in.) or less.
7.1.1 Fill the measure one third full and level the surface with the fingers. Rod the layer of aggregate with 25 strokes of
the tamping rod evenly distributed over the surface. Fill the measure two thirds full and again level and rod as above.
Finally, fill the measure to overflowing and again rod as above. Level the surface of the aggregate with the fingers or a
straightedge in such a way that any slight projections of the larger pieces of the coarse aggregate approximately balance the
larger voids in the surface below the top of the measure.
7.1.2 In rodding the first layer, do not allow the rod to strike the bottom of the measure forcibly. In rodding the second
and third layers, use only enough force to cause the tamping rod to penetrate the top of the previous layer of aggregate.
7.1.3 Weigh the measure and its contents and record the net mass of the aggregate to the nearest 0.1 percent. Divide this
mass by the volume calculated as described in Sec 6.5. The product is the compact unit mass of the aggregate by rodding.

8. Jigging Procedure
8.1 The jigging procedure is applicable to aggregates having a maximum size greater than 37.5 mm (1 in.) and not to
exceed 100 mm (or 4 in.).
8.1.1 Fill the measure in three approximately equal layers as described in Sec 7.1.1, compacting each layer by placing
the measure on a firm base, such as a cement concrete floor raising the opposite sides alternately about 50 mm (or 2 in.),
and allowing the measure to drop in such a manner as to hit with a sharp, slapping blow. The aggregate particles, by this
procedure, will arrange themselves into a densely compacted condition. Compact each layer by dropping the measure 50
times in the manner described, 25 times on each side. Level the surface of the aggregate with the fingers or a straightedge in
such a way that any slight projections of the larger pieces of the coarse aggregate approximately balance the larger voids in
the surface below the top of the measure.
8.1.2 Weigh the measure and its contents and record the net mass of the aggregate to the nearest 0.1 percent. Divide this
mass by the volume calculated as described in Sec 6.5. The product is the compact unit mass of the aggregate by jigging.

9. Shoveling Procedure
9.1 The shoveling procedure is applicable to aggregates having a maximum size of 100 mm (or 4 in.) or less.
9.1.1 Fill the measure to overflowing by means of a shovel or scoop, discharging the aggregate from a height not to
exceed 50 mm (or 2 in.) above the top of the measure. Exercise care to prevent, so far as possible, segregation of the particle
sizes of which the sample is composed. Level the surface of the aggregate with the fingers or a straightedge in such a way
that any slight projections of the larger pieces of the coarse aggregate approximately balance the larger voids in the surface
below the top of the measure.
9.1.2 Weigh the measure and its contents and record the net mass of the aggregate to the nearest 0.1 percent. Divide this
mass by the volume calculated as described in Sec 6.5. The product is the loose unit mass of the aggregate by shoveling.

10. Void Content in Aggregate

10.1 Void content in aggregate can be calculated as follows by using the unit mass as measured by either the rodding,
the jigging, or the shoveling procedures:

Voids, % = (S W) - U X 100
S =bulk specific gravity of the aggregate as determined in accordance with Sec 6 of MRDTM 304, Specific Gravity and
Absorption of Coarse Aggregate, or Sec 7 of MRDTM 305, Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate,
U =unit mass of aggregate as determined in Sec 7, Rodding Procedure, Sec 8, Jigging Procedure, or Sec 9, Shoveling
Procedure in g/cm (lb/ft), and
W=unit mass of water, 1.0 g/cm (or 62.4 lb/ft).

11. Report
11. 1 Record and calculate the test results on Form No. MRDWS 308.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Resistance to Abrasion of Small Size Coarse Aggregate
by Use of the Los Angeles Machine

MRD Test Method 309

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 96-77)

1. Scope
1.1 This method covers a procedure for testing sizes of coarse aggregate smaller than 37.5 mm (1 in.) for resistance to
abrasion using the Los Angeles testing machine.

Note 1: A procedure for testing coarse aggregate larger than 19.0 mm ( in.) is covered in the Method of Test for
Resistance to Abrasion of Large Size Coarse Aggregate by the Los Angeles Machine (ASTM C 535).

2. Apparatus
2.1 Los Angeles Machine-The Los Angeles abrasion testing machine equipped with a counter and conforming in all its
essential characteristics to the design shown in Fig. 1, shall be used. The machine shall consist of a hollow steel cylinder,
closed at both ends, having an inside diameter of 711 5 mm (28 2 in.) and an inside length of 508 5 mm (20 0.2 in.).
The cylinder shall be mounted on stub shafts attached to the ends of the cylinder but not entering it, and shall be mounted in
such a manner that it may be rotated with the axis in a horizontal position within a tolerance in slope of 1 in 100. An
opening in the cylinder shall be provided for the introduction of the test sample. A suitable, dust tight cover shall be
provided for the opening with means for bolting the cover in place. The cover shall be so designed as to maintain the
cylindrical contour of the interior surface unless the shelf is so located that the charge will not fall on the cover, or come in
contact with it during the test. A removable steel shelf extending the full length of the cylinder and projecting inward 89 2
mm (3.5 0.1 in.) shall be mounted on the interior cylindrical surface of the cylinder or on the inside surface of the cover,
in such a way that a plane center between the large faces coincides with an axial plane. The shelf shall be of such thickness
and so mounted by bolts or other suitable means as to be firm and rigid. The position of the shelf shall be such that the
distance from the shelf to the opening, measured along the outside circumference of the cyclinder and direction of rotation
shall not be less than 1270 mm (50 in.).

Note 2: The use of a shelf of wear resistant steel, rectangular in cross section and mounted independently on the cover, is
preferred. However, a shelf consisting of a section of rolled angle, properly mounted on the inside of the cover plate, may
be used provided the direction of rotation is such that the charge will be caught on the outside face of the angle. If the shelf
becomes distorted from its original shape to such an extent that the requirements given in A.2 of the Appendix to this
method are not met, the shelf shall either be repaired or replaced before additional abrasion tests are made.
3.2 Sieves-Conforming to Sieves for Testing Purposes (MRDTM 10 1).
3.3 Balance-The balance shall have a capacity of 5 kg or more and shall conform to a Class E balance as described in
MRDTM 102, Weights and Balances Used in Testing of Highway Materials.
3.4 Oven-The oven shall be capable of maintaining a uniform temperature of 110 5 C.

4. Abrasive Charge
4.1 The abrasive charge shall consist of steel spheres averaging approximately 46.8 mm (1 27/32 in.) in diameter and
each weighing between 390 and 445 g (Note 3).

Note 3: Steel ball bearings 46.0 mm (1 13/16 in.) and 47.6 mm (1 7/8 in.) diameter, weighing approximately 400 to 440 g
each, respectively, are readily available. Steel spheres 46.8 Mm (1 27/32 in.) in diameter weighing approximately 420 g are
also used. The abrasive charge may consist of a mixture of these sizes conforming to the weight tolerances of Sec 4.1 and
4.2 The number of spheres used in the abrasive charge will depend on the grading of test sample as described in Table 1
and shall be as follows:
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Grading Number of Mass of

Spheres Charge, g
A 12 5000 25
B 11 4584 25
C 8 3330 20
D 6 2500 15

5. Test Sample
5.1 The test sample shall consist of clean aggregate representative of the material under test. If the aggregate is dirty or
coated, wash until clean (Note 4). The aggregate shall be dried to constant mass, separated into individual size fractions,
and recombined to the grading of Table 1 most nearly corresponding to the range of sizes in the aggregate as furnished for
the work. The mass of the sample prior to test shall be recorded to the nearest 5 g.

Note 4: If the aggregate is essentially free from adherent coatings and dust, the requirement for washing before and after
test may be waived. Elimination of washing after test will seldom reduce the measured loss by more than about 0.2 percent
of the original sample mass.

6. Procedure
6.1 The test sample and the abrasive charge shall be placed in the Los Angeles abrasion testing machine and the
machine rotated at a speed of 30 to 33 rpm for 500 1 revolutions. The machine shall be so driven and so counterbalanced
as to maintain a substantially uniform peripheral speed (Note 5). After the prescribed number of revolutions, the material
shall be discharged from the machine and a preliminary separation of the sample made on a 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve. The
finer portion shall then be sieved on a 1.70 mm (No. 12) sieve in a manner conforming to Sec 5.1 of MRDTM 204, Sieve
Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates. The material coarser than the 1.70 mm (No. 12) sieve shall be weighed to the
nearest 5 g.

Note 5: Back-lash or slip in the driving mechanism is very likely to furnish test results which are not duplicated by other
Los Angeles abrasion machines producing constant peripheral speed.

7. Calculation
7.1 The difference between the original mass and the final mass of the test sample shall be expressed as a percentage of
the original mass of the test sample. This value shall be reported as the percentage of wear.

8. Report
8.1 Test results shall be recorded on Form No. MRDWS 309.

Table 1
Gradings of Test Samples

Sieve Size Mass of Indicated Sizes, g

Passing Retained A B C D
mm (in.) mm (in.)
37.5 (1) 25.0 (1) 1250 25 - - -
25.0 (1) 19.0 () 1250 25 - - -
19.0 () 12.5 () 1250 10 2500 10 - -
12.5 () 9.5 (3/8) 1250 10 2500 10 - -
9.5 (3/8) 6.3 () - - 2500 10 -
6.3 () 4.75 (No. 4) - - 2500 10 -
4.75 (No. 4) 2.36 (No. 8) - - - 5000 10
Total 5000 10 5000 10 5000 10 5000 10
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Maintenance of Shelf

A.1 The shelf of the Los Angeles Machine is subject to severe surface wear and impact. With use, the working surface
of the shelf is peened by the balls and tends to develop a ridge of metal parallel to and about 32 mm (1 in.) from the
junction of the shelf and the inner surface of the cylinder. If the shelf is made from a section of rolled angle, not only may
this ridge develop but the shelf itself may be bent longitudinally or transversely from its proper position.
A.2 The shelf should be inspected periodically to determine that it is not bent either lengthwise or from its normal radial
position with respect to the cylinder. If either condition is found, the shelf should be repaired or replaced before further
abrasion tests are made. The influence on the test results of the ridge developed by peening of the working face of the shelf
is not known. However, for uniform test conditions, it is recommended that the ridge be ground off if its height exceeds 2
mm (0.1 in.).
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Determination of Percentage of Crushed Aggregate

MRD Test Method 310

1. Scope
1.1 This test method presents a procedure for determining the percentage, by mass, of aggregate particles which have
the characteristics, as determined by visual inspection, of crushed aggregate.

2. Apparatus
2.1 A balance with a minimum capacity of 3000 g and sensitive to 1 g.
2.2 The sieves shall be of the specified sizes for the material being tested and shall conform to MRDTM 101, Sieves for
Testing Purposes.
2.3 A suitable riffle splitter or sample splitter for proportional splitting of the sample into representative portions.
2.4 A spatula, pill knife or similar sharp edged tool for separating crushed and uncrushed aggregate pieces.

3. Sample
3.1 From the material to be tested split a representative sample of sufficient size to provide test portions according to
Table 1 for each size fraction which represents more than 5 percent of the total sample.

Table 1
Test Sample Size

Size Fraction Test Portion,

Passing Retained (minimum
mm (in.) mm (alternate) mass)
37.5 (1) 25.0 (1 in.) 3000
25.0 (1) 19.0 ( in.) 1500
19.0 () 12.5 ( in.) 1000
12.5 () 9.5 (3/8 in.) 500
9.5 (3/8) 6.3 ( in.) 250
6.3 () 4.75 (No. 4) 100
4. Procedure
4.1 Weigh each test portion to the nearest g and record the mass obtained as the test portion mass.
4.2 Spread the test portion on a clean, flat, well lighted surface so that each particle can be observed independently.
4.3 Using the spatula, knife or other similar tool, separate all particles which appear to be mechanically fractured or
crushed from the particles not showing evidence of crushing.
4.4 When all particles are separated into crushed and uncrushed fractions, weigh and record the mass of the crushed
4.5 Repeat the above procedure for each test portion from size fractions representing more than 5 percent of the total

5. Calculations
5.1 In order to determine the percentage of crushed particles in each test portion, the following formula is used:

Percent of Crushed Particles, %

= Mass of Crushed Fraction X 100
Test Portion Mass

5.2 In order to determine the percentage of crushed particles in the total sample, or in that portion retained on the 4.75
mm (No. 4) sieve, the percent of crushed particles for each test portion is multiplied by the percent of the total sample which
is represented by the test portion. The sum of the products for all test portions is divided by the sum of the percentages of
each of the test portions as they occur in the total sample. This gives the weighted average percentage of crushed particles in
that portion of the total sample included in the calculations.
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6. Example
6.1 Assume a sample of mineral aggregate for bituminous wearing course, Class A. The sample as received has the
following gradation:

Sieve Size Percent

mm (alternate)
19.0 ( in.) 100
12.5 ( in.) 90
9.5 (3/8 in.) 74
4.75 (No. 4) 54
2.00 (No. 10) 38
0.425 (No. 40) 20
0.180 (No. 80) 14
0.075 (No. 200) 6

6.2 The specifications for bituminous wearing course require that at least 90 percent by mass of the material retained on
the 4.75mm (No. 4) sieve shall consist of pieces with at least one mechanically fractured face (Note 1).

Note 1: While the specification requirements for bituminous wearing course, Class A, do not include the 9.5 mm (3/8 in.)
sieve, it is often good practice to include intermediate sieves to insure good separation of samples and reduce overloading of
sieves during the screening operations.
6.3 The fractured particle determinations for each of the test portions produced the following results:

Test Portion Percent

Size Fraction Fractured
Passing Retained
mm (alternate) Mm (alternate)
19.0 ( in.) 12.5 ( in.) 96
12.5 ( in.) 9.5 (3/8 in.) 92
L 9.5 (3/8 in.) 4.75 (No. 4) 86

6.4 The weighted average percentage fracture for the material retained on the 4.75 mm (No. 4) portions of the total
sample is calculated as follows:

Sieve Size Test Weighted

Passing Retained Portion, Percent Percent
mm (alternate) mm (alternate) Percent Crushed Crushed
19.0 ( in.) 12.5 ( in.) 10 96 9.6
12.5 ( in.) 9.5 (3/8 in.) 16 92 14.7
9.5 (3/8 in.) 4.75 (No. 4) 20 86 17.2
Totals: 46 41.5

Weighted Average % of
Crushed Particles = 41.5 X 100 = 90.2

7. Report
7.1 Test results and calculations are to be recorded on Form No. MRDWS 310 with results reported on appropriate
Work Sheets or Test Reports for the aggregates tested.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Soundness of Aggregate by Use of Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium Sulfate

MRD Test Method 311

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 104-77)

1. Scope
1.1 This method covers the procedure to be followed in testing aggregates to determine their resistance to disintegration
by the action of saturated solutions of sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate. It furnishes information helpful in evaluating
the potential for aggregates to break down due to weathering action. Refer to the Standard Specifications for test conditions
regarding salt, allowable loss and number of alternations.

2. Apparatus
2.1 The apparatus shall consist of the following:
2.1.1 Sieves with square openings of the sizes listed in, and conforming to MRDTM 101, Sieves for Testing Purposes.
2.1.2 Containers not attacked by the solutions, such as glazed, porcelain crocks, that are sufficiently large to
accommodate the immersion of the samples as described in this test method. The volume of containers shall be such that the
solution in which the samples are immersed is at least five times the volume of samples at any one time. Means of
regulating the temperature of the sulfate solutions shall be provided.
2.1.3 Baskets of wire mesh finer than the sieve used to determine loss as described in Sec 8.1.2 shall be used for each
size of aggregate tested. Pans or other containers without perforations may be used provided none of the sample is lost
during the immersion and drying cycles.
2.1.4 Balance-The balance shall conform to a Class D balance for weighing fine aggregate or a Class E balance for
weighing coarse aggregate, as described in MRDTM 102, Weights and Balances Used in Testing of Highway Materials.
2.1.5 Drying Oven-The oven shall be capable of being heated continuously at 110 5 C and the rate of evaporation at
this range of temperature shall be at least 25 g/h for 4 h, during which period the doors of the oven shall be kept closed.
This rate shall be determined by the loss of water from 1 liter Griffin low-form beakers, each of which shall initially contain
500 g of water at a temperature of 21 2 C, and shall be placed at each corner and the center of each shelf of the oven. The
evaporation requirement is to apply to all test locations when the oven is empty except for the beakers of water.
2.1.6 Mechanical Sieving Device-The mechanical sieving device shall be capable of providing the motion specified in
MRDTM 204, Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates. The fine and coarse sizes are shown in the following table.

Fine Series Coarse Series

mm (alternate) mm (alternate)
0.150 (No. 100) 8.0 (5/16 in.)
0.300 (No. 50) 9.5 (3/8 in.)
0.600 (No. 30) 12.5 (1/2 in.)
1.18 (No. 16) 16.0 (5/8 in.)
2.36 (No. 8) 19.0 (3/4 in.)
4.00 (No. 5) 25.0 (1 in.)
4.75 (No. 4) 31.5 (1 in.)
37.5 (1 in.)
50 (2 in.)
63 (2 in.)
Larger Sizes by
12.5 mm (1/2 in.)

2.1.7 Specific Gravity Measurement-Hydrometers, or a suitable combination of graduated glassware and balance,
capable of measuring the solution specific gravity within 0.001.

3. Special Solution Required

3.1 Sodium Sulfate Solution-The saturated solution of sodium sulfate shall be prepared by dissolving a chemically pure,
U.S.P., or equal grade of salt in water at a temperature of 25 to 30 C. Sufficient salt (Note 1) of either the anhydrous
(Na2SO4) or the crystalline (Na2SO4 10H2O) form shall be added to insure not only saturation but also the presence of
Table of Contents
excess crystals when the solution is ready for use in the tests. The mixture shall be thoroughly stirred during the addition of
the salt and the solution shall be cooled to a temperature of 21 1 C and maintained at that temperature for at least 48 h
before use. Prior to each use, the salt cake, if any, in the container shall be broken up, the solution stirred thoroughly, and
the specific gravity of the solution determined. When used, the solution shall have a specific gravity of not less than 1.151
nor more than 1.174 (Note 3). Discolored solution shall be discarded, or filtered and checked for specific gravity.

Note 1: For the solution, 215 g of anhydrous salt, or 700 g of the decahydrate per liter of water are sufficient for saturation
at 22 C. However, since these salts are not completely stable and since it is desirable that an excess of crystals be present,
the use of not less than 350 g of the anhydrous salt or 750 g of the decahydrate salt per liter of water is recommended.
Experience with the test method indicates that a grade of sodium sulfate designated by the trade as dried powder, which may
be considered as approximately anhydrous, is the most practical for use. That grade is more economically available than the
anhydrous form. The decahydrate sodium presents difficulties in compounding the required solution on account of its
cooling effect on the solution.
3.2 Magnesium Sulfate Solution-The saturated solution of magnesium sulfate shall be made by dissolving a c.p., U.S.P.,
or equal grade of the salt, in water at a temperature of 25 to 30 C. Sufficient salt (Note 2) of either the anhydrous (MgSO4)
or the crystalline (MgSO4 7H2O) (Epsom Salt) form, shall be added to insure saturation and the presence of excess
crystals when the solution is ready for use in the tests. The mixture shall be thoroughly stirred during the addition of the salt
and the solution shall be stirred at frequent intervals until used. The solution shall be cooled to a temperature of 21 1 C
and maintained at that temperature for at least 48 h before use. Prior to each use, the salt cake, if any, in the container shall
be broken up, the solution stirred thoroughly, and the specific gravity of the solution determined. When used, the solution
shall have a specific gravity not less than 1.295 nor more than 1.308 (Note 3). Discolored solution shall be discarded or fil-
tered and checked for specific gravity.

Note 2: For the solution, 350 g of anhydrous salt or 1230 g of the heptahydrate salt per liter of water are sufficient for
saturation at 23 C. However, since these salts are not completely stable, with the hydrous salt being the more stable of the
two, and since it is desirable that an excess of crystals be present, it is recommended that the heptahydrate salt be used and
in an amount of not less than 1400 g per liter of water.

Note 3: To reduce evaporation and prevent contamination, keep the solution covered at all times when access is not needed.

4. Samples
4.1 Fine Aggregates-Fine aggregates for the test shall be passed through a 9.5 mm (3/8 in.) sieve. The sample, obtained
by means of a sample splitter or quartering, shall be of such size that it will yield not less than 100 g of each of the
following sizes that represent 5 percent or more of the total sample of fine aggregate.

Passing Sieve Retained on Sieve

mm (alternate) mm (alternate)
9.5 (3/8 in.) 4.75 (No. 4)
4.75 (No. 4) 2.36 (No. 8)
2.36 (No. 8) 1.18 (No. 16)
1.18 (No. 16) 0.600 (No. 30)
0.600 (No. 30) 0.300 (No. 50)

4.2 Coarse Aggregate-Coarse aggregate for the test shall consist of material from which the sizes finer than the 4.75
mm (No. 4) sieve have been removed. Such sizes shall be tested in accordance with the procedure for fine aggregates. The
sample, obtained by means of a sample splitter or quartering, shall be sufficient to yield not less than the following amounts
of the different sizes for all those sizes that comprise 5 percent or more of the total coarse aggregate sample.
Table of Contents

Screen Size Test Portion

(Square Opening Sieves) Required
4.75 mm (No. 4) to 9.5 mm (3/8 in.) 300 g
9.5 mm (3/8 in.) to 19.0 mm (3/4 In.): 1000 g
Consisting of: 9.5 mm (3/8 in.) to 33 percent
12.5mm (1/2 in.) material:
12.5 mm (1/2 in.) to 19.0 mm (3/4 in.) 67 percent
19.0 mm (3/4 in.) to 37.5 mm (1 1500 g
Consisting of: 19.0 mm (3/4 in.) to 33 percent
25.0 mm (1 in.) material:
(1 in.) material: 25.0 mm (1 in.) to 67 percent
37.5 mm (1 in.) material:
37.5 mm (1 in.) to 63 mm (2 in.) 3000 g
Consisting of: 37.5 mm (1 in.) to 50 50 percent
mm (2 in.) material:
50 mm (2 in.) to 63 mm (2 in.) 50 percent
Larger sizes, by 25.0 mm 3000 g
Spread in sieve size each

4.3 Should the samples contain less than 5 percent of any of the sizes specified in Sec 4.1 or 4.2 that size shall not be
tested, but for the purpose of calculating the test results, it shall be considered to have the same loss in sodium sulfate or
magnesium sulfate treatment as the average of the next smaller and the next larger size, or if one of these sizes is absent, it
shall be considered to have the same loss as the next larger or next smaller size, whichever is present. When the 9.5 to 19.0
mm, 19.0 to 37.5 mm, or 37.5 to 63 mm test samples specified in Sec 4.2 cannot be prepared due to absence of one of the
two sizes of aggregate shown for each, the size available shall be used to prepare the sample tested.

5. Preparation of Test Sample

5.1 Fine Aggregate-The sample of fine aggregate shall be thoroughly washed on a 0.300 mm (No. 50) sieve, dried to a
constant mass at 110 5 C, and separated into different sizes by sieving as follows: make a rough separation of the graded
sample by means of a nest of the standard sieves specified in Sec 4.1. From the fractions obtained in this manner, select
samples of sufficient size to yield 100 g after mechanical sieving for 10 minutes. In general, a 110 g sample will be
sufficient. Fine aggregate sticking in the meshes of the sieves shall not be used in preparing the samples. Samples consisting
of 100 0.1 g shall be weighed out of each of the separated fractions after final sieving and placed in separate containers
for the test.
5.2 Coarse Aggregate-The sample of coarse aggregate shall be thoroughly washed and dried to a constant mass at 110
5 C and shall be separated into the different sizes specified in Sec 4.2 by hand sieving to refusal until none of the particles
being sieved are passed in one minute's time (Note 4). The proper mass of sample for each fraction shall be weighed out and
placed in separate containers for the test. In the case of fractions coarser than the 19.0 mm (3/4 in.) sieve, the number of
particles shall be counted.

Note 4: Finger manipulation of the particles may be used to determine refusal.

5.2.1 Test samples of coarse aggregate shall be weighed to the nearest 1 g.
5.3 For testing ledge rock, the sample shall be prepared by breaking it into fragments, reasonably uniform in size and
shape and weighing approximately 100 g each. The test sample shall weigh 5000 g 2 percent. The sample shall be
thoroughly washed and dried previous to test as described as in Sec 5.2.

6. Procedures
6.1 The samples shall be immersed in the prepared solution of sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate for not less than 16
h nor more than 18 h in such a manner that the solution covers them to a depth of at least 12.7 mm (1/2 in.) (Note 5). The
containers shall be covered to reduce evaporation and prevent the accidental addition of extraneous substances. The samples
immersed in the solution shall be maintained at a temperature of 21 1 C for the immersion period.

Note 5: Suitably weighted wire grids placed over the sample in the container will permit the coverage to be achieved with
very lightweight aggregates.
Table of Contents
6.2 After the immersion period, the sample shall be removed from the solution, permitted to drain for about 15 minutes
and placed in the drying oven. The temperature of the oven shall have been brought previously to 110 5 C. The sample
shall be dried to a condition of constant mass such that it will not lose more than 0.1 percent of moisture after 2 h of drying
at the specified temperature. Such a condition of dryness can be verified by weighing the sample before and after successive
2 h drying periods. In lieu of such a determination, samples may be considered to have reached constant mass when they
have been dried at the specified temperature for a period equal or longer period than that previously found adequate for
producing the desired constant mass condition under equal or heavier loading conditions of the oven. After drying, the
sample shall be cooled to room temperature, when it shall again be immersed in the prepared solution as described in Sec
6.3 The process of alternate immersion and drying shall be repeated until the required number of cycles are obtained.

7. Quantitative Examination
7.1 The quantitative examination shall be made as follows:
7.1.1 After the completion of the final cycle and after the sample has cooled, the sample shall be washed free of the
sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate as determined by the reaction of the wash water with barium chloride (BaCl2).
7.1.2 After the sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate solution has been removed, each fraction of the sample shall be
dried to constant mass at 110 5 C, and weighed. Mechanically sieve the fine aggregate for 10 minutes over the same sieve
on which it was retained before immersion in the solution, and except in the case of ledge rock, hand sieve the coarse
aggregate over the sieves shown below for the appropriate size of particles:

Size of Aggregate Sieve Used to

Determine Loss
mm (alternate) mm (alternate)
63 to 37.5 (2 to
1 in.) 31.5 (1in.)
37.5 to 19.0 (1 to
in.) 16.0 (5/8 in.)
19.0 to 9.5 ( to
3/8 in.) 8.0 (5/16 in.)
9.5 to 4.75 (3/8 in.
to No. 4) 4.0 (No. 5)

7.1.3 In the case of ledge rock the loss in mass shall be determined by subtracting from the original mass of the sample
the final mass of all fragments which have not broken into three or more pieces.

8. Report and Calculations

8.1 The test results and calculations shall be recorded on Form No. MRDWS 311 which includes the following data:
8.1.1 Mass of each fraction of each sample before test.
8.1.2 Except in the case of ledge rock, material from each fraction of the sample passing the sieve used to determine the
loss expressed as a mass percent of the fraction.
8.1.3 The weighted average or mass percentage loss calculated from the percentage of loss for each fraction, based on
the grading of the sample as received for examination or, preferably, on the average grading of the material from that
portion of the supply of which the sample is representative. In these calculations, sizes finer than the 0.300 mm (No. 50)
sieve shall be assumed to have 0 percent loss. The weighted average loss or mass percentage loss shall be computed to the
nearest 0.1 percent.
8.1.4 In the case of ledge rock: 1) the percentage of loss calculated as described in Sec 7.1.3; and 2) the number of
pieces affected, classified as to number disintegrating, splitting, crumbling, cracking, flaking, etc.
8.1.5 Type of solution used (sodium or magnesium sulfate).
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Clay Lumps and Friable Particles in Aggregate

MRD Test Method 312

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 112-80)

1. Scope
1.1 This method covers the approximate determination of clay lumps and friable particles in natural aggregates.

2. Apparatus
2.1 Balances or scales for determining the mass of the test samples shall be sensitive to 0.1 percent of the mass of the
2.2 Rust-resistant containers of a size and shape that will permit the spreading of the sample on the bottom in a thin
2.3 Sieves conforming to MRDTM 101, Sieves for Testing Purposes.
2.4 An oven capable of maintaining a temperature of 110 5 C.

3. Samples
3.1 Aggregate for this test shall consist of the material remaining after completion of MRDTM 206, Amount of
Material Finer than 0.075 mm Sieve in Mineral Aggregates. To provide the quantities designated in Sec 3.3 and 3.4 it may
be necessary to combine material from more than one test by MRDTM 206.
3.2 The aggregate shall be dried to substantially constant mass at a temperature of 110 5 C.
3.3 Test samples of fine aggregate shall consist of the particles coarser than a 1.18 mm (No. 16) sieve and shall weigh
not less than 100 g.
3.4 Test samples of coarse aggregate shall be separated into different sizes, using the following sieves: 4.75 mm (No.
4), 9.5 mm (3/8 in.), 19.0 mm (3/4 in.), and 37.5 mm (1 in.). The test sample shall weigh not less than the masses listed in
the following table:

Size of Particles Making Up Sample Minimum Mass

of Test Sample,
mm (alternate) kg
4.75 to 9.5 (No. 4 to 3/8 in.) 1
9.5 to 19.0 (3/8 to 3/4 in.) 2
19.0 to 37.5 (3/4 to 1 in.) 3
Over 37.5 (Over 1 in.) 5

3.5 In the case of mixtures of fine and coarse aggregates, the material shall be separated into two sizes on the 4.75 mm
(No. 4) sieve, and the samples of fine and coarse aggregates shall be prepared in accordance with Sec 3.3 and 3.4.

4. Procedure
4.1 Weigh the test sample and spread it in a thin layer on the bottom of the container, cover it with water and allow it to
soak for a period of 24 4 h. Any particles that can be broken with the fingers into fines removable by wet sieving shall be
classified as clay lumps or friable particles (Note 1). After all discernable clay lumps and friable particles have been broken,
separate the detritus from the remainder of the sample by wet sieving over the sieve prescribed in the following table:
Table of Contents

Size of Particles Making Size of Sieve

Up Sample for Removing
Residue of
Clay Lumps
and Friable
mm (alternate) mm (alternate)
Fine aggregate
(retained on
1. 18 mm) (No. 16) 0.850 (No. 20)
4.75 to 9.5 (No. 4 to
3/8 in.) 2.34 (No. 8)
9.5 to 19.0 (3/8 to
3/4 in.) 4.75 (No. 4)
19.0 to 37.5 (3/4 to
11/2 in.) 4.75 (No. 4)
Over 37.5 (Over
11/2 in.) 4.75 (No. 4)

4.1.1 Wet sieving is to be accomplished by passing water over the sample through the sieve while manually agitating
the sieve until all undersize material has been removed (Note 1).

Note 1: The breaking of friable particles shall be accomplished by squeezing and rolling them between the thumb and
forefinger. The fingernails shall not be used to break up the particles nor shall they be pressed against a hard surface.
4.2 The retained particles shall be carefully removed from the sieve and dried to constant mass at a temperature of 110
5 C allowed to cool, and weighed to an accuracy of 0.1 percent, based on the original mass of the test sample.

5. Calculation
5.1 Calculate the percent of clay lumps and friable particles in fine aggregate or individual sizes of coarse aggregate as

P = W-R X 100

P = percent of clay lumps and friable particles,
W = mass of test sample (for fine aggregate, the mass of the portion coarser than the 1.18 mm (No. 16) sieve as described in
Sec 3.3), g, and
R = mass of particles retained on designated sieve, as determined in accordance with Sec 4.2, g.

5.2 For coarse aggregates, the percent of clay lumps and friable particles shall be an average based on the percent of
clay lumps and friable particles in each sieve size fraction weighted in accordance with the grading of the original sample.
Should the aggregate contain less than 5 percent of any of the sizes specified in Sec 4.1, that size shall not be tested but, for
the purpose of calculating the weighted average, shall be considered to have the same percent of clay lumps and friable
particles as the next larger or next smaller size, whichever is present.

6. Report
6.1 The test results shall be calculated and recorded on work sheet Form No. MRDWS 312.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Plastic Fines in Graded Aggregates and Soils by Use of the
Sand Equivalent Test

MRD Test Method 313

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 176-73)

1. Scope
1.1 This test is a rapid field test to indicate the presence or absence of detrimental fine dust or clay-like materials in
soils or aggregates.

2. Apparatus
2.1 A graduated plastic cylinder, irrigator tube, and siphon assembly, as shown in Fig. 1. Fit the assembly to a 4 liter (or
1 gal.) bottle of working calcium chloride solution (Sec 2.8) placed on a shelf 915 25 mm (36 I in.) above the work
2.2 An 85 ml (3 oz) tinned measure (ointment can).
2.3 A wide mouth funnel approximately 100 mm (or 4 in.) in diameter at the mouth.
2.4 A clock or watch reading in minutes and seconds.
2.5 A mechanical shaker as shown in Fig. 2, having a throw of 203.20 1.02 mm (8 0.04 in.) and operating at 175 2
cycles per minute. The mechanical shaker shall be securely fastened to a firm and level table.
2.6 A manually operated shaker as shown in Fig. 3 (Note 1), capable of producing an oscillating motion at the rate of
100 complete cycles in 45 5 s, with a hand-assisted half stroke length of 127.00 5.00 mm (5.0 0.2 in.). The shaker
shall be securely fastened to a firm and level table.

Note 1: The mechanical shaker shall be used when performing referee sand equivalent tests.
2.7 Stock solution-Prepare the stock calcium chloride solution with the following: 454 g (1 lb) technical grade
anhydrous calcium chloride; 2050 g (1640 ml) USP glycerine; and 47 g (45 ml) formaldehyde (40 percent by volume
solution); distilled or demineralized water to make up 3.79 liter (1 gal.).
2.7.1 Dissolve the calcium chloride in about 1.9 liter (0.5 gal.) of distilled or demineralized water. Cool the solution to
room temperature and filter through a Whatman No. 12 or equivalent filter paper. Add the glycerine and formaldehyde to
the filtered solution, mix well and dilute to 3.79 liter (1 gal.) with the distilled or demineralized water.
2.8 Working solution-Prepare the working calcium chloride solution by diluting one measuring tin full (85 5 ml) of
the stock solution to 3.79 liter (1 gal.) with distilled or demineralized water.
2.9 A thermostatically controlled drying oven capable of maintaining a temperature of 110 5 C.
2.10 A buchner funnel and filtering flask for filtering the calcium chloride solution.

3. Control
3.1 The temperature of the working solution should be maintained at 22 3 C during the test. If field conditions
preclude the maintenance of the temperature range, frequent reference samples should be submitted to a laboratory where
proper temperature control is possible. It is also possible to establish temperature correction curves for each material being
tested where proper temperature control is not possible. The method for establishing temperature correction curves is
described in the Appendix to this test method.
3.2 The work table or bench shall be a flat, level surface and shall be free of vibrations.

4. Sample Preparation
4.1 The sand equivalent test shall be performed on soils or graded aggregate materials passing the 4.75 mm (No. 4)
sieve. All aggregations of fine grained soil material shall be pulverized to pass the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve, and all fines shall
be cleaned from the particles retained on the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve and included with the material passing the 4.75 mm
(No. 4) sieve.
4.2 Determine the exact amount of material required to provide four test specimens by dipping four measuring tins full
of the material and determining either their combined volume or combined mass. Consolidate the material into the
measuring tins by tapping the bottom on a hard surface while filling. Fill to slightly rounded above the brim each time and
strike off level full with a straightedge. After determining the combined amount, return the material to the original sample.
Table of Contents
4.3 Carefully and accurately split the original sample to produce exactly the amount of material needed for four test
specimens as determined in Sec 4.2.
4.4 Split the premeasured material twice to provide a test specimen of proper size. Do not make adjustments to the
specimen size by adding or removing at this time. As the amount of material being reduced by splitting or quartering is
decreased, the accuracy of providing representative portions is reduced. It is important that the sample be split or quartered
very carefully. If necessary, dampen the material before splitting or quartering to avoid segregation or loss of fines.
4.5 Dry the prepared test specimen to constant mass at 110 5 C, and cool to room temperature.

Note 2: Moist test specimens produce lower values than the corresponding oven-dry specimens with almost no exceptions.
As a time saving procedure in routine work, it is permissible to test materials without oven drying. However, air dried
material which does not meet minimum requirements shall be retested in an oven dried condition and the result for the oven
dried sample will control.

5. Procedure
5.1 Siphon 101.6 2.5 mm (or 4 0.1 in.) of working calcium chloride solution into the plastic cylinder. Pour the
prepared test sample from the measuring tin into the plastic cylinder using the funnel to avoid spillage, Fig. 4. Tap the
bottom of the cylinder sharply on the heel of the hand several times to release air bubbles and to promote thorough wetting
of the sample.
5.2 Allow the wetted sample to stand undisturbed for 10 minutes. At the end of the 10 minute soaking period, stopper
the cylinder, then loosen the material from the bottom by partially inverting the cylinder and shaking it simultaneously.
5.3 After loosening the material from the bottom of the cylinder, shake the cylinder and contents by any one of the
following methods:
5.3.1 Mechanical Shaker Method (Referee Method)-Place the stoppered cylinder in the mechanical sand equivalent
shaker, set the time, and allow the machine to shake the cylinder and contents for 45 1 s.
5.3.2 Manual Shaker Method-Secure the stoppered cylinder in the three spring clamps on the carriage of the hand
operated sand equivalent shaker and reset the stroke counter to zero. Stand directly in front of the shaker and force the
pointer to the stroke limit marker painted on the backboard by applying an abrupt horizontal thrust to the upper portion of
the right hand spring steel strap. Then remove the hand from the strap and allow the spring action of the straps to move the
carriage and cylinder in the opposite direction without assistance or hindrance. Apply enough force to the right hand spring
steel strap during the thrust portion of each stroke to move the pointer to the stroke limit marker by pushing against the strap
with the ends of the fingers to maintain a smooth oscillating motion, Fig. 5. The center of the stroke limit marker is posi-
tioned to provide the proper stroke length and its width provides the maximum allowable limits of variation. The proper
shaking action is accomplished only when the tip of the pointer reverses direction within the marker limits. Proper shaking
action can best be maintained by using only the forearm and wrist to propel the shaker. Continue the shaking action for 100
5.4 Following the shaking operation, by either of the methods in Sec 5.3.1 or 5.3.2 set the cylinder upright on the work
table and remove the stopper.
5.5 Irrigation Procedure-Insert the irrigator tube in the cylinder and rinse material from the cylinder walls as the
irrigator is lowered. Force the irrigator through the material to the bottom of the cylinder by applying a gentle stabbing and
twisting action while the working solution flows from the irrigator tip. This flushes the fine material into suspension above
the coarser sand particles, Fig. 6. Continue to apply the stabbing and twisting action while flushing the fines upward until
the cylinder is filled to the 381 mm (15 in.) mark. Then raise the irrigator slowly without shutting off the flow so that the
liquid level is maintained at about 381 mm (15 in.) while the irrigator is being withdrawn. Regulate the flow just before the
irrigator is entirely withdrawn and adjust the final level to 3 81 mm (15 in.).
5.6 Allow the cylinder and contents to stand undisturbed for 20 minutes 15 s. Start the timing immediately after
withdrawing the irrigator tube.
5.7 At the end of the 20 minute sedimentation period, read and record the level of the top of the clay suspension. This is
referred to as the "clay reading" (Fig. 7). If no clear line of demarcation has formed at the end of the specified 20 minute
sedimentation period, allow the sample to stand undisturbed until a clay reading can be obtained, then immediately read and
record the level of the top of the clay suspension and the total sedimentation time. If the total sedimentation time exceeds 30
minutes, rerun the test using three individual samples of the same material. Read and record the clay column height of that
sample requiring the shortest sedimentation period only.
5.8 After the clay reading has been taken, the "sand reading" shall be obtained by one of the following methods:
5.8.1 When using the weighted foot assembly having the sand indicator on the rod of the assembly, place the assembly
over the cylinder and gently lower the assembly toward the sand. Do not allow the indicator to hit the mouth of the cylinder
as the assembly is being lowered. As the weighted foot comes to rest on the sand, tip the assembly toward the graduations
on the cylinder until the indicator touches the inside of the cylinder. Subtract 254 mm (10 in.) from the level indicated by
the extreme top edge of the indicator and record this value as the "sand reading" (Fig. 8).
Table of Contents
5.8.2 If an older model weighted foot assembly having centering screws is used, keep one of the centering screws in
contact with the cylinder wall near the graduations so that it can be seen at all times while the assembly is being lowered.
When the weighted foot has come to rest on the sand, read the level of the centering screw and record this value as the
"sand reading."
5.9 If clay or sand readings fall between 2.5 mm (0.1 in.) graduations, record the level of the higher graduation as the
reading. For example, a clay reading of 7.95 would be recorded as 8.0, and a sand reading of 3.22 would be recorded as 3.3.

6. Calculations
6.1 Calculate the sand equivalent (SE) to the nearest 0.1 using the following formula:

SE = Sand Reading X 100

Clay Reading

6.2 If the calculated sand equivalent is not a whole number, report it as the next higher whole number, as in the
following example:

SE = 3.3 X 100 = 41.2 which is reported as 42


6.3 If it is desired to average a series of sand equivalent values, average the whole number values determined as
described above. If the average of these values is not a whole number, raise it to the next higher whole number, as shown in
the following example:

Calculated SE values: 41.2, 43.8, 40.9

After raising each to the next higher whole number, they become:
The average of these values is then determined:

3 = 42.3

6.3.1 Since the average value is not a whole number, it is raised to the next higher whole number and the reported
average sand equivalent value is reported as 43.

7. Precautions
7.1 Perform the sedimentation portion of this test in a location free of vibrations; vibrations may cause the suspended
material to settle at a rate greater than normal.
7.2 Do not expose the plastic cylinders to direct sunlight any more than is necessary.
7.3 Removal of Organic Growth-Occasionally it may be necessary to remove organic growth from the working calcium
chloride solution container and from the inside of the flexible tubing and irrigator tube. This organic material can easily be
seen as a slimy substance in the solution. To remove this growth, prepare a cleaning solvent by diluting sodium hypochlorite
(Note 3) with an equal quantity of water. Fill the solution container with the prepared cleaning solvent, allow about a liter of
the cleaning solvent to flow through the siphon assembly and irrigator tube, then place the pinch clamp on the end of the
tubing to cut off the flow of solvent and to hold the solvent in the tube. Refill the container and allow to stand overnight.
After soaking, allow the cleaning solvent to flow out through the siphon assembly and irrigator tube. Remove the siphon
assembly from the solution container and rinse both with clear water. The irrigator tube and siphon assembly can be rinsed
easily by attaching a hose between the tip of the irrigator tube and water faucet and backwashing fresh water through the

Note 3: Chlorox, or its equivalent, has been found satisfactory for this purpose.
7.4 Occasionally the holes in the tip of the irrigator tube may become clogged by a particle of sand. If the obstruction
cannot be freed by any other method use a pin or other sharp object to force it out, using extreme care not to enlarge the size
of the opening.

8. Operator Qualifications
8.1 Before an operator is allowed to perform the sand equivalent test by the hand method, he must meet certain
qualification requirements.
Table of Contents
8.1.1 The operator must be capable of obtaining consistent sand equivalent test results on representative samples of any
given material when the test is performed in accordance with the prescribed procedure. An operator's test results are
considered to be consistent when the individual results of three tests performed by him on representative samples of any
given material vary by not more than 4 points from the average of these tests.
8.1.2 The average of three tests by an operator on any given material must correspond within 4 points with the
average of three tests on the same material when tested using the mechanical shaker method (Referee Method).
8.2 If an operator is not capable of obtaining consistent results with the manual shaker method, or if his results do not
agree with results obtained by the mechanical shaker, he is not to perform the sand equivalent test using the manual shaker
until he has perfected his technique sufficiently to bring his test results into the specified limits without adjusting the
required number of cycles.
8.3 Operators should be required to perform qualification tests whenever their results tend to vary appreciably from
those obtained using the mechanical shaker method. Qualification tests should be made at regular intervals to assure a
reasonable degree of accuracy and standardization of test results.

9. Report
9.1 Test results shall be recorded on Form No. MRDWS 313.
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Table of Contents
Temperature Correction

A.1 Discussion
A.1.1 When it is impractical to perform the sand equivalent test at the temperature required by Sec 3.1, a temperature
correction curve for any specific material being tested can be developed. From this curve temperature correction factors can
be established.

A.2 Procedure
A.2.1 Prepare a minimum of 12 test specimens as described in Sec 4.
A.2.2 Perform tests in groups of three, using working solutions at different temperatures. The solution temperatures
shall be near the upper and lower temperatures expected and at approximately 5 C increments in between. The temperature
for one group shall be 22 3 C.
A.2.3 Establish a correction curve by plotting the temperature of the working solution against the average of the three
test values at that temperature.
A.3.4 This correction curve shall be used to determine the correction which must be applied to obtain a test value
corrected to 22 C.
Example: (See Fig. A-1)

of Solution 7C 12 C 17 C 22 C
No. Test Value
1 52 55 57 59
2 50 55 58 60
3 51 58 59 60
Average 51 56 58 60

A test performed on this material when the temperature of the working solution is 11 C would have to be corrected by +6
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Organic Impurities in Sands for Concrete

MRD Test Method 315

(Adaptation of AASHTO T 21-78)

1. Scope
1.1 This method covers the procedure for an approximate determination of the presence of injurious organic compounds
in natural sands which are to be used in portland cement mortar or concrete. The principal value of the test is to furnish a
warning that further tests of the sand are necessary before it is approved for use.

2. Apparatus
2.1 Glass Bottles-Graduated, oval, clear glass prescription bottles of approximately 350-400 ml size and fitted with
rubber corks, or other stoppers not soluble in the specified reagents.

3. Reagents and Reference Standard Color Solution

3.1 Sodium Hydroxide Solution (3 percent)-Dissolve three parts by mass of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in 97 parts of
3.2 Reference Standard Color Solution-Dissolve reagent grade potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) in concentrated
sulfuric acid (Sp. Gr. = 1.84) at the rate of 0.250 g per 100 ml of acid. The solution must be freshly made for the color
comparison using gentle heat if necessary to effect solution.

4. Sample
4.1 A test sample weighing approximately 300 g shall be obtained in accordance with MRDTM 302, Reducing Field
Samples of Aggregate to Testing Size. Sample drying prior to testing, if necessary, shall be done by air drying only.

5. Procedure
5.1 Fill a glass bottle to the 135 ml level with the sample of sand to be tested.
5.2 Add a 3 percent solution of NaOH until the volume of the sand and liquid, as indicated after shaking, is
approximately 210 ml.
5.3 Stopper the bottle, shake vigorously, and then allow to stand for 24 h.

6. Determination of Color Value

6.1 Preferred Procedure-At the end of the 24 h standing period, fill a glass bottle of the same size and shape to the 75
ml level with the fresh reference standard color solution, prepared not longer than 2 h previously, as prescribed in Sec 3.2.
Then compare the color of the supernatant liquid above the test sample with that of the reference standard color solution and
record whether it is lighter or darker or of equal color to that of the reference standard. Make the color comparison by
holding the two bottles close together and looking through them against a uniformly bright background.
6.2 Alternate Procedure, A-To define more precisely the color of the liquid of the test sample, use five glass, or liquid
Organic Color Number, standards meeting the color specifications prescribed in Table I of ASTM D 1544, Test for Color of
Transparent Liquids (Gardner Color Scale), using the following colors:

Organic Color No. Gardner Color

Standard No.
3 (standard) .11

The preparation and comparison procedure described in Sec 6.1 shall be used except that the Organic Color Number
which is nearest the color of the clear liquid above the test sample shall be reported.
Table of Contents
6.3 Alternate Procedure, B-Instead of the procedure described in Sec 6.1 or 6.2, the color of the supernatant liquid
above the test sample may be compared with a glass having a color equivalent to the color of the reference standard color
specified in Sec 3.2 (Note 1).

Note 1: A suitable instrument consists of the glass color standard mounted in a plastic holder. For the benefit of users of the
alternate procedure, the instrument is provided with all five organic plate number colors.

7. Interpretation of Results
7.1 If the color of the clear liquid above the test sample is darker than that of the reference standard color solution, the
sand under test shall be considered to possibly contain injurious organic compounds, and further tests should be made
before approving the sand for use in concrete.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Acid Insoluble Residue in Carbonate Aggregates

MRD Test Method 316 *

(Adaptation of ASTM D 3042-79)

1. Scope
1.1 This method covers the determination of the percentage of insoluble residue in carbonate aggregates using
hydrochloric acid solution to react the carbonates.

2. Applicable Documents
2.1 MRDTM 204, Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates,
2.2 MRDTM 101, Sieves For Testing Purposes.

3. Significance
3.1 The amount and size distribution of noncarbonate (insoluble) material in carbonate aggregates is an indication of
the polish susceptibility and skid resistance of stone used in pavements. This test is used for acceptance purposes to
delineate carbonate aggregates that may polish excessively and become slippery and those that will not.

4. Apparatus
4.1 Sieves-Standard 203.2 mm (8 in.) diameter, conforming to MRDTM 101 in the following sizes:

mm (alternate)

9.5 ............................................. (3/8 in.)

4.75 ........................................... (No. 4)
2.36 ........................................... (No. 8)
1.18 ........................................... (No. 16)
0.600 ......................................... (No. 30)
0.300 ......................................... (No. 50)
0.150 ......................................... (No. 100)
0.075 ......................................... (No. 200)

4.2 Balance or scale, accurate within 0.1 percent of the test load at any point within the range of use.
4.3 Oven, of appropriate size, capable of being maintained at 110 5 C.
4.4 Agitation equipment, such as a jar mill or a magnetic stirrer.
4.5 Bunsen burner or hot plate.
4.6 Receiving tank, of nonreactive material to receive wash water and residue washed through the 203.2 mm (8 in.)
4.7 Rapid filter paper, acid resistant.
4.8 Safety eyeglasses, rubber gloves, aprons, etc.
4.9 Borosilicate glass containers, for performing acid leaching test.
4.10 pH paper.

5. Reagent
5.1 Purity of Reagents-Reagent grade chemicals shall be used in all tests. Other grades may be used, provided it is first
ascertained that the reagent is of sufficiently high purity to permit its use without lessening the accuracy of the
5.2 Hydrochloric Acid (6 N)-Prepare a 6 N solution of hydrochloric acid (HCl).

*Reprinted, with permission, from the ANNUAL BOOK OF ASTM STANDARDS, Copyright, The American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Table of Contents

6. Samples
6.1 Samples shall be representative of the sources from which they are obtained and shall be reduced to appropriate size
by use of sample splitters or by quartering in accordance with MRDTM 302, Reducing Field Samples of Aggregate to
Testing Size.
6.2 An oven-dry sample weighing a minimum of 500 g shall be used for the test.

7. Procedure
7.1 Prepare and test samples in triplicate for each aggregate sampled.
7.2 Place an aggregate sample weighing a minimum of 500 g in a suitable borosilicate glass container. Slowly add 1000
ml of 6 N hydrochloric acid (HCl) allowing for excessive effervescence or foaming to subside before further addition of
solution. Agitate the container and contents gently by hand until excessive effervescence has subsided (Note 1).

Note 1: The container should be vented to allow gas from the reaction to escape and to be drawn away. Exercise extreme
care to prevent corrosive gas from entering the laboratory atmosphere. The hydrogen chloride gas that may be produced in
the chemical reaction can be destructive to laboratory equipment and can also be a definite safety hazard to laboratory
personnel. Under no circumstances should the test be performed without proper and adequate ventilation.
7.3 Place the container and contents on an agitating device.
7.4 Check the container periodically, and when the reaction appears to have subsided (no obvious bubbling) decant and
add approximately 300 ml of the 6 N HCl and check for a reaction. Collect all decanted solution in a receiving tank for
future use.
7.4.1 If a reaction (bubbling) is observed, continue agitation until the reaction subsides and repeat the procedure,
beginning with Sec 7.4.
7.5 When no reaction is observed, heat the container gently over a bunsen burner or hot plate. Some carbonate materials
will require heating to temperatures of up to 110 C and maintaining this temperature for approximately 1 h in order to
completely react the carbonate fraction.
7.5.1 If no reaction is observed upon heating, proceed with the remainder of the test procedure.
7.5.2 If a reaction is observed upon heating, continue the agitation and repeat the procedure beginning with Sec 7.5.
7.6 When the reaction has stopped, decant the acid solution and add water to the aggregate in the glass container to
thoroughly dilute the acid. The residue in the container should have a pH as indicated by pH paper of more than 5.5.
7.7 Wash the diluted solution and residue from the aggregate sample over preweighed nested sieves placed over a
receiving tank. The nested sieves shall- be of the following series:

mm (alternate)

4.75 ........................................... (No. 4)

2.36 ........................................... (No. 8)
1.18 ........................................... (No. 16)
0.600 ......................................... (No. 30)
0.300 ......................................... (No. 50)
0.150 ......................................... (No. 100)
0.075 ......................................... (No. 200)

7.8 Rinse each sieve with water individually and thoroughly over the lower sieves and into the receiving tank. Dry the
sieves and the residue in a 110 5 C oven.
7.9 When the sieves have cooled to room temperature, weigh each sieve plus the residue and subtract the original mass
of the dry clean sieve to obtain the mass of the residue.
7.10 Dilute the decanted acid solution in the receiving tank with water. The solution in the receiving tank should have a
pH as indicated by pH paper (or a pH meter) of more than 5.5.
7.11 Pour the solution contained in the receiving tank through a 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve and then through rapid
filtering paper placed in glass funnels. Thoroughly rinse with additional water. Preweigh the filter papers and an
evaporating dish.
7.12 When filtration is complete, rinse by filtering clean water, then transfer the paper and the residue into an
evaporating dish and place in oven at 110 5 C for 24 h.
7.13 Weigh the dish, dried filters, and residue. Subtract the mass of the clean filters and dish from the mass of the dish,
filters, and residue to obtain the mass of the residue passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve.
7.14 Dry the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve and residue obtained during the filtering process (Sec 7. 11) in a 110 5 C
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7.15 When the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve and residue have cooled to room temperature, weigh the sieve plus the
residue and subtract the original mass of the dry clean sieve to obtain the mass of the residue (if any) retained on the 0.075
mm (No. 200) sieve from the decanted solution. This quantity should be added to the quantity established in Sec 7.7.
7.16 Examine the residue and describe it with the aid of such mineral and rock identification tests as are necessary and

8. Calculation
8.1 Calculate the cumulative percent of insoluble residue retained on each of the sieves listed in Sec 7.7 expressed as a
percentage of that portion of the original sample mass retained on the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve.
8.2 Calculate the total percent of insoluble residue expressed as a percentage of the total original aggregate sample
8.3 Calculate the cumulative percent of insoluble residue retained on each of the sieves listed in Sec 7.7 expressed as a
percentage of the total original aggregate sample mass.

9. Report
9.1 The report shall include the following:
9.1. 1 Identification and description of the aggregate samples.
9.1.2 Calculated results for each sample and average results for triplicate tests.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Accelerated Polish Test for Coarse Aggregates

MRD Test Method 317

1. Scope
1.1 This test method describes a procedure for determining a relative measure of the extent to which aggregate in the
wearing surface of the roadway will polish under traffic.
1.2 The aggregate samples under test are mounted on a specimen wheel to form a test strip 406mm (16 in.) in diameter
and subjected to the rolling action of a rubber tire. Size 150 silicon carbide grit and water are used to increase the rate of
1.3 Part I of this method covers testing of single component aggregate samples and determining the Polish Value by
using the Wessex Accelerated Polishing Machine and the British Portable Tester.
1.4 Part II of this method differs from Part I only in the use of two-component blends of aggregate particles rather than
a single type of aggregate. Method A of Part II covers the determination of Polish Value of blends by actual testing. Method
B of Part II covers the theoretical determination of Polish Value or blend percentage by use of a formula.
1.5 Part III describes a procedure for determining the amount of differential wear on individual particles of aggregate
subjected to similar abrasive action by measuring quantitatively the loss of particle surface.

2. Part I-Single Component Aggregate

The Polish Value is determined in accordance with ASTM Designation: E 303, Measuring Pavement Surface Frictional
Properties Using the British Portable Tester (Fig. 3).
2.1 Definitions
2.1.1 Initial Friction Value-The average of a set of initial readings on the test specimens before they are polished in the
accelerated polishing machine.
2.1.2 Polish Value-The average of a set of readings on the test specimens after nine hours of polishing in the
accelerated polishing machine.

3. Apparatus
3.1 A Wessex Accelerated Polishing Machine based on a 1958 design by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory
of Great Britain (Fig. 1).*
*Available from: Wessex Engineering and Metal Craft Co., Ltd. Merchants Barton Frome, Somerset, England
3.2 Metal Molds to form a test specimen 90 mm (3.50 in.) long by 44.45 mm (1.75 in.) wide by 16 mm (0.63 in.) deep
(Fig. 2).
3.3 A British Portable Tester to measure the Initial Friction Value and the Polish Value of the test specimens (Fig. 3).

4. Materials
4.1 A 15 kg sample of aggregate representing production.
4.2 Potable water.
4.3 Ottawa sand, Grade 20-30 meeting ASTM Designation: C 190. This material is optional.
4.4 Polyester resin and catalyst for bonding agent with a pot life of about 10 minutes and a curing time of 3-6 hours.
4.5 Mold release agent for use with polyester bonding agent. This material is optional.
4.6 Silicon carbide grit (150 size).
4.7 A supply of disposable cups and spatula or stirring rods for use in mixing the bonding agent.

5. Preparation of Test Specimens

5.1 Seven specimens are required for each material and are to be prepared as follows:
5.1.1 The aggregate to be tested shall pass the 12.5 mm (1/2 in.) sieve and be retained on the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve.
5.1.2 The screened aggregate shall be thoroughly washed clean and dried.
5.1.3 The molds shall be coated with the mold release agent (optional).

Note 1: A mold release agent may be used to facilitate release of the coupon. Generally a polyester compound does not
require this agent.
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5.1.4 The aggregate particles shall be placed in a single layer as closely as possible in the bottom of the mold.
Aggregate particle orientation should allow adequate surface area for polishing as well as bonding.

Note 2: When possible, use of flat, elongated, and odd-shaped particles should be avoided. Generally they will cause
difficulty in placement and will result in erratic or biased Polish Values.
5.1.5 The interstices between the aggregate particles may be filled with the Ottawa sand to a depth between 1/4 to 1/2 the
particle height. This step is optional.

Note 3: The Ottawa sand is needed as a barrier if the bonding agent has high fluidity. Generally a putty-like consistency of
bonding agent eliminates the need for sand.
5.1.6 Prepare the polyester resin and catalyst for bonding agent according to manufacturer's instructions. The
consistency of the polyester shall be such as to allow it to spread onto and between the particles, but not so thin that it flows
into the Ottawa sand (if sand is used) and onto the curved mold surface.
5.1.7 Fill prepared mold to capacity with the polyester bonding agent.
5.1.8 Strike off the bonding agent level with the curved sides of the mold.
5.1.9 Leave the specimen in the mold for a sufficient length of time (3-6 hours) to allow the bonding agent to cure
5.1.10 Remove specimen from the mold and brush any excess sand from the specimen face (if sand was used).
5.1.11 Dress the bottom side of the test specimens with a grinding wheel or belt sander if warping prevents proper
placement on the polishing wheel or British Portable Tester base plate.

6. Procedure
6.1 Calibrate the British Portable Tester in accordance with the procedure outlined in Appendix.
6.2 Determine the Initial Friction Value of the prepared test specimens. The Initial Friction Value is used for reference
6.3 A total of 14 specimens shall be clamped around the periphery of the specimen wheel of the Wessex Accelerated
Polishing Machine. A rubber O-ring is placed on both edges of the test specimens to hold them against the specimen wheel.
The wheel flanges are then bolted into place pressing down upon the O-rings and edges of the specimens firmly holding
them in place.
6.4 A minimum of seven specimens of each material shall be tested to increase statistical accuracy. Dummy specimens
may be used to completely fill the wheel if only one material is to be tested. The outer surfaces of the specimens shall then
form a continuous strip of particles upon which the rubber tire shall ride freely without bumping or slipping.
6.5 The specimen wheel shall be brought to a speed of 320 5 rpm. The rubber tire wheel, inflated to 310 14 kPa (45
2 psi) shall be brought to bear against the specimen wheel and loaded to 391.4 4.4 N (88 1 lbf).
6.6 Silicon carbide grit (size 150) shall be continuously fed to the specimen wheel near the tire contact point at a
constant rate of approximately 6 2 grams per minute along with water fed at the rate of about 50 to 70 milliliters per
6.7 The polishing action shall be continued for a total period of nine hours. Downtime does not affect test results.
6.8 The samples shall be removed from the specimen wheel and washed thoroughly to remove grit.
6.9 After cleaning, the samples shall be tested for Polish Value with British Portable Tester.

7. Report
7.1 The final report shall consist of the average final Polish Values.

8. Part II-Blended Aggregates

This part describes the additional steps to be taken when aggregate blends are tested as differentiated from
single-component aggregates.
8.1 Definitions
8.1.1 Blend-A definite percentage mixture of two materials of different physical characteristics from different locations.

Note 4: Unless specific exceptions are noted, all apparatus, materials, and procedures are identical with those outlined in
Part 1.
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9. Method A-Determination of Polish Value for Random Blends

9.1 The aggregate particles are selected on a percentage basis (i.e., 1 particle to 9 for a 10% blend, or a 1 particle to 4
for 20% blend, etc.). Although selection of particles is random, some care should be exercised in avoiding a preponderance
of odd-shaped particles (such as flakes or blades) for either component.

10. Report
10.1 Initial Friction Values and the average for each aggregate and each blend tested.
10.2 Final Polish Values and the average for each aggregate and each blend tested.

11. Method B-Theoretical Determination of Polish Value and Blend Percentage.

11.1 Definitions
11.1.1 Non-polishing aggregate-An aggregate used to improve the polish value of the aggregate mix.
11.1.2 Polishing Aggregate-An aggregate exhibiting a relatively low polish value which needs to be improved.
11.2 The percentage by volume of non-polishing aggregate to use in a blend to meet a specified polish value is
determined by the following formula:

%PR = 100 [(PVS+2)-PV]


%PR = Percent (by volume) of the nonpolishing coarse aggregate,
PVS = Polish value required by specifications,
PVR = Polish value of non-polishing aggregate (PR), and
PV = Polish value of polishing aggregate to be improved.

11.3 The polish value of the components above are determined as in Part I using single component aggregate coupons.

12. Part III-Determination of Differential Wear

Part III describes a procedure for determining the amount of wear on individual particles of coarse aggregate by measuring
the actual loss of the particle surface as it is abraded on the Accelerated Polishing Machine.

13. Apparatus
13.1 Specimen molds and supplies as in Part I.
13.2 Wessex Accelerated Polishing Machine as in Part I.
13.3 Height measuring dial gage affixed to the frame of the polishing machine. The gage should be accurate to 0.0254
mm (0.001 in.).

14. Preparation of Test Specimens

14.1 A sufficient number of specimen should be made to obtain a valid average figure for each type of aggregate or
blend or composite of aggregates to be tested. Preparation of test specimens is identical to that of Part I. The aggregate
particles of the different types are selected at random and placed at random on the bottom of the mold.
14.2 An alternate method to measure wear on aggregate particles retained in separate type groups is to keep the
particles in quadrants. The quadrant divider is removed before application of the polyester bonding agent.

15. Procedure
15.1 Mount the test coupons on the accelerated polishing machine wheel as in Part I.
15.2 Zero the height measuring gage on a cleaned and marked spot on the wheel flange.
15.3 Mark with a fast-drying contrasting color paint the individual particles to be measured. A minimum of eight
particles per coupon should be marked on the side. In this location the paint will not wear.
15.4 Measure and record the surface elevation of each marked particle of aggregate.
15.5 The wheel is run nine hours for the full test, but it may be stopped at set periods for measurement of wear in order
that a set of values may be taken for rate-of-wear graphs.
15.6 Final height measurements are taken on the marked aggregate particles at the end of the nine-hour run. The loss of
height is then averaged for each type of aggregate tested. These averages represent an index of differential wear or
comparison between the particular aggregates tested in the given composition coupon.
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Calibration of British Pendulum Tester

A.1 Preparation of Apparatus

A.1.1 Leveling-Level the instrument accurately by turning leveling screws until the bubble is centered in the spirit level.
A.1.2 Zero Adjustment-Raise pendulum mechanism by loosening locking knob (directly behind pendulum pivot) and
turn either of the pair of head movement knobs at center of tester to allow slider to swing free of test surface. Tighten
locking knob firmly. Place pendulum in release position and rotate the drag pointer counter clockwise until it comes to rest
against adjustment screw on pendulum arm. Release pendulum and note pointer reading. If reading is not zero, loosen
locking ring and rotate friction ring on bearing spindle slightly and lock again. Repeat test and adjust friction ring until the
pendulum swing carries pointer to zero.
A.1.3 Slide Length Adjustment:
A.1.3.1 With pendulum hanging free, place spacer under adjusting screw of lifting handle. Lower pendulum so edge of
slider just touches surface. Lock pendulum head firmly, raise lifting handle, and remove spacer.
A.1.3.2 Raise slider by lifting handle, move pendulum to right lower slider, and allow pendulum to move slowly to left
until edge of slider touches surface. Place gage beside slider and parallel to direction of swing to verify length of contact
path. Raise slider, using lifting handle, and move pendulum to left, then slowly lower until slider edge again comes to rest
on surface. If the length of the contact path is not between 124 mm and 127 mm (4 7/8 and 5.0 in.) on flat test specimens or
between 75 and 78 mm (2 15/16 and 3 1/16) on curved polishing-wheel specimens, measured from trailing edge to trailing
edge of the rubber slide, adjust by raising or lowering instrument with the front leveling screws. Readjust level of
instrument if necessary. Place pendulum in release position and rotate the drag pointer counter-clockwise until it comes to
rest against adjustment screw on pendulum arm.

A.2 Procedure
A.2.1 Apply sufficient water to cover the test area thoroughly. Execute one swing, but do not record reading.

Note 2: Always catch the pendulum during the early portion of its return swing. While returning the pendulum to its starting
position, raise the slide with its lifting handle to prevent contact between the slider and the test surface. Prior to each swing
the pointer should be returned until it rests against the adjustment screw.
A.2.2 Without delay, make four more swings, rewetting the test area each time and record the results.

Note 3: Care should be taken that the slider remains parallel to the test surface during the swings, and does not rotate so that
one end rather than the entire striking edge makes the initial contact. Available data indicate that tilting of the slider may
cause erroneous readings.
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A.2.3 Recheck the slide contact length in accordance with A.1.3.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Determination of Sulfate Content in Aggregate

MRD Test Method 318

1. Scope
1.1 This test method covers the procedure for determining the amount of water soluble sulfates in aggregates including
calcium sulfate.

2. Apparatus and Materials

2.1 Beaker-An approved 400 ml beaker.
2.2 Balance-Accurate to 0.0001 gram.
2.3 Hot Plate.
2.4 Muffle Furnace.
2.5 Filter Paper.
2.6 Filtering Funnel.
2.7 Wash Bottle (glass).
2.8 Hydrochloric Acid, Reagent grade.
2.9 Ammonium Chloride, Reagent grade.
2.10 Barium Chloride, Reagent grade.
2.11 Methyl Red Indicator.
2.12 Platinum Crucible or Annealing Cup.

3. Procedure
3.1 Weigh 1.000 g of dry aggregate (more if sulfate content is small) into a 400 ml beaker. Add about 200 ml distilled
water and a few drops of methyl red indicator solution and acidify with hydrochloric acid (concentration 10%). Boil to
decompose all possible existing carbonates. Filter the hot solution through a retentive filter paper and wash several times
with hot distilled water. The received filtrate is used for sulfate determination.
3.2 Heat the filtrate close to boiling and add 10 ml of 10% barium chloride solution. Boil until precipitate is well
formed and let stand overnight. Warm filtrate and filter through a retentive filter paper. Wash paper with hot distilled water
until filtrate does not show any white precipitation when checked with silver nitrate. Place the paper and contents in a tared
crucible, slowly char and consume the paper without inflaming. Ignite at 800-900 C, cool in a desiccator and weigh.

% SO4 = W x 100 x 0.41158

Grams Aggregate Used

W = g, barium sulfate (mass after ignition)

3.3 In case the aggregate contains calcium sulfate, weigh out 1.000 gram of aggregate and transfer to 250 ml beaker.
Add 3.0 g of ammonium chloride followed by sufficient water to moisten the mixture. Add 25 ml of concentrated HCL,
cover the beaker with a watch glass and boll 15 minutes on a hot plate. Add 100 ml of hot water, boil an additional 5
minutes and decant through a retentive filter paper. Repeat procedure by adding 3 g of ammonium chloride and 25 ml of
concentrated HCL into the original beaker. Boil 15 minutes on hot plate, dilute with 100 ml distilled water, boil an
additional 5 minutes and filter through the original filter paper. Wash six times with hot distilled water. The combined
filtrate from the above steps is used for sulfate determination. Use step 3.2 for continuation.
Table of Contents
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Chloride Determination in Aggregates

MRD Test Method 319 *

(Adaptation of ASTM D 1411)

1. Scope
1.1 These methods are applicable to the determination of water-soluble calcium, magnesium, and sodium chlorides in
aggregate road materials.

2. Purity of Reagents
2.1 Reagent grade chemicals shall be used in all tests. Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that all reagents shall
conform to the specifications of the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society, where such
specifications are available. Other grades may be used, provided it is first ascertained that the reagent is of sufficiently high
purity to permit its use without lessening the accuracy of the determination.
2.2 Unless otherwise indicated, reference to water shall be understood to mean distilled water or water of equal purity.

3. Preparation of Samples
3.1 Submit samples from the field to the laboratory in sealed containers. For each individual sample, break up any large
lumps in a mortar and quarter the sample. Accurately weigh approximately 300 g (dry mass) of a quartered sample and
transfer it to a 1 liter bottle. Add 479 ml of water, 20 ml of ferric ammonium sulfate (100 g/liter) and 1 ml of ammonium
hydroxide (Sp. Gr. 0.90). Agitate in a shaker overnight or for 12 to 15 h. Filter through fluted filter paper, discarding the
first 50 ml and retaining the remainder. Determine calcium, magnesium, and chloride in the clear filtrate.

Note 1: The addition of ferric ammonium sulfate and ammonium hydroxide should give complete coagulation of most of
the dispersible materials and give clear filtrates.

Total Chlorides
4. Reagents
4.1 Ammonium Thiocyanate, Standard Solution (0. 1 N)-Dissolve 7.6 g of ammonium thiocyanate (NH4SCN) in water
and dilute to 1 liter. Standardize against the 0.1 N AgNO, solution.
4.2 Benzyl Alcohol, Chlorine-Free.
4.3 Nitric Acid (Sp. Gr. 1.42)-Concentrated HNO3.
4.4 Silver Nitrate, Standard Solution (0.1 N)-Dissolve 170 g of silver nitrate (AgNO3) in water and dilute to 1 liter. This
is a primary standard.
4.5 Volhard Indicator Solution-Dissolve 10 g of ferric ammonium sulfate (FeNH4(SO4)212H2O) in 100 ml of water and
add 1 ml of HNO3

5. Procedure
5.1 Acidify a suitable portion of the sample solution (Sec 3) (10 ml aliquot) with 3 to 5 ml of concentrated HNO3 add a
known volume of the 0.1 N AgNO3 solution that is in excess of the amount required to precipitate the chloride, and heat to
boiling to coagulate silver chloride (AgCl). Cool to room temperature, add 3 to 5 ml of benzyl alcohol, and shake
5.2 Add Volhard indicator solution to the solution and titrate the excess AgNO3 with 0.1 NH4SCN solution.

6. Calculation
6.1 Calculate the percentage of total chloride ion as follows:

Chloride, % = [(aN - a'N') X 0.0355] X 100


*Reprinted, with permission, from the ANNUAL BOOK OF ASTM STANDARDS, Copyright, The American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Table of Contents

a = ml of AgN03 solution added,
a' = ml NH4SCN solution required for the titration,
N = normality of the AgNO3 solution,
N'= normality of NH4SCN solution,
b = ml of solution in aliquot taken, divided by 500, and
w = g of sample used.

Calcium Chloride
7. Reagents
7.1 Calcein Modified Indicator.
7.2 Calcium Chloride, Standard Solution -Place 15.00 g of primary standard calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in 300 ml of
water and slowly add concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCI), while stirring continuously. When the calcium carbonate is
dissolved, cool and transfer to a 1 liter volumetric flask. Dilute to volume with water and mix thoroughly. Pipet a 25 ml
aliquot into a 500 ml volumetric flask and dilute to volume with water and mix thoroughly. One ml of the second dilution is
equivalent to 0.000832 g of calcium chloride.
7.3 EDTA Standard Solution-Dissolve 3.792 g of disodium dihydrogen ethylenediaminetetraacetate dihydrate in water
in a I liter volumetric flask and dilute to volume with water. Standardize this solution by titrating 50.0 ml of the dilute
calcium chloride standard solution.
7.4 Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride, 10 percent Solution-Dissolve 10 g of hydroxylamine hydrochloride (NH2OHHCI)
in 90 ml of water.
7.5 Potassium Cyanide.
7.6 Sodium Hydroxide, Standard Solution (2N)-Dissolve 80 g of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in 300 ml of water.
Transfer to a 1 liter volumetric flask and dilute to volume with water.
7.7 Sugar.

8. Procedure
8.1 Pipet a suitable aliquot of the solution of the sample (Sec 3) (10.0 ml of the solution, or approximately 6 g of the
original sample) into a 500 ml Erlenmeyer flask and dilute to about 200 ml.
8.2 Add 10 ml of the hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution, I g of sugar, and swirl to dissolve. Add 40 ml of the 2 N
NaOH solution and 0.1 g of potassium cyanide and about 0.2 g of the indicator.
8.3 Titrate with standard EDTA solution until the indicator changes from green to purple.

9. Calculation
9.1 Calculate the percentage of calcium chloride (CaCl2) as follows:
Let F = g CaCl,/ml EDTA
= 50.0 ml X 0.000832 g CaCl2/ml
ml of EDTA from Standardization

CaCl2, % = a X F X 100

a = ml of EDTA solution required for the sample titration,
b = ml of solution in the aliquot taken, divided by 500, and
w = g of sample used.

Magnesium Chloride
10. Reagents
10.1 Buffer Solution, Approximately pH 10-Dissolve 65.5 g of ammonium chloride in 300 ml of water. Add 570 ml of
ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) (Sp. Gr. 0.90) and dilute to 1 liter with water.
10.2 Eriochrome Black T Indicator Solution-Dissolve 4.5 g of hydroxylamine hydrochloride (HN2OHHCl) in 100 ml
of methanol. Add 0.5 g of Eriochrome Black T and mix.
Table of Contents
11. Procedure
11.1 Pipet a suitable aliquot of the solution of the sample (Sec 3) (10.0 ml of the solution, or approximately 6 g of the
original sample) into a 500 ml Erlenmeyer flask and dilute to approximately 200 ml.

11.2 Add 10 ml of 10 percent hydroxylamine hydrochloride, 20 ml of buffer, 0.1 g potassium cyanide, 5 drops of
indicator, and titrate with EDTA to a color change of red to blue.

12. Calculation
12.1 Calculate the percentage of magnesium chloride (MgCl2) as follows:

Let F = g of MgCl2/ml EDTA

= 50.0 ml X 0.000832 g CaCl2/ml X 0.858

ml of EDTA from Standardization

MgCl2 % = (a'- a) X F X 100


a' = ml of EDTA solution needed to titrate the aliquot for calcium and magnesium,
a = ml of EDTA solution needed to titrate the aliquot for calcium,
b = ml in the aliquot of the original sample solution, divided by 500, and
w = g of sample used.

Alkali Chloride

13. Procedure
13.1 Alkali chlorides are calculated from the difference of the total chloride, and the calcium and magnesium

14. Calculation
14.1 Calculate the percentage of alkali chlorides as follows:

Alkali Chlorides as NaCl, % = (a X 1.648) - (b X 1.053) - (c x 1.227)

a = percent total chorides,
b = percent calcium chloride, and
c = percent magnesium chloride.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Communications
Materials and Research Department

Standard Method of Test for

Total Soluble Salt Content in Aggregates

MRD Test Method 320

1. Scope
1.1 This test method covers the procedure for measuring the amount of water soluble salts in aggregate samples. It does
not determine their chemical composition. Small amounts of salts which are considered insoluble, such as calcium
carbonate, will be unavoidably included since they are sightly soluble. Calcium sulfate is considered soluble. Water of
crystalization is ignored.

2. Apparatus and Materials.

2.1 Balance-Accurate to 0.001 g.
2.2 Beakers-400 ml and 250 ml.
2.3 Hot Plate.
2.4 Buchner Funnel.
2.5 Vacuum Filtering Flask, 500 ml.
2.6 Hard Fine Filter Paper (Whatman #42).
2.7 Asbestos Fiber.
2.8 Oven-Capable of maintaining 130 C.
2.9 Desiccator.

3. Procedure
3.1 A sample weighing 1.000 g and passing a 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve shall be taken from the air dried aggregate
sample. Place the 1.000 g sample in a 400 ml beaker, add 250 ml distilled water, cover and bring to a boil. Remove from
heat and stir thoroughly. Allow to remain undisturbed overnight, 16-18 h. The next day decant the water through the
buchner funnel and filtering flask with vacuum applied. The buchner funnel shall be fitted with 2 filter papers plus a thin
mat of water soaked asbestos fiber. Wash filter after sample water has filtered through. (The same filter may be used for
several samples.) Transfer filtrate to 400 ml beaker and evaporate water on hot plate to about 50 ml. Transfer to tared 250
ml beaker and continue evaporation to about 10 ml (or sooner if salt content is high). Dry to constant mass in oven at 130 C.
After weighing test the residue for chlorides and sulfates. If the residue is less than 10 mg (1% of sample) and there are no
chlorides and sulfates, assume all soluble salts to be removed. Otherwise continue the leaching process (250 ml water and
standing overnight) until all soluble salts are removed. Add the residue mass from each leach to obtain final answer.

Soluble Salts, % = (Mass Beaker & Salts) - Mass Beaker X 100

Sample Mass
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