Digital Citizenship Lesson Plan Madisonpinkardalaurenharriskaitlynnmang

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Title: How does online communication affect your real

life relationships?
Grade: 3rd
Overall Goal: Students should develop a habit of being overly conscious of what they post/say
online and realize the effects it has on both their relationships on and offline. With this habit
students will see the consequences of not using technology appropriately through a discussion
with a police officer, an online game, and a board game.

Standards Learning Objective Assessment

3-5.IC.1 Students should be able to explain To show the

Discuss basic issues related to the importance of using technology students have
responsible use of technology appropriately. learned these
and information, and the Students should learn what objectives they will
consequences of inappropriate information should and should not discuss why these
use. be put on the internet. things are important.
Students should be able to express They will also do a
the consequences of using kahoot at the end of
technology in a hurtful/dangerous their game time.

3-5.IC.2 Students should have knowledge To show they have

Identify the impact of technology that it is important the way they talk learned this skill
(e.g., social networking, cyber online to anyone because it will they will not be able
bullying, mobile computing and affect their personal life outside of to advance on the
communication, web the internet as well as on the online game without
technologies, cyber security, and internet. learning it. This will
virtualization) on personal Students should view how the also be addressed
life and society. internet can be a harmful tool if not in the kahoot.
used correctly and responsibly.

3-5.IC.4 Students should have an To show students

Understand ethical issues that understanding of how to be safe on have learned this
relate to computers and the internet by: using strong they will participate
networks (e.g., equity of access, passwords, not allowing access of in the group
security, privacy, copyright, and personal information to strangers, discussion and also
intellectual property). and only using safe and protected be tested through
websites. the kahoot.
3.SL.2.1 Students should be able to discuss Students will be
Engage effectively in a as a class the importance of assessed by
range of collaborative relationships and communication explaining back to
discussions (one-on-one, in online. us the importance of
groups, and teacher-led) on Students should also be able to staying safe online
grade-appropriate topics and work together in groups to complete and explain to us
texts, building on others ideas the board game and discuss how to the reasoning for
and expressing personal ideas make decisions. making the
clearly. decisions they do
throughout the
board game.

Key Terms & Definitions:

Communication: Exchanging of information or news

Relationship: The way in which two people are connected
Safety: The protection from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury
Private: Belonging to one person or group of people only
Share: Having a portion of something with another or others
Online: Connected by computer or network
Review: Examine with a possibility of changing if necessary
Reputation: Beliefs or opinions that are held about someone or something
Tone: General character or attitude of someone
Etiquette: Polite behavior in society
Language: Method of communication used by a community
Kindness: The quality of being friendly, generous, or considerate
Intentions: A thing intended; an aim or plan
Consideration: Careful thought typically over a period of time
Digital citizenship: The norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to the use of
Discussion: The process of talking about something
Collaboration: Working with others to make something
Personal: Belonging to one person only

Lesson Introduction (Hook, Grabber):

An officer will come in unannounced and tell the students information about these main points:
Being safe in online chatrooms, you never know who youre talking to
Help students recognize that different audiences require different types of
communication and online etiquette
Show students examples how to solve online dilemmas in an ethical manner
Help students see the motives, intentions and feelings behind their words online
Lesson Main: After the students finish their discussion with the officer they will go to their seats.
To introduce the students to the topics that will be covered in the board game they will watch this
short video about being a good digital citizen.

Then the teacher will show the students the Be Internet Awesome website so that they can
become familiar with it for the game.

During the board game activity students should learn the importance of what they say/share
online. They will see how quickly information can spread and how it can be hurtful to those
around them. The directions will be posted on the board at the front of the room. To play the
game students will be given a game board, player pieces, reaction cards, friend cards and an
ipad or ipads to view QR codes. Ideally there would be enough boards and supplies for the
whole class but in the example there is only one set. The idea of the game is; there should be 4
players per game board, students want to reach the end of the board (A school) without losing a
friend (they start with 4 friends). As each student rolls their dice they move that many spaces on
the board. The board spaces are either a QR code linking to the Be Internet Awesome Google
game ( or a reaction card
space. Students will scan the QR code on the game board that is labeled to roll the dice and use to randomly roll one dice if actual dice are unavailable. If the
student lands on the QR code space they will scan the code which will lead to one of the 4
worlds in the game. They will play that one world with their classmates then move onto to the
next player. Three other QR codes lead to web pages quizzing the students on making the right
online decisions, if they get the question right they have the opportunity to gain back a friend. If a
student lands on a reaction card space they draw a card from the stack. These cards have
reactions from friends online, the friends are responding to an online chatroom. Some cards will
be negative, this means they got their feelings hurt in the chat room by the player. Some cards
will be positive, meaning the player either stuck up for the friend or said something nice to them.
If a player draws 2 negative reaction cards they lose a friend card. The goal is to finish the game
with more friends left than other players.

After the game is finished have students come back together as a class and ask what they
learned from the officer and the games. This will lead into a seminar revolving around whatever
the students found most important from these activities. This will focus on the discussion
standard. This is how students will show they know how to have a group conversation about a
topic theyve learned.
Lesson Ending:
Students will do a quiz about communication individually and share their result along with what
they can do personally to improve their own online communication etiquette. This activity will
collectively gauge students on their new skills with computer and online etiquette. A great way
for students to begin talking about their reflection is by saying, I learned that _____ is good/bad
online etiquette, and one thing that I can improve about my online etiquette is ____

Assessment Rubric:

Resources / Artifacts:

1. Students with all different ability levels can play the board game because it will be
designed to accommodate for all different levels with different types of questions. Since
students will be working in groups, students with different ability levels will be paired up
to use their full potential of knowledge.
2. Students from all different demographics will be addressed through the scenarios given
throughout the game.
3. If needed, students who arent primarily English speaking will be provided with translated
resources but will be challenged to discuss among the class in our common language to help
them get comfortable speaking it.
4. WiFi and Internet is needed to play this game, however if the Internet is not accessible,
scenarios will be given from the instructor in place of the QR codes.

Anticipated Difficulties:

Students may have trouble understanding how the online game works, to help students
out the instructor should give a preview of the game. Though the game explains what is
going on as the game advances.
Students may also have trouble playing the board game, this is why they will be in groups
to help students learn to work together to solve problems. There will also be instructions
how to play on the board.
Students may have trouble focusing on the game. To avoid this problem we will have a
way for everyone to be involved this is through the online game.

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