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PEC Ingls Instrumental I

Andrea Stoican


1) Translate the following sentences into English:

a) Este no es el perro de nuestros vecinos; es el de Juan y Mara.

a- This is not our neighbours dog; It is Juan and Marias.

b) Dijo que ni escribira l mismo la carta ni dejara que la escribiese Laura.

b- He said that he would not write the letter nor would let Laura write it.

c) Lleva trabajando en Zara desde hace ms de dos aos.

c- She/he has been working for Zara for more than two years.

d) Es mucho ms delgada que su hermana pero no tan guapa como ella.

d- She is much thinner than her sister but not as pretty as her.

e) Recibi dos docenas de rosas rojas por su cumpleaos.

e- She got two dozen red roses for her birthday.

f) Se lav las manos, se pein y se mir en el espejo antes de salir de casa.

f-She washed her hands, brushed her hair and looked himself at the mirror before she go out.
2) Composition:

What do you think of the text in Unit 3 (Drinking Tea in Britain)? Is it funny? Old
fashioned? Too stereotyped? Does it represent England today? Write a short essay
(about 150 words) giving your opinion on the text and on British people in general.

After reading unit 3 text my opinion is pretty clear.

First of all I must say that in my opinion the text was so funny, its a typical discuss with one of
your friends. Apart from that I found it a little stereotyped.

As an example of that I can mention when Sharon thinks that is incredible the fact that Tony
doesnt like tea cause he is from British.

We cant generalize peoples likes or dislikes based on their country, furthermore I have to say
that I am spanish and I dont like bulls, so just we cant generalize.

Thus I dont think that all British people like to eat fish and chips or tea, mostly it can be but not
all for sure.

In fact, in my opinion, usually British people are so polite and kind, but that doesnt mean that
every single British people have to be polite and kind.

To conclude I must say that appart from all what I said the text is very funny and Sharon
convince me to drink green tea without sugar on it.

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