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Paper mcqs 20 each paper for IR CSS 2017

2. 1st chair woodrow wilson, zimmerman
3. neorealism concepts structuralism, geopolitics fp etc
4. balance of threa, walt
5. offensive/defensive neo realism, Power+Security maximizer
6. Realist+Rational+revolution smthng theory
7. NPT
8. Detente relaxation
9. graham allison FP decision, rational actor+bureaucracy+state decision
10. Constructivism main person
11. tragedy of gr8 power politics, mearshimer
12. newest state, sudan probably
13. Russia is semi presidential
14. French PM
15. US electoral college = 538
16. IBRD = int bank on development reconstruction
17. ostopolitik = east...
18. Gatt = trade tariff
19. Complex INterdependence = robert kohane + joseph nye
20. GDR = East Germany
21. Dayton Peace = bosnia

Paper 2 MCQs

1. Defense Minister khawaja

2. CPEC route ?
3. Zarb e azab 15/6
4. Yemen strike 26/3
5. CO2 emissions china
6. Higher then hope mandella
7. mi5 uk
8. Modern Slavery bill uk
9. No army = iceland
10. Nato Sec Gen = Stollenberg
11. Eurozone = 18
12. Weapon exports USA
13. largest Gas = Russia i think
14. Iran Pak = Peace Pipe
15. Peace Angel 2014 = Sino Pak
16. APS 16 dec
17. Bandung 1955
18. Peaceful Coexistance = Kruschev
19. 92 environment conf = rio
20. rise & fall of gr8 power = paul kennedy

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