Wencislyn Quisado Grade 11 (Speech)

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Wencislyn Quisado grade 11 - CSS- 113

1.) Accommodate to make fit or suitable.

2.) Abate to put an end.

3.) Able-bodied having a sound strong body.

4.) Abolish to do away.

5.) Abrupt- broken, so quick as to seem rude.

6.) Abutment a structure that support weight.

7.) Abyss the bottomless pit of old accounts of the universe.

8.) Cappella- without instrumental accompaniment.

9.) Accost to approach & speak.

10.) Acidosis an abnormal state of reduced alkalinity of the blood & body tissues.

11.) Acquisitive eager to acquire.

12.) Acrophobia abnormal dread of being a great height across.

13.) Acrostic a series of words of equal length arranged to read the same horizontally or vertically.

14.) Actinium -a radioactive metallic chemical element.

15.) Actuary an expert who calculates insurance risks & premium.

16.) Adenoid an enlarged mass of tissue near the opening of the nose into the throat.

17.) Adjudicate- to settle judicially.

18.) Admittance- permission to enter.

19.) Adroit- dexterous with one hand.

20.) Adulation excessive or servile praise (flattery).

21.) Adumbrate- to foreshadow vaguely, suggest or disclose partially.

22.) Advocate- one who pleads anothers cause, who argue.

23.) Aerospace- the earths atmosphere& space beyond.

24.) Aesthetics- a branch of the philosophy dealing with beauty & the beautiful.

25.) Affix- attach, fasten.

26.) Afghan- a blanket or shawl of colored wool knitted.

27.) Aggrandize- to make great or greater.

28.) Afterglow- sky after sunset, where a light has disappeared.

29.) Agrarian- relating to land or relating to famers.

30.) Agitate to move with an irregular rapid motion.

31.) Ailment- a bodily disorder.

32.) Ague- a fever with recurrent chills and sweating.

33.) Airfield- the leading field of an airport.

34.) Airstrip_ a runway without normal airport facilities.

35.) Alacrity- cheerful readiness.

36.) Albino- a person or lower animal lacking coloring matter in the skin.

37.) Alimentary- relating to or functioning in nourishment or nutrients.

38.) Alkaloid- any of virous usu.

39.) Allocate- allot, assign.

40.) Allude- to refer indirectly or by suggestion.

41.) Automobile- vehicles for passenger.

42.) Auxiliarty providing help.

43.) Aviary a place where live birds are kept.

44.) Avionics- the production of electrical device for use avialation.

45.) Avant garde- who create, who apply it.

46.) Bald- lacking a natural or anural or u dealing without hanging ornaments.

49.) Barb- a sharp, hooked or back extending projection.

50.) Baronet- a man holding rank of honor below.

51.) Barricade- a hastily thrown-up obstruction.

52.) Basque- a member of a people inhabiting region.

53.) Bayonet- to use or stab with a bayonet.

54.) Beach comber- a drifter, loafer, or casual worker.

55.) Beatific- giving or indicatve of great joy or bless.

56.) Bedazzle- to confuse by or as if by a strong light.

57.) Bedraggled- soiled and disorder.

58.) Beetle- a heavy tool for hammering or ramming.

59.) Beguile- deceive, cheat.

60.) Belle- an attractive and popular girl or woman.

61.) belligerent- waging war.

62.) Bellwether- one that takes the lead or initiative.

63.) Benign- kindly disposed.

64.) Benzine-any of various flammable petroleum distillates.

65.) Barkelium- an artificially radioactive.

66.) Beryllium- a light strong metallic.

67.) Bichiolride- poisonous compound of mercury.

68.) Cacophony- harsh.

69.) Caduceus- an insignia bearing a caduceus & symbolizing a physician.

70.) Campstool- a folding backless seat.

71.) Camisole- a short sleeves undergarment for women.

72.) Candlewick a soft cotton yarn.

73.) Cannelcaol- a nituminous caol containing much volatile matter that burns brightly.

74.) Cantor-a synangogue official who signs liturgical music & leads the congregation in prayer.

75.) Capsize- overturn.

76.) Caravansary- hotel inn, an inn in eastern countries where caravans rest at night.

77.) Carbolic acid- synthesis & used in solution as an antiseptic and disinfectant and in making plastic.

78.) Careworn- showing effects of grief or anxiety.

79.) Carnal- relating to the body.

80.) Caretaker- one in charge.

81.) carload- that fills a car.

82.) Castrate- to deprive of sex glands.

83.) Casuistry- adroit but false.

84.) Catapult- an ancient military machine for hurling missiles.

85.) Causeway- a raised way.

86.) Cecum_ the blind pouch at the beginning of the large intestine into one side of which the small
intestine opens.

87.) Cerulean- azure.

88.) Chalet- a herdsmans cabin in the style of a swiss cottage with a wide roof overhang ang balconies.

89.) Chaste- innocent of unlawful sexual intercourses.

90.) Chignon- a knot of hair worn at the back of the head.

91.) Chime- to make bell-like sounds.

92.) Chiroparctic- a system of healing based.

93.) Chronic- marked by long duration.

94.) Churn- to stir in churn also to make 9butter0 by such stirred.

95.) Clad- clothed, covered.

96.) Clerical- relating to the clergy of clergy.

97.) Coarsen- to make or become coarsen.

98.) Coalition- Union, temporary union for common purpose.

99.) Clover- any of numerous leguminous herbs.

100.) Coitus- sexual intercourse.

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