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Ron Vincent A.




A power cycle operates between a reservoir at temperature T and a lower-temperature reservoir at 250
K. At steady state, the cycle develops 40 kW of power while rejecting 1000 kJ/min of energy by heat
transfer to the cold reservoir. Determine the minimum theoretical value for T, in K. PROBLEM 2.0 A
reversible power cycle whose thermal efficiency is 45% operates between a reservoir at 1600 K and a
reservoir at a lower temperature T. Determine T, in K.


An inventor claims to have developed a device that executes a power cycle while operating between
reservoirs at 800 and 350 K that has a thermal efficiency of (a) 56%, (b) 40%. Evaluate the claim for each


Ocean temperature energy conversion (OTEC) power plants generate power by utilizing the naturally
occurring decrease with depth of the temperature of ocean water. Near Florida, the ocean surface
temperature is 27C, while at a depth of 700 m the temperature is 7C. (a) Determine the maximum
thermal efficiency for any power cycle operating between these temperatures. (b) The thermal
efficiency of existing OTEC plants is approximately 2 percent. Compare this with the result of part (a) and


One kilogram of air as an ideal gas executes a Carnot power cycle having a thermal efficiency of 60%.
The heat transfer to the air during the isothermal expansion is 40 kJ. At the end of the isothermal
expansion, the pressure is 5.6 bar and the volume is 0.3 m3. Determine: (a) the maximum and minimum
temperatures for the cycle, in K. (b) the pressure and volume at the beginning of the isothermal
expansion in bar and m3, respectively. (c) the work and heat transfer for each of the four processes, in
kJ. (d) Sketch the cycle on pv coordinates.


The working substance for a Carnot Cycle is 8 lb of air. The volume at the beginning of isothermal
expansion is 9 cu ft and the pressure is 300 psia. The ration of expansion during the addition of heat is 2
and the temperature of the cold body is 90F. Find: (a) QA and QR (b) V3 and P3 (c) V4 and P4 (d) Pm (e)
The ratio of expansion during the isothermal process (f) The overall ratio of compression

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