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Office use only

Business activity

Document ID


Form due on
When completing this form:
n print clearly using a black pen Payment due on
n round down to whole dollars (do not show cents) GST accounting method
n if reporting a zero amount, print 0 (do not use NIL)
n leave boxes blank if not applicable (do not use N/A, NIL) Contact phone number
n do not report negative figures or use symbols such as +, , /, $. Authorised contact person
who completed the form
Goods and services tax (GST)

Complete Option 1 OR 2 OR 3 (indicate one choice with an X)

Option 1: Calculate GST and report quarterly Option 2: Calculate GST quarterly and report annually
Total sales OR Total sales
(G1 requires 1A completed) G1 $ , , .00 (G1 requires 1A completed) G1 $ , , .00
Does the amount shown
Does the amount shown atG1include GST? Yes No
at G1 include GST? Yes No (indicatewithX)
Report GST on sales at 1A and GST on purchases at 1B
intheSummary section over the page
Export sales G2 $ , , .00

Option 3: Pay GST instalment amount quarterly

Other GST-free sales G3 $ , , .00 OR

.00 G21 $
Capital purchases G10 $ , ,
Write the G21 amount at 1A in the Summary section over the page
.00 (leave1B blank)
Non-capital purchases G11 $ , ,
OR if varying this amount, complete G22, G23, G24
Report GST on sales at 1A and GST on purchases at 1B
in the Summary section over the page Estimated net G22 $ .00
GSTfortheyear , ,

Varied amount payable .00

forthe quarter G23 $ , ,
Write the G23 amount at 1A in the Summary section over the page
(leave1B blank)
Reason code for variation G24

NAT 4189-03.2014 [JS 29398]

BPAY Credit card
Contact your financial institution to make this payment from Payments can be made online or by phone, visit our
your cheque or savingsaccount. You will need the details website orphone 1300 898 089.
listedbelow. Acardpayment fee applies.

Biller Code: 75556

Reference: Your EFT code (shownon the front Other payment options
ofyourpayment slip directly above the barcode) For more information about other payment options, youcan:
n visit our website at
n phone us on 1800 815 886.

Payments cannot be made in person atany of our branches

PAYG tax withheld PAYG income tax instalment

Total salary, wages and

Complete Option 1 OR 2 (indicate one choice with X)
other payments W1 $ , , .00
Option 1: Pay a PAYG instalment amount quarterly

Amount withheld from W2 $ .00

payments shown at W1 , , T7 $
Write the T7 amount at 5A in the Summary section below
Amount withheld where OR if varying this amount, complete T8, T9, T4
no ABN is quoted W4 $ , , .00
Estimated tax for the year T8 $ , , .00
Other amounts withheld
(excluding any amount W3 $ , , .00 Varied amount payable
shown at W2 or W4) forthe quarter T9 $ , , .00
Write the T9 amount at 5A in the Summary section below
Total amounts withheld
(W2 + W4 + W3) W5 $ , , .00 Reason code for variation T4
Write the W5 amount at 4 in the Summary section below OR
Option 2: Calculate PAYG instalment using income times rate
Reason for varying (G24 & T4) Code Obligation PAYG instalment income T1 $ , , .00
Change in investments 21 PAYG only
Current business structure not continuing 22 GST & PAYG T2 %
Significant change in trading conditions 23 GST & PAYG OR
Internal business restructure 24 GST & PAYG New varied rate T3 . %
Change in legislation or product mix 25 GST & PAYG
Financial market changes 26 GST & PAYG T1 x T2 (or x T3) T11 $ , , .00
Use of income tax losses 27 PAYG only
Write the T11 amount at 5A in the Summary section below

Reason code for variation T4

Amounts you owe the ATO Amounts the ATO owes you
GST on sales
or GST instalment 1A $ , , .00 GST on purchases 1B $ , , .00
Do not complete 1B if using GST instalment amount (Option 3)
PAYG tax withheld 4 $ , , .00

.00 Credit from PAYG income tax .00

PAYG income tax instalment 5A $ , , instalment variation 5B $ , ,
Deferred company/fund 7 $ .00
instalment , ,

1A + 4 + 5A + 7 8A $ , , .00 1B + 5B 8B $ , , .00
Payment or refund?
then write the result of 8A minus 8B at 9. This amount is Your payment or refund amount
Is 8A more than 8B? payable to the ATO.
(indicate with X) 9 $ , , .00
then write the result of 8B minus 8A at 9. This amount is
No, Do not use symbols such as +, , /, $
refundable to you (or offset against any other tax debt you have).
Declaration I declare that the information given on this form is true and correct, and that Return this completed form to HRS MINS
I am authorised to make this declaration. The tax invoice requirements have been met.
Estimate the time taken to complete
this form. Include the time taken to
Signature Date / / collect any information.
T axation laws authorise the ATO to collect information including personal information about individuals who may complete this form. For information about privacy and
personalinformation go to Activity statement instructions are available from or can be ordered by phoning 13 28 66.

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