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Public Procurement Acts, Regulations, Cycles,

Methods of Procurement and Types of Contract

Shanker.K.Shrestha, Director, PPMO 2070-01-19
Contain Coverage:

Legal Framework and Institutional arrangements (Procurement Act,

Regulations, Procurement Plan and Procurement Master Plan)
Procurement Cycles
Methods of Procurement
Types of Contract
Current Issues

Related to the General Public

Legal Framework and Institutional

Basic Knowledge about

legal framework for public

19-01-2070 Basic Knowledge 4

vl/b (Procurement)
lglh vl/b -Private Procurement)
lglZrt k|lqmof gx'g]
cfgf] p2]Zo k"lt{ ug{ plrt d'Nodf :t/Lo vl/b ug]{

;fj{hlgs vl/b -Public Procurement)

lglZrt k|lqmof x'g]
ldtJooLtfsf] cnfjf pQ/bfloTj x'g] / cfk"lt{stf{nfO{ ;dfg kx'Fr
cGt/fli6o lgod / d'No dfGotfnfO{ Wofg lbg]
;j{;fwf/0fsf] lxt ;+/If0f ug
k[i7e"dL M

o ljZj a}+sn]] @))@ df u/]sf] Country Procurement Assessment Review (CPAR) k5Lsf] ;'emfj
o cfly{s k|zf;g;DaGwL lgodfjnL @)%^ sf] ck"0f{tf / eljiosf] ljsf; ;+efJotfnfO{ ;d]6\g' kg]{
o vl/b;DaGwL 5ftf P]gsf] cefj dx;'z
o e|i6frf/;DaGwL ;+o'St /fi6 ;+3sf] cGt//fli6o ;Dd]ngdf g]kfnn] u/]sf]] k|ltatf
o g]kfn ljsf; d~r - @))$_ df JoSt rf;f]
o a}b]lzs C0f tyf ;xfotfdf /flvg] ul/Psf k"j{zt{x?
o vl/b;DaGwL cGt/fli6o cEof;;+u g]kfnsf] ;fj{hlgs vl/b Joj:yf ldNbf] h'Nbf] agfpg' kg]{
o xfd|f] ;fj{hlgs vl/b k|0ffnLdf cGt/fli6o hutsf] ljZjf; a9fpg' kg]{ cj:yf
Procurement Law Modal
Asia Pacific Economic Support Organization (APEC)
Procurement agreement of world trade
Trade Law of United Nations( UNCITRAL)
World Bank Procurement Guidelines
ADB Procurement Guidelines
North America Free Trade Organization( NAFTA)
Rules of European commission( EC Rules)
;fj{hlgs vl/b ;DaGwL sfg"gL Aoj:yf

;fljs Joj:yf M ;/sf/L lgsfox?n] cfly{s sfo{ljlw P]g @)%%

/ ;f] cGtu{t ag]sf] cfly{s k|zf;g ;DaGwL lgodfjnL @)%^ df
ePsf] Joj:yf adf]lhd vl/b sfo{ x'+b} cfPsf] - xfn cfly{s
sfo{ljlw lgodfjnL @)^$ ePsf]_

jt{dfg Joj:yf M ;fj{hlgs lgsfox?n] ;fj{hlgs vl/b ubf{

;fj{hlgs vl/b P]g -@)^#.(.#)_ / ;fj{hlgs vl/b lgodfjnL
-@)^$.%.# b]vL_ cg';f/ ;fj{hgls vl/bsf] sfo{ ug'{ kg]{ sfg"gL
vl/bsf] sfg"gL cfwf/ -vl/b P]g @)^#, bkmf # bkmf &% -@___

;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b sfo{ ubf{ ;fj{hlgs vl/b P]g, @)^#

adf]lhdsf] sfo{ljlw k"/f u/L vl/b ug'{ kg]{
;fj{hlgs vl/b P]g, @)^# sf] k|lts"n x'g] u/L ul/Psf] vl/b ab/
tyf cdfGo x'g] .
;/sf/L vl/b lgsfo afx]ssf cGo lgsfo bkmf @ -v_ adf]lhd
;fj{hlgs lgsfox?sf vl/b;DaGwL 5'} sfg"gL Joj:yf ePsf]df
P]g;+u jflemPsf] xb;Dd ;fj{hlgs vl/b P]g cg's"n x'g] u/L :jtM
;+zf]wg ePsf] dflgg] -P]gsf] bkmf &% -@__

;fj{hlgs vl/b P]gsf dfGotfx?
of]hgfj4tf M vl/b sfo{ of]hgfa4 ?kdf ug"{ kg]{
;doj4tf M vl/b k|s[of ;DaGwL sfo{x? tf]lsPsf] ;do;Ldf leq} sfof{Gjog ug'{kg]{
lhDd]jf/L af]w M vl/b sfo{sf] lhDd]jf/L vl/b sfo{jfxLdf ;+nUg k|To]sn] cfkm}n]
jxg ug'{ kg]{ lhDd]jf/L kG5fpg] k|s[ltsf] cGt ug]{
ljlzi6Ls[t If]qsf] ?kdf sfo{ ;Dkfbg M vl/b sfo{ ljlzi6Ls[t u/L vl/b;DaGwdf
1fg tyf ;Lk cfh{g u/]sf hgzlQm ;+nUg 5'} PsfOaf6 sfo{ ;Dkfbg x'g' kg]{ .
kl/0ffdd'vL vl/b k|lqmofM vl/b sfo{jfxL kl/0ffd k|fKt ug]{ u/L ;Dkfbg ug{
/fd|f] tof/L ug'{ kg]{
vl/b sfo{jfxLsf] k"0f{ clen]v M z'? b]lv cGt;Ddsf ;j} sfo{x? b]lvg] u/L
l;n;Lnfa4 clen]v /fVg' kg]{ .
;fj{hlgs vl/b P]gsf] p2]Zo

vl/b sf/jfxLsf ljleGg r/0fx?df kf/blz{tf k|jw{g ug]{

hjfkmb]lxtf tyf ljZj;lgotfdf clej[4L ug]{
:jR5tf tyf O{dfGbfl/tfsf] ljsf; ug]{
k|lt:kwf{ k|jw{gdf hf]8 lbg]
vl/b sf/jfxLdf bIftf tyf Ifdtf clej[l4 ug]{
;fj{hlgs vr{df ldtJooL tyf ljj]s k"0f{9+uaf6 clws[td k|ltkmn
xfl;n ug]{
;fj{hlgs vl/b sfo{df ;'zf;gsf] k|Tofe"lt lbg]
Procurement Principles

Economy= Best Value for money- competition-Finance

Ministry concern
Efficiency= Timely action/ completion-projects concern
Tranparency= well informed to all potential/interested
Fairness= on equal footing, no biasness

;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] kl/efiff

;/sf/L ;fj{hlgs lgsfox? M ;+a}wflgs c+u jf lgsfo, cbfnt, g]kfn ;/sf/sf] dGqfno,
ljefu, ;lrjfno, ljefu / cGtu{tsf ;/sf/L lgsfo jf sfof{nox?
cGo ;fj{hlgs lgsfox? M
o g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k"0f{ jf clwsf+z :jfldTj jf lgoGq0fdf /x]sf] ;+:yfg, sDkgL, a}+s jf ;ldlt
jf ;fj{hlgs :t/df :yflkt jf g]kfn ;/sf/af6 ul7t cfof]u, ;+:yfg, k|flws/0f, lgud,
k|lti7fg, af]8{,s]Gb|, kl/ifb\ cflb
o g]kfn ;/sf/af6 ;+rflnt jf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k"0f{ jf clwsf+z cg'bfg k|fKt ljZjljBfno,
dxfljBfno, cg';Gwfg s]Gb| / cGo k|fl1s.z}lIfs ;+:yf
o g]kfn ;/sf/sf] C0f tyf cg'bfgdf ;+rflnt ;+:yfx?
o :yfgLo lgsfox? / ljsf; ;ldltx? -ljsf; ;ldlt P]g, @)!#_
PP is powerful tool by which future actions on
procurement can be better forecasted and

PP= Procurement Activity + Estimated Cost +

Applicable Procurement Procedure (of Gov or
WB/ADB/JICA) + Procurement Method +
Procurement Steps vs action dates
If one of the above 5 components is missed, that is
already not a PP
Procurement Planning

What is to
When to How to
buy? buy?


How Where to
much to buy?
At what price
to buy?
vl/b u'? of]hgf
-Master Procurement Plan_

lgsfosf] sfo{ / sfo{s|d, pknAw hgzlQm tyf IfdtfnfO{ b[li6ut u/L

k/fdz{ ;]jf, dfn;fdfg tyf lgdf{0f sfo{sf] u'?of]hgf tof/ ul/G5 .
vl/b u'? of]hgf agfpg] cj:yfx? M
cfof]hgf jf vl/bsf] cjlw e/sf] nflu agfpg' kg]{
Ps aif{eGbf a9L cjlw;Dd ;Grfng x'g] of]hgf jf
cfof]hgfsf] nflu ul/g] vl/bsf] xsdf, jf
aflif{s bz s/f]8 ?k}of eGbf a9L /sdsf] vl/b ug'{ kg]{
vl/b u'? of]hgfdf ;dfj]z x'g] ljj/0fx?

o vl/bsf] k|sf/, kl/df0f / df]6fdf]6L cg'dflgt d"No,

o vl/b lalw
o clwstd k|lt:kwf{sf] nflu vl/bnfO{ 6'S|fO{g] jf Kofs]h agfOg]eP ;f];DaGwL Aoa:yf,
o ;du| vl/b sf/jfxL k"/fug{sf] nflu ul/g] ;Demf}tfx?sf] df]6fdf]6L ;+Vof / To:tf]
vl/b sf/jfxLnfO{ k|efljt kfg{ ;Sg] d'Vo d'Vo sfd,
o vl/bsf] nflu k"j{ of]Uotfsf] sf/jfxL ug'{ kg]{ eP ;f] ;DaGwL s'/f
o vl/b sf/jfxLsf] df]6fdf]6L ;do tflnsf
o vl/b u'? of]hgf ;DalGwt ;lrjaf6 :jLs[t ePsf] x'gkb{5 / k|To]s cfly{s
jif{df cBfjlws ug'{ kb{5 .

===vl/b u'? of]hgf

o:tf vl/b of]hgf ;DalGwt ;lrjaf6 :jLs[t ePsf] x'g' kg]{ /

k|To]s clfy{s jif{df cBfjlws ug'{ kb{5 .
vl/b u'? of]hgfdf pNn]lvt cfof]hgfsfo{qmd z'?b]lv
cGTo;Dd lglZrt r/0fdf ul/g] k/fdz{ ;]jf, j:t', lgdf{0f sfo{
tyf cGo ;]jfsf] nflu ;Dk"0f{ vl/b lqmofsnfk olsg u/L vl/b
r/0f, cfjZostf / ;dofjlwnfO{ Wofg lbOG5 .
vl/b rqmdf k|To]s r/0fsf] nflu cfjZos ;do ;Ldf tf]Sg'
kg]{ .
aflif{s vl/b of]hgf

bz nfv ?k}ofeGbf a9L /sdsf] vl/b ug'{kg]{ ePdf cfufdL cfly{s aif{sf] cg'dflgt
aflif{s sfo{s|d tyf ah]6 tof/ubf{ aflif{s vl/b of]hgf tof/ ug'{ kb{5 .
u'? vl/b of]hgfsf] cfwf/df aflif{s vl/b of]hgf tof/ ug'{ kg{]
rfn' cfly{s jif{sf] :jLs[t sfo{qmd tyf ah]6 k|fKt eP kl5 tof/ ePsf] aflif{s vl/b
of]hgfdf :JfLs[t sfo{qmd tyf ah]6 cg'?k kl/dfh{g ug'{ k5{ .
;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'vn] pQm vl/b of]hgf :jLs[t u/L lgDg lgsfox?df
Ps Ps k|lt k7fpg' k5{ .
tfn's sfof{no
sf]if tyf n]vf lgoGqs sfof{no
;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{no /
bft[ lgsfo -bft[ lgsfosf] C0f jf cg'bfg ;xof]udf ;+rfng x'g] cfof]hgfsf] xsdf_ .
of]hgfdf plNnlvt sfo{ ;dodf ;DkGg eP gePsf] cg'udg tfn's lgsfox?n] ug'{ kg]{

vl/b of]hgf tof/ ubf{ Wofg lbg'kg]{ s'/fx?

;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nosf] j]e;fO{6 af6

Download ug{ ;lsg]
cy{ dGqfnon] k|sfzg u/]sf] Afh]6 th'{df lbUbz{g, @)^$ df pNn]lvt vl/b u'? of]hgf /
jflif{s vl/b of]hgfsf] 9fFrf pNn]v ePsf]n] ;f] 9fFrf cg';f/ ah]6 tyf sfo{qmd cg';f/
tof/ ug'{ kb{5 . cy{ dGqfnosf] sf]] Publication df klg of]
9fFrf Download ug{ ;lsG5
;do ;dodf ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] tf]s]sf] 9fFrf cg';f/ o:tf]
of]hgfx? kl/dfh{g ug'{ kb{5

Procurement Cycle
Preparing for Procurement
Identification of Market review Procurement
procurement Define Specifications, document preparation
Prepare cost estimate,
needs (Plan) Packaging
and Distribution
select Procurement approach

Contract Review Manage Contract Supplier Selection

(Progress/ Monitoring/Verification in Tender Evaluation
terms of quantity, quality and
specification, Claims/Liquidity
Contract Award
(Rejection/Letter of Intent
(Complain and acceptance)
/Contract formation
Management of warranty

Procurement Process
Preparation of PQ Doc. and Preparation of Bidding Doc.
PQ Evaluation Criteria # and Bid Evaluation Criteria #

Invitation for PQ Invitation to Bid

Issue of PQ Application. Issue of Bidding Doc.

Submission of Bids
Submission of PQ Application

Bid Evaluation #
PQ Evaluation of PQ Application #
Contract Negotiation

Contract Award #
Procurement of Goods, Works & Consulting
Services National and International Competitive
Open Competition
Single Stage
With Pre-qualification
Two Stage
Open Competition
Without Pre-qualification

Competitive Bidding
Single Stage and Two Stage

Single Stage
1. One envelop process (Technical and Financial proposals are
submitted in a single envelop)

1. Two envelop process (Technical and Financial proposals are

submitted in separate envelop)
Two stage process
(Technical proposal is invited first and again Technical and Financial proposals are
invited from the successful bidders form the first stage evaluation) Bid evaluation
period is quite longer then others.
Used in Turnkey contracts or large/complex facilities, etc. where it may be
undesirable/impractical to prepare complete technical specifications in advance.
Methods of Procurement for procuring
of Goods
Methods Value (NRs) Reference
Direct Purchase Up to Rs. 300,000 o Quotation or proposal
Up to Rs. 15,00000.00 o From Standing List or From Market
Unlimited Amount o From manufactures Company
o From single manufactures Company
Limited Amount o only one supplier or construction entrepreneur has the
technical capacity or capability to fulfill the
procurement requirements ( Committee + Cabinet
o only one supplier has the exclusive right to supply the
goods to be procured and there is no other suitable
o Additional goods or services of proprietary nature
within the prescribed threshold are to be procured
from original supplier, consultant or services to replace
or add for existence goods, service or machinery items.
o any other additional works, Goods and Consulting
Services which is not included in the present contract (
Committee + Cabinet decision)
o Written Proposal from single Suppliers, Contractors
or Consulting Services and Negotiation as per
Sealed Quotation Up to Rs. 1,000,000 o Open Competition Without Pre-qualification
o Single Stage 25
Methods of Procurement for procuring
of Goods
Methods Value (NRs) Reference
National Competitive More than Rs. o Open Competition With pre-
Bidding (NCB) 1,000,000.00 qualification
o Open Competition Without Pre-
o Single Stage or Two Stage
International Competitive Based on availability of o Open Competition With pre-
Bidding (ICB) local contractors; Special qualification
goods, agreement with o Open Competition Without Pre-
donors, etc. qualification
o Single Stage or Two Stage
Special Circumstances Unlimited Amount o No specified methods
o Possible Competitive Process
Special Decision of Unlimited Amount o Procedures approved by cabinet
Cabinet o Competitive Process as per specified

Non -Governmental Unlimited Amount o 15 days Proposal from standing list or

Organizations (NGO) open market

Methods of Procurement for procuring
of Works
Methods Value (NRs) Reference
Direct Purchase Up to Rs. 500,000 o Quotation or proposal
Unlimited Amount o From Standing List or From Market
Limited Amount o only one supplier or construction
entrepreneur has the technical capacity or
capability to fulfill the procurement
requirements ( Committee + Cabinet
o any other additional works, Goods and
Consulting Services which is not included in the
present contract ( Committee + Cabinet
Sealed Quotation Up to Rs. 2,000,000 o Open Competition Without Pre-qualification
o Single Stage
National More than Rs. o Open Competition With pre-qualification
Competitive 2,000,000.00 o Open Competition Without Pre-qualification
Bidding (NCB) o Single Stage or Two Stage

Methods of Procurement for procuring
of Works
Methods Value (NRs) Reference
International Based on availability of o Open Competition With pre-qualification
Competitive Bidding local contractors; o Open Competition Without Pre-
(ICB) agreement with donors, qualification
etc. o Single Stage or Two Stage

Through Users Up to Rs. 6,000,000 o Direct proposal from user's groups or

committees or beneficiary Including all cost advantages groups
communities o written notice to submit proposal

Special Circumstances Unlimited Amount o No specified methods

o Possible Competitive Process

Special Decision of Unlimited Amount o Procedures approved by cabinet

Cabinet o Competitive Process
Through force account Not more than Rs. o By negotiation for particular contract
(Amnat) 100000.00 o based on wages
o Prior Approval of one level higher
Types of Contract
lgdf{0f sfo{sf] vl/b ;Demf}tf

PsfO{ b/ ;Demf}tf
Psd'i6 /sd ;Demf}tf
nfut ;f]wegf{ ;Demf}tf
;do / ;fdu|L b/ ;Demf}tf
l8hfOg / lgdf{0f ;Demf}tf
Joj:yfkg ;Demf}tf
sfo{;Dkfbgdf cfwfl/t dd{t ;Def/ jf Joj:yfkg ;Demf}tf
lk;js{ ;Demf}tf
Dffn;fdfg / cGo ;]jfsf] vl/b ;Demf}tf

;+/rgfTds jf PsfO{ b/ ;Demf}tf

ax'jifL{o ;Demf}tf
6g{ sL ;Demf}tf
l8hfO{g, cfk"lt{ / h8fg ;Demf}tf
Vff; dfn;fdfg af cGo ;]jf cfk"lt{ ;Demf}tf

k/fdz{;]jf vl/b ;Demf}tfM

Psd'i6 /sd ;Demf}tf

;doj ;Demf}tfM
sfo{ ;DkGgtfsf] cfwf/df z'Ns lbO{g] ;Demf}tf
k|ltztdf cfwfl/t ;Demf}tf
;]jf ;do lglZrt gePsf] ;Demf}tfM

vl/b of]hgf.u'? of]hgf ;DaGwdf tfn's sfof{nox/sf] cg'udg cToGt
vl/b OsfO[sf] sdhf]/ sfof{Gjog
vl/b sfuhftx?sf] Joj;yfkgdf cToGt sdhf]/L
af]nkq sfuhft cw'/f] / ck'/f] tof/ ug]{
Bid validity P]gn] tf]s]sf] eGbf 36L jf a9L pNn]v ug]{
af]nkq sfuhftx? cflwsfl/s JolQmaf6 :jLs[t u/fO{ hf/L gug]{
af]nkq cfJxfgsf] ;'rgf ;xL 9+un] tof/ gug]{ ;"rgf cw'/f] / ck'/f] x'g] u/]sf]
af]nkq bflvnf ubf{ af]nkqbftfx?nfO{ 8/, wDsL tyf cj/f]w ;[hgf u/L
:jR5 k|lt:kwf{ x'g glbg] tyf ldnf]dtf] ug]{,
v'nf k|lt:kwf{ eGbf ;f]em} vl/b ug]{ tkm{ j9L pT;'stf ePsf] .

lgwf{l/t ;dodf af]nkq gvf]nL kl5 vf]Ng] u/]sf]
af]nkq cfJxfgsf] ;"rgfdf Bid Submission Date / Bid Opening Date
km/s km/s n]Vg] u/]sf] . PSs} lbg w]/} Package ePsf] sf/0f Bid vf]Ng ufxf]
x'g] ePsf]n] o;f] ul/Psf] hfgsf/L
E-bidding df cfJxfg u/]sf] af]nkqsf] Hard copy :jLsf/ gu/]sf]
af]nkq vf]Nbf tof/ ul/g] d'r'Nsfdf cfjZos s'/fx? g} 5'6fpg] cw'/f] / ck'/f] d'r'Nsf tof/ ug]{
af]nkqsf] ;+zf]wg / lkmtf{ Pp6} af]nkqbftfn] ug]{ u/]sf]
lznjGbL b/efp kqdf ;d]t ;+zf]wg / lkmtf{ ug]{ u/]sf]
af]nkq lkmtf{sf] nflu lgj]bg btf{ u/fPkl5 ;do cufj} lkmtf{ lbg] u/]sf]
lznjGbL b/efpkq b'O{eGbf a9Lsf] Ps} hgfn] e/]/ k]z ug]{ u/]sf]
af]nkq d'Nof+sgsf] qmddf af]nkqbftfx? ;Fu hfgsf/L dfu ug]{ ;DaGwdf k|;:t lljwf
cfzo kqsf] ;"rgf ;xL tl/sfn] tof/ gug]{ . cfzo kq hf/L ul/;s]kl5 & -;ft_
lbg gk'Ub} ;Demf}tfsf] nflu af]nfpg]
Bid Evaluation sf] k|ltj]bg ;xL 9fFrfdf tof/ gug]{
;Demf}tf ug{ P]gn] tf]s]sf] eGbf sd ;do cjlw lbP/ af]nfpg]
cfzokq hf/L g} gug]{
s/ ljj/0f k]z ug]{ ;do cjlw yk ePsf] cj:yfdf klg s/ ljj/0f jf s/ r'Qmf
k|df0fkq k]z gu/]sf] sf/0f Bid Non-Responsive jgfpg] u/]sf]
Bid Validity sf] ;do ;dfKt eO;s]sf] cj:yfdf Bid Validity sf] Dofb klg
gj9fpg] / lg0f{o klg gug]{
Bid Bond / Performance Bond ;d]t gSsnL k]z ug]{ u/]sf] b]lvPsf]
;Gbe{df Bid Bond ;SsnL xf] xf]Og Plsg ug]{ tkm{ cfjZos ;hstf ckgfPsf]
af]nkq k/LIf0f ug'{ cl3 / ;Demf}tf ug'{ cl3 sfnf] ;"rLsf] af/] hfgsf/L lngdf sdL sdhf]/L
/fli6o af]nkqsf] cfzo kqsf] ;"rgf :yflgo klqsfdf
zt{ ;lxtsf] Bid Bond / Performance Bond
Ensure Procedures Before Taking Decisions
s] x'g' k5{ ?
Ensure that the whole process is adequately documented and
recorded to demonstrate the decision-making processes to
Communicate all documents to the whole team responsible to
the procurement.


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