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In our proposed systems which focusing on the three areas of the said business, needs

some adequate inputs to function well and can use by the business for a longer period of

business time. We therefore proposed Accounting Information System, Employee shifting

System and Ordering Schedule System, which needs the following inputs:

Accounting Information System- Business time is so precious, for which timeliness and

reliability of the financial statements must pursue, and so we proposed that it is better to use

computer base system than manual. The main input with this system is the computer, for

which the company must buy a full package of computer units.

Ordering Schedule System- The system needs the as of the date number of inventories,

which can be found in the book of records or can be counted manually. The system can also

require the company to hire an employee that will monitor the number of inventories at the

stock room.

Employee Shifting System- The company should provide an as of the current date

number of employees with their current schedules.


In our problem analysis, we would like to propose such processing systems namely

Ordering and Employee Scheduling System, due to the companys hard time to find a long term

solution with the following problems, inefficient manual accounting, and employees complex

schedule implementing the following.

Accounting Information System

The companys current accounting system is by recording all the documents and

information manually, and by this, it could lead to a fraudulent act of the assigned personnel for
recording the system, also recording manually takes times and so the relevance of the

information that was needed by the stakeholders suffers.

In our proposed system, the company should use and should not limit the following:

Accounts Receivable Ledger contains various information such as the member name,

date account balances, and signature.

Inventory Journal contains the flow of the inventory within the entitys operation kept by

the inventory manager (the description of the inventory, date, quantities move and its

corresponding cost and its current balance). It would monitor the companys supplies

and the relationship of the outputs and inputs. The manager in charge must have their

suppliers number for verifying purposes and simply keeping in touch.

The Sales and Cost Of Sales Journal transactions regarding the sales match with the

necessary cost of the goods sold within a certain period accompanied with the date,

quantities, and amount of sales plus the cost of the inventories sold and signature of

proper authorities. In order for the owner to make production schedules to cover

seasonal variations.

Accounts Payable Journal used for proper accounting of the purchases on account

and would monitor the control number of invoices, names of the members, the balances

and the signature.

It will also monitor the corresponding bad orders.

The Expense Journal summarizes incurred items, the description, the amount, the

balance and the signature.

The processing system must be handled by one authorized person, which would keep all

the forms and journal from every transaction to make it easier for the owner to make references

of the inventories and sales recorded and posted in the journal which strengthens the control
over the documents. Every end of the day, the authorized person shall record the

summarization of business transaction to the computer, in order to update the business financial


The manager will be the one who entertains the orders from the customers (according to the

business experience for the past 19 years transactions it can be handled by one person) and

the authorized employee will monitor the inventories physical count which should match the

record from the books.

Ordering Schedule System

As we propose this system, we therefore acknowledge first their current system which is

they only take an order requisition every after 2 weeks for which doesnt provide an assurance

that there will be an enough inventories for a period of 10 days, the maximum delivery time.

Also, their present system could lead to the undersupplied and oversupplied of inventories,

excessive number of inventories that is not necessary to provide the current demand of the

customers and cant be sold at the current operational time could lead to deterioration and

spoilage, and that is the loss of the company. While deficiency of the supplies couldnt reach the

satisfaction of the demands of the companys inventory. As what we see with their inventory

ordering system, a lot of problems arise with only one cause, which is the unorganized date of


In our proposed system, we first need the inputs that was aforementioned above, and

then the company shall take an order when the supplies reached the minimum percentage of

30% that as can satisfy the demand of the customers for 10 days, which is the maximum

delivery date time of orders. For their peak season or if they sell their products to places where

they demanded most, the company should increase the percentage to 45% which is good for at

least 10-15 days of operation. The company should be very observant with the monitoring of
inventories; these could be handled by the manager or the hired personnel using the monitored

accounts or can physically count to be more reliable and verifiable.

Employee Shifting System

Employees are the agents of teach business, as we observed the business, we found

out that their employee shifting is not well organized. Their current shifting system is that they

dont have a permanent numbers of employees, sometimes they have a lot, and sometimes

they dont. In some other circumstances , when their employees are selling at other places and

something fortuitous event occurs which could lead the employees be stranded, no other

available employees could sell out the products, which could lower the income.

In our proposed system, we do have two seasons, which is the ordinary and peak

season. In ordinary season, the employees should have a settled time frame in which they could

sell the products, they shall be grouped according to their time frames, and each group will be

scheduled at either morning or afternoon, some other groups will be sent out to other places

while others may sell around Pangasinan. For the peak season, all employees should work full

time and most of the groups will be sent out to other places, by this, the company could provide

the demand for that said season. To start up the system, the company should collect the data

like the current number of employees with their schedule, then the company should set a

general meeting with employees so that we could gather data about the availability of each

employees and so the company could properly distribute the manpower of the business. Also,

with this system, the employees should fill up a kind of form to directly monitor whether they

came to work, this will be submitted to the one of the personnel for evaluation of setting their


Accounting Information System

After the purchase of computer and if the system was settled down, the system could

provide an output of a correct and timely information, together with a more reliable Financial


Ordering Schedule System

The output from this system is the enough number of inventories that can satisfy the

demands of customers, either on its peak season or ordinary time.

Employee Shifting System

The output of this system is the organized schedules of the employees; this could also

monitor the employees action towards the willingness in their works.


There are certain factors that are beyond the physical inputs to settle the following systems.

For the accounting system, the assigned personnel should have a clerical knowledge in using

the software and proper recording of the transaction. For the ordering schedule system, proper

timing and assessment together with being very observant about the number of inventories.

Lastly, for the employee shifting system, proper assessment on when and where the employees

need the most, also with the employees attitude towards the companys goal.

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