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Musculoskeletal Imaging Original Research

Morvan et al.
Effect of Femur Position on CT and Stereoradiography Mea-
surements of Femoral Torsion

Musculoskeletal Imaging
Original Research
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Femoral Torsion: Impact of

Femur Position on CT and
Stereoradiography Measurements
Grard Morvan1 OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study is to evaluate stereoradiographic measurements
Henri Guerini of femoral torsion with different femoral positions, in comparison with CT measurements,
Grgory Carr with use of the current standard axial-slice technique. We hypothesize that CT measurements
Valrie Vuillemin vary with femoral spatial positioning because of the resulting projection onto the CT plane,
whereas stereoradiographic measurements, which are derived from a 3D reconstruction of the
Morvan G, Guerini H, Carr G, Vuillemin V femur, remain constant.
MATERIALS AND METHODS. Both in vitro and in vivo studies were conducted. CT
and stereoradiographic examinations were performed using 30 dry femurs in the following
six femoral positions: neutral position (with the femoral mechanical axis aligned with the lon-
gitudinal axis of the CT scanner or stereoradiography system), 10 of abduction, 10 of ad-
duction, 5 of flexion, 10 of flexion, and 5 of extension. The impact of femoral position on
torsion measurement was assessed using paired t tests. In addition, 18 patients (mean [SD]
age, 42.3 19.9 years) who underwent both CT and stereoradiography examinations were ret-
rospectively assessed. The correlation between femoral positioning and torsion measurement
was determined using the Pearson correlation coefficient.
RESULTS. Flexion and extension statistically significantly affected CT measurement of
femoral torsion (p< 0.01) but not stereoradiography measurement (p> 0.21). A strong cor-
relation existed between hip flexion and the difference between femoral torsion measured by
CT and stereoradiography (r= 0.80).
CONCLUSION. The accuracy of femoral torsion determined by axial CT depends on
the position of the femur. Hip flexion significantly reduced the femoral torsion angle mea-
sured by CT. Conversely, the accuracy of stereoradiography was independent of femur posi-
tioning. Thus, stereoradiography is preferable to CT for accurate measurement of femoral tor-
sion, while it also substantially reduces the radiation dose.

bnormal femoral torsion corre- theory, 3D models can be reconstructed from

Keywords: accuracy, CT, femoral torsion, patient

positioning, stereoradiography
A lates with several disease pro-
cesses, including hip and knee
osteoarthritis, slipped capital
CT and MRI, the current standard practice
is to superimpose CT slices. In clinical prac-
tice, however, the findings of physical ex-
femoral epiphysis, trochlear dysplasia with amination have been inconsistent with axi-
DOI:10.2214/AJR.16.16638 resulting patellar instability, and toe-in or al-based CT and MRI assessment of femoral
toe-out gait patterns [1, 2]. Limb disorders torsion, and large variations in measurement
Received April 25, 2016; accepted after revision
December 23, 2016. associated with femoral torsion may also be have been reported [9, 10]. Some studies have
posttraumatic or may be caused by other reported that unadjusted CT-assessed femo-
All authors: Centre dImagerie Mdicale Lonard de pathologic conditions, such as cerebral palsy. ral torsion may be affected by femur posi-
Vinci, 43 rue Cortambert, 75116 Paris, France. Address To deal with these rotational disorders of the tioning and that identification of the femoral
correspondence to G. Morvan (
lower limb, an accurate and reproducible neck axis is unreliable [11, 12]. Thus, there
WEB way of measuring femoral torsion is essential still is no consensus on the best imaging mo-
This is a web exclusive article. to guide diagnosis as well as treatment [3, 4]. dality or technique.
Accurate measurement of the 3D rotation- Femoral torsion, also known as femoral
AJR 2017; 209:W93W99 al anatomy of the femur with the use of a 2D version, is described in the literature as the
projection is a challenge. Therefore, numer- angle between the tangent line at the pos-
ous CT or MRI methods for measuring tor- terior aspect of the condyles and the line
American Roentgen Ray Society sion have been described [58]. Although, in that passes through the centers of the femo-

AJR:209, August 2017 W93

Morvan et al.
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Fig. 1Measurement of femoral torsion performed using CT in dry femur.
A, Superimposed axial CT slices of femoral head and femoral neck show femoral neck axis (green line). Circle denotes femoral head.
B, Axial CT slice through most posterior part of femoral condyles shows bicondylar femoral axis (yellow line).
C, Femoral torsion (i.e., angle between axes [green line and yellow line]) measured using CT scan protocol. Circle denotes femoral head.

ral head and femoral neck [13, 14] (Fig. 1). structions from CT (i.e., ground truth), but In Vitro Evaluation
This is meant to be projected onto the trans- they did not evaluate different flexion angles Thirty dry femurs were selected and imaged
verse plane of the patient (i.e., perpendicular or axial CT. Four other studies examined using both CT and stereoradiography. Each femur
to the mechanical axis of the femur) but, in measurements of femoral torsion in adults was studied in six positions: neutral position, 10
standard practice, is projected onto the axial [18, 19] and children [20, 21], finding com- of abduction, 10 of adduction, 5 of flexion, 10 of
plane on CT or MRI. In cases of pain, swell- parable results between stereoradiography flexion, and 5 of extension. The six positions were
ing, or flexion contracture in which the fe- and CT on average, but they likewise did not chosen because they represent the positioning of
mur is not aligned with the CT or MRI axis, explore the effects of hip flexion. patients in our practice (e.g., to evaluate hip flex-
the anatomic and CT or MRI planes are not The purpose of the present study, there- ion secondary to hip or knee osteoarthritis). The
the same [11]. fore, is to evaluate the accuracy of both neutral position should provide the true femoral
The main difficulty with femoral torsion CT and stereoradiography measurements torsion value.
measurement is determining the axis of the of femoral torsion with different femur po- Neutral positioning in CT examinations was
femoral neck. Several methods rely on axi- sitions. We hypothesize that axial CT mea- established by using the laser line to align the
al slices to determine the orientation of the surements of torsion will be related to spatial femoral mechanical axis, which was defined as
femoral neck; however, the choice of slices positioning of the femur, whereas stereora- the line passing through the center of the femoral
can strongly influence the measurement. In- diographic measurements of torsion will be head and the intercondylar notch, with the longi-
accuracies are mostly due to the difficulty of unchanged regardless of the spatial position- tudinal axis of the CT scanner platform. Neutral
drawing a precise line along the middle of ing of the femur. positioning in stereoradiography was established
the femoral neck on a CT image, even though by ensuring (with use of a vertical line on the pre-
proper measurement is necessary, for exam- Materials and Methods view image) that the femoral mechanical axis was
ple, to perform osteotomies to correct post- Patients were scanned using two different mo- strictly vertical in both the frontal and sagittal
traumatic rotational deformities [12, 15]. dalities, as performed in daily practice at Centre planes (i.e., that it was aligned with the direction
Some questions arise in this context. Is dImagerie Mdicale Lonard de Vinci, with the of the movement of the x-ray sources). To produce
the CT measurement of femoral torsion reli- use of a 16-MDCT scanner (BrightSpeed CT99, the inclinations, wooden wedges were used with
able? Does positioning of the femur have an GE Healthcare) with a detector size of 20 mm and a radiolucent foam placed between the femur and
influence on the measurement of its torsion? a low-dose stereoradiographic device that com- the wood (Fig. 2).
Could EOS stereoradiographic imaging bines a particle detector with an innovative linear For the CT scans, working from frontal and sag-
(EOS Imaging) be an alternative for assess- scanning technique (EOS). When performed with ittal scout views, two acquisition zones were de-
ing this parameter accurately and indepen- the patient in the standing position, stereoradiogra- fined: the proximal femur and the distal femur. For
dent of lower limb positioning? phy allows for simultaneous acquisition of whole- each acquisition zone, 2.5-mm-thick slices with a
Several studies have explored related body, frontal, and lateral images, with the use of pitch of 0.531:1 were acquired in compliance with
questions [1621]; however, to our knowl- slot-scanning technology, followed by 3D model- the protocol set forth by the manufacturer of the
edge, no study has addressed femur posi- ing of the lower limb and deformities in the weight- CT scanner. The acquisition parameters were the
tioning. Although previous studies appeared bearing position [22]. same as those used in our routine clinical prac-
to address a similar question, important dif- Two studies were performed. An in vitro study tice: tube voltage, 120 kV; tube current, 200 mA;
ferences existed between them. Two of the was performed to test our hypothesis under con- matrix, 512 512; and a bone convolution kernel.
studies [16, 17] artificially created a range trolled conditions, and an in vivo study was con- The femurs were fixed in the different positions,
of femoral torsion values by cutting and ro- ducted to investigate the impact of femur position- attached to the wedges. For stereoradiographic ac-
tating the femur mid diaphysis; they found ing in a standard patient population. In each case, quisitions, femurs were placed in the EOS system
that stereoradiographic measurements had images from stereoradiography and CT were ac- in the six different positions previously described,
strong reliability, compared with 3D recon- quired under the same conditions. with the wooden wedges used to produce the in-

W94 AJR:209, August 2017

Effect of Femur Position on CT and Stereoradiography Measurements of Femoral Torsion

clinations. A neutral position was obtained when er limbs for which knee arthroplasty (two femurs) or enced senior radiologist, to confirm that the posi-
the femoral mechanical axis was vertical, aligned hip arthroplasty (four femurs) had been performed tioning of anatomic landmarks was respected as
with the axis of movement of the x-ray sources. were excluded from the analysis. A total of 30 fe- defined by CT and stereoradiography protocols.
Biplanar acquisitions were performed using the murs were then used to assess femoral torsion. For the in vivo study, the objective was to com-
standard low-dose protocol provided by the manu- For CT acquisitions, 1.25-mm-thick slices were pare the torsion for each patient, whereby torsion
facturer for lower limb indications (for anteropos- acquired. Working from frontal and sagittal scout is a parameter inherent to the patient that should
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terior acquisitions, a tube voltage of 85 kV and a views, two acquisition zones (hip and knee) were not be affected by the flexion angle. Therefore, al-
tube current of 200 mA were used; for lateral ac- defined, in accordance with the protocol at our though the flexion angle was necessarily different
quisitions, a tube voltage of 110 kV and a tube cur- institution. The distance between the ankles was between the two cases, this was exactly the goal of
rent of 320 mA were used). set the same as the distance between the femoral the study. Given that the in vitro study showed the
CT and stereoradiography measurements were heads, to keep the lower limbs aligned with the relative independence of the stereoradiography
directly comparable because the same anatomic z-axis (i.e., the longitudinal axis) of the CT scan- torsion values from the flexion angle, these were
landmarks were used for calculations of femoral ner. Acquisition parameters were the same as assumed to be invariant. By contrast, the in vivo
torsion (i.e., the femoral neck axis and the poste- those used in the in vitro study. data were analyzed according to the flexion angle
rior bicondylar axis). In the neutral position, CT For stereoradiographic acquisitions, patients within the CT image, because this was the focus of
and stereoradiography measurements are expect- stood upright within the stereoradiography sys- our investigation. The specific measurement pro-
ed to be equivalent because the calculations are tem in a weight-bearing position. They were asked tocols used for each modality are described in the
performed in the same plane. to shift their feet slightly (approximately 5 cm), following subsection.
to allow radiographers to distinguish the femoral
Clinical Study condyles in the sagittal view and to perform 3D CT Measurement
This study was approved by the institutional re- modeling of the lower limbs accurately, as per the Measurement of femoral torsion was conduct-
view board at Centre dImagerie Mdicale Lo- recommendations of the manufacturer of the ste- ed in accordance with the method described by
nard de Vinci. Informed consent from patients reoradiography system. Biplanar (frontal and sag- Reikeras et al. [13]: the neck axis was defined
was not required because patient care was not ittal) acquisition of images of the lower limbs, from from two superimposed slices as the line pass-
modified by the study design. the top of the pelvis to the feet, was performed for ing from the center of the femoral head (i.e., the
From June 2012 to March 2014, after being re- each patient, with use of the same acquisition pro- slice where the femoral head is the largest) to the
ferred by orthopedic surgeons for lower limb tor- tocol that was used for the in vitro study. midpoint of the base of the neck (where the ante-
sional measurements, 18 patients (13 female pa- rior and posterior cortical walls are parallel). The
tients and five male patients; mean age, 42.3 19.9 CT and Stereoradiography Measurements femoral bicondylar axis was determined to be the
(SD) years; range, 1377 years) underwent both CT All measurements were performed indepen- line tangent to the femoral condyles, on a slice ac-
and stereoradiographic imaging with a mean inter- dently, without reference to earlier values, and in quired at the most convex part of the femoral con-
val of 10 days occurring between the two examina- a random order. Two experienced radiographers dyles, which is often distinguished by the Roman
tions. The patients were identified through a search (with 4 and 5 years of experience) performed arch shape of the intercondylar notch. The angle
of the database at our institution and were retro- measurements using both modalities and for both of femoral torsion was measured between the neck
spectively included in the present study. All images studies (of dry bones and patients). All measure- axis and the bicondylar axis (Fig. 1). All mea-
were anonymized before undergoing analysis. Low- ments were verified and validated by an experi- surements were performed independently, with-
out reference to earlier values, and in a random
order. Torsion was considered positive for ante-
version (neck axis oriented forward, with regard
to the bicondylar axis) and negative for retrover-

Fig. 3Femoral torsion calculated by dedicated

A B software (sterEOS, EOS Imaging) as angle between
Fig. 2Use of wooden wedges to produce different inclinations for in vitro study with CT and stereoradiography. green and yellow axes (femoral neck axis and
A and B, Photographs show use of wooden wedge to produce 5 of flexion (A) and 10 of flexion (B). For both CT tangent to posterior femoral condyles) projected
and stereoradiography, radiolucent foam block (seen in profile) was used between femur and wood to improve onto orthogonal plane to femoral mechanical axis.
image contrast. Vertical line was drawn on foam to simplify correct positioning. (Adapted with permission from EOS Imaging)

AJR:209, August 2017 W95

Morvan et al.

and the five other positions, in both CT and stereo-

radiography. Statistical significance was set at p<
0.01 because of the multiple comparisons. Interop-
20 erator agreement was assessed using the intraclass
correlation coefficient (ICC) for stereoradiography
and CT measurements in vitro and in vivo [24]. For
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Femoral Torsion ()

the in vivo study, the Pearson correlation coefficient

(r) between CT and stereoradiography measure-
* ments was calculated to determine the impact of
hip flexion and extension on the difference between

* stereoradiography and CT measurements.

0 In Vitro Evaluation
As expected, in the neutral position, no
statistically significant difference existed in
Neutral 5 of 10 of 5 of 10 of 10 of mean femoral torsion between stereoradiog-
Position Flexion Flexion Extension Abduction Adduction raphy and CT (for stereoradiography, 12.1
6.4; for CT, 11.5 8.3; p= 0.30).
Fig. 4Bar graph of mean (SD) femoral torsion values measured using stereoradiography (blue bars) and CT The mean ICC for interoperator agree-
(red bars) for each of six positions, with values for neutral position (green bars) shown for reference. Error bars ment of femoral torsion was 0.95 or greater
denote SDs. Blue and red horizontal lines denote mean femoral torsion from six positions measured using CT for stereoradiography, compared with 0.90
and stereoradiography, respectively. Asterisks denote statistically significant differences (in all three cases,
p< 0.01) based on paired t tests comparing neutral position with each of five other positions.
or greater for CT (Table 1). Given this high
level of agreement, the results for both read-
sion (neck axis oriented backward, with regard to software then automatically calculated femoral ers have been combined for greater clarity.
the bicondylar axis). Hip flexion was assessed in torsion between the femoral neck axis and the For the stereoradiography measurements
the sagittal scout view relative to the longitudinal posterior bicondylar axis, projected in the trans- in the other five positions, no statistically
axis, by drawing a line between the center of the verse plane of the femur (defined as orthogonal to significant differences were noted between
femoral head and the femoral notch. Femur ab- the femoral mechanical axis) (Fig. 3). Flexion and the neutral position (i.e., the femoral me-
duction or adduction was assessed in the frontal extension were not directly measured on stereora- chanical axis aligned with the vertical axis
scout view, by measuring the angle between the diography because there was negligible effect be- of the stereoradiography system) and any of
femoral mechanical axis and the longitudinal axis. cause of the 3D reconstruction. the five positions (p= 0.210.99) (Fig. 4).
The measurements were performed on the PACS For the CT measurements, no statistical-
(Centricity, GE Healthcare) used at our institution. Data Analysis ly significant difference was noted for ab-
Statistical software (MedCalc, version 12, duction and adduction, compared with the
Stereoradiography Measurement MedCalc Software) was used for statistical analy- neutral position (i.e., the femoral mechanical
On the basis of the biplanar acquisition, an oper- sis. A descriptive statistical analysis was first per- axis aligned with the longitudinal axis of CT
ator manually identified some anatomic landmarks formed for the complete datasets. For the in vitro scan) (p= 0.93 and 0.04, respectively). How-
(e.g., the femoral head, femoral condyles, and fem- evaluation, a repeated-measures ANOVA was per- ever, a statistically significant difference was
oral shaft at its distal third) used to determine the formed across the different femur positions; given noted between the flexion and extension po-
bony envelope of the femur in 3D, through the use significance, post hoc t tests for paired samples were sitions and the neutral position (p< 0.01), re-
of dedicated software (SterEOS, EOS imaging), as used to determine whether there was a statistically vealing a dependence on femoral spatial po-
described later in this subsection. Working from significant difference between the neutral position sition (Fig. 4).
this 3D model, the software automatically calcu-
TABLE 1: Interoperator Agreement of Femoral Torsion Measurement on Dry
lated a set of clinical parameters of the lower limb,
Bones in Each Position
including femoral torsion [23].
The operator first manually identified on CT Stereoradiography
both radiographs the femoral head, the condyle,
Rotation Angle ICC 95% CI ICC 95% CI
and the diaphysis of the femur at its distal third.
Second, an initial solution of the 3D bony enve- Neutral position 0.94 0.880.97 0.97 0.930.98
lope was proposed by the software on the basis 5 of flexion 0.92 0.840.96 0.95 0.910.98
of statistical shape modeling of expected femo- 10 of flexion 0.90 0.810.95 0.95 0.900.98
ral shapes, by focusing on the key landmarks and
5 of extension 0.92 0.840.96 0.96 0.930.98
resulting clinical parameters. This first 3D bony
envelope was retroprojected on both radiographs, 10 of abduction 0.90 0.800.95 0.96 0.920.98
and a parametric model of the femur was created. 10 of adduction 0.92 0.840.96 0.97 0.940.99
Finally, a fine adjustment of anatomic landmarks NoteMinimum intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for CT measurement of femoral torsion was 0.90,
and contours was performed by the operator. The whereas that for stereoradiographic measurement was 0.95.

W96 AJR:209, August 2017

Effect of Femur Position on CT and Stereoradiography Measurements of Femoral Torsion

8 neutral position, leading to the similar mean

results between modalities (Fig. 6).
In the clinical study, the mean ICC for in-
teroperator agreement of femoral torsion was
Femoral Torsion vs Neutral Position ()

0.95 (95% CI, 0.900.98) for stereoradiogra-

phy and 0.85 (95% CI, 0.700.92) for CT.
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The present study investigated the effect
0 of femoral position on the measurement of
femoral torsion, finding that CT measure-
2 ments depended significantly on femur spa-
tial position (in flexion and extension), where-
4 as stereoradiography measurements did not.
Both modalities showed good reliability
6 (ICC for CT,> 0.90; ICC for stereoradiogra-
phy,>0.95), regardless of femoral positioning.
8 CT currently is considered the best meth-
5 of 10 of 5 of 10 of 10 of od with which to determine torsion or rota-
Flexion Flexion Extension Abduction Adduction
tional malalignment of the femur. Although
some authors have questioned its use, CT
Fig. 5Difference in femoral torsion measurement from neutral position. Bar graph shows mean (SD) femoral measurements are usually considered ac-
torsion, as measured with stereoradiography (blue bars) and CT (red bars). Error bars denote SDs.
curate in the literature and in daily prac-
ticethat is, they are considered the refer-
Differences between measurements for findings from the in vitro study. Maximum ence standard. A high accuracy of femoral
the neutral position and any of the other five flexion and extension were 6 and 8, respec- torsion measurements is necessary to assess
positions were, on average, less than 0.3 tively, among the patients studied, with max- and correct posttraumatic or idiopathic rota-
with the stereoradiography system, where- imum torsional differences between stereo- tional deformities.
as with CT the difference between measure- radiography and CT ranging from 9 to The present study reveals, however, that
ments for the neutral position and 10 of 12.5 (i.e., similar to a comparison between the accuracy of femoral torsion determined
flexion was a mean of 5.2 1.7 and that CT performed with a neutral femoral posi- by CT is questionable. Our findings show
between measurements for the neutral posi- tion and CT performed with a flexed or ex- that the inaccuracy of this modality cannot
tion and 5 of extension was 3.3 2.4 (Fig. tended femoral position), with a mean dif- be explained only by the difficulty of identi-
5). The mean difference from the neutral po- ference of only 0.9 from the value for the fication of the femoral neck axis, as previous-
sition with hip abduction and adduction was
less than 0.9 (Fig. 5). SDs for CT were ap-
proximately twice as high as those for stereo-
radiography (2 vs 1).
Difference in Femoral Torsion Measured

by CT vs Stereoradiography ()

Clinical Study
The mean femoral torsion measured 5
was 14.6 9.1 with stereoradiography
and 15.5 8.5 with CT. No statistical- 0
ly significant difference was found between
these two modalities (p= 0.39). 5
Despite the similar mean values noted,
there was a statistically significant negative
correlation between the amount of hip flex-
ion and the difference between femoral tor-
sion measured with CT and stereoradiogra- 15
10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8
phy (r = 0.80, p < 0.01) (Fig. 6). In other Extension () Flexion ()
words, the femoral torsion measured with
CT was significantly less than that measured Fig. 6Scatterplot showing impact of flexion and extension on difference between femoral torsion measured
with stereoradiography at higher flexion val- using CT and stereoradiography. Because stereoradiography was shown to be largely unaffected by femoral
ues. Conversely, at higher extension values, flexion and extension (Fig. 5), difference between CT and stereoradiography shows error in CT measurements
the femoral torsion measured with CT was resulting from out-of-plane movement (i.e., flexion and extension) of femur, ranging from 13 to 9 in femoral
torsion, with statistically significant correlation noted (r= 0.80). Flexion and extension values (blue dots) are
significantly greater than that measured with derived from CT sagittal scout scan as angle between longitudinal axis and line connecting center of femoral
stereoradiography. This corresponds with head with femoral notch. Diagonal line denotes linear correlation.

AJR:209, August 2017 W97

Morvan et al.

ly reported elsewhere [5]. Although the inter- Given that a left-right difference in torsion oral torsion are projected into the CT scan
operator agreement for CT measurements of greater than 10 indicates a possible deform- reference frame so that modifying the femur
femoral torsion was slightly smaller than that ity, this magnitude of error in femoral torsion position changes its projection. By contrast,
for stereoradiographic measurements, it still measurement could have a substantial impact femoral torsion in the stereoradiography sys-
remained very good for the six different fem- on diagnosis and treatment. tem is measured by projecting the anatom-
oral positions (ICC, > 0.90), which means The dependence of measurement of femo- ic structures onto the anatomic frame of the
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that the femoral neck can be reliably iden- ral torsion on hip flexion and extension can femur, which is independent of its position.
tified regardless of femur positioning. Nev- be explained by simple geometric projection These geometric considerations explain that,
ertheless, by comparing CT measurements in which the forward or backward rotation of on axial CT, a significant statistical differ-
in two different positions (10 of flexion and the femur changes the projected line of the ence was noted in torsion measurement be-
5 of extension), we found a mean difference femoral neck (Fig. 7). In axial CT analysis, tween the flexion and extension positions,
of 8.5 and a maximum difference of 12.6. the anatomic structures used to assess fem- compared with the neutral position. A previ-
ous study found that bias is associated with
the axial CT techniques in simulated femur
flexion and extension positions, confirming
our findings [9]. Also, although CT has the
capability to create 3D reconstructions, this is
not done in standard clinical practice. Stereo-
radiographic measurement of femoral torsion
was not affected by femur positioning (Figs. 4
and 5) because of the 3D reconstructions: no
statistically significant difference was noted
between the multiple spatial positions, when
compared with the neutral position.
A B In the clinical study, when we compared
only the mean femoral torsion between the
CT and stereoradiographic measurements,
the mean difference of 0.9 (range, 9 to
12.5) was not statistically significant (p=
0.34), thereby confirming the results of previ-
ous studies that likewise did not find a statis-
tically significant difference between the two
modalities [1722]. One study, for example,
reported a mean difference of 1 (range, 10
to 8) [21], whereas another reported a mean
difference of 2.1 (range, 11 to 17.3) [20].
However, the investigators in the latter study
did not investigate the variabilities between
CT and stereoradiographic measurements,
C D nor did they describe the effect of lower limb
positioning on femoral torsion measurements,
as was done in the present study. Interopera-
tor agreement regarding femoral torsion mea-
surement in the clinical study was very good
for both modalities (ICC for CT, 0.85; ICC for
stereoradiography, 0.95). To our knowledge,
only one previous study [25] measured lower
reproducibility in stereoradiography, but the
study was conducted using an older version
of the software that did not provide a warn-
ing when the condyles were potentially re-
versed, and the operators were inexperienced.
Fig. 7Impact of femur positioning on femoral torsion measurement obtained using CT scan in dry femur.
AE, Diagrams of geometric projections show neutral position (A), 5 of flexion (B), 10 of flexion (C), and 5
All other studies, to our knowledge, have re-
of extension (D) superimposed on CT scans of femur in relation to illustration (E) depicting femur positions ported high ICC values for both modalities
in orange, blue, green and red, respectively. As femur rotates forward during hip flexion (B and C), greater [1722]. Given the weight of evidence from
trochanter (for example) moves forward relative to femoral head, causing projected femoral neck axis to be the present study and previous studies, fem-
progressively more aligned with coronal plane. Hip flexion (B and C) tends to underestimate femoral torsion on
CT, whereas hip extension (D) overestimates this measurement. Yellow lines (AD) denote distance between oral torsion appears to have excellent repro-
anterior and posterior cortical walls, used to define midpoint of base of neck. ducibility for both stereoradiography and CT.

W98 AJR:209, August 2017

Effect of Femur Position on CT and Stereoradiography Measurements of Femoral Torsion

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