Newsletter December 10th, 2017

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We have passed unprecedented number of bills in eighth House - Dogara

Development at LG level will stem tide of illegal migration - Dogara
Insecurity: West African Nations Need Strong Laws to Combat Proliferation
of Weapons Speaker Dogara.
Speaker Dogara Extolls T Y Danjuma @80
Development at LG level will stem
tide of illegal migration - Dogara
The ongoing scourge of human trafficking and
slave trade will become impossible if local gov-
ernments are given opportunities to provide de-
velopmental activities in the grassroots to facili-
tate actualisation of aspirations of the people,
Speaker Yakubu Dogara has said.

Speaking when he received a delegation from

National Union of Local Government Employees
(NULGE) and the Association of Local Govern-
We have passed unprecedented ments of Nigeria (ALGON) in his office, the
number of bills in eighth House - House of Representatives Speaker said most Ni-
gerians seeking greener pastures via the Medi-
Dogara terranean Sea are in pursuit of a better life and
....restates gratitude to colleagues for their conditions that will help them achieve their God
-given potentials in life, having lost all hope.
Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Yaku-
bu Dogara, has expressed pleasure over the House
Calling for developmental activities in the grass-
of Representatives' high record in passage of bills roots, which he maintained can only be achieved
and motions. when local governments are granted independ-
ence, he sought the support of all stakeholders
Hon Dogara attributed the achievement to the con- and Nigerians to lobby their state houses of as-
tributions and cooperation of all members of the sembly to approve the proposed law seeking to
House, and thanked them for their unwavering sup- grant independence to local governments.
port for his leadership.
Dogara informed the delegation that the House
He said this during a brief handing over ceremony
has sacrificed a lot to grant financial independ-
of New Telegraph Newspapers' Award for Public
ence to local governments in the just concluded
Service in 2017 to him by the House Majority Lead-
er, Hon Femi Gbajabiamila, who collected it on his
Constitution amendment exercise, adding that
behalf. the responsibility to make it a reality now lies
with the state legislature.
The Speaker also promised that Nigerians will cele-
brate the 8th Assembly after the expiration of their
tenure in 2019 as more bills would be passed in

He further called on legislators to sustain their ef-

forts and congratulated other 2017 NEW TELE-

Gbajabiamila, on his part, said being chosen to rep-

resent the Speaker was an honour and that the
award had made all Members extremely proud.
National Assembly Embarks On
Working Recess To Process 2018
Appropriation Bill

The National Assembly on Tuesday, began a

working recess to enable members of parlia-
ment focus on the 2018 budget in committee
During the break from plenary activities, which
will end on the 19th of December, the legisla-
ture will hold budget assessment sessions on
the 2017 Appropriation Act, conduct budget
Insecurity: West African Nations Need defence sessions for the 2018 Budget, and hold
a public hearing it as well.
Strong Laws to Combat Proliferation of
The working break followed the passage and
Weapons Speaker Dogara. commitment of the 2018 Money Bill proposal to
the committees on Appropriations and Finance
Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Ya-
respectively for further legislative processing.
kubu Dogara, has called for the enactment of laws
The Bill is for an Act to authorise the issue from
which would combat the proliferation of small arms
the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the Federa-
across the West African sub region.
tion, the total sum of 8,612,236,953,214 (Eight
Trillion, Six Hundred and Twelve Billion, Two
He also identified the high rate of youth unemploy-
ment and its attendant consequences such as mer- Hundred and Thirty-Six Million, Nine Hundred
cenary trading, insurgency and illegal mining as and Fifty-Three Thousand, Two Hundred and
contributory factors. Fourteen Naira) only, of which
456,458,654,074 (Four Hundred and Fifty-Six
Delivering the opening remarks at the Parliamentary Billion, Four Hundred and Fifty-Eight Million, Six
Conference on Containment of Small Arms Prolifera- Hundred and Fifty-Four Thousand, Seventy-
tion and Terrorist Financing in ECOWAS, the Speaker Four Naira) only, is for Statutory Transfers,
made reference to a report of the United Nations 2,233,835,365,699 (Two Trillion, Two Hundred
Office on Drugs and Crime which described West Af- and Thirty-Three Billion, Eight Hundred and
rica as paradise for organised crime due to weak bor- Thirty-Five Million, Three Hundred and Sixty-
ders , corruption and other such factors, and lament- Five Thousand, Six Hundred and Ninety-Nine
ed the adverse effect of widespread insecurity on ef- Naira) only, is for Debt Service,
forts towards meeting Sustainable Development 3,494,277,820,219 (Three Trillion, Four Hun-
Goals (SDGs). dred Ninety-Four Billion, Two Hundred and Sev-
enty-Seven Million, Eight Hundred and Twenty-
The Speaker stated that the current situation is in di- Thousand, Two Hundred and Nineteen Naira)
rect contravention of a Declaration on a Moratorium only, is for Recurrent (Non-Debt) Expenditure
on the Importation, Exportation and Manufacture of
while the sum of 2,427,665,113,222 (Two Tril-
Small Arms and Light Weapons in West Africa which
lion, Four Hundred and Twenty-Seven Billion,
was adopted by the Authority of Heads of State and
Six Hundred and Sixty-Five Million, One Hun-
Government of ECOWAS on 31 October 1998, and
dred and Thirteen Thousand, Two Hundred and
became a legally binding and permanent convention
Twenty-Two Naira) only, is for contribution to
in June 2006. He identified youth unemployment and
the resultant trade of mercenaries as one of the fac- the Development Fund for Capital Expenditure
tors responsible for this. for the year ending 31 December, 2018.
House Honours Miss Aarinola Olaiya Blessing and Mr Abdulsalam
Kamaldeen For Outstanding Academic Performance.

For attaining exceptional records in their chosen On completion of his first degree, he went back to
academic fields and displaying true spirit of resili- study Law, got admitted to the Nigerian Law School
ence, hardwork, persistent courage, strong determi- in 2015 and was called to the Nigerian Bar on 30
nation and perseverance despite lifetime challeng- November, 2016.
es, the House of Representatives has honoured Miss
Aariola Olaiya Blessing and Mr Abdulsalam

Sequel to a motion raised by House Leader, Hon

Femi Gbajabiamila to give parliamentary honours to
the 2 young Nigerians, the House also resolved to
establish by law, a Parliamentary Honours/Award
System for recognition of extraordinary achieve-
ments by Nigerians.

Miss Aarinola Olaiya Blessing, 24, who was admitted

into Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife,
Osun State, to study Medicine and Surgery in 2011,
scored an excellent Cumulative Grade Point (CGPA)
of 4.74 in her first year and subsequently, in her se-
cond through to the sixth year scored: Distinctions
in Anatomy, Medical Biochemistry and Physiology
(200L); Distinctions in Medical Biochemistry and
Pharmacology (300L); Distinctions in Pathology and
Pharmacology (400L); Distinctions in Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, Mental Health and Dermatology
(500L) and Distinctions in Surgery (600L), (an
achievement that had been elusive for a period of
28 years in OAU/Nigerian Medicine and Community

Mr Abdulsalam Kamaldeen, 38, lost his two legs to

polio at the tender age of 3, lost his mother at the
age of 4, started primary school at 8, and resorted
to street-begging to raise money to buy school uni-
forms, books and to feed; begged for alms from
primary through secondary schools and was known
on the streets of Lagos as a beggar who slept under
Idumota Bridge for several years.

From street begging, he bought GCE form in 2002,

sat and passed the GCE and JAMB examinations
and was subsequently admitted to study Political
Science at the University of Lagos.
House To Probe Execution of Con-
stituency Projects by Contractors
under the National Primary Health
Care Development Agency
Worried about the poor execution of constitu-
ency projects under the National Primary
Healthcare Development Agency (NPHCDA)
from 2015 to date, the House of Representa-
tives has mandated its Committee on Constit-
uency Outreach to investigate the matter for
further legislative action.
Reps To Probe Halt Of FG's Legal
The House, while adopting the resolutions of a
motion sponsored by Hon. Betty Apiafi and Metrology Services in the Upstream
other lawmakers, noted that Constituency Pro- Sector That Blocked $10m Per
jects are aimed towards providing social Annum Leakages.
amenities, creating an enabling environment
and increasing the standard of living of Nige- The House of Representatives has mandated its Com-
rians living mainly in the rural communities, mittee on Petroleum Resources (Upstream) to investi-
leading to the economic, social and political gate the non-implementation of Federal Govern-
growth and development of the communities. ment's agreement on Legal Metrology Services in the
Upstream Sector that exposed multi-dollar leakages in
It also noted that while proper execution of the sector.
Constituency Projects would serve as a plat-
form for good governance, transparency and The House noted in a motion raised by Hon. Raphael
Nnanna Igbokwe the federal government signed an
accountabiliaccountability, since 2015, there
agreement with an Independent Service Provider in
have been numerous complaints from Hon-
2014 for the purpose of verification and certification
ourable Members and constituents about of measurement equipment used for export of crude
poor/non execution of projects by contractors oil from Nigeria in accordance with international
under the National Primary Healthcare Devel- standard of legal metrology.
opment Agency (NPHCDA).
It said it was aware that the services of those inspec-
The lawmakers expressed concern over the tors instilled transparency in the upstream sector and
nonchalant attitude of contractors and the blocked leakages worth over $10 billion per annum as
NPHCDA towards execution of Constituency well as exposing error margins and leakages which
Projects which manifests, for instance, in the estimated a loss of about $7.5 billion per annum b UT
curiously, the work of the inspectors have been stalled
supply of substandard drugs and medical
since 16 March 2016 for an apparent fear of their
equipment and construction of primary
making further exposure of inefficiency and fraud in
healthcare centres with low quality materials the upstream sector.
which has led to severe injuries and loss of
lives in some cases
Text of Press Conference by highest number of POLITICIANS especially
Hon. Abdulrazak Namdas, Chairman, elected officials. It is obvious that, they are part
of the POLITICIANS being so accused.
House of Representatives' Commit-
tee on Media and Publicity Speaker Yakubu Dogara is not ashamed of be-
ing a politician because he is not just a politi-
The attention of the House of Representatives cian but a tested and trusted leader, a lawyer
and that of the Rt. Hon. Speaker Yakubu Dogara and legislator of note with untainted honour
has been drawn to stories in the media credited and impeccable integrity. The Horouble mem-
to the Police spokesman, Jimoh Moshood insinu- bers of the House of Representatives do not al-
ating that the #EndSARS lead campaigner, Mr. so have any cause to deny their status as politi-
Segun Awosanya has ties with POLITICIANS and cians
even displaying a photograph in which the
said Awosanya appears with the Hon. Speaker For the avoidance of doubt, the picture in ques-
tion was taken in September this year, when Mr.
This is the height of blackmail against the person Awosanya came to submit the petition against
and office of the Speaker and an affront on the SARS, which is a daily happenstance in the
institution of the House of Representatives. House and indeed any other parliament. This
should not in any way be interpreted as
Although, the Force PRO denied accusing the hobnobbing with POLITICIANS. If any official
speaker of sponsoring Mr. Awosanya and other interaction between citizens and POLITICIANS is
campaigners, we wish, for the sake of clarity to to be construed as "hobnobbing" then, all citi-
address the mischief inherent in this sinister and zens, the Police inclusive would be guilty.
insidious action by Moshood and the Police to
make the Rt. Hon. Speaker and the House of Rep- The Police ought to know that sovereignty be-
resentatives subject of controversy and to divert longs to the people and the House of Repre-
public attention from the apparently sordid and sentatives is made up of true representatives of
weighty allegations against the Police. the people; hence people have the constitution-
al right to express themselves without let or
Especially the SARS unit hindrance; and so can at any time petition the
In the consciousness of the fact that the House is National Assembly, on any issue that affects
investigating the matter, we shall abstain from their interests or the interest of the nation.
indulging in any comment that might be prejudi-
cial to the investigation. This not withstanding, As the Speaker assured the petitioners in Sep-
because of the gravity of the mischief, it is imper- tember, the House of Representatives under his
ative to disabuse the minds of the public. It is im- watch cannot be intimidated to abandon the
portant to note at this point that the Police investigation into these allegations of corrup-
spokesman accuses POLITICIANS and Speaker tion and brutality against innocent citizens by
Dogara along cannot be POLITICIANS. In any SARS.
case, the House of Representatives and indeed The House would thoroughly investigate this
the parliament happens to be the home of the matter and ensure that justice is done.
Speaker Dogara Attends
Reception in Honour Of
Elder Statesman In Lagos
Speaker Dogara Extolls efforts at promoting the well-being of Nigerians
regardless of ethnicity or creed. Your exceptional
T Y Danjuma @80 zeal for the greatness and development of Nigeria
...says future generations will forever remember his has placed you among the pantheons of our nation.
"Your career as a military Officer was exemplary,
Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon Yaku- reaching the peak as Chief of Defence Staff. Your
bu Dogara, has described elder statesman, General humanitarian and philanthropic activities have
Theophilus Danjuma, as one of Nigeria's pantheons, touched many lives, especially those of the poor
saying his contribution to nation building and well- and weak and are worthy of commendation and
being of Nigerians is exemplary. emulation.

In a letter signed by the Speaker to commemorate "Undoubtedly, future generations will continue to
the 80th birthday anniversary of Gen Danjuma, the remember and appreciate the sacrifices you have
Speaker said future generations will continue to re- made for national unity and the fact that you have
member and appreciate his sacrifices for Nigeria's continued to offer your wise counsel for the peace,
unity, peace, progress and stability. progress and stability of the Nigerian nation.
"We applaud your efforts at giving succour to the
He said, "The House of Representatives and I hearti- victims of terrorism in the North East region includ-
ly rejoice with and celebrate you, our worthy leader, ing its rebuilding, reconstruction and rehabilitation.
highly reverred and accomplished elderstatesman,
Gen. Theophilus Yakubu Danjuma (rtd), on this auspi-
"It is therefore with exceeding gratitude that I re-
cious occasion of your 80th birthday anniversary.
state our congratulations and best wishes for a ful-
"Sir, we celebrate your outstanding services and con- filled, healthy and more fruitful years ahead
tributions to nation building, as well as your
Dogara Mourns Emir "We have lost one of our finest and highly
revered royal fathers. A patriot and an elder-

of Katagum statesman.

"He was a man of integrity and impeechable

Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. character who dedicated his life to service of
Hon. Yakubu Dogara, has described the humanity; development of Katagum emirate and
death of Emir of Katagum, Alhaji Mohammed Bauchi State.
Kabir Umar, as a big loss.
"I condole with his immediate family, all sons
In a statement issued by his Special Adviser and daughters of Katagum emirate as well as
on Media & Public Affairs, Mr. Turaki Has- Bauchi State.
san, Speaker Dogara, stated that the late
monarch was a father and mentor to many "May God grant us all the fortitude to bear this
including him. irreparable loss".

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