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Bachelor of Science (Honours), Queens University, 2003

Master of Science, The University of British Columbia, 2005






(Geological Sciences)



November 2013

Adam Thomas Simmons, 2013

A geological investigation of the of the Paleocene-Eocene Cu-Mo porphyry belt of
southern Peru was undertaken at the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry system with complimentary
work completed at the Cuajone and Toquepala mines. This work adds to the understanding of
the formation and evolution of igneous systems associated with Cu-Mo porphyry formation in
an understudied but economically significant copper source globally.

The Quellaveco Igneous Complex is composed of at least five phases of porphyritic

intrusions which were emplaced into a slightly older equigranular granodiorite batholith and
Late Cretaceous Toquepala Group volcanic rocks. These intrusions were emplaced from
approximately 58Ma to 53Ma. The intrusions with the closest temporal and spatial association
to copper may have been emplaced in as short a timespan as approximately 1.5m.y. These
time periods and time spans are almost identical to those for the emplacement of the igneous
systems at Cuajone and Toquepala. At Quellaveco, zircon mineral chemistry indicates that the
igneous systems associated with porphyry copper formation are different to those not
associated with porphyry copper formation. Geochemical disruptions, flat to cup shaped Eu/Eu*
anomalies and rapid changes in temperature of formation of the zircons with their growth are
indicative of zircons from the porphyry intrusions from Quellaveco. It is postulated that these
geochemical signatures may indicate that intrusions associated with the formation of the
hydrothermal systems are derived from fractionating and cooling magmatic systems which
remained relatively oxidized and were subject to periodic geochemical disturbance. The
geochemical disturbances may reflect a dynamic deeper magmatic system where magma
mixing, replenishment and scouring of wall rock took place. At Quellaveco, each of the
porphyritic intrusions are temporally related with a hydrothermal system. Each hydrothermal
system is an evolution of mineral assemblages in veins from biotite-magnetite-chalcopyrite rich
veins to quartz-sulphide rich veins to quartz vein with quartz-sericite selvages. This sequence of
vein evolution repeats itself at Quellaveco at least four times. Each hydrothermal system occurs
immediately after the emplacement of at least five porphyry intrusion suites.

The dissertation is original, independent work by the author, A. Simmons. Components of
Chapter 6 has been published by the author A. Simmons in Economic Geology (2013), v. 108,
no. 4, p. 625-639. The dissertation is based on fieldwork and laboratory work conducted solely
by the author, A. Simmons.

Table of Contents

Abstract ................................................................................................................. ii
Preface ................................................................................................................. iv
Table of Contents .................................................................................................. iv
List of Tables........................................................................................................ viii
List of Figures ........................................................................................................ x
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................xii

Chapter 1: General Introduction............................................................................... 1

Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1
Hypothesis and Question.................................................................................... 1
Objectives.............................................................................................................. 4
Geological Setting................................................................................................... 5
Metallogenic Setting ........................................................................................ 11
Exploration History ............................................................................................... 12
Previous Work ...................................................................................................... 13
Methodology ........................................................................................................ 14
Mapping Style and Techniques ......................................................................... 14
Presentation......................................................................................................... 19

Chapter 2: Geochronology and Evolution of Paleocene Igneous Rocks and Associated

Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposits, Quellaveco, Southern Peru.............................................. 23
Introduction ......................................................................................................... 23
Previous Work ................................................................................................. 26
Tectonic Framework and Regional Geological Context.............................................. 27
Techniques and Methods....................................................................................... 29
Geology and Geochronology of Quellaveco ............................................................. 31
Toquepala Group............................................................................................. 31
Regional Granodiorite Batholith......................................................................... 32
Quellaveco Porphyry Intrusion Complex............................................................. 33
Earliest Porphyry (ca. 57.5-58.5 Ma) ............................................................ 42
Early Porphyry (ca. 56.5-57 Ma) .................................................................. 44
Intermineral Porphyry (ca. 56-56.5 Ma)........................................................ 44
Monzodiorite Porphyries (ca. 55.5-56.5 Ma) .................................................. 49
Dacite Dykes (ca. 54.5-56 Ma)..................................................................... 49
Late Porphyries (ca. 53-55 Ma).................................................................... 50
Discussion............................................................................................................ 51
Timing of the Quellaveco Intrusive Complex ...................................................... 51
Longevity of System Compared to Other Deposits Globally.................................. 54
Paleocene-Eocene Metallogenic Epoch............................................................... 55
Conclusions.......................................................................................................... 58

Chapter 3: Petrogenesis of Porphyry Intrusive Complexes Associated with Paleocene
Porphyry Cu-Mo Style Mineralization; A Zircon Mineral Chemistry Perspective ............ 59
Introduction ......................................................................................................... 59
Analytical Procedures ............................................................................................ 62
Tectonic Setting and Geology of the Quellaveco Cu-Mo Deposit ................................ 64
Zircon Geochemistry ............................................................................................. 67
Toquepala Group............................................................................................. 75
Pre-Bulk Porphyry Cu-Mo Batholithic and Porphyry Intrusive Units ....................... 80
Syn-Mineral Intrusions................................................................................... 86
Late Porphyry Units and Dykes ......................................................................... 92
Zircon Chemistry Changes with Time................................................................. 96
Fertile vs Non-Fertile System Identification .......................................................100
Magma Contamination Sources........................................................................101
Oxidation State ..............................................................................................103

Chapter 4: Geochemistry of the Quellaveco Igneous Complex (QIC) in the Southern

Peruvian Paleocene-Eocene Porphyry Cu Belt.........................................................107
Introduction ........................................................................................................107
Geology of Quellaveco .........................................................................................109
Analytical Methods and Rational............................................................................114
Results ...............................................................................................................115
Lithogeochmisty of the QIC Igneous Rocks .......................................................115
Pre-Mineral Rocks......................................................................................115
Major Elements ....................................................................................119
Minor Elements, Trace Elements and REEs .............................................121
Syn-Mineral Porphyritic Rocks.....................................................................124
Major Elements ....................................................................................125
Minor Elements, Trace Elements and REEs .............................................127
Post-Mineral Porphyritic Rocks ....................................................................132
Major Elements ....................................................................................132
Minor Elements, Trace Elements and REEs .............................................135
Geochemical Evolution .........................................................................................139
Implications of REE Patterns............................................................................141
Adakite Geochemistry; What Does it Mean? ......................................................142
Geochemical Evolution of the QIC ....................................................................142

Chapter 5: Vein Paragenesis and Timing of Hydrothermal Mineralization and Alteration

Distribution Associated with Porphyry Cu-Mo Style Mineralization, Quellaveco, Southern
Peru: Evidence for Multiple Overprinting Systems ...................................................144
Introduction ........................................................................................................144
Geology of Quellaveco .........................................................................................147
Vein Description and Timing .................................................................................152
Methods ........................................................................................................152
Vein Descriptions............................................................................................153
Veins in Post-Mineral Porphyry ...................................................................153
Veins in Late Porphyry ...............................................................................156
Veins in Monzodiorite Porphyry...................................................................158
Veins in Intermineral Porphyry ...................................................................163
Veins in Early Porphyry ..............................................................................166
Veins in Earliest Porphyry...........................................................................171
Veins in Granodiorite (Cut by Early Porphyries) ............................................173
Quellaveco Vein Type Classification..................................................................175
Early Biotite Veins (EB Veins) .....................................................................176
Molybdenite-Quartz Veins (MoQ Veins)........................................................176
Magnetite-Chalcopyrite Net-Texture Veins (MCN Veins) ................................177
Late Biotite Veins (LB Veins).......................................................................179
Early Quartz-Sulphide Veins (eQS Veins) .....................................................179
Sulphide Veins (S Veins) ............................................................................180
Molybdenite-Bearing Quartz Veins (QSMo Veins)..........................................181
Late Quartz Sulphide Veins (lQS Veins) .......................................................182
Quartz-Sulphide Veins with Quartz-Sericite Selvages (D Veins) ......................183
Hypogene Alteration Distribution......................................................................185
Paragenetic Model ..........................................................................................186
Hydrothermal Fluid Pulses ...............................................................................194

Chapter 6: Punctuated Magmatism Associated with Porphyry Cu-Mo Formation in the

Paleocene to Eocene of Southern Peru ..................................................................198
Introduction ........................................................................................................198
U-Pb Zircon SHRIMP-RG Techniques .....................................................................201
Zircon Separation Procedure............................................................................201
Cathodolumisence ..........................................................................................201
SHRIMP-RG U-PB Analysis Technique ...............................................................202
Tectonics and District Geology ..............................................................................203
Results ...............................................................................................................206
Regional Granodiorite ................................................................................208
Pre-Mineral Diorite.....................................................................................208
Latite Porphyry 1 (LP1) ..............................................................................213
Latite Porphyry 2 (BLP) ..............................................................................213
Intrusive Andesite .....................................................................................214
Latite Porphyry 3 (LP3) ..............................................................................214
Regional Granodiorite ................................................................................215
Dacite Porphyry.........................................................................................217
Dacite Agglomerate ...................................................................................217
Latite Porphyry..........................................................................................217
Timing of Porphyry Cu-Mo Formation ...............................................................222
Magmatic Events Associated with Porphyry Cu Formation in Southern Peru .........226
The Paleocene-Eocene Metallogenic Belt ..........................................................226

Chapter 7: Conclusions and Recommendations for Future Research.........................228

Introduction ........................................................................................................228
Impact of Work ...................................................................................................229
Regional Geology and Geochronology...............................................................230
Geology and Geochronology of Quellaveco Igneous Rocks .................................233
Petrochemistry and Zircon Chemistry of Quellaveco Igneous Rocks.....................235
Vein and Hydrothermal History of Quellaveco ...................................................237
Recommendations for Future Work .......................................................................241

Bibliography ........................................................................................................243

Appendix 1: Geochronologic Results of Intrusive and Extrusive Rocks and Hydrothermal

U-Pb Sensitive High Resolution Ion Micro Probe Reverse Geometry (SHRIMP) Zircon
Geochronology ....................................................................................................260
Methodology ..................................................................................................260
Rocks from Quellaveco....................................................................................260
Rocks from Cuajone........................................................................................266
Rocks from Toquepala ....................................................................................268
Ar/39Ar Geochronology.......................................................................................270
Ar/39Ar Samples Not Used in Thesis ...............................................................271
Appendix 2: Sample Description and Locations.......................................................280
Appendix 3: Geochemistry Analytical Methods........................................................294
Collection, Crushing and Analytical Methods...........................................................294
Duplicates and Standards .....................................................................................295
Appendix 4: Veins Recorded to Cut Intrusive Contacts ............................................298
Appendix 5: Zircon Geochemistry Data ..................................................................302

List of Tables

Chapter 1
Table 1-1: Summary of textural and mineralogical differences between porphyry suites
at Quellaveco ....................................................................................................... 10

Chapter 2
Table 2-1: Previous geochronology from southern Peru Paleocene-Eocene Cu belt ..... 26
Table 2-2: Summary of geochronology from the study area ..................................... 32
Table 2-3: U-Pb SHRIMP-RG zircon analytical data for samples from the study area ... 38
Table 2-4: Summary of textural and mineralogical differences between porphyry suites
at Quellaveco................................................................................................. 45

Chapter 3
Table 3-1: Elements and masses analyzed for zircon trace element routines on the
SHRIMP-RG.......................................................................................................... 65
Table 3-2: U-Pb zircon ages and zircon trace element acquisition techniques ............. 70
Table 3-3: Summary of textural and mineralogical differences between porphyry suites
at Quellaveco ....................................................................................................... 82

Chapter 4
Table 4-1 Summary of textural and mineralogical differences between porphyry suites
at Quellaveco ......................................................................................................113
Table 4-2: Whole rock analytical data for rocks at Quellaveco..................................116

Chapter 5
Table 5-1: Veins within Post Mineral Porphyry suite ................................................154
Table 5-3: Veins within Late mineral porphyry suite................................................156
Table 5-4: Veins within Monzodiorite porphyry suite at various elevations ................159
Table 5-5: Veins within Intermineral porphyry suite at various elevations .................164
Table 5-6: Veins within Early porphyry suite at various elevations............................168
Table 5-7: Veins within Earliest porphyries above 3400m elevation ..........................172
Table 5-8: Veins within Regional Granodiorite above 3400m elevation .....................174
Table 5-9: Vein types and timing relative to porphyry intrusion types.......................177

Chapter 6
Table 6-1: Summary of geochronology results........................................................200
Table 6-2: U-Pb SHRIMP-RG zircon analytical data for samples from Cuajone mine ..212
Table 6-3: U-Pb SHRIMP-RG zircon analytical data for samples from Toquepala mine

Chapter 7
Table 7-1: Geological, textural and petrologic features of porphyritic rocks at
Quellaveco ..........................................................................................................234
Table 7-2: Vein types and timing relative to porphyry intrusion types.......................237

Appendix 1
Table A1-1: 40Ar/39Ar data from samples not used in the thesis ............................278

Appendix 2
Table A2-1: Rock sample locations and descriptions ...............................................281

Appendix 3
Table A3-1: Detection limits for major, trace and rare-earth elements at Acme Labs.

Appendix 4
Table A4-1: Veins within Late and Post mineral porphyries (above 3400m)...............298
Table A4-2: Veins within Monzodiorite and younger porphyries (various elevations) ..298
Table A4-3: Veins within Intermineral and younger porphyries (various elevations) ...299
Table A4-4: Veins within Early and younger porphyries (various elevations) .............300
Table A4-5: Veins within Earliest and younger porphyries (above 3400m) ................301

Appendix 5
Table A5-1: Zircon mineral chemistry data U-Pb routine..........................................302
Table A5-2: Zircon mineral chemistry data Trace Element routine ............................319

List of Figures

Chapter 1
Figure 1-1: Location of the Paleocene-Eocene porphyry belt....................................... 3
Figure 1-2: Regional geology of the Quellaveco area ................................................. 7
Figure 1-3: Geology of the Quellaveco deposit .......................................................... 8

Chapter 2
Figure 2-1: Location of the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry ........................................... 25
Figure 2-2: Regional geology of the area between Toquepala and Cuajone ............... 28
Figure 2-3: Cu-Mo porphyry belts of the Peruvian and Chilean Andes ........................ 30
Figure 2-4: Geology of Quellaveco ......................................................................... 34
Figure 2-5: U-Pb concordia and weighted mean diagrams from Quellaveco ............... 35
Figure 2-6: Cross section through the Quellaveco porphyry Cu-Mo deposit ................ 43
Figure 2-7: Plutonic textures, photos and photomicrographs .................................... 46
Figure 2-8: Summary of ages from Quellaveco ........................................................ 52
Figure 2-9: Density distribution plot for all zircons from Quellaveco........................... 57

Chapter 3
Figure 3-1: Location of the Quellaveco project ........................................................ 60
Figure 3-2: Summary of the geochronology from Quellaveco.................................... 66
Figure 3-3: Regional Geology of southern Peru Cu-Mo porphyries ............................. 68
Figure 3-4: Geological map of Quellaveco ............................................................... 69
Figure 3-5: Cathodoluminescence images of zircons from Quellaveco........................ 73
Figure 3-6: Toquepala Group zircon mineral chemistry from the Quellaveco area ....... 76
Figure 3-7: Pre-bulk Cu-Mo mineralization zircon mineral chemistry .......................... 83
Figure 3-8: Syn Cu-Mo mineralization zircon mineral chemistry................................. 88
Figure 3-9: Late-Post Cu-Mo mineralization zircon mineral chemistry......................... 93
Figure 3-10: Zircon grain traverse vectors for pre-, syn- and post-mineral intrusions .. 97

Chapter 4
Figure 4-1: Location of the southern Peruvian Paleocene-Eocene porphyry belt ........108
Figure 4-2: Regional geology of the Quellaveco area ..............................................111
Figure 4-3: Geology of the Quellavco deposit .........................................................112
Figure 4-4: Major element geochemistry of pre-mineral rocks..................................120
Figure 4-5: Trace element geochemistry of pre-mineral rocks..................................122
Figure 4-6: REE geochemistry of pre-mineral rocks.................................................123
Figure 4-7: Major element geochemistry of syn-mineral rocks .................................126
Figure 4-8: Trace element geochemistry of syn-mineral rocks .................................128
Figure 4-9: REE geochemistry of syn-mineral rocks ................................................130
Figure 4-10: Major element geochemistry of post-mineral rocks ..............................134
Figure 4-11: Trace element geochemisty of post-mineral rocks................................136
Figure 4-12: REE geochemistry of post-mineral rocks .............................................138
Figure 4-13: Geochemical evolution of the QIC ......................................................140

Chapter 5
Figure 5-1: Location of Quellaveco ........................................................................146
Figure 5-2: Geology of the Quellaveco area ...........................................................148
Figure 5-3: Geology of Quellaveco ........................................................................150
Figure 5-4: Surface hypogene alteration at Quellaveco ...........................................151
Figure 5-5: Images of veins from Post & Late mineral porphyries ............................155
Figure 5-6: Images of veins from Monzodiorite & Intermineral porphyry intrusions....160
Figure 5-7: Images of veins from Early & Earliest porphyry suites & Regional
Granodiorite ........................................................................................................169
Figure 5-8: Vein/rock cross-cutting relations and alteration paragenesis ...................187
Figure 5-9: Paragenetic model of vein and rock types .............................................191

Chapter 6
Figure 6-1: Location of the Cuajone and Toquepala mines ......................................199
Figure 6-2: Regional geology in the vicinity of the Cuajone and Toquepala mines .....205
Figure 6-3: Geology of Cuajone mine ....................................................................207
Figure 6-4: U-Pb geochronology results from Cuajone ............................................209
Figure 6-5: Photos of intrusive rocks from Cuajone.................................................211
Figure 6-6: Geology of Toquepala .........................................................................216
Figure 6-7: Geochronology results from Toquepala.................................................218
Figure 6-8: Photos of intrusive rocks from Toquepala .............................................220
Figure 6-9: Probability distribution plots for all zircon data from Cuajone and Toquepala
Figure 6-10: Geochronology summary of rocks from Cuajone & Toquepala...............224

Chapter 7
Figure 7-1: Location of major southern Peru porphyry deposits and Paleocene belt ...231
Figure 7-2: Summary of geochronology of intrusive rocks from southern Peru ..........232
Figure 7-3: Typical growth history of a zircon from intrusive rocks at Quellaveco ......236
Figure 7-4: Summary of hydrothermal and vein pulses at Quellaveco .......................238

Appendix 1
Figure A1-1: Plateau and inverse isochron plots from 40Ar/39Ar samples not used in this
thesis .................................................................................................................273

Appendix 3
Figure A3-1: Duplicate analyses (selected elements)...............................................297

There are many people who deserve recognition for all the help that was given to me
during this study and I am likely to forget a few herein and I apologize in advance if Ive missed

I would like to thank my supervisor, Dick Tosdal, whose input to this thesis was
invaluable. During some down times, he always remained positive and encouraging about
my project and spurred me on. Dick gave me a number of incredible opportunities, which
include geological field trips and an introduction to mining and exploration companies in
Vancouver and world-wide over the course of the last ten years we have been
collaborating during my M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs. These opportunities have enhanced
my understanding of geological processes and created a network of contacts in the
mining/geological world that will remain with me forever. Without Dick none of this would
have been possible. Id also like to thank my committee members, Jim Mortensen, Kelly
Russell and Ken Hickey, all of whom helped me with different aspects of my research, but
provided me with a basis for understanding of the various aspects, which allowed me to
come to a number of conclusions in my thesis. Joe Wooden, from Stanford/USGS is also
thanked for his help and many insights to zircon geochemistry and geochronology.
Thomas Bissig, Tom Ullrich and Farhad Bouzari, from UBC, are thanked for numerous
enlightening conversations. Additionally, there are a number of people who made
significant contributions to my thesis and always kept me in check with my field
observations and interpretations, in addition to reviewing my thesis, and the work herein.
These people include Stuart McCracken, Tim Beale, Adan Pino, Chris Oates from Anglo
American. Special thanks to Tim Beale who the champion within Anglo American to get
the project approved. Without his help this project would have never been possible.
Additionally, access to Southern Peru Copper Corporations Toquepala and Cuajone mines
was provided by Ruben Mattos and Oscar Concha. Many thanks to the support staff from
Anglo American in Lima and Moquegua, Peru that helped me through my struggles with
the Spanish language and were always prepared to help me in times of need, especially
Erica. Additionally, Walter Tejada, from Teck Corporation, welcomed me with open arms
to Lima and showed me the ropes in a new country and new language.

Who would anybody be without their peer group? My peer group both academically
and from the exploration community provided me with many helpful conversations and
were always encouraging of my thesis, which at times was a very tough process, but

ultimately was completed. Not to mention the many beers/wines consumed along the way.
Some of the most involved people in this process included Alan Wainwright, Dan MacNeil,
Claire Chamberlain, Mark Cruise, Keith Henderson, Rob Carpenter, David Caulfield, Darcy
Baker, Robin Black, Rory Kutluoglu, Bill Whitehead, Patrick Redmond, Alan Wilson, and
John Dilles to name a few. All of these people were invaluable to my completion of this

I would also like to thank the many sponsors of this project, which include MDRU,
NSERC, SEG, Anglo American, Minera Quellaveco and Southern Peru Copper Corporation.
This project would have never been completed without the financial and logistical support
of these sponsors.

Additionally, my family has always been patient with me. They dont quite
understand why I remained in school to complete my Ph.D., but have always been the
most supportive people during this time. My Mom, Dad, brothers Mark and Jason and
cousin Don all helped me out in some way during this time. Thanks for the patience guys.
Additionally, Tansy OConnor-Parsons deserves a great deal of credit for my completion of
the Ph.D. Many long conversations always kept me in check, especially with anything to
do with lithogeochemistry; she remained encouraging throughout, even if she did lead me
down a bad path of molar element ratios! Her support, personally and professionally is
and will always be invaluable. She is the light of my life and the moon of my stars and I
look forward to the next chapter of my life with her and our soon to be born first child.

It was a longer than necessary process and the patience of everybody mentioned is
greatly appreciated. For those considering doing a Ph.D., it is a long and arduous task to
complete, the only advice I have is stay positive keep chipping away at, even if you think
nothing or little is being completed. Again, I apologize for those that I left out. Thank you
all so much!

Chapter 1: General Introduction

Porphyry Cu-Mo deposits form during very narrow time frames in the life of a
convergent margin magmatic arc (Sillitoe, 1988). Furthermore, they are not uniformly
distributed along the strike length of most convergent margin arcs. Instead they tend to form
clusters of systems distributed along an arc segment that formed over geologically narrow time
frames during a much longer and protracted arc magmatic history. Porphyry Cu deposits are
genetically related to the emplacement of porphyry intrusions that emanate from a larger
batholith emplaced at greater depth (Dilles, 1987; Dilles et al., 2000; Shinohara and
Hedenquist, 1997). Explanations for the dynamic environment conducive to formation of a
porphyry Cu deposit include subduction reversals, subduction of aseismic ridges or tears in the
down going plate, changes in tectonic environment, and the waning of magmatism at the end
of an episode of arc magmatism (Soloman, 1990; Tosdal and Richards, 2001; Richards 2003,
2009; Garwin, 2002; Cooke et al., 2005; Sillitoe and Perell, 2005). Critical to arriving at a
trigger for the formation of a porphyry deposit is the timing of their formation with respect to
other events happening along the convergent plate margin, the relative timing of copper and
molybdenum bearing minerals and their associated hydrothermal events. The additional use of
whole rock and mineral chemistry to determine the variation of the chemical composition of the
igneous rocks that formed over the life-cycle of the porphyry complex may increase the
understanding of physio-chemical conditions that are required to form productive versus non-
productive porphyry systems.

Hypothesis and Question

The main question of the thesis is:

What are the magmatic conditions required for the formation of productive porphyry copper

The hypothesis driving the research is:

In order to develop large porphyry copper deposits, the magma must have fractionated
and been rejuvenated multiple times over the magmatic history, leading to the exsolution of
copper-bearing hydrothermal fluids and associated veins that are emplaced in the same volume
of crustal rocks repeatedly. This statement implies that the geodynamic setting during the
emplacement of the porphyry system must have been relatively stagnant. In other words, uplift
and erosion must have been approximately equal in order for multiple hydrothermal systems to
be emplaced in the same volume of rock. Multiple heating events in the magmatic rocks that
occurred at approximately the same crustal level also imply a stagnant geodynamic setting.

This thesis focuses on the southern Peru portion of the Paleocene-Eocene porphyry belt
of South America (Figure 1-1), with particular emphasis on the Quellaveco Porphyry Centre.
Five chapters contribute to the understanding of the southern Peru Paleocene-Eocene copper
porphyry belt and include:

1) The timing of porphyry intrusions associated with the development of porphyry copper
deposits from a regional perspective, with emphasis on the Cuajone and Toquepala
porphyry copper deposits and including previously reported work from Quellaveco. This
allows for a broader story to develop from the entire arc segment and puts Quellaveco
into the greater context of the Paleocene-Eocene arc. It also shows that multiple
porphyry copper systems closely spaced in the arc have similar magmatic histories and
were emplaced at approximately the same time and over the timespan. The implications
of this, is that the same processes must have occurred at all three locations over an
approximate 30km of arc length. Thus requiring the magma batches involved in the
development of three separate porphyry deposits to be that much larger.

2) The timing of the Quellaveco Porphyry intrusions associated with the development of
the porphyry copper system at Quellaveco and their relative timing to copper and
molybdenum mineralization. This step of the research provides the absolute and relative
timing of igneous rocks, bracketing the timing of the porphyry system development and
magmatic history. However, this step is also required in order to resolve the relative
timing of vein and hydrothermal systems.

3) Zircon mineral chemistry from the Quellaveco samples that have ages determined for
them to aid in the identification of magmatic processes that contribute to the formation
of the Quellaveco Porphyry Copper Deposit. The use of zircon is critical in this step due
to zircon having low chemical diffusion rates, clearly defined growth zones and is not
easily altered due to thermal and hydrothermal processes. The geochemical of spots in
the growth zones allows for tracking of igneous and thermal events during the growth of
the zircon grain.

4) Petrochemistry of igneous rocks from Quellaveco was completed in order to chemically

characterize the different igneous rocks. This step is important for identifying
geochemical differences that the rocks have. Particularly important are the differences
between the igneous rocks that are associated with mineralization versus those that are

100km 75 125 150km 70 BRAZIL
cay 65
75 PERU Aban
50 ction

15 15
Lake Titicaca

Arequipa La Paz
R idg Cerro-Verde
c a Pe Cuajone
az ru
N -C Quellaveco
hil Toquepala
ch Cerro Colorado
20 20



Copper Belts
m. Miocene-e. Pliocene
e. Miocene-m. Miocene
25 25
L. Eocene-e. Oligocene
Paleocene-e. Eocene ARGENTINA
Cu-Porphyry Deposits
Major Faults
Depth to Benioff Zone

Figure 1-1: Cu-Mo porphyry belts by age with selected Paleocene-Eocene ore deposits andadvanced
projects shown. Copper belts from Sillitoe (1992), depth to Benioff zone from Cahill and
Isacks (1992), oceanic features from Jaillard et al. (2000) and faults from Beale (2007;
Anglo American internal report and ProExplo oral presentation) .
not. These geochemical differences are then explained by magmatic and hydrothermal
processes that may have been happening that have led to the geochemical differences.
For example, high Sr/Y values are observed in rocks associated with copperbearing
hydrothermal systems but not in those that predate and postdate porphyry
development. A rationalization for this observation may be that high water pressures
suppress plagioclase allowing hornblende to fractionate first. The effect of this is that Sr
increases in the melt with time, while Y is depleted with the fractionation of hornblende.
Therefore, high water pressures may be a requirement for the formation of porphyry
copper deposits.

5) Petrography and paragenesis of veins and vein mineral assemblages associated with the
porphyry intrusions at Quellaveco provide the relative timing link between the igneous
intrusions and the timing of copper deposition. The observations of the vein types
present with depth and time through the deposit allows for the identification of
productive hydrothermal systems present as well as the number of hydrothermal pulses
and how they change through time, depth and their relationships to the evolving
geochemistry of the igneous rocks. Without observing, first, the timing of the igneous
rocks relative to each other and the vein types relative to each other and the igneous
rocks no conclusions can be drawn from the relationship of igneous rocks to
hydrothermal systems in porphyry deposits. Therefore, without these observations any
conclusions drawn from the geochemistry of igneous rocks and minerals within them are
diminished in terms of their potential implications for porphyry copper development.

This thesis defines the geology, geochronology and geochemistry of the rocks that host
the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry deposit in southern Peru. Additionally, regional mapping was
completed around Quellaveco and reconnaissance geochronology samples were taken and
reported herein for the surrounding Toquepala and Cuajone Cu-Mo porphyry deposits. This
study mainly focuses on the magmatic evolution of the Quellaveco Intrusive Complex (QIC) and
the hydrothermal evolution relative to the porphyry intrusions at Quellaveco. The project was
designed to enhance the understanding of the timing and styles of hydrothermal mineralization
associated with Paleocene-Eocene porphyry intrusions and to improve the framework for future
exploration of similar deposits in southern Peru and globally. The project was supported by the
Mineral Deposit Research Unit at the University of British Columbia, Anglo American plc,
Southern Peru Copper Corporation, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of

Canada (NSERC Discovery Grant to Richard Tosdal) and the Society of Economic Geologists.
Anglo American provided logistical and financial support for two field seasons from 2006 to

The five main objectives of this thesis were to: 1) to establish a regional and local
geologic framework of the Quellaveco porphyry deposit, 2) to characterize the timing, magmatic
evolution and geochemistry of older host rocks and porphyry intrusions associated with
porphyry Cu mineralization at Quellaveco, 3) based on the timing and geochemical constraints
provided in objective 2, to draw conclusions on the evolution of deeper seated magma
chambers and its possible link to the development of porphyry Cu mineralization, 4) to better
understand the timing and origin of hydrothermal alteration and mineralization within the
Quellaveco porphyry deposit, in particular, the timing of mineral assemblages in veins relative
to each other and porphyry intrusions and, and 5) to assess the similarities, if any, between
Quellaveco and other porphyry Cu deposits in the southern Peruvian Paleocene-Eocene
porphyry Cu belt. A major outcome of the study is a genetic and chronologic model for
porphyry Cu formation at Quellaveco, repeated hydrothermal systems and the short timespan
of porphyry Cu formation at Quellaveco, Cuajone and Toquepala, both in terms of longevity of
the magmatic systems and absolute timing of copper deposition.

Geological Setting
In the mid-Mesozoic rifting along the western margin of Gondwana (now western South
America) marks the beginning of the Andean orogen (Coira et al., 1982; Davidson and
Mpodozis, 1990; Benavides-Cceres, 1999). Steep subduction of cold oceanic crust under the
western margin of Gondwana caused the oceanward retreat of the trench allowing for the
formation of significant intra-arc and back arc rifts. These rifts were filled by mafic, mantle-
derived magmatic rocks (Jones, 1981; Atherton et al., 1983, 1985) and detritus from the rift
margins (Benavides, 1956; Wilson 1983, 2000). The margins of the rift systems are marked by
large-scale faults to the east and Precambrian-Paleozoic rocks to the west. Rifting and basin
development continued into the early Late Cretaceous. In southern Peru, a magmatic arc
formed west of the rift during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, consisting mainly of basaltic to
andesitic rocks intercalated with volcaniclastic rocks and limestone. Three distinct magmatic
pulses are noted during this period and were emplaced progressively towards the east: early
Middle Jurassic (ca. 185Ma); late Middle Jurassic (160-165Ma); and Early Cretaceous (95-
110Ma) in Peru (Pitcher et al., 1995; Mukasa, 1986) and Chile (Clark et al., 1976; Mpodozis and
Ramos, 1989).

The Late Cretaceous is a time of a major tectonic and magmatic shift throughout the
Andes coincident with the opening of the south Atlantic Ocean (Mpodozis and Ramos, 1989).
Generally, there is migration of arc development towards the northeast. In southern Peru the
time is marked by Late Cretaceous shortening, collapse of the back-arc rift and eastward
thrusting of marine volcanic and sedimentary sequences on top of continentally derived clastic
rocks (Vicente et al., 1989, Benavides-Cceres, 1999). Magmatism continued in central and
southern Peru during the latest Cretaceous (66Ma) and into the Paleogene (59Ma) (Clark et al.,
1990a) and is responsible for obscuring the earlier rift sequence and late Cretaceous fold and
thrust belt. This arc is preserved as thick dacitic to andesitic pyroclastic rocks and intermediate
flows (Bellido, 1979), with igneous roots composed of large, mantle and Proterozoic-aged lower
crustal derived granodiorite batholiths (Barreiro and Clark, 1984; Boiley et al., 1990). This
period of magmatism is represented by the extrusive Toquepala Group rocks and large
batholiths (Yarabamaba super suite) in the Quellaveco area (Figure 1-2).

Anomalously metal-rich deposits are associated with Paleocene and Early Eocene granite and
granodiorite porphyry stocks. These stocks intruded earlier in Peru and progressively young to
the south in northern Chile, from 60-52.3 Ma (Mukasa, 1986; Clark et al., 1990a). A strong
northwest elongation of the Paleogene porphyry stocks suggests that a series of trench parallel,
northwest-trending faults, coincident with the earlier rift basin, control the emplacement the
stocks. Porphyry intrusions of this age are temporally and spatially associated with porphyry Cu-
Mo mineralization at Quellaveco, Toquepala and Cuajone (Figure 1-2).

The Quellaveco porphyry Cu-Mo deposit is hosted within a large batholithic,

equigranular granodiorite intrusive complex (~60 Ma; Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010), which
intruded into Toquepala Group (~92Ma-65 Ma; Simmons, unpublished data) volcanic rocks
(Figure 1-2; Martinez and Zuloaga, 2000a; and Martinez and Zuloaga, 2000b). Several
generations of porphyry intrusions were emplaced into the granodiorite batholith from 53 Ma to
58 Ma (Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010), and are spatially associated with hydrothermal alteration
and mineralization (Figure 1-3).







8115000 mN
Cuajone Mine
Proposed Pit

8110000 mN

8105000 mN au

8100000 mN lac
Stratified rocks Intrusive rocks
8095000 mN Alluvium Paleocene
Moquegua Fm.
In Batholiths
ca Barroso Gp.
qu Toquapala Mine Chuntacala/
io 8090000 mN Huaylillas Fm.
Fa Undifferentiated
Toquepala Gp.

Figure 1-2: Regional geology surrounding the Quellaveco, Cuajone and Toquepala ore bodies.
Coordinates in Peruvian Coordinate System (PSAD56); Zone 19S.


326500 mE

327000 mE

327500 mE

328000 mE

328500 mE
8110500 mN 8110500 mN
Undifferentiated Miocene and later ignimbrites
and sedimentary rocks
Intrusive Rocks
N Late Porphyry Intrusions
Intermineral/Monzodiorite Porphyry Intrusions

Pit outline Early Porphyry Intrusions

8110000 mN Equigranular Granodiorite Intrusion 8110000 mN

Volcanic HostRocks Rocks

3 810 Undifferentiated Toquepala Group Volcanic Rocks

Contour spacing 10m

8109500 mN 8109500 mN

8109000 mN 8109000 mN
348 Rio Asana

8108500 mN 8108500 mN

8108000 mN 8108000 mN
326500 mE

327000 mE

327500 mE

328000 mE

328500 mE

8107500 mN 8107500 mN

Figure 1-3: Geology of the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry deposit. Coordinates from PSAD56; UTM zone
19S. Preliminary geological map; note that the Intermineral Porphyry body is not shown
as a dyke complex because lithologies were not distinguishable in all locations on surface
due to supergene leaching.
In total there are five significant periods of porphyry intrusions, which are referred to as
(from oldest to youngest) the Earliest, Early, Intermediate, Monzodiorite, and Late/Post suites
(Table 1-1). The Earliest Porphyry is characterised by its fine grained, crowded porphyritic
texture and contains abundant, net texture magnetite-chalcopyrite veins. Typically, the Earliest
Porphyries range from monzodiorite to quartz-monzonite, are not volumetrically important,
though may contain high grade Cu (>1 %), and was emplaced into the complex at
approximately 58.5Ma-57.5 Ma (Early Porphyry of Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010). The Early
Porphyries are volumetrically the most important intrusions type and is spatially associated with
the most Cu within the Quellaveco Intrusive complex (though lower grade than the Earliest, 0.5
%-0.8 % Cu). Early Porphyries are crowded and coarse grained (>10 mm phenocrysts),
ranging from quartz-monzonite to granodiorite and was emplaced at approximately 57.0 Ma-
56.5 Ma (possibly Intermineral or not sampled from Sillitoe and Montensen, 2010). Intermineral
Porphyries range from granodiorite to monzogranite and are typically coarse grained (>10 mm
phenocrysts) and crowded with characteristically rounded (resorbed) feldspars. The
Intermineral Porphyries are spatially and temporally related to the second most amount of Cu
and comprise the volumetrically second most important unit and was emplaced at
approximately 56.5Ma-56.0 Ma (Intermineral of Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010). The Monzodiorite
Porphyries make up the third most volumetrically important unit and are spatially and
temporally correlated with significant Cu (0.6 %-1 %). Intermineral Porphyries range from
monzodiorite-quartz monzonite with characteristically low phenocryst content (<25 %) and
were emplaced at approximately 55.5Ma-56.5 Ma. Post and Late Mineral Porphyries are
associated with low concentrations of Cu (<0.2 %) and were emplaced at approximately 53 Ma-
55Ma (Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010).

The porphyry intrusions are unconformably overlain by ignimbrites of the Miocene

Chuntacala Formation (ca. 13 Ma), Asana Formation (ca. 10 Ma) and Sencca Formation (ca. 8
Ma; Quang et al., 2005). These tuffs filled a paleovalley that paralleled the current Rio Asana to
the north and are preserved in small depressions in the exhumed early Miocene Altos de
Camilaca surface at elevations of about 4000 m to the south of the Rio Asana (Tosdal et al.,
1981). The Chuntacala Formation ignimbrites preserved the secondary sulphide horizon that
developed in the Miocene (Quang et al., 2005).

Table 1-1: Summary of textural and mineralogical differences between porphyry suites at Quellaveco
Suite Age (Ma) Rock Type Phenocryst Phenocryst assemblage Alteration Comments
Earliest 57.5-58.6 Monzodiorite - 50-65 Plag>>Kfs>Bt Bt-Mag- -high grade and low volume;
Qtz Monzonite Kfs -dense veins and rock replacement by
-as xenoliths in Early Porphyry;
Early 55.9-56.6 Qtz Monzonite 50-60 Plag; 25%, sub-anhedral Qtz-Ser over -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
Granodiorite Kfs; 15%, sub-anhedral Bt-Kfs (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Qtz; 15%, large, euhedral Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Bt; 5%, small, euhedral -medium grade and large volume;
Hbld; rare -elongated stocks or several thick dykes
Intermineral 1 55.7-57.1 Granodiorite 40-50 Plag; 20%, large, sub-euhedral Qtz-Ser over -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
Monzogranite Kfs; 15%, large, sub-euhedral Bt-Kfs (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Qtz; 15%, medium, euhedral Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Bt; 5%, small, euhedral -medium grade and medium volume;
-several dykes 1-10s of meters thick
Intermineral 2 56.3-57.0 Qtz monzodiorite 50-60 Plag; 40%, large, sub-anhedral Qtz-Ser over -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
Qtz monzonite Kfs; 10%, large sub-anhedral Bt-Kfs (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Qtz; 5%, large, euhedral Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Bt; 5%, medium, sub-anhedral -medium to low grade and medium volume;
Hbld; rare -several dykes 1-10s of meters thick
Monzodiorite 55.2-57.2 Monzodiorite 25-30 Plag; 20%, large, sub-euhedral Bt- -dense veins>disseminations vein sequence
Qtz Monzonite Qtz; 3%, large, euhedral KfsMag (early to late): Bt-Py; Qtz-Bt-Cp; Qtz-Cp-Py;
Bt; 3%, small, euhedral late Qtz- Qtz-Mo-Cp; Qtz-Ser-Cp-Py;
Kfs 2%, large, euhedral Ser -highly variable grade and low volume
Hbld; 2%, small anhedral Dense veins and rock replacement by
sulphides and magnetite
-several dykes 1-10s of meters thick
Late/Post 53.9-55.5 Granodiorite 60-65 Plag; 40%, large, euhedral Cl-Ep -Qtz-Py>>CpMo >>disseminations
Qtz; 15%, large, anhedral -very low grade and medium volume
Kfs; 10%, large, euhedral -sub-rounded stocks
Bt; 4%, large, subhedral
Hbld; 1% large, euhedral
Critical distinguishing features are shown in bold. Shortened forms for minerals areas follows: Qtz=Quartz, Plag=Plagioclase, Bt=Biotite, Mag=Magnetite,
Kfs=Potassium Feldspar, Hbld=Hornblende, Ser=Sericite, Cl=Chlorite, Ep=Epidote, Cp=Chalcopyrite, Py=Pyrite, Mo=Molybdenite
Alteration is given as the dominant alteration minerals spatially associated with the porphyry suite at elevations between 3000-3500m
Rock type and phenocryst abundance given as visual modal amounts of Qtz-Kfs-Plag and volumetric abundance of phenocrysts to matrix
A thin (50 to 60 m), irregular Cu-enrichment zone is developed above hypogene
sulphide mineralization (Estrada, 1975 and; Clark et al., 1990b). At least two distinctive zones
are comprised of secondary Cu-sulphides, Cu-oxides, and hypogene sulphides. Clark et al.,
(1990b) separates these into two zones of an upper moderately to strongly enriched zone of
disseminated secondary chalcocite overlying a mixed zone of supergene chalcocite and
hypogene sulphide. A conglomerate at the base of the Ma Chuntacala Formation unconformably
overlies the leached and oxidized zone and indicates that the last enrichment phase occurred
prior to the Miocene. Clark et al., (1990b) suggests that the enrichment blanket is a product of
two or more superposed enrichment phases based on the geometry of the enrichment and
leached zones and the reconstructed paleogeomorphology (Tosdal et al., 1984). The periods of
the enrichment are thought to be contemporaneous with formation of the Altos de Camilaca
surface in the Oligocene and the down cutting of broad valleys through the deposit during the

Metallogenic Setting
The relatively high abundance, grade and density of ore deposits make the Andes one of
the richest orogenic belts in terms of metallic ores (Petersen, 1977). Because of the high
importance placed on metals, due to global consumption of such commodities, it is important to
understand the distribution of metals within the Earths crust. In terms of the post-Paleozoic
metallogenesis, the Andes may be divided into four distinct metallic domains, as defined by
Routhier (1980): the iron, copper, polymetallic and tin belts (Turneaure, 1960; Petersen, 1970;
Sillitoe, 1972, 1976, 1977; Malvicini, 1975; Ericksen, 1976; Malvicini and Llambias, 1982).
These belts are characterized by the predominance of one or two principal metals, but may
contain ore deposits of different ages, deposit types and paragenesis. Longitudinal
segmentation/disruption of the belts is a function of heterogeneities of the continental crust,
changing geometry of the continent, the complexities of oceanic plates being subducted (e.g.
ocean ridges), the variation in speed and angle of convergence between the continent plates
and their effects on the subduction zone (e.g. Petersen, 1970; Goosesens, 1972; Sillitoe, 1974;
Oyarzun and Frutos, 1980; Oyarzun, 1985, 1990; Petford and Atherton, 1995).

The Cu belt can be temporally subdivided into four spatially distinct trench parallel
metallogenic belts; Paleocene to Early Eocene, Late Eocene to Early Oligocene, Early to Middle
Miocene and, Middle Miocene to Early Pliocene (Figure 1-1; Sillitoe, 1992; Richards, 2001,
2003). These belts progressively young to the east and in northern Chile there is distinct spatial
overlap of the Paleocene and Eocene belts, whereas in southern Peru there is a distinct

eastward shift (~ 25 to 35 km) of the Eocene belt from the Paleocene belt (Perell et al., 2003;
Martinez and Cervantes, 2003). This eastward jump of the magmatic arc in southern Peru may
have caused a distinctly lower rate of uplift and erosion of the Paleocene belt, resulting in less
significant supergene leaching than observed in Chile. This study focuses on the southern
Peruvian portion of the Paleocene-Eocene copper belt.

Exploration History
Quellaveco was recognized as a potential porphyry Cu deposit in the 1930s (Lacy,
1991). It has been explored at various times in the past by Northern Peru Mining and Smelting
Co. between 1947 and 1952, Southern Peru Copper Corporation in 1970 before being
nationalized and explored further by Minero Peru in 1972 (Candiotti, 1995). Announced
reserves at that time were 405 Mt at 0.8 % Cu (Estrada, 1975). Subsequent exploration by
Anglo American Exploration Peru S.A has defined a geological resource of 1,670 Mt at 0.56 %
Cu (cut-off at 0.3 % Cu) with reserves of 979 Mt at 0.63 % Cu, 0.021 % Mo and 2.19 g/t Ag,
including 213 Mt @ 0.95 % Cu. As of January 2012, the total resource at Quellaveco has grown
to 1923.2 Mt at 0.54% Cu for a total of 10,351 kt of copper (Anglo Ameican, 2012). The details
of the deposit have been summarized by Estrada (1975), Toropoca (1979), Guerrero and
Candiotti (1979), Kihien (1995), and Candiotti de los Rios (1995).

Cuajone was recognized as a potential porphyry Cu deposit in the 1930s (Lacy, 1991).
It was first drilled in 1942. The 157 Mt at 1.27 % Cu prospect at that time was not considered
economic (Lacy, 1991). Subsequent drilling in 1952 expanded the resource to 417 Mt at 1.05 %
Cu. Development on the Cuajone property ceased once Toquepala began production. However,
under pressure from the Peruvian government, the Cuajone project was eventually developed
with the first production being in mid-1976. Concha and Valle (1999) report reserves of 1,400
Mt at 0.64 % Cu and 0.033 % Mo at a cut-off of 0.40 % Cu.

Toquepala was recognized in the 1930s as a porphyry Cu prospect by Carl

Schmedeman (Lacy, 1991) based upon the surface outcrops of leached and limonite filled
veinlets that locally contained copper oxides and carbonate minerals. The Cerro de Pasco
Company drilled the property through 1942 and outlined a resource of 9 Mt of 4.21 % Cu at a
cut-off grade of 3 %. In 1949, the information and property became part of Northern Peru
Mining and Smelting Co. and an exploration program outlined a 363 Mt at 1.05 % Cu ore body.
Mattos and Valle (1999) report reserves of 300 Mt at 0.83 % Cu and 0.07 % Mo in sulfide ore
and 700 Mt at 0.2 % Cu in leachable ore (Southern Peru Copper Corporation, 2003). The

current reserve figures do not take into account past production reported to be 558 Mt of 1.03
% Cu (Mattos and Valle, 1999).

Previous Work
Previous work established that the porphyry deposits of southern Peru formed during
the Paleocene to the early Eocene. The Cerro Verde-Santa Rosa porphyry systems hosted by
Proterozoic gneiss of the Arequipa massif and the pre-mineral 62-67 1 Ma Yarabamba
Superunit batholith are associated genetically with porphyry intrusions with 61 1 Ma U-Pb
ages (LeBel, 1985; Mukasa, 1986), and Ar/39Ar hydrothermal sericite alteration age of
61.80.7 Ma and 62.01.1 Ma for Cerro Verde and 62.22.9 Ma for Santa Rosa (Quang et al.,
2003). Hydrothermal sericite alteration at Cuajone has been dated using Ar/39Ar methods at
~52.81.0 Ma (Clark et al., 1990a). At Toquepala, Ar/39Ar ages of igneous biotite and
hydrothermal sericite suggest the porphyry Cu system formed between 55.9 and 55.0 Ma
(Zweng and Clark, 1995), with a late pyrite-bearing hydrothermal stage as young as 52 Ma
(A.H. Clark, 2003, written communication). At Quellaveco, Estrada (1975) reported a K-Ar age
on sericite of 56.2 Ma (no uncertainty) whereas a slightly younger Ar/39Ar age on sericite of
54.32.0 Ma has also been reported (A.H. Clark, 2003, written communication). Sillitoe and
Mortensen (2010) reported U-Pb ages on zircon from a suite of porphyry intrusions between
~54 and 59 Ma from Quellaveco that although fairly close are slightly older than K-Ar and
Ar/39Ar ages, suggesting that the 40
Ar/39Ar ages reflect the overall cooling of the hydrothermal
event rather than the actual age of the porphyry formation, as is in many porphyry Cu deposits
and districts (e.g. Richards and Noble, 1998; Gustafson et al., 2001; Harris et al., 2008).
Nonetheless, the K-Ar and Ar/39Ar ages are sufficiently close to the ages of the porphyry
intrusions associated with Cu-introduction to provide sufficient constraints (e.g. Perell et al.,
2003; 2008) to define a broad scale chronologic framework for porphyry Cu formation.
Regardless, the available chronologic data suggests at least an 8 to 10 m.y. period during which
porphyry Cu deposits were emplaced in the southern Peru belt, a duration similar to that found
elsewhere (Sillitoe and Perell, 2005; Barra et al., 2005; Glen et al., 2007).

This study focuses attention on the southern end of the southern Peru porphyry belt.
Specifically, the three spatially associated porphyry Cu-Mo deposits at Cuajone, Quellaveco, and
Toquepala (Figure 1-1). A detailed mapping and geochronological study of intrusive rocks at
Quellaveco augment the four U-Pb ages of Sillitoe and Mortensen (2010) and provide the basis
for further studies related to the igneous petrochemistry, igneous geochemical evolution,
geotectonic setting of igneous rocks and the hydrothermal evolution of the Quellaveco porphyry

Cu-Mo system. No previous work has been reported on the igneous petrochemistry, evolution
and hypogene hydrothermal evolution of the Quellaveco Porphyry or the Cuajone and
Toquepala Porphyries.

A combination of detailed and regional geological mapping, petrography, geochronology,
geochemistry and zircon mineral chemistry were integrated to understand the igneous and
hydrothermal evolution of southern Peruvian Paleocene to Eocene porphyry deposits, with
emphasis on the Quellaveco porphyry deposit.

Mapping Style and Techniques

The geology of Quellaveco was mapped at a scale of 1:1000 and several reconnaissance
traverses through the Toquepala Group completed in the areas between Quellaveco, Toquepala
and Cuajone over two field seasons (2007 and 2008). A modified Anaconda style of mapping
(Einaudi, 1997) was used in order to produce separate maps that distinguish between;
lithology, structure, hypogene alteration, supergene alteration and percent quartz-sericite
alteration as halos around quartz-sulphide veins. This method allows for a better understanding
of the distribution of primary igneous textures from hypogene and supergene alteration effects
on these rocks.

Zircons from twenty-eight samples representing all the major porphyry intrusions and
mineralized centers were prepared for this study. These include eighteen samples from
Quellaveco, six samples from Cuajone and four samples from Toquepala. Samples were
selected based on their relative timing to other intrusion types so as to ensure every porphyry
intrusion types were analyzed for their U-Pb isotopic composition to determine ages for all
intrusion types. Additionally, the least altered and mineralized samples of each intrusion type
was selected for avoid possible problems with Pb-loss within the zircons. All samples were
collected as part of this study and all preparation was completed at the Pacific Centre for
Isotopic and Geochemical Research (PCIGR) in the Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences,
the University of British Columbia (UBC). Rock samples were prepared in a steel jaw crusher
and ceramic disk grinder to a powder. A Wilfley table was used on the <500 micron size
fraction to produce a heavy mineral concentrate. This concentrate was then put through heavy
liquids (methylene-iodide; MEI) with all minerals off greater than a specific gravity of 3.335
g/cm3 sinking. Both the floating and sinking separates were retained. The heavy fraction was
then put through a Frantz isodynamic magnetic separator to isolate a non-magnetic fraction.

Individual zircons were hand-picked under a binocular microscope based on grain morphology,
quality, size and magnetic susceptibility. Lab procedures emphasize careful cleaning (with air,
water, soap, alcohol), between samples to minimize possibilities of cross-sample contamination.

Zircons were mounted in a 2.5 cm diameter epoxy plug together with a zircon age
standard R33 (419 0.4 Ma; Black et al., 2004) and a rare earth element zircon standard MAD-
green (Frank Mazdab, personal communication, 2007). The plugs were polished to expose grain
centers and photographed in reflected light and using a cathodoluminescence (CL) detection
system at the Stanford University with a JEOL JSM 5600 scanning electron microscope
operating at 15 keV accelerating potential. The CL images were used to screen the zircons; CL-
dark areas of high uranium content were generally selected for analysis due to the high
uranium content. However, both grain edges and centers were measured. The most uranium-
rich zones contain >40 to <900 ppm U, but average ~150 ppm U. CL-images of the zircon in
each sample display a range of textures including oscillatory growth zones, sector zoning, and
rarely contain rounded cores. In the current study, zircon rims displaying regular concentric
(oscillatory) growth zones were sampled and interpreted to represent normal magmatic
crystallization from zircon-saturated melt (Vavra, 1994; Hoskin, 2000; Hoskin and Schaltegger,
2003). Identifiable truncated or resorbed cores were typically avoided although they were
occasionally sampled in cases where the core represented the only dark portion of the grain.
Interpreted inherited zircons represent <12 percent of all spots analyzed.

Trace element analyses in zircon were performed on the SHRIMP-RG at the U.S.G.S.-
Stanford Ion Microprobe Laboratory at Stanford University. For a detailed overview of the
instrumental set-up and methodology, see posters at To
summarize, a ~1.5 nA O2- primary beam is used to produce a ~15 m diameter spot on the
sample. The instrument mass resolution is adjusted to M/M =>11000 (at 10% peak height) to
effectively separate Sc+ from 90
Zr2+, 93
Nb+ from 92
Zr1H+, 48
Ti+ from both 96
Zr2+ and 48
Ca+, and
all of the HREE from the MREE oxides, while maintaining high sensitivity and reproducible, flat-
topped peaks. The acquisition program cycles through as many as 44 sequential mass positions
consisting of elemental and molecular species from 7Li+ through 238
U16O+. Peak centering on
both ubiquitous species and on guide peaks adjacent to low-abundance or interference-prone
species is used to eliminate any potential effects of magnet drift or peak wandering. Over the
10-15 minute analysis duration, the crater depth grows to <2 m. The overall limited sampling
volume significantly minimizes, but does not entirely preclude, beam overlap with invisible
subsurface inclusions. Measurements on the unknowns are interspersed with periodic
measurements on a well-characterized, homogeneous natural zircon standard, CZ3 or MAD-
green. Data reduction is done offline in Excel. Average count rates of each element of interest
are ratioed to Si+ to account for any primary current drift, and the derived ratios for the
unknowns are compared to an average of those for CZ3 or MAD-green zircon to determine
concentrations. Spot to spot precision (as measured on the standard) vary according to
elemental ionization efficiency and concentration, and generally range from about 3 % for Hf,
5 % for the HREE, 10-15 % for P, Sc, Y and the MREE, and up to 40 % for La (all values
at 2). Spot locations on the unknowns are selected to sample the diversity of observed CL or
BSE zonation present, locating multiple spots (typically two to four) on a set of eight to twelve
individual grains per sample to assess overall trends.

MAD and CZ3 were calibrated for concentration against doped synthetic zircons grown
by Frank Mazdab in a furnace in the SUMAC facility. Different batches of zircons were doped
with Hf, P, Sc, Ti, Y, REE, Th and U in such a way as to avoid inferring x-ray lines when they
were analyzed by electron microprobes at Stanford and the USGS Menlo Park. The synthetic
zircons were typically broadly sector zoned, but areas within zones were sufficiently
homogeneous to provide calibration references. The analyzed areas on the synthetic zircons
were then re-analyzed on the SHRIMP-RG ion microprobe at the same time as chips of MAD
and CZ3. Concentrations of elements that could not be determined by doping of synthetic
zircons were estimated by utilizing the ionization efficiencies of the elements and comparing
independently calibrated ones against uncalibrated ones (Li, Be, B, F, Na, Al, K, Ca, V, Cr, Mn,
Fe, Ge, Nb). A set of ionization efficiencies were directly determined for the SHRIMP-RG using
the NIST glasses (Mazdab, unpublished) and are generally comparable to values determined on
other SIMS instruments.

Prior to trace element analyses, the samples analyzed for U/Pb geochronology. The
mounts were then repolished and only zircons with centers of grains that had been analyzed for
geochronology were used for trace element analyses. This decreases the possibility of analyzing
zircons for trace elements that do not belong to that suite of intrusion. However, since the ages
of many of the intrusive suites overlap, particularly the Early and Intermineral suites, it is often
difficult to be sure that the zircon sampled for trace element analyses belongs to that suite. As
the Early suite of intrusions is older than the Intermineral suite, possible contamination of the
data should not be problem until selecting zircons grains for the Intermineral suite.

Seventy-three samples reflecting the petrologic range of Late Cretaceous to Eocene

igneous rocks in the district were analyzed for major and trace elements. All seventy-three
samples are from rocks that comprise the QIC; an additional one hundred and sixteen samples

were taken from the older and younger rocks from areas between the Toquepala and Cuajone
Mines. All samples were analyzed at Acme Analytical Laboratories in Vancouver, Canada, by
Acme staff. Major elements and selected trace elements were determined by X-ray fluorescence
spectrometry (XRF), rare earth elements (REE) and remaining trace elements were determined
by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).

Although an attempt was made to collect least altered samples through field screening
and thin section evaluation, some samples are weakly altered as these rocks are associated
with giant porphyry Cu-Au deposits. Rocks that were particularly problematic to collect
minimally altered samples include the Earliest, Early, Intermineral and Monzodiorite porphyries,
all other rocks may be found to be relatively unaltered. Inevitably, some of the analyzed
samples are partially altered and the alteration usually takes place in the form of chloritization
of mafic minerals, sericite replacing feldspars as well as carbonate introduction, within the Early
and Late porphyries, Post-mineral dykes and the regional granodiorite. Potassium feldspar,
magnetite and biotite alteration dominate with late sericite over printing alteration within the
Earliest, Early, Intermineral and Monzodiorite porphyries. Wherever possible, we used a
diamond saw to cut off visibly altered and vein material during preparation of samples for
submission to Acme Labs. Relatively soluble elements such as Si, Fe, Mg, Ca, Na and K are
known to be mobile during hydrothermal events; therefore we have placed more emphasis on
lithogeochemical characterization based on REE and high field-strength elements (HFSE), which
are relatively immobile under low-grade metamorphic conditions and hydrothermal events.
Some emphasis is placed on Y and Yb, which are also relatively immobile and the results are
sufficiently greater than the detections limits such that they are robust.

Due to the complexity, variability and high density of vein types within each intrusion
type, particularly within older intrusion types, and the lack of minerals containing radiogenic
elements that would provide an adequate temporal resolution required to differentiate vein
types and veins associated with particular intrusions, a method for differentiating the veins in
terms of timing, had to be devised. In this study, the vein timing is described relative to
intrusion types due to the relative and absolute timing constraints previously established
(Chapter 2 and Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010). Theoretically, since the youngest suite of
intrusions (Post Mineral Porphyries) represents the last emplacement of igneous rocks, they
should only contain veins that were emplaced after the Post Mineral Porphyries were emplaced.
Several areas within the proposed pit area contain Post Mineral Porphyries, these were logged
in four separate locations and the veins recorded at each location were compiled into a
summary table. Once these veins were recorded, areas within the deposit where non-
mineralized Post-Mineral Porphyries and weakly mineralized Late Mineral Porphyries were in
contact with each other, drill core was logged and veins that were crosscut by the Post Mineral
Porphyries were recorded, in additional to those that cut through both rock types. Veins that
are crosscut by the Post Mineral Porphyry were traced into the Late Mineral Porphyry and the
cross cutting relationships with other vein types were recorded. This allows for recording of
veins that have clear timing relationships to both of the rock types. Progressively, through
increasing time, areas where the contacts between the Late Mineral and Monzodiorite Porphyry,
Monzodiorite Porphyry and Intermineral Porphyry, Intermineral Porphyry and Early Porphyry,
Early Porphyry and Earliest Porphyry, and the Granodiorite and Early Porphyry were logged in
detail to record the vein types and timing relationships as in the example described between
the Post Mineral and Late Mineral Porphyry, previously. The types of information described
macroscopically include, mineralogy, relative abundance of minerals, selvage type and textures,
textures of minerals (quartz in particular), continuity of vein, distribution of sulphides within
veins, textures of sulphide and oxides contained in veins, behaviour of vein (i.e. straight vs.
wavy), secondary mineralogy (where present) and timing relative to other veins. All veins in this
study were recoded at elevations below supergene oxidation and enrichment from drill core.

Many sources of error are present when using this method of data collection; however,
due to the high amount of data being collected from many different areas within the deposit,
the sources of error should be minimized by the amount of data being collected. Timing
relationships of veins were restricted to within one meter of contacts between intrusive units,
however, the largest source of error remains the recording of vein crosscutting relationships the
further away from the contact that the observation was made. Secondly, the ideal contacts
between intrusion types were not always available. In particular no drilled contacts between the
regional granodiorite and Earliest Porphyry, and Post Mineral and Late Mineral Porphyries were
recorded. In these circumstances vein types recorded in earlier porphyries were excluded and
older vein types were assumed to be of the timing of between one rock type and the other.
Thirdly, where vein types were recoded with depth (Monzodiorite, Intermineral and Early
Porphyries) not all ideal contacts were observed to have been drilled. In these cases,
observations from other depths and the closest to ideal contact (e.g. Intermineral to Late
Porphyry) were taken into consideration. Presented below are the vein types within each rock
type that have been crosscut or interpreted to have been crosscut by the next youngest
intrusion type to which the vein is hosted in, for a detailed compilation of all veins recorded see
Chapter 5 and for the veins that were recorded to be in both rock types at contacts between
intrusion types see Accompanying Data, at the end of Chapter 5. Also, note that the

observations are supported by microphotographs/thin section description as necessary and that
relative abundances of veins are not the emphasis of the tables, but rather the timing of the
vein types. Relative abundances are estimated within the text.

This thesis is presented in manuscript format, in accordance with the University of
British Columbia guidelines. Results are presented as five individual research papers in Chapters
2 through 6. The manuscripts will be submitted for publication in various journals. As these
chapters are stand-alone papers, some repetition is unavoidable in order to provide clarity and
context for each chapter. As of June 2013, a slightly modified version of Chapter 6 has been
published Economic Geology (2013), v. 108, no. 4, p. 625-639.

Chapter 2

Geochronology and Evolution of Paleocene Igneous Rocks and the Associated

Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposit, Quellaveco, Southern Peru

Adam Simmons, Richard Tosdal, Joseph Wooden, Stuart McCracken and Timothy Beale

This chapter focuses on the describing the geology and timing of igneous rocks
associated with the Cu-Mo porphyry deposit at Quellaveco. In this chapter, new Sensitive High
(Mass) Resolution Ion MicroProbe-Reverse Geometry (SHRIMP-RG) geochronology results from
zircon will be presented as well as new maps and lithological descriptions. These data and
description covers the range of all igneous rocks at Quellaveco including premineral host rocks,
early, Intermineral and late porphyry intrusions as well as post mineralization volcanic cover
rocks. These data compliment those of previous workers in the area and improve the
understanding of the timing of emplacement of magmatic rocks at Quellaveco. The timing of
the igneous rocks relative to mineralization will be discussed, but not covered in detail.

Chapter 3

Petrogenesis of Porphyry Intrusive Complexes Associated with Paleocene Porphyry

Cu-Mo Style Mineralization; A Zircon Mineral Chemistry

Adam Simmons, Richard Tosdal, Joseph Wooden and Frank Mazdab

This chapter will describe magmatic processes that occurred prior to, during and after
the formation of hydrothermal systems at Quellaveco. Zircon chemistry data will provide the
basis for process identification and allows for assumptions when presenting whole rock data.
This chapter discusses the concepts of magma mixing, recharge and convection and how they
affect the development of repeated hydrothermal systems. Also discussed will be the
importance of mafic and intermediate magma mixing. This paper will also attempt to identify a
means of identifying productive vs. non-productive system based on the zircon and whole rock

Chapter 4

Geochemistry of the Quellaveco Igneous Complex (QIC) in the Southern Peruvian

Paleocene-Eocene Porphyry Cu Belt

Adam Simmons and Richard Tosdal

This chapter will focus on whole rock geochemistry of all rocks from the Quellaveco
area. It focuses on presenting the data and interpreting the data in a time sequence as
demonstrated in Chapter 2. The use of whole rock geochemistry allows for general geochemical
characterization of the rocks and adds insights to the possible magma chamber dynamics
presented in Chapter 3. Possible links of magmatic processes, magma types and evolution to
fertile vs. non-fertile magmas are made. The whole rock geochemical data presented largely
supports the work of other workers in porphyry systems globally.

Chapter 5

Vein Paragenesis and Timing of Hydrothermal Mineralization and Alteration

Distribution Associated with Porphyry Cu-Mo style Mineralization, Quellaveco,
Southern Peru: Evidence for Multiple Overprinting Systems

Adam Simmons and Richard Tosdal

This chapter will discuss the evolution of the hydrothermal systems present at
Quellaveco. Within this chapter the vein and hypogene alteration paragenesis will be presented.
This will provide the basis for argument on the generation of multiple hydrothermal systems.
This was done by making macroscopic observations of vein-vein crosscutting relationships and
vein-porphyry intrusion crosscutting relationships. Critical to the arguments made in this
chapter are the conclusions drawn from Chapter 2. Key conclusions of this chapter include a
description of the vein evolution of a single hydrothermal event and that at least three
hydrothermal systems with similar veins evolutions were emplaced in the same volume of the
crust repeatedly over a span of a maximum of approximately 3m.y.

Chapter 6

Punctuated Magmatism Associated with Porphyry Cu-Mo Formation in the

Paleocene to Eocene of Southern Peru

Adam Simmons, Richard Tosdal, Joseph Wooden, Rubn Mattos, Oscar Concha, Stuart
McCracken and Timothy Beale

This chapter will present the geochronology data from all intrusive rocks types at the
Cuajone and Toquepala mines. Insights to the longevity of the igneous systems will be provided
as well as basic descriptions of the mines and the petrogenesis of the rocks within each mine.
Comparisons are made to the timing of porphyry systems globally as well as the timing and
longevity of the Quellaveco porphyry system. The key conclusion from this chapter is that all of
the Quellaveco, Cuajone and Toquepala ore bodies were emplaced at approximately the same
time and had very similar magmatic longevities associated with porphyry Cu formation. This
chapter has been published as follows with the above authors and title: June 2013, Economic
Geology, v. 108, no. 4, p. 625-639.

Chapter 7

General Conclusions

This chapter outlines the overall conclusions of the research presented in chapters two
through seven. Ideas left open to future research and unexplained questions are also


Appendix 1 provides sample locations and sample descriptions of rocks used for U-Pb
geochronology, Ar-Ar geochronology and Re-Os geochronology, some of which were used in
the thesis and others did not fit into the chapters as written.

Appendix 2 provides sample location and descriptions for all samples collected during the
course of this study.

Appendix 3 discusses the methodology, detection limits and duplicate analyzes (to test for
precision) used for geochemical data. Samples were analysed at ACME Laboratories Ltd.,

Appendix 4 provides veins observed and described to have cross-cut contacts between rock
types. That is veins that are associated with younger hydrothermal systems than the
hydrothermal system that immediately follows the emplacement of the porphyry unit they are
described to be in. This data is meant to compliment that presented in Chapter 5.

Chapter 2: Geochronology and Evolution of Paleocene Igneous
Rocks and Associated Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposits, Quellaveco,
Southern Peru

Porphyry Cu-Mo deposits are spatially associated with co-eval granitic porphyry
intrusions that are usually contained within trench parallel magmatic arcs at destructive plate
margins. These deposit types have been well studied globally in terms of their temporal and
spatial distribution (e.g. Sillitoe, 1972; 1992), spatial relationships to major crustal structures
(Richards, 2000), alteration and vein distribution (e.g. Lowell and Guilbert, 1970, Gustafson and
Hunt, 1975; Pollard and Taylor, 2002) and their associated magmatism (e.g. Lowell and
Guilbert, 1970; Dilles, 1987, 2000; Seedorf et al., 2008). In contrast to the younger Chilean
porphyry Cu-Mo deposits, the Paleocene-Eocene porphyry Cu-Mo deposits of southern Peru and
northern Chile are not as well studied. In particular, few detailed U-Pb geochronology studies of
porphyry intrusive complexes associated with significant Cu-Mo mineralization have been
completed. For the most part, the ages of these intrusive centres have been constrained by K-
Ar and Ar-Ar techniques in highly altered rocks and few of the studies clearly demonstrate the
relative timing relationship between porphyry intrusions and veins containing significant Cu-Mo
bearing sulphides.

Economically significant porphyry Cu-Mo deposits are present throughout the Andean
Orogen in both Chile and Peru. In 2010, Peru accounted for 7.8 % of the global copper mine
production and ranks as the second largest copper producing nation in the world, behind only
Chile (U.S. Geological Survey, 2012). A large portion of the Peruvian copper production is
accounted for in the southern Peruvian Paleocene-Eocene Cu-Mo porphyry belt. Economically
significant ore bodies in southern Peru typically contain >1300 Ktons of approximately 0.62
wt% Cu and approximately 0.02 wt% Mo, with variable but often significant amounts of Ag.
Although secondary supergene processes play significant roles in the modification of the
Peruvian ore bodies, they typically only have thin supergene enrichment blankets indicating that
deep weathering of the Peruvian porphyries did not take place. For the most part, the bulk of
copper is contained within chalcopyrite-bearing quartz veins and sulphide veins with quartz-
sericite halos in the hypogene environment below the supergene enriched portions of the
porphyries. Examples of these include Cerro Verde (1407 Mt at 0.469% Cu and 0.015% Mo),
Cuajone (2446 Mt at 0.527% Cu and 0.019% Mo), Toquepala (4294 Mt at 0.442% Cu, 0.021%

Mo) and Quellaveco (1670 Mt @ 0.56% Cu) (Figure 2-1). The Paleocene porphyry Cu-Mo belt
extends from northern Chile into southern Peru (Figure 2-3; Sillitoe, 1992). The porphyry Cu-Mo
deposits are spatially, temporally and genetically related to Late Paleocene to Early Eocene
porphyritic intrusive rocks. The porphyritic intrusions were emplaced variably into older volcanic
and intrusive rocks, broadly parallel to the Peru-Chile trench. In southern Peru major porphyry
Cu-Mo deposits include Cerro Verde-Santa Rosa (Figure 2-1; Mukasa, 1986; Quang et al.,.
2003), Cuajone (Figure 2-3; Bellido, 1979; Clark et al.,. 1990a), Toquepala (Figure 2-3; Bellido,
1979; Zwang and Clark, 1995) and Quellaveco (Figure 2-3; Bellido, 1979; Clark et al.,. 1990a).
In northern Chile the Paleocene Cu-(Mo) porphyry deposits are represented by the Spence
(Figure 2-3; Rowland and Clark, 2001) and Cerro Colorado deposits (Figure 2-3; Bouzari and
Clark, 2002).Critical to understanding the hypogene temporal and spatial distribution of Cu and
Mo is understanding the relative and absolute timing of intrusive complexes related to the
formation of porphyry Cu-Mo deposits. At Quellaveco, U-Pb zircon geochronology has been
completed on 17 samples from within its associated intrusive complex in oder to better
understanding the timing of hypogene porphyry Cu-Mo formation at Quellaveco.

At Quellaveco, upwards of 30-40 individual porphyry intrusions are recognized and have
been grouped into five porphyry intrusive suites based on their relative timing, phenocryst and
matrix assemblages and igneous textures. These intrusions comprise the Quellaveco porphyry
intrusive complex, which was emplaced over a period of approximately 6 m.y. The high number
of porphyry intrusions at Quellaveco, which were emplaced over a relatively short period of
time, makes it possible to describe the timing of intrusion types relative to Cu-bearing
mineralization, vein types and alteration types. Using U-Pb zircon geochronology is
advantageous because zircon often contains uranium in quantities much higher than the
average host rock and discriminates strongly against the daughter element Pb, during
crystallization. Additionally, it is robust enough to retain its original U and radiogenic Pb
concentrations through remelting and high temperature, acid alteration (Davis et al.,, 2003).
Because of the physical and chemical characteristics of zircon, this technique is not significantly
affected by secondary alteration, reducing the possibility of isotopic resetting during alteration
and younger heating events. However, since the zircons being measured are igneous and within
porphyry intrusions that are either mineralized or not, the age of mineralization can only be
bracketed using this technique. Nevertheless, understanding the timing of mineralization
relative to igneous events and how these ages compares along strike are important pieces of

80W 75W 70W 65W

Coastal Areas
Western Corillera
Interandean Depressions
5S Eastern Cordillera

Subandean Zone

Eastern Lowlands











Tr Cerro Verde Cuajone La Paz
e nc Quellaveco Toquepala
Pacific Ocean

20S Iquique Cerro Colorado

0 250 500km
Antofagasta ARGENTINA

Figure 2-1: Map of the Central Andes from southern Columbia to northern Chile showing the project
location in the southermost Peru, centered around the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry as well
as other Cu-Mo porphyry deposits within the study area. Major morphostructural units
across the orogen are modified from Jaillard et al. (2000)
information allowing for interpretations as to how long the arc was active and how long it
produced significant concentrations of Cu-Mo in the upper crust.

Previous Work
Previously, porphyry intrusive centres and associated alteration, in southern Peru, have
been largely dated by K-Ar and Ar-Ar methods (e.g. Estrada, 1978; Mukasa and Tilton, 1985; Le
Bel, 1985; Clark et al., 1990; Zweng and Clark, 1995; Clark, 2003; Quang, 2003) with only a
few utilizing U-Pb techniques (e.g. Mukasa, 1986). More recently, Sillitoe and Mortensen (2011)
reported four U-Pb ages from intrusive rocks at Quellaveco, the ages presented herein
compliment those ages and provide more details to the formation of the Quellaveco Intrusive
Complex (QIC). The only other previously reported U-Pb ages of porphyry intrusive centres in
southern Peru that have been used to bracket stages of Cu-Mo mineralization are reported by
Simmons et al., (2013.; Chapter 6). All relevant reported ages are summarized below in Table

Table 2-1: Previous geochronology from southern Peru Paleocene-Eocene Cu belt

District Hypogene setting/description Interpreted Method (Mineral)
Age (Ma)
Cerro Verde Pre-mineralization Yarabamba suite 62-671 Maa,b U-Pb (zircon)
Cerro Verde Pre-mineralization Yarabamba suite 683Mac Rb-Sr
Moquegua Pre-mineralization Yarabamba suite 58-65 Mad K-Ar (unknown)
Cuajone Pre-mineralization Yarabamba suite 65.10.8Mae U-Pb SRHIMP-RG (zircon)
Toquepala Pre-mineralization Yarabamba suite 61.40.8Mae U-Pb SRHIMP-RG (zircon)
Cerro Verde Biotite altered porphyry 56-592Maf K-Ar (biotite)
Cerro Verde Early hydrothermal alteration 61-621.2Mag Ar-Ar (muscovite)
Cuajone Hydrothermally altered porphyry 52.4 Mah,i Ar-Ar (Biotite and sericite)
Quellaveco Hydrothermally altered porphyry 54.5-54.7 Mai Ar-Ar (Biotite and sericite)
Toquepala Hydrothermally altered porphyry 55.0-55.9 Mai,j Ar-Ar (Biotite and sericite)
Cuajone Hydrothermally altered porphyry, all phases 53.0-56.9 Mae U-Pb SRHIMP-RG (zircon)
Toquepala Hydrothermally altered porphyry, all phases 53.7-57.4 Mae U-Pb SRHIMP-RG (zircon)
Qullaveco Pre-mineralization Yarabamba suite 59.460.3Mak U-Pb LA-ICP-MS (zircon)
Quellaveco Hydrothermally altered porphyry, all phases 53.7-58.94Mak U-Pb LA-ICP-MS (zircon)
a. Mukasa and Tilton,1985; b. Mukasa, 1986; c. Le Bel, 1985; d. Martinez and Zuloaga 2000a; e. Simmons et al., (2013); f. Estrada,
1978; g. Quang, 2003; h. Clark et al.,, 1990; i. Clark, 2003; j. Zweng and Clark, 1995.

This study uses U-Pb zircon geochronology of porphyry intrusive suites and their relative
timing to fluid pulses, vein types and Cu-Mo mineralization to bracket the age of
mineralization at Quellaveco. Because it is very difficult to demonstrate the timing of wallrock
alteration mineral assemblages to veins and Cu-Mo sulphide deposition, this study provides a
more robust timing of Cu-Mo mineralization at Quellaveco than previously reported. However,
possible questions can be raised due to zircons occurring as an early crystallizing phase within
the intrusions source batholith region, which may contain several generations of zircon growth

(i.e. inheritance from previously crystallized magmas; e.g. Watson, 1996). These sources of
uncertainty are reduced by selecting the youngest population of zircons that have not been
interpreted to have lost Pb and using these data only to calculate the age of the most recent
zircon growth immediately prior to the emplacement of the porphyry intrusion suites.

Tectonic Framework and Regional Geological Context

In the mid-Mesozoic rifting along the western margin of Gondwana (now western South
America) marks the beginning of the Andean orogen (Coira et al.,,1982; Davidson and
Mpodozis, 1990; Benavides-Cceres, 1999). Steep subduction of cold oceanic crust under the
western margin of Gondwana caused the oceanward retreat of the trench allowing for the
formation of significant intra-arc and back arc rifts. These rifts were filled by mafic, mantle-
derived magmatic rocks (Jones, 1981; Atherton et al.,, 1983; 1985) and detritus from the rift
margins (Benavides, 1956; Wilson, 1983; 2000). The margins of the rift systems are marked by
large-scale faults to the east and Precambrian-Paleozoic rocks to the west. Rifting and basin
development continued into the early Late Cretaceous. In southern Peru, a magmatic arc
formed west of the rift during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, consisting mainly of basaltic to
andesitic rocks intercalated with volcaniclastic rocks and limestone. Three distinct magmatic
pulses are noted during this period and were emplaced progressively towards the east: early
Middle Jurassic (ca. 185Ma); late Middle Jurassic (160-165Ma); and Early Cretaceous (95-
110Ma) in Peru and Chile (Boekhout et al., 2010; Mamani et al., 2010; Pitcher et al.,, 1995;
Clark et al., 1990a; Mpodozis and Ramos, 1989; Mukasa, 1986; Clark et al.,, 1976).

The Late Cretaceous is a time of a major tectonic and magmatic shift throughout the
Andes coincident with the opening of the south Atlantic Ocean (Mpodozis and Ramos, 1989).
Generally, there is migration of arc development towards the northeast. In southern Peru the
time is marked by Late Cretaceous shortening, collapse of the back-arc rift and eastward
thrusting of marine volcanic and sedimentary sequences on top of continentally derived clastic
rocks (Vicente et al.,, 1989, Benavides-Cceres, 1999). Magmatism continued in central and
southern Peru during the latest Cretaceous (66Ma) and into the Paleogene (59Ma) (Clark et al.,
1990a) and is responsible for obscuring the earlier rift sequence and late Cretaceous fold and
thrust belt. This arc is preserved as thick dacitic to andesitic pyroclastic rocks and intermediate
flows (Bellido, 1979), with igneous roots composed of large, mantle and Proterozoic-aged lower
crustal derived granodiorite batholiths (Barreiro and Clark, 1984; Boiley et al.,,1990). This
period of magmatism is represented by the extrusive Toquepala Group rocks and large
batholiths in the Quellaveco area (Figure 2-2).







8115000 mN
Cuajone Mine
Proposed Pit

8110000 mN

8105000 mN au

8100000 mN lac
Stratified rocks Intrusive rocks
8095000 mN Alluvium Paleocene
Moquegua Fm.
In Batholiths
ca Barroso Gp.
qu Toquapala Mine Chuntacala/
io 8090000 mN Huaylillas Fm.
Fa Undifferentiated
Toquepala Gp.

Figure 2-2: Regional geology surrounding the Quellaveco, Cuajone and Toquepala ore bodies.
Coordinates in Peruvian Coordinate System (PSAD56); Zone 19S.

Anomalously metal-rich deposits are associated with Paleocene and Early Eocene granite
and granodiorite porphyry stocks. These stocks intruded earlier in Peru over a 8 to 10 m.y.
period during which porphyry Cu deposits were emplaced in the southern Peru belt, a duration
similar to that found elsewhere (Sillitoe and Perell, 2005; Barra et al., 2005; Glen et al., 2007).
A strong northwest elongation of the Paleogene porphyry stocks suggests that a series of
trench parallel, northwest-trending faults, coincident with the earlier rift basin, control the
emplacement the stocks. Porphyry intrusions of this age are temporally and spatially associated
with porphyry Cu-Mo mineralization at Quellaveco, Toquepala and Cuajone (Figure 2-2).

During the Eocene and Oligocene flat slab subduction (Sandeman et al., 1995) in Peru caused a
sudden north-eastward shift in magmatism (Noble et al., 1984). In southern Peru this is
recorded as Paleogene arc degradation, whereby sedimentation (Moquegua Formation) began
filling an intra-arc basin until approximately 18Ma, when volcanism continued (Quang et al.,
2005). The majority of volcanism erupted from 22-18Ma (Huaylillas Formation), as large
ignimbrites interbedded with the earlier Moquegua Formation (Tosdal et al., 1984). The early
Miocene was also characterized by shortening, orogen-scale uplift and accentuation of the
oroclinal bend in the Andes (Isacks 1988).

Techniques and Methods

New U-Pb ages reported herein utilized the Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe-
Reverse Geometry (SHRIMP-RG) at the United States Geological Survey (USGS)-Stanford
University facility. Zircons were separated at the Pacific Centre for Isotopic and Geochemical
Research (PCIGR) in the Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of British
Columbia. Data reduction for U-Pb SHRIMPRG geochronology uses the Microsoft Excel add-in
Squid (Ludwig, 2001) and Isoplot programs (Ludwig, 2008), following the methods described
by Ireland and Williams (2003). For young zircons, U-Pb SHRIMP-RG ages are calculated from
207 206
the weighted mean Pb-corrected Pb/238U ages of spot analyses on individual crystal, due to
the poor ability of the SHRIMP-RG to precisely measure small amounts of Pb, the isotope
used to ensure proper correction for any common Pb. Individual analyses characterized by
excessive common Pb are included in the age calculation, even though their inclusion may
degrade the statistical validity of the age. Ages for individual analytical spots that did not
overlap the weighted mean age within their analytical uncertainty are excluded from final age
calculation. Zircon spot analyses containing distinct chemical characteristics, such as elevated
Th/U or high U concentrations from the normal population, were also excluded. Complete
descriptions of the analytical procedures related to the SHRIMP-RG can be found in Chapter 1.

100km 75 125 150km 70 BRAZIL
cay 65
75 PERU Aban
50 ction

15 15
Lake Titicaca

Arequipa La Paz
R idg Cerro-Verde
Pe Cuajone
z ru
Na -C Quellaveco
hil Toquepala
ch Cerro Colorado
20 20



Copper Belts
m. Miocene-e. Pliocene
e. Miocene-m. Miocene
25 25
L. Eocene-e. Oligocene
Paleocene-e. Eocene ARGENTINA
Cu-Porphyry Deposits
Interpreted Major Faults
Depth to Benioff Zone

Figure 2-3: Cu-Mo porphyry belts by age with selected Paleocene-Eocene ore deposits andadvanced
projects shown. Copper belts from Sillitoe (1992), depth to Benioff zone from Cahill and
Isacks (1992), oceanic features from Jaillard et al. (2000) and faults from Beale (2007;
Anglo American internal report and ProExplo oral presentation) and Richards (2001) based
on magnetic and topographic lineaments.

This chapter presents mapping, geochronological and petrological data and
characteristics of the porphyry Cu-Mo deposit at Quellaveco. Detailed rock descriptions and
mapping are provided for the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry and is based on both surface
mapping and drill core logging by Adam Simmons from 2007 to 2008.

Geology and Geochronology of Quellaveco

The Quellaveco porphyry Cu-Mo deposit is hosted within a large batholithic,
equigranular granodiorite intrusive complex (~60Ma), which intruded into Toquepala Group
(~72.4-65Ma) volcanic rocks (Figures 5 and 6; Martinez and Zuloaga, 2000a; and Martinez and
Zuloaga, 2000b). The Toquepala Group has not been studied in great detail and not much is
known about the environment of deposition, facies changes and petrochemistry, which has led
to a lack of consistency of nomenclature. However, Martinez and Cervantes (2003) showed that
the Toquepala Group rocks evolve from more volumetrically important older basalt and
trachybasalt flows to younger, less volumetrically important rhyolitic flows and pyroclastic
deposits over an approximate depositional thickness of 4450m (Bellido, 1979). Several
generations of porphyry intrusions were emplaced into the granodiorite batholith from 55 to
58Ma (Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010), and are spatially associated with hydrothermal alteration
and mineralization (Zweng and Clark, 1995). A period of uplift and erosion followed the
emplacement of the porphyry intrusions, which are currently overlain by Miocene valley filling
ignimbrites (Figure 2-7a). A summary of the geochronology results from the Quellaveco is given
in Table 2-2.

Toquepala Group
Toquepala Group rocks host the late Cretaceous batholiths of the Yarabamba suite as
well as the late Paleocene to early Eocene porphyry Cu-Mo deposits and their associated
porphyritic intrusions in southern Peru (Figure 2-2; 2-7b). Previous work on the Toquepala
Group has been very limited and in general it is not well understood in terms of the changes in
facies, depositional setting, magma types, timing and longevity of volcanism. Bellido (1979)
divided the Toquepala Group into four formations (from oldest to youngest)
Huaracane/Toquepala, Inogoya, Paralaque and Quellaveco. The Quellaveco Formation was sub-
divided into five members (from oldest to youngest) Quellaveco Porphyry, Toquepala, Alta,
Yarito and Tinajones. At Quellaveco the Toquepala Member is absent and the Quellaveco
Porphyry and Alta Members host the Quellaveco porphyry Cu-Mo system.

Table 2-2: Summary of geochronology from the study area
Sample Northing Easting Description Interpreted Method
Age (Ma) (Mineral)
Qu709 8108748 326123 Toquepala Group; Quellaveco Rhyolite; 71.10.5 SRHIMP-RG
Quartz Porphyry
Qu283 8109355 326617 Regional Granodiorite 59.70.7 SRHIMP-RG
Qu008 8108526 328420 Regional Granodiorite 60.00.9 SRHIMP-RG
Qu335 8109349 326843 Earliest Porphyry 57.80.8 SRHIMP-RG
Qu396 8108312 327933 Earliest Porphyry 58.20.8 SRHIMP-RG
Qu395 8108049 327933 Early Porphyry 56.10.5 SRHIMP-RG
Qu138 8108264 327760 Early Porphyry 57.51.0 SRHIMP-RG
Qu507 8108841 327686 Early Porphyry 55.41.3 SRHIMP-RG
Qu242 8109238 327371 Intermineral Porphyry 56.40.6 SRHIMP-RG
Qu327 8108224 327601 Intermineral Porphyry 56.40.7 SRHIMP-RG
Qu210 8109063 327537 Intermineral Porphyry 57.20.9 SRHIMP-RG
Qu448 8109282 327270 Monzodiorite Porphyry 56.81.4 SRHIMP-RG
Qu461 8108841 327686 Monzodiorite Porphyry 57.20.7 SRHIMP-RG
Qu362 8108641 328062 Dacite Dyke 55.10.6 SRHIMP-RG
Qu168 8108375 327808 Dacite Dyke 57.40.9 SRHIMP-RG
Qu393 8108630 327462 Late Porphyry 53.70.9 SRHIMP-RG
Qu050 8108055 327846 Late Porphyry 56.00.8 SRHIMP-RG
Qu394 8108049 327933 Late Porphyry 54.70.8 SRHIMP-RG

Limited geochemistry studies (e.g. Martinez and Cervantes, 2003), suggest that the
Toquepala Group rocks evolve from more volumetrically important older basalt and trachybasalt
flows to younger, less volumetrically important rhyolitic flows and pyroclastic deposits from the
Huaracane Formation to the Tinajones Member of the Quellaveco Formation. This somewhat
agrees with the observation of Bellido (1979), however does not explain the Toquepala and Atla
Members of the Quellaveco Formation largely consisting of dolorite and andesite with lesser
dacite and rhyolite. No reliable radiometric ages have been reported for rocks within the
Toquepala Group, but are assumed to have been deposited during the latest Cretaceous
(Bellido, 1979; Martinez and Cervantes, 2003). This is supported by a zircon U-Pb age of the
Quellaveco Porphyry Member, which yielded and age of 71.10.5Ma from within the proposed
pit at Quellaveco (Figure 2-4, 2-5a; -7-c; Table 2-3), and by an additional thirteen zircon U-Pb
SHRIMP-RG ages provided in Appendix !.

Regional Granodiorite Batholith

A large (~2.5 by 5km) batholith elongated in a north-westerly direction is the main host
unit for porphyry Cu-Mo deposit and associated porphyritic intrusions at Quellaveco (Figure 2-2,

2-4). This unit has been grouped into the Yarabamba suite of intrusions which have been
previously defined by Mukasa and Tilton (1985) and Mukasa (1986) in the Arequipa area. These
intrusions were emplaced along the southern Precordillera of Peru between 62-67 1 Ma. At
Quellaveco, this unit is an equigranular, medium-grained (3mm), biotite and hornblende
bearing granodiorite with quartz occurring as interstitial anhedral crystals, zircon, titanite and
apatite are accessory phases present in minor amounts (Figure 2-7d). Minor variations of this
texture include a coarse-grained (>6mm) equigranular variety, which occasionally looks
porphyritic, due to the coarse feldspars being visually distinct, especially in the leached cap.
However, quartz occurs as finer-grained anhedral crystals interstitial to the other rock forming
minerals. Two samples of this unit were analyzed for zircon U-Pb geochronology and yielded
ages of 59.70.7Ma and 60.00.9Ma, respectively (Figure 2-4, 2-5b-c; Table 2-3). Although
these ages are slightly younger than those reported by Mukasa and Tilton (1985), they are
distinctively older than the porphyry intrusions at Quellaveco and do not overlap in error with
the porphyry intrusions. Sillitoe and Mortensen (2010) reported U-Pb Laser Ablation Inductively
Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) ages on this unit and yielded an age of
59.460.24Ma. The ages from this study, overlap with those of Sillitoe and Mortensen (2010).
The markedly older ages, relative to the porphyry intrusions, the batholithic nature of the unit
and the lack of veins and Cu-Mo bearing mineralization within the unit allow for the granodiorite
to be correlated to the Yarabamba suite.

Quellaveco Porphyry Intrusion Complex

Currently there are four published U-Pb ages for intrusive phases present at Quellaveco
(Sillitoe and Mortensen, 2010), which supports the intrusive complex having been previously
grouped into the Paleocene-early Eocene epoch of porphyry Cu-Mo deposits based on Ar-Ar
ages from Clark et al.,. (1990). The ages presented by Sillitoe and Mortensen (2010) are
discussed below and differences in interpretation are discussed.

The Quellaveco porphyry intrusive complex consists 30-40 individual porphyritic

intrusions ranging from small dykes to elongate and subcircular stocks. The porphyry complex
is elongated in a NW-SE orientation and covers an area of approximately 2000m by 800m,
though the northern portion of the complex is covered by Miocene volcanic rocks (Figure 2-5
and-6). The porphyry intrusions have different timing relationships to veins/vein types and
some are heavily mineralized whereas others lack sulphides. Five distinct porphyry suites based
on relative timing, texture, phenocryst/matrix compositions, accessory phases and
petrochemistry are present. Compositions of rock units given herein are based on visual


326500 mE

327000 mE

327500 mE

328000 mE

328500 mE
8110500 mN 8110500
Undifferentiated Miocene and younger mN
and sedimentary rocks
Intrusive Rocks
N Late Porphyry Intrusions
Intermineral/Monzodiorite Porphyry Intrusions

Pit outline Early Porphyry Intrusions

8110000 mN Equigranular Granodiorite Intrusion 8110000 mN

Volcanic HostRocks Rocks

Undifferentiated Toquepala Group Volcanic Rocks
, Surface, Diamond drill hole U/Pb sample
Contour spacing 10m
8109500 mN 8109500 mN



8109000 mN 8109000 mN
348 Rio Asana

200m to
Qu050 Qu362
8108500 mN 8108500 mN

Qu138 Qu396

8108000 mN Qu395 8108000 mN
326500 mE

327000 mE

327500 mE

328000 mE

328500 mE

8107500 mN 8107500 mN

Figure 2-4: Geology of the Quellaveco Cu-Mo porphyry deposit. Coordinates from PSAD56; UTM zone
19S. Preliminary geological map; note that the Intermineral Porphyry body is not shown
as a dyke complex because lithologies were not distinguishable in all locations on surface
due to supergene leaching.
Age (Ma)
A To 2709Ma B

Qu709; Quellaveco Rhyolite Qu283 Granodiorite
65 71.10.5Ma 59.70.7Ma
MSWD 1.19 45 MSWD 1.66
Probability 0.28 Probability 0.07
60 40









C 70 D To 79.8

60 60

50 50
Qu335 Earliest Porphyry
Qu008 Granodiorite
40 40 MSWD 1.85
MSWD 0.8
Probability 0.06
Probability 0.64
30 30


E 70 F


55 50
Qu396 Earliest Porphyry Qu395 Early Porphyry
50 58.20.8Ma 56.10.5Ma
MSWD 0.34 40 MSWD 0.94
Probability 0.95 Probability 0.49
40 30









Figure 2-5: U-Pb zircon age from SHRIMP-RG. Ages based on weighted mean averages of Pb

corrected Pb206/U238 ages from spots on different zircons. See Appendix 1 and Table 2-2 for
analytical data and results.

Age (Ma)

70 G 70 H
60 60
50 50
45 Qu138 Early Porphyry Qu507 Early Porphyry
57.51.0Ma 56.51.7Ma
40 MSWD 1.18 40 MSWD 4.90
Probability 0.31 Probability 0.00
30 30

















I 65 J

55 55

50 50
Qu242 Intermineral Porphyry Qu327 Intermineral Porphyry
56.40.6Ma 56.40.7Ma
45 MSWD 1.67 45 MSWD 0.52
Probability 0.09 Probability 0.84
40 40










K 70 L

Qu210 Intermineral Porphyry Qu448 Monzodiorite Porphyry
51 57.20.9Ma 40 56.81.4Ma
MSWD 0.5 MSWD 2.40
Probability 0.89 Probability 0.01
46 30







Figure 2-5 (contd): U-Pb zircon age from SHRIMP-RG. Ages based on weighted mean averages of
Pb207 corrected Pb206/U238 ages from spots on different zircons.

Age (Ma)
70 M N

Qu461 Monzodiorite Porphyry Qu362 Dacite Dyke
57.20.7Ma 55.10.6Ma
40 45
MSWD 0.64 MSWD 1.32
Probability 0.77 Probability 0.21
30 40




65 O 67.91.0 P
74.60.7 60
45 Qu393 Late Porphyry
Qu168 Dacite Dyke
57.40.9Ma 40
50 MSWD 1.70
MSWD 1.34
35 Probability 0.07
Probability 0.21
45 30













70 Q R


Qu050 Late Porphyry Qu394 Late Porphyry
56.00.8Ma 54.70.8Ma
40 MSWD 0.70 45 MSWD 1.64
Probability 0.65 Probability 0.10
30 40



















Figure 2-5 (contd): U-Pb zircon age from SHRIMP-RG. Ages based on weighted mean averages of
Pb207 corrected Pb206/U238 ages from spots on different zircons.

Table 2-3: U-Pb SHRIMP-RG zircon analytical data for samples from the study area
206 1 232 206
Sample Pb U Th Th Pb 2 206
Pb 2 1 207
Pb 1 Apparent Age (Ma, 1)
238 238 206 2 206
Spot % (ppm) (ppm) U (ppm) U % Pb % Pb/238U 3
Quellaveco Rhyolite
Qu709 (Quartz Porphyry)
709-1 -0.09 199 279 1.45 7 0.01106 1.2 0.0467 5.2 70.98 (0.89)
709-2 0.64 194 263 1.40 1.9 0.01124 1.2 0.0525 4.9 71.56 (0.87)
709-3 0.02 369 294 0.83 3.5 0.01116 0.9 0.0476 3.8 71.52 (0.64)
709-4 0.06 1017 1247 1.27 10.0 0.01146 0.5 0.0479 2.1 73.43 (0.38)
709-5 3.09 367 85 0.24 149.7 0.47543 1.4 0.1862 2.1 2442.89 (37.69)
709-6 0.13 492 459 0.96 4.8 0.01139 0.7 0.0485 3.2 72.91 (0.56)
709-7 0.48 127 116 0.95 1.2 0.01123 1.5 0.0512 9.5 71.68 (1.15)
709-8 0.05 267 159 0.62 2.6 0.01124 1.0 0.0479 4.5 72.04 (0.77)
709-9 0.30 562 907 1.67 5.5 0.01130 0.7 0.0498 2.9 72.19 (0.53)
709-10 0.31 342 371 1.12 3.3 0.01129 0.9 0.0499 3.8 72.12 (0.68)
709-11 0.92 390 302 0.80 3.8 0.01120 1.0 0.0547 3.4 71.16 (0.71)
709-12 0.50 285 466 1.69 2.7 0.01099 1.0 0.0513 4.1 70.14 (0.74)
709-13 0.22 518 436 0.87 4.9 0.01108 0.7 0.0492 3.0 70.88 (0.52)
709-14 0.16 370 260 0.73 3.5 0.01116 0.9 0.0487 3.6 71.43 (0.63)
709-15 0.19 171 87 0.53 1.6 0.01077 1.3 0.0489 5.8 68.95 (0.94)
709-16 0.00 384 248 0.67 3.6 0.01104 0.9 0.0474 3.8 70.79 (0.64)
709-17 0.10 79 53 0.69 0.7 0.01095 1.8 0.0482 8.0 70.14 (1.31)
709-18 0.12 1742 2487 1.48 16.2 0.01084 0.5 0.0483 1.8 69.44 (0.35)
709-19 -0.01 1130 2058 1.88 10.7 0.01098 0.5 0.0474 2.2 70.40 (0.37)
709-20 -0.15 859 724 0.87 8.0 0.01077 0.6 0.0462 2.5 69.15 (0.41)
Regional Granodiorite
Qu283 (Equigranular Granodiorite)
283-1 0.79 133 130 1.01 1.1 0.01389 4.7 0.0534 7.4 59.13 (1.08)
283-2 1.15 93 59 0.65 0.7 0.01490 4.6 0.0563 8.2 58.47 (1.27)
283-3 0.62 104 62 0.61 0.8 0.01290 3.8 0.0521 8.5 59.02 (1.25)
283-4 0.12 494 877 1.83 4.1 0.01523 3.6 0.0482 4.0 62.37 (0.59)
283-5 2.11 89 55 0.64 0.7 0.01398 3.9 0.0639 8.2 56.98 (1.29)
283-6 1.09 185 198 1.10 1.5 0.01479 3.8 0.0559 6.1 60.30 (0.95)
283-7 0.39 198 230 1.20 1.6 0.01630 3.1 0.0503 5.9 61.35 (0.88)
283-8 1.13 75 38 0.53 0.6 0.01548 5.3 0.0562 9.4 62.14 (1.52)
283-9 1.71 95 56 0.61 0.7 0.01522 5.8 0.0608 9.0 57.93 (1.27)
283-10 0.48 103 71 0.72 0.8 0.01431 4.7 0.0510 8.5 59.69 (1.25)
283-11 0.20 297 251 0.87 2.4 0.01354 5.0 0.0488 5.1 59.54 (0.73)
283-12 0.88 134 117 0.90 1.1 0.01392 4.3 0.0542 10.7 61.28 (1.16)
283-13 0.14 116 91 0.80 1.0 0.01545 3.1 0.0483 8.0 61.17 (1.21)
283-14 1.11 121 91 0.77 1.0 0.01384 3.7 0.0559 7.6 58.03 (1.13)
Qu008 (Equigranular Granodiorite)
008-1 6.07 49 31 0.66 0.4 0.01593 4.3 0.0953 9.9 61.69 (2.02)
008-2 6.01 94 74 0.81 0.7 0.01481 2.5 0.0947 7.2 55.03 (1.35)
008-3 5.47 66 49 0.76 0.6 0.01528 3.5 0.0905 9.1 59.58 (1.69)
008-4 13.60 31 14 0.47 0.3 0.01637 4.3 0.1550 10.6 59.00 (2.61)
008-5 9.36 41 23 0.59 0.4 0.01649 3.7 0.1214 8.8 60.50 (2.14)
008-6 7.04 65 44 0.69 0.6 0.01520 4.7 0.1029 8.1 58.37 (1.73)
008-7 2.51 123 98 0.82 1.0 0.01457 3.3 0.0670 7.4 57.69 (1.21)
008-8 3.06 104 80 0.79 0.9 0.01444 3.7 0.0714 7.8 59.50 (1.37)
008-9 2.68 130 153 1.22 1.1 0.01474 3.8 0.0685 11.3 61.20 (1.33)
008-10 1.77 165 144 0.90 1.4 0.01464 4.7 0.0612 9.0 60.95 (1.13)
008-11 3.36 78 65 0.86 0.6 0.01413 5.5 0.0738 8.8 58.74 (1.54)
008-12 1.12 312 539 1.79 2.5 0.01500 4.0 0.0561 5.4 60.32 (0.91)
008-13 3.05 119 82 0.71 1.0 0.01596 3.5 0.0714 7.3 61.24 (1.32)
Earliest Porphyry
Qu335 (Diorite microporphyry)
335-1 6.40 115 77 0.70 1.0 0.01584 12.3 0.0980 22.1 63.55 (2.21)
335-2 1.92 161 72 0.46 1.2 0.01365 4.7 0.0624 6.1 55.69 (0.92)
335-3 0.55 152 55 0.37 1.2 0.01384 4.0 0.0516 6.9 60.25 (1.02)
335-4 0.80 108 68 0.65 0.8 0.01342 6.6 0.0535 8.4 54.99 (1.13)
335-5 1.68 157 154 1.02 1.3 0.01470 3.5 0.0605 6.3 58.88 (0.99)
335-6 2.47 88 45 0.53 0.7 0.01345 4.5 0.0667 8.1 56.24 (1.28)
335-7 1.07 131 129 1.02 1.0 0.01382 4.9 0.0557 7.5 57.84 (1.07)
335-8 0.68 196 109 0.57 1.5 0.01289 4.0 0.0525 6.1 55.00 (0.84)
335-9 2.22 49 27 0.57 0.4 0.01461 7.7 0.0647 11.0 58.21 (1.71)
335-10 0.16 1012 252 0.26 10.8 0.02441 2.1 0.0489 2.2 79.80 (0.43)
335-11 0.72 251 170 0.70 1.9 0.01407 4.1 0.0528 5.4 57.71 (0.76)
335-12 0.99 89 66 0.76 0.7 0.01418 4.0 0.0550 8.5 57.30 (1.25)
335-13 1.02 78 39 0.51 0.6 0.01361 4.5 0.0552 9.2 59.13 (1.41)
335-14 0.67 250 252 1.04 1.9 0.01289 4.5 0.0525 5.6 55.24 (0.76)

Common lead; 2 Atomic ratios of radiogenic Pb
3 206
Pb/238U age using 207Pb to correct for common lead

Table 2-3: Continued
206 1 232 206
Sample Pb U Th Th Pb2 206
Pb 2 1 207
Pb 1 Apparent Age (Ma, 1)
238 238 206
Spot Name % (ppm) (ppm) U (ppm) U % Pb 2 % 206
Pb/238U 3
Qu396 (Diorite Microporphyry)
396-1 2.13 74 46 0.64 0.6 0.01546 2.4 0.0641 9.0 61.42 (1.62)
396-2 3.76 88 41 0.48 0.7 0.01386 4.3 0.0769 8.4 55.83 (1.43)
396-3 2.09 457 629 1.42 3.6 0.01519 3.3 0.0637 6.0 57.73 (0.67)
396-4 5.00 74 49 0.68 0.6 0.01509 3.7 0.0868 8.5 59.83 (1.65)
396-5 3.31 146 110 0.78 1.2 0.01473 3.9 0.0734 6.6 58.55 (1.14)
396-6 2.18 157 96 0.63 1.3 0.01509 3.0 0.0645 6.8 61.38 (1.14)
396-7 8.27 121 75 0.64 1.0 0.01566 2.4 0.1127 5.8 57.77 (1.27)
396-8 3.20 109 66 0.62 0.9 0.01136 2.6 0.0725 7.5 57.42 (1.26)
396-9 1.23 210 139 0.69 1.7 0.01486 5.3 0.0570 6.2 58.93 (0.94)
396-10 2.44 176 143 0.84 1.4 0.01435 2.9 0.0665 6.3 58.32 (1.04)
396-11 7.36 149 154 1.06 1.3 0.01418 1.7 0.1055 5.4 58.17 (1.13)
396-12 2.02 137 129 0.97 1.1 0.01424 4.3 0.0632 7.4 58.00 (1.18)
Early Porphyry
Qu395 (Quartz Monzonite Porphyry)
395-1 1.39 121 40 0.34 0.9 0.01233 3.3 0.0581 8.0 53.65 (1.24)
395-2 2.67 100 65 0.67 0.8 0.01311 3.9 0.0683 7.8 55.73 (1.38)
395-3 0.42 526 347 0.68 4.0 0.01391 4.8 0.0505 3.9 56.88 (0.61)
395-4 3.84 41 33 0.82 0.3 0.01514 3.8 0.0776 10.9 58.18 (1.93)
395-5 3.37 58 23 0.40 0.4 0.01217 5.2 0.0737 10.1 49.75 (1.49)
395-6 2.54 146 117 0.83 1.1 0.01344 3.4 0.0673 6.5 56.10 (1.05)
395-7 1.98 185 78 0.43 1.1 0.00934 2.4 0.0626 4.9 44.43 (0.59)
395-8 1.39 406 368 0.94 3.1 0.01328 4.0 0.0581 4.2 56.20 (0.61)
395-9 1.49 164 72 0.46 1.2 0.01284 3.2 0.0589 6.7 54.61 (0.96)
395-10 0.40 176 94 0.55 1.3 0.01441 3.3 0.0502 6.5 54.74 (0.90)
395-11 0.79 292 251 0.89 2.2 0.01448 2.3 0.0534 5.1 55.65 (0.71)
395-12 0.36 222 133 0.62 1.7 0.01346 4.4 0.0500 6.0 56.58 (0.82)
395-13 0.06 277 199 0.74 2.1 0.01307 4.9 0.0476 5.6 56.32 (0.74)
Qu138 (Quartz Monzonite Porphyry)
138-1 -0.05 138 73 0.55 1.0 0.01230 5.3 0.0468 8.1 56.68 (1.23)
138-2 0.43 143 62 0.45 1.1 0.01345 4.0 0.0506 7.4 58.27 (1.22)
138-3 3.49 102 44 0.44 0.8 0.01334 6.7 0.0748 12.3 55.89 (1.45)
138-4 0.49 100 52 0.54 0.8 0.01420 4.3 0.0510 8.9 59.18 (1.46)
138-5 0.52 50 20 0.42 0.4 0.01341 5.6 0.0512 13.0 54.56 (1.82)
138-6 0.20 124 48 0.40 1.0 0.01369 4.4 0.0487 8.5 57.45 (1.32)
138-7 0.29 173 124 0.74 1.3 0.01136 4.7 0.0494 7.1 54.45 (1.10)
138-8 0.24 192 166 0.89 1.5 0.01390 2.5 0.0491 6.9 58.13 (1.14)
138-9 0.26 304 303 1.03 2.4 0.01530 5.1 0.0492 5.4 58.70 (0.98)
138-10 1.32 86 40 0.48 0.7 0.01375 3.1 0.0576 9.6 56.56 (1.54)
Qu507 (Quartz Monzonite Porphyry)
507-1 2.28 142 97 0.71 1.1 0.01228 4.8 0.0652 6.7 54.23 (1.11)
507-2 1.20 250 192 0.80 1.9 0.01416 3.7 0.0566 5.3 57.06 (0.88)
507-3 -0.35 165 110 0.69 1.3 0.01439 1.8 0.0444 7.2 59.68 (1.06)
507-4 0.97 114 56 0.51 0.8 0.01289 3.7 0.0548 8.0 53.40 (1.21)
507-5 -0.26 214 174 0.84 1.7 0.01351 2.7 0.0452 6.4 58.48 (0.96)
507-6 0.16 202 121 0.62 1.5 0.01185 4.6 0.0483 6.8 53.82 (0.98)
507-7 -0.84 150 61 0.42 1.2 0.01309 4.3 0.0406 7.8 60.43 (1.17)
507-8 0.78 105 50 0.50 0.8 0.01277 2.8 0.0533 8.2 55.68 (1.28)
507-9 0.18 289 130 0.47 2.2 0.01240 2.4 0.0485 6.9 55.87 (0.81)
507-10 -0.24 105 40 0.40 0.8 0.01381 2.7 0.0452 9.2 56.36 (1.31)
Intermineral Porphyry
Qu242 (Granodiorite Porphyry)
242-1 0.99 91 45 0.51 0.7 0.01241 5.1 0.0549 9.1 54.05 (1.26)
242-2 1.71 97 49 0.52 0.7 0.01305 3.4 0.0606 8.3 55.31 (1.23)
242-3 0.55 293 270 0.95 2.3 0.01381 3.1 0.0515 5.0 57.02 (0.71)
242-4 0.14 187 117 0.64 1.5 0.01417 6.5 0.0483 9.9 59.22 (0.95)
242-5 0.04 311 284 0.95 2.4 0.01375 3.3 0.0475 5.1 57.52 (0.69)
242-6 1.24 181 117 0.67 1.5 0.01397 5.6 0.0571 6.3 60.12 (0.94)
242-7 1.21 194 104 0.55 1.6 0.01402 3.8 0.0568 6.1 59.06 (0.93)
242-8 1.31 131 58 0.46 1.0 0.01242 4.4 0.0575 7.4 53.98 (1.03)
242-9 1.15 236 227 0.99 1.7 0.01252 5.8 0.0562 5.5 53.50 (0.75)
242-10 1.05 200 152 0.79 1.5 0.01445 4.8 0.0554 5.8 57.39 (0.85)
242-11 0.19 256 258 1.04 2.1 0.01465 2.6 0.0487 5.4 59.78 (0.77)
242-12 0.82 212 117 0.57 1.6 0.01355 3.5 0.0536 12.9 55.89 (0.93)
242-13 2.38 102 51 0.52 0.8 0.01413 3.7 0.0660 7.4 56.30 (1.21)
242-14 0.85 258 186 0.75 2.0 0.01368 6.1 0.0539 5.3 56.22 (0.74)
242-15 0.86 196 163 0.86 1.5 0.01368 3.8 0.0540 5.7 56.78 (0.82)

Common lead; 2 Atomic ratios of radiogenic Pb
3 206
Pb/238U age using 207Pb to correct for common lead

Table 2-3: Continued
206 1 232 206
Sample Pb U Th Th Pb 2 206
Pb 2 1 207
Pb 1 Apparent Age (Ma, 1)
238 238 206
Spot Name % (ppm) (ppm) U (ppm) U % Pb 2 % 206
Pb/238U 3
Qu327 (Granodiorite Porphyry)
327-1 1.77 133 56 0.44 1.0 0.01447 3.5 0.0612 6.6 57.52 (1.24)
327-2 3.18 152 67 0.46 1.2 0.01565 3.0 0.0724 5.8 59.30 (1.13)
327-3 2.45 154 79 0.53 1.2 0.01397 2.6 0.0666 6.2 56.74 (1.10)
327-4 4.21 163 94 0.59 1.3 0.01359 6.2 0.0804 5.5 55.33 (1.06)
327-5 0.93 200 160 0.83 1.5 0.01389 3.1 0.0545 6.1 57.10 (0.99)
327-6 3.04 205 135 0.68 1.6 0.01350 3.6 0.0712 5.2 55.47 (0.95)
327-7 4.13 103 57 0.57 0.8 0.01327 5.7 0.0798 7.0 55.36 (1.34)
327-8 0.52 691 646 0.97 5.3 0.01450 5.3 0.0512 3.3 56.56 (0.51)
327-9 2.00 149 80 0.56 1.1 0.01360 2.7 0.0629 6.5 53.31 (1.08)
327-10 7.35 148 93 0.65 1.2 0.01450 4.0 0.1054 5.7 56.13 (1.26)
327-11 3.32 129 68 0.55 1.0 0.01419 2.2 0.0735 7.1 56.62 (1.32)
327-12 3.69 142 85 0.62 1.0 0.01300 5.6 0.0763 7.0 52.89 (1.26)
Qu210 (Granodiorite Porphyry)
210-1 -0.34 273 189 0.71 2.1 0.01112 2.8 0.0445 5.4 57.27 (0.90)
210-2 -0.02 120 71 0.61 0.9 0.01135 6.9 0.0469 7.3 53.39 (1.53)
210-3 -0.11 209 110 0.55 1.6 0.01321 4.8 0.0463 5.7 57.21 (0.93)
210-4 -0.11 110 43 0.41 0.8 0.01401 2.6 0.0463 7.6 57.94 (1.16)
210-5 -0.14 280 250 0.92 2.2 0.01314 4.2 0.0461 4.8 58.24 (0.85)
210-6 0.24 118 36 0.32 0.9 0.01362 4.9 0.0490 7.0 56.48 (1.10)
210-7 -0.02 231 122 0.54 1.8 0.01289 4.1 0.0470 5.2 57.60 (0.90)
210-8 0.18 132 84 0.66 1.0 0.01286 5.5 0.0486 6.8 56.73 (1.07)
210-9 0.05 154 92 0.62 1.2 0.01336 4.5 0.0476 6.3 57.99 (1.02)
210-10 -0.10 296 224 0.78 2.2 0.01401 4.1 0.0463 4.6 56.74 (0.82)
210-11 0.27 353 323 0.95 2.7 0.01203 3.8 0.0493 4.2 56.57 (0.79)
210-12 0.33 307 235 0.79 2.3 0.01270 3.8 0.0497 4.7 56.50 (0.83)
210-13 0.74 255 176 0.71 1.9 0.01293 4.2 0.0529 5.0 54.53 (0.85)
210-14 1.19 129 79 0.63 1.0 0.01157 3.8 0.0565 7.0 54.45 (1.10)
210-15 0.37 115 51 0.46 0.8 0.01227 3.9 0.0500 8.1 52.79 (1.14)
210-16 0.25 614 767 1.29 4.4 0.01292 4.8 0.0491 3.2 54.01 (0.66)
Monzodiorite Porphyry
Qu448 (Monzodioirite Porphyry)
448-1 1.42 152 56 0.38 1.0 0.01225 6.4 0.0582 8.9 47.74 (1.23)
448-2 -0.17 109 89 0.85 0.7 0.01374 5.4 0.0456 11.1 49.39 (1.40)
448-3 0.56 177 100 0.58 1.1 0.01353 4.2 0.0514 8.3 47.56 (1.07)
448-4 0.14 180 152 0.87 1.3 0.01169 2.8 0.0482 9.3 55.17 (1.41)
448-5 -0.65 139 72 0.53 1.0 0.01322 2.7 0.0420 10.4 55.46 (1.37)
448-6 1.54 51 24 0.49 0.4 0.01356 4.8 0.0593 13.7 52.92 (2.10)
448-7 2.99 65 33 0.53 0.5 0.01274 3.5 0.0707 12.1 50.62 (1.93)
448-8 0.18 106 82 0.80 0.7 0.01300 2.6 0.0484 10.9 51.56 (1.44)
448-9 -0.29 242 148 0.63 1.9 0.01554 4.4 0.0449 6.9 57.40 (1.03)
448-10 1.17 144 149 1.06 1.1 0.01270 5.9 0.0564 9.3 56.79 (1.51)
448-11 -0.71 156 82 0.54 1.2 0.01369 3.5 0.0415 10.1 59.36 (1.62)
448-12 -0.01 111 52 0.48 0.9 0.01537 6.1 0.0471 10.0 58.87 (1.54)
448-13 0.09 296 185 0.65 2.2 0.01191 4.3 0.0479 7.5 55.53 (1.02)
448-14 1.61 133 43 0.34 1.0 0.01292 6.2 0.0598 9.4 53.50 (1.45)
448-15 -0.28 123 90 0.76 1.0 0.01524 2.8 0.0450 9.5 59.99 (1.41)
448-16 0.62 224 125 0.58 1.8 0.01404 3.1 0.0521 6.6 58.26 (1.06)
Qu461 (Monzodiorite Porphyry)
461-1 -0.09 238 158 0.68 1.8 0.01190 2.7 0.0464 6.3 55.72 (0.90)
461-2 1.46 148 72 0.50 1.1 0.01396 3.8 0.0587 6.8 53.75 (1.07)
461-3 0.48 92 52 0.59 0.7 0.01121 7.2 0.0509 9.4 57.12 (1.44)
461-4 0.43 253 143 0.58 2.0 0.01394 5.5 0.0505 5.6 57.28 (0.86)
461-5 0.29 121 83 0.71 0.9 0.01385 4.5 0.0495 8.3 56.99 (1.27)
461-6 -0.03 217 112 0.53 1.7 0.01258 4.3 0.0469 6.5 58.03 (0.96)
461-7 -0.47 125 44 0.37 1.0 0.01415 3.0 0.0435 8.0 57.20 (1.13)
461-8 -0.38 198 123 0.64 1.5 0.01407 4.9 0.0441 6.5 56.65 (0.93)
461-9 0.56 103 70 0.70 0.8 0.01400 4.3 0.0516 8.5 58.97 (1.39)
461-10 0.51 126 42 0.34 1.0 0.01475 2.0 0.0512 12.0 57.60 (1.24)
461-11 -0.33 111 44 0.41 0.9 0.01388 3.3 0.0446 9.0 57.75 (1.28)
461-12 0.21 373 405 1.12 3.0 0.01507 3.8 0.0489 4.4 59.75 (0.69)
461-13 1.62 140 83 0.61 1.0 0.01109 7.3 0.0599 7.1 53.31 (1.12)

Common lead; 2 Atomic ratios of radiogenic Pb
3 206
Pb/238U age using 207Pb to correct for common lead

Table 2-3: Continued
206 1 232 206
Sample Pb U Th Th Pb 2 206
Pb 2 1 207
Pb 1 Apparent Age (Ma, 1)
238 238 206
Spot Name % (ppm) (ppm) U (ppm) U % Pb 2 % 206
Pb/238U 3
Dacite Porphyry Dykes
Qu362 (Dacite Dyke)
362-1 2.58 129 64 0.51 0.9 0.01297 3.9 0.0675 6.8 52.10 (1.14)
362-2 1.14 248 163 0.68 1.8 0.01322 2.9 0.0562 5.5 54.32 (0.85)
362-3 2.79 131 59 0.46 1.0 0.01411 2.2 0.0692 6.8 56.04 (1.21)
362-4 1.29 195 116 0.61 1.5 0.01452 3.4 0.0573 6.2 55.51 (1.01)
362-5 3.42 186 128 0.71 1.4 0.01393 3.0 0.0742 5.6 55.07 (1.05)
362-6 1.25 230 116 0.52 1.8 0.01486 4.1 0.0570 5.7 56.58 (0.94)
362-7 2.81 259 203 0.81 1.9 0.01321 4.7 0.0693 7.9 54.05 (0.99)
362-8 1.20 259 207 0.83 1.9 0.01299 3.7 0.0566 5.4 54.28 (0.85)
362-9 1.53 245 166 0.70 1.8 0.01352 4.6 0.0592 5.3 53.88 (0.86)
362-10 0.92 381 251 0.68 2.9 0.01437 3.3 0.0544 4.4 56.49 (0.70)
362-11 1.61 203 230 1.17 1.6 0.01448 3.4 0.0599 5.6 57.57 (0.96)
362-12 1.86 118 86 0.75 0.8 0.01289 5.6 0.0618 7.4 52.53 (1.18)
362-13 0.83 324 280 0.89 2.4 0.01470 3.2 0.0537 4.7 55.51 (0.74)
362-14 1.38 312 379 1.26 2.3 0.01312 4.0 0.0580 4.9 54.66 (0.78)
362-15 4.16 89 27 0.32 0.7 0.01381 3.6 0.0800 7.5 53.29 (1.39)
Qu168 (Dacite Dyke)
168-1 -0.31 277 258 0.96 2.5 0.01552 3.3 0.0449 4.7 67.93 (0.98)
168-2 1.91 96 49 0.52 0.8 0.01354 2.7 0.0623 9.6 58.03 (1.28)
168-3 0.57 168 144 0.88 1.3 0.01496 2.0 0.0517 6.0 59.42 (1.04)
168-4 1.12 253 139 0.57 2.0 0.01352 3.8 0.0560 5.4 57.88 (0.95)
168-5 0.42 165 66 0.42 1.3 0.01388 3.1 0.0505 6.5 57.07 (1.04)
168-6 0.83 142 83 0.61 1.0 0.01344 5.0 0.0536 6.7 51.55 (1.11)
168-7 0.05 505 338 0.69 5.1 0.01826 4.2 0.0479 3.2 74.65 (0.92)
168-8 0.88 146 40 0.29 1.1 0.01381 3.4 0.0541 6.4 57.52 (1.08)
168-9 0.30 286 292 1.05 2.1 0.01272 5.6 0.0495 5.0 55.91 (0.86)
168-10 0.24 232 186 0.82 1.8 0.01258 5.0 0.0491 5.3 57.88 (0.92)
168-11 1.55 224 311 1.44 1.6 0.01178 9.5 0.0593 7.4 52.43 (0.88)
168-12 0.08 204 110 0.55 1.6 0.01470 3.2 0.0478 5.6 58.53 (0.96)
168-13 1.64 225 198 0.91 1.7 0.01338 3.5 0.0602 5.0 56.78 (0.93)
168-14 0.65 184 149 0.84 1.4 0.01151 3.0 0.0523 6.1 55.82 (0.99)
Late Porphyry
Qu393 (Granodiorite Porphyry)
393-1 0.35 184 91 0.51 1.2 0.01214 3.1 0.0498 9.2 49.22 (0.96)
393-2 0.22 281 205 0.75 2.0 0.01404 3.9 0.0488 5.5 52.17 (0.78)
393-3 1.44 145 62 0.44 1.0 0.01183 5.6 0.0585 7.7 52.23 (1.17)
393-4 2.12 63 46 0.76 0.5 0.01447 4.0 0.0639 10.4 53.76 (1.69)
393-5 0.65 131 74 0.58 1.0 0.01431 4.7 0.0523 7.9 56.58 (1.22)
393-6 0.24 234 178 0.79 1.7 0.01305 5.9 0.0490 6.2 54.70 (0.92)
393-7 1.27 89 87 1.00 0.7 0.01492 3.4 0.0572 13.3 56.42 (1.51)
393-8 1.20 194 121 0.65 1.4 0.01357 3.7 0.0566 6.3 54.99 (1.00)
393-9 0.35 346 217 0.65 2.6 0.01506 4.2 0.0499 6.2 55.82 (0.77)
393-10 1.25 179 105 0.60 1.3 0.01410 2.7 0.0570 6.4 53.90 (1.02)
393-11 0.57 291 307 1.09 2.1 0.01168 5.2 0.0516 5.6 53.81 (0.83)
393-12 1.07 128 59 0.47 1.0 0.01281 3.7 0.0556 8.0 56.08 (1.27)
393-13 0.10 225 208 0.95 2.0 0.01675 3.9 0.0481 5.6 64.97 (0.98)
393-14 0.21 228 107 0.48 1.6 0.01315 4.4 0.0487 6.7 52.44 (0.97)
393-15 1.00 172 121 0.73 1.2 0.01334 6.8 0.0550 6.7 53.04 (1.01)
Qu050 (Granodiorite Porphyry)
050-1 0.82 223 121 0.56 1.6 0.01171 5.5 0.0536 5.6 54.64 (1.06)
050-2 0.16 144 87 0.62 1.1 0.01342 6.7 0.0484 7.1 56.81 (1.13)
050-3 0.59 120 77 0.67 1.0 0.01389 3.8 0.0519 9.7 58.95 (1.27)
050-4 0.29 195 100 0.53 1.5 0.01416 5.7 0.0494 6.3 56.40 (1.04)
050-5 0.97 273 223 0.84 2.1 0.01232 5.1 0.0548 5.1 56.46 (1.05)
050-6 -0.19 196 114 0.60 1.5 0.01409 6.3 0.0457 6.5 59.16 (1.09)
050-7 0.35 824 1671 2.10 6.3 0.01225 5.5 0.0499 3.2 56.54 (0.75)
050-8 1.24 185 157 0.88 1.4 0.01148 5.5 0.0569 12.6 55.22 (1.15)
050-9 1.29 101 44 0.45 0.7 0.01170 6.5 0.0574 8.4 54.86 (1.33)
Qu394 (Granodiorite Porphyry)
394-1 -0.17 175 114 0.67 1.2 0.01183 4.8 0.0457 6.6 52.70 (0.94)
394-2 0.24 246 154 0.65 1.8 0.01329 5.5 0.0490 5.0 55.80 (0.85)
394-3 -0.29 645 507 0.81 4.8 0.01376 7.2 0.0448 3.0 55.45 (0.66)
394-4 0.32 252 204 0.84 1.8 0.01367 4.7 0.0496 4.9 54.33 (0.82)
394-5 1.23 378 492 1.34 2.7 0.01339 3.6 0.0568 4.6 53.49 (0.81)
394-6 0.57 422 310 0.76 3.3 0.01312 4.9 0.0517 3.6 57.30 (0.75)
394-7 0.20 329 353 1.11 2.5 0.01335 3.3 0.0487 4.3 56.16 (0.79)
394-8 0.51 173 134 0.80 1.3 0.01251 1.4 0.0512 6.0 54.88 (0.96)
394-9 0.02 202 119 0.61 1.5 0.01324 3.5 0.0473 5.6 54.87 (0.89)
394-10 0.55 217 129 0.61 1.7 0.01271 3.3 0.0515 5.2 57.70 (0.92)
394-11 -0.10 194 205 1.09 1.4 0.01280 4.2 0.0463 5.8 54.58 (0.91)
394-12 0.40 92 37 0.41 0.7 0.01213 3.8 0.0503 7.7 53.36 (1.15)
Common lead; 2 Atomic ratios of radiogenic Pb
3 206
Pb/238U age using 207Pb to correct for common lead

variations in phenocryst proportions and petrochemistry presented in Chapter 4. The
nomenclature of these units are based on the exploration terminology for the intrusive suites
and do not necessarily reflect their timing relative to Cu-Mo bearing veins or hydrothermal
alteration. From oldest to youngest the porphyry intrusion suites are: Earliest, Early,
Intermineral, Monzodiorite and Late suites. The Intermineral Suite is further subdivided into two
suites termed the Intermineral 1 and Intermineral 2 suites, based on the consistent relative
timing of similar composition dykes that contain euhedral and resorbed feldspars. U-Pb zircon
ages are presented below, in addition to the description of the rock units and their variations
within the deposit.

Earliest Porphyry (ca. 57.5-58.5 Ma)

The Earliest porphyries are the least volumetrically important of the porphyry
intrusions at Quellaveco and were first described by Sillitoe (1996) in an internal report to Anglo
American. Complete textural destruction of this unit is common, due to high degrees of quartz-
magnetite-chlorite hypogene alteration. This unit is preserved as xenoliths within other
porphyry intrusions, with a maximum drill hole intersection of approximately 50 meters (Figure
2-6). The Earliest porphyry is fine grained crowded porphyry consisting of two feldspars and
biotite as phenocryst phases in a very fine grained greyish-green groundmass with quartz
(Figure 2-7e). Two drill core samples of this rock were collected for U-Pb zircon geochronology
from the two known occurrences of this unit north and south of the Rio Asana and yielded ages
of 57.80.8Ma and 58.20.8Ma (Figure 2-4, 2-5d-e; Table 2-3). Although these ages slightly
overlap with younger porphyries they are considered to be distinct from the younger porphyry
suites, because these porphyries were largely emplaced prior to the bulk of Cu-Mo
mineralization and are host rocks. Additionally, these porphyry intrusions are intensely biotite-
magnetite and K-feldspar altered and may contain copper grades in excess of 1%. The
characteristics of the porphyry units are summarized in Table 2-3, which highlights the
distinguishing features of the porphyry units.

The Earliest porphyries range in composition from monzodiorite to quartz monzonite,

based on visual variations in phenocryst proportions and petrochemistry presented in Chapter
4. The Earliest Porphyry typically contains 50-65% phenocrysts. Their microphenocrystic texture
and occurrence as xenoliths in the next youngest porphyry intrusion suite (Early porphyry) are
distinguishing features of this unit.

A 21500 21250 21000 20750 20500 20250 20000 19750 A
Supergene Weak supergene enrichment
Conglomerate Oxide/Sulphide
3750 with Cu-oxide Leached/oxidized zone

Strong supergene enrichment

Asana River

3500 A

Miocene and Later Volcanic Rocks
Sencca Formation N
Asana Formation
Chuntacala Formation
Paleocene to Eocene Intrusions
Late Porphyry Intrusions 3250
Hypogene Alteration and Mineralization
Intermineral/Monzodiorite Porphyry
Early Porphyry Intrusions
Earliest Porphyry Intrusions
Equigranular Granodiorite Intrusion A

Figure 2-6: Cross section through the long axis of the proposed pit area at Quellaveco. Topography to scale and grid from locally derived grid for
Quellaveco; all grid locations in meters.

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