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Se rv in g t he Bl ac k Po pu la t ion o f R oc kl and C ou n ty , Ne w Y or k

Volume 1, Issue 1
September/October 2010
have seldom been told ♦ Promote black busi-
from our diverse points nesses and asset Inside this issue:
of view. ownership;
Is Your School Making 2
The experiences ♦ Coordinate events the Grade?
of people of African an- and services; and
cestry in the county can Educational Summit 2
Residents celebrate Black History be likened to the prover- ♦ Foster a sense of
Month . bial canary in the coal community among
Buses leaving County for 3
mine-signaling what is to people from every
March on Washington
come for other people of corner of the African
Rockland County color. Diaspora repre- More than Shelter 3
has been home to people sented in the county.
of African ancestry for Our goals are
centuries. Did you know to: In order for this Community Profiles 4-5
that some of the county’s publication to really re-
original landowners were ♦ Raise awareness flect our unique points of
about issues facing view, we need to hear Helping Hands 6-7
free blacks?
the black community; from you! We invite you
Despite the fact to submit ideas for arti-
♦ Educate the public Rising Stars 8
that blacks have called cles and upcoming
Rockland County home about our historic events.
for hundreds of years, and contemporary
news and information, contributions to the Let’s use this fo-
for and about blacks, area; rum as a medium for
Special points of
Community Profiles
Black Business Directory Coming Soon • Emmaline’s All Natural Hot Sauce

• Temple1 Unisex Gallery

Want to support together a business direc- hours of operation.
black businesses, but don’t tory for Rockland County. • Kappa Alpha Psi, Inc., New Ro-
know where to find them? If your business is black Email the informa- chelle-White Plains Alumni Chap-
owned, in whole or in part. tion to us at: ter
Own a black busi- We need to know the name
ness, but can’t afford to of your company; mailing • Chiku Awali
advertise? and web address; years in
business; description of no later than October 15.
We are putting products and services; and
Page 2 Point of View

Is Your School Making the Grade?

As schools around Most districts in the need to be established and/
the county reopen their county met the state stan- or expanded not only in the
doors, you may be wonder- dards for adequate yearly East Ramapo district, but
ing if our schools are really progress for black students throughout the county. We
making the grade. with one exception. The East cannot rely on the schools to
Ramapo School District did educate our children. The
Three school districts not meet adequate yearly responsibility of educating
have the largest black popu- progress standards for our children belongs to all of
lations: East Ramapo, Nyack blacks on the secondary us.
and Haverstraw-Stony Point. level in English Language
According to New York State Arts. For additional infor-
Department of Education, mation on how your child’s
East Ramapo is about 56% Community-based school performed relative to
black. Nyack is almost a programs aimed at improv- other schools in the county,
quarter black. Haverstraw- ing performance in English vis it www.nyst art .go v/
Stony Point is about 13% Language Arts for students publicweb/
black. at the high school level may year=2009&county=ROCKL

ÂXwâvtà|ÉÇ |á t ÑÜxvÉÇw|à|ÉÇ àÉ CEJJES Institute to host Education Summit

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The CEJJES Institute and academic achievement; ronment, and the material
will host an educational sum- promote importance of fam- well being of marginalized
@`tÜ|tÇ jÜ|z{à XwxÄÅtÇ mit on October 23, 2010 at ily and community involve- communities.
Rockland Community Col- ment in the education of chil-
lege. The days events in- dren; and to support schools. For more informa-
clude workshops for parents tion about the educational
and youth in grades 6-12. The CEJJES Institute, summit and the institute, visit
located in Pomona, New
The purposes of the York, promotes social justice,
annual event are to promote especially in the areas of
the importance of education health, education, the envi-

Did you know...

♦ In 1959 Dr. Charles first black to be elected South Africa.
Lawrence was the first to the House of Deputies
person of African ances- of the Episcopal Church. ♦ Sources: Nordstrom,
try in the county to win Carl. 2003. Nyack and
election to public office ♦ Dr. Lawrence was a Black and White.
when he was elected to driving force behind the
the school board in ordination of women in ♦ New York Times. Obitu-
Spring Valley. the Episcopal Church aries. April 5, 1986.
Dr. Charles Lawrence and the church’s efforts
(1915-1986) ♦ Lawrence was also the to end apartheid in ♦ Depthome.brooklyn.cuny
Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 3

Local NAACP Branches headed to March on Washington

The National Asso- NACCP hopes the march will invites you to get on the bus!
ciation for the Advancement also help the organization’s Buses with leave Rockland
of Colored People (NAACP) efforts to build a diverse County for the march on Oc-
is organizing a March on coalition of people to tober 2, 2010. The cost is
Washington, October 2, “reclaim American themes $40.00 per person.
2010. and traditions-a more per-
fect union, common good and To reserve your
There are a number justice for all. seat on the bus and to learn Frances Pratt, President of the Nyack Branch
of reasons for the march, as more about activities of your of the NAACP.
indicated on the organiza- The march, should local branch, co nt act
tion’s web site. help “galvanize a movement Aldridge at wilbur
for the majority of people
The nation’s oldest for justice in America,” say
civil rights organizations organizers of the march.
called for the march in an Wilbur Aldridge,
effort to protect jobs, educa- Mid-Hudson Region and
tion, and the economy. The Westchester Region Director,

A Home Represents Much More Than Shelter ÂgÉ ux t ÑÉÉÜ ÅtÇ |á {tÜw? uâà àÉ
ux t ÑÉÉÜ Ütvx |Ç t ÄtÇw Éy wÉÄÄtÜá
Home ownership is health crisis. homes. About 49% of blacks
a key indicator of an individ- in the county owned homes.
ual’s or a group’s overall Racial differences in |á à{x äxÜç uÉààÉÅ Éy {tÜwá{|ÑáAÊ
economic well-being. A home ownership exist and Efforts to address
home is often the largest persist nationally and locally. the disparity in home owner-
single asset in the average According to the Rockland ship are sorely needed. Any @jAXAUA WâUÉ|á
American’s portfolio. Equity County Department of Plan- solution aimed at closing the
in a home can be used to ning., home ownership was gap should address the myr-
pay college tuition, start a more prevalent for white iad of causes ranging from
business, or help a family Rocklanders. Over 75% of individual choices to institu-
survive a job loss or sudden whites in the county owned tional barriers.

Did You Know?

Data published by The most recent data avail- land county were Asian-
the Census Bureau, as part of able, from 2002, shows the owned compared to
the American Community following: 8.5% for the state.
Survey, found that the per-
centages of minority-owned ◊ 5.3% of firms in Rock- ◊ 5.6% of firms in Rock-
firms in Rockland County for land County were black- land County were His-
all groups were below the owned compared to panic-owned firms com-
state average. 7.6% for the state. pared to 9.6% for New Tyrone Williams of Yogi’s Unisex Hair Salon
York State. located at 298 Route 59 in Nyack.
◊ 5.9% of firms in Rock-
Page 4 Community Profiles

Emmaline’s All Natural Hot Sauce

Alice Crowe Bell, a in 1893 in Columbia, Ala- Locally, Emmaline’s
resident of Nyack, is pro- bama. All Natural Hot Sauce is
prietor of Emmaline’s Spe- available at: Back to Earth,
cialty. Inc. Bell has helped Miss Emma taught Feeding the Spirit Healing
turn a family recipe for an her daughter how to make Center, Foodmarket Interna-
all natural hot sauce into a the sauce, which she used to tional, Hungry Hollow Co-op,
profitable product, available enhance meats, fish, poultry Nyack Farmer Market, The
in some of the nation’s larg- and vegetables. Her daugh- Outside In, True Food and
est retail stores. ter, in turn, taught the recipe Casa Del Sol.
to her daughters.
Emmaline Emmaline’s All
Humphries, Alice Crowe Bell’s With the same spe- Natural Hot Sauce is also
Alice Crowe Bell and her mother, grandmother, created and cial attention and care that available online at:
Gwendolyn Crowe. used the sauce as part of her characterized Emmaline’s
successful catering business. cooking style, Alice Crowe
Miss Emma, as she was af- Bell continues to make the
fectionately known, was born sauce batch by batch.

ÂXåvxÄÄxÇvx |á wÉ t vÉÅÅÉÇ Temple1 Unisex Gallery

à{|Çz |Ç tÇ âÇvÉÅÅÉÇ ãtçAÊ
Temple1 Unisex 10 years ago, the salon pro- nance. Temple1 Unisex Gal-
Gallery, is owned and oper- vides high quality customer lery promises to treat you
@UÉÉ~xÜ gA jtá{|ÇzàÉÇ ated by Kelvin “Hemp” Ed- care in an Afrocentric envi- like royalty!
munds. The full service hair ronment to clients from all
and nail salon is now located racial and ethnic back- For more informa-
at 342 West Route 59 Na- grounds. tion, including information
nuet. Temple 1 was formerly about free consultations, visit
located on Franklin Street in The staff have more them in person or online at
Nyack. than twenty years of experi- You can
ence in the industry, including the salon at call
Incorporated nearly in locks and lock mainte- 845.215.9348.

Did You Know...

♦ Small businesses in Rock- ♦ Loans may be used for ment.
land County that cannot a variety of purposes
qualify for traditional including working capi- ♦ The fund is locally ad-
bank financing, may be tal, inventory and equip- ministered by Rockland
eligible for business ment. Economic Development
Caption describing picture or graphic. loans starting at$2,500. Corporation.
as part of the West- ♦ The loan fund was es-
chester/Rockland Re- tablished and funded ♦ For more information
volving Loan Fund. by New York State’s contact Steve Porath,
Empire State Develop- Director of Economic
Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 5

Kappa Alpha Psi

Kappa Alpha Psi, The organization
Inc., New Rochelle-White also operates a mentor pro-
Plains Alumni Chapter serves gram where members mentor
Rockland County. Chartered boys in the county.
in 1972, the organization
has been engaged in a num- For more informa-
ber of activities benefiting tion on the tour, scholarship,
individuals and families in mentor program go to Alexandreena Dixon, Founder, Chiku Awali
the region, especially area
youth. their undergraduate career. index.html.
Scholarship recipients must
The chapter organ- demonstrate high academic
izes an annual tour of His- achievement and other at-
torically Black Colleges and tributes shown to predict
Universities and provides student success at the college
financial support to scholar- level.
ship recipients throughout

Chiku Awali African Dance, Arts and Culture ÂYÜÉÅ ã{tà ãx zxà ãx vtÇ Åt~x
t Ä|ä|ÇzN ã{tà ãx z|äx? {ÉãxäxÜ?
Chiku Awali, a non- called Rites of Passage. The month. The graduation for
profit organization based in Rites of Passage program is the Class of 2010 is Septem-
Spring Valley, was founded for young men ages 12-14. ber 11.
Åt~xá t Ä|yxAÊ
by Alexandreena Dixon in
2003 to enrich our commu- The young men par- Chiku Awali spon-
nity, especially youth. ticipate in cultural and edu- sors trips to African events in @TÜà{âÜ Tá{x
cational workshops, public the area and tours of Africa.
Chiku Awali speaking and storytelling, an For more information, visit
opeates a number of pro- overnight retreat, and a the organization at
grams, including an Afrocen- graduation ceremony.
tric coming of age program Workshops are held once a

Did You Know...

• Hillburn’s NAACP invited • Countee Cullen, Modern
attorney Thurgood Mar- American Poet, authored
shall to assist them in • The victory was among a poem about the strug-
their litigation against Marshall’s and the gle called God Have
Ramapo Central School NAACP’s first, long be- Pity-Hillburn The Fair.
District, which forced fore the historic Brown v.
black students to learn in Board of Education of Source: Thomas Sugrue.
a substandard and seg- Topeka, Kansas in (2008). Sweet Land of Lib- Thurgood Marshall Monument in Hillburn,
regated environment. 1954. erty: The Forgotten Civil New York.
Rights Struggle in the North.
Page 6 Helping Hands

Competition for a Cause

Organized by the collect the most donations. ard Protter, managing part-
Pattern for Progress Fellow- ner of Jacobowitz and
ship Program, the Food All donations will be Gubits.
Frenzy Food Drive will be directed to the Hudson Val-
held from September 20-24, ley Food Bank to help stock Participating or-
2010. September is Na- the regional Food Bank’s ganizations can collect dona-
tional Hunger Awareness warehouse. The Hudson Val- tions of both food and
Month. ley Food Bank serves Or- money. Every dollar raised
ange, Ulster, Dutchess, Rock- translates to seven meals
Food Frenzy encour- land, Sullivan, and Putnam that can be provided.
ages friendly competition counties.
between businesses and or- To register or learn
Harry Protter, an organizer of Food ganizations of similar size “The need is still more about the Hudson Val-
Frenzy, a drive to benefit the Hudson and/or mission to collect very real for many individu- ley Food Frenzy, visit
Valley Food Bank donations of food and als and families in our region www.foodbankofhudsonvalle
money. Prizes are awarded and Pattern Fellows wants to
to the organizations that continue to help,” said How-

Âjx Åtç tÄÄ {täx vÉÅx ÉÇ Faith-Based Institutions

w|yyxÜxÇà á{|Ñá? uâà ãxËÜx |Ç à{x
Black churches are St. Charles African dents by offering an array
one of the most enduring and Methodist Episcopal Church of programs and services
átÅx uÉtà ÇÉãAÊ economically autonomous in Sparkill was founded by including: food pantries, fit-
social institutions in the black residents of Skunk Hollow. ness programs, and work-
community. Skunk Hollow was one of shops to enhance personal
@`tÜà|Ç _âà{xÜ ^|Çz? ]ÜA counties most historic black and professional develop-
Pilgrim Baptist and communities. ment.
St. Philip’s African Methodist
Episcopal Zion Churches in Area churches, are Look for profiles on
Nyack, for example, are working to meet the natural faith-based programs in
more than a 100 years old. and spiritual needs of resi- future issues of Point of View.

Did You Know...

• There is an alliance of • The alliance routinely Church in Spring Valley.
clergy in Rockland discusses issues facing
County, representing the community and ways • The current President of
many different denomi- to bring about positive the Rockland County
nations and ethnicities. changes. Ministers Alliance is
Supt. Eugene Jones, Pas-
Caption describing pic-
ture or graphic. • Members of the Rock- • T h e a l l i a n ce w a s tor, Hollingsworth Me-
land County Ministers founded by Rev. morial Church Family
Alliance meet monthly. Weldon McWilliams, Worship Center in Ny-
Pilgrim Baptist Church in Nyack Pastor of First Baptist ack.
hosts an annual Martin Luther King
Holiday Celebration.
Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 7

Book Bag Give Away

Advo cat ing f o r plies meets an important Change asked that you join
Change wants your help in need. in a community-based effort
providing needy students to support “our Rockland
with book bags and school “In many school children and families with
supplies. This year marks districts the budget for school meeting one of the most ba-
the 10th Annual Book Bag supplies and educational sic yet imperative needs in
Giveaway. equipment has been cut, society-the tools to stimulate
therefore parents will be and master learning. Cassandra Edwards of Advocating for
Labor Day week- expected to provide a gro- Change and others prepare book bags for
end, Advocating for Change ing number of additional For more informa- area children.
and others, plan to distribute items presented on the an- tion about Advocating for
700 book bags in the Vil- nual school supply list,” said Change’s other programs
lage of Spring Valley munici- Cassanda Edwards, Presi- and events, visit
pal parking lot. dent of Advocating for
The distribution of
book bags and school sup- Advo cat ing for

ÂV{tÇzx ã|ÄÄ ÇÉà vÉÅx |y ãx ãt|à yÉÜ

áÉÅx Éà{xÜ ÑxÜáÉÇ ÉÜ áÉÅx Éà{xÜ à|ÅxA
Haitian-American cluding: naturalization and more.
Cultural and Social Organi- citizenship services; immigra- jx tÜx à{x ÉÇxá ãx {täx uxxÇ ãt|à|Çz
zation (HASCO) was estab- tion services; food and nutri- HASCO is located
lished over 35 years ago to tion program; health; housing at 25 South Main Street in yÉÜA jx tÜx à{x v{tÇzx à{tà ãx áxx~AÊ
provide Haitian immigrants search and placement; men- Spring Valley. For more in-
with resources to move to- tal health; case management formation about programs
wards self-sufficiency. and service coordination; and services go to @UtÜtv~ butÅt
employment; senior recrea- or call
To that end, tion; first time home buyers 845.352.5897.
HASCO offers a variety of program; community educa-
programs and services, in- tion; transportation; and

Did You Know...

• The Local History Room rials that are accessible important dates about
at the Nyack Library to the general public. black history in Rockland
has various material County on its web site.
related to blacks in • Historic images of blacks For example, in 1947
Rockland County. and others are now YMCA first accepts
o n l i n e a t black members.
• The Historical Society of /
the Nyacks works closely nyacklibrary For more visit Founded in 1888, the Nyack YMCA did not
with the library to iden- accept black members until 1947.
tify and preserve mate- • The library publishes
Lori Latrice Martin, PhD

Published by M&B
Visionaries2, LLC

Point of View
Serving the Black Population of Rockland County, NY.
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Nominate a Rising Star!

Our children should demonstrate a should not exceed
seem to make the commitment to excel- 750 words.
news for all the wrong lence in academics
reasons, despite the and in one or more of Send your in-
fact that so many are the following areas: formation to poin-
doing positive things. art, music, drama, ath- tofview@visionaries2.
Let’s celebrate our children! Nominate a
rising star! We invite your nomi- letics and service to com and include Rising
nations for a feature the community. Star in the subject.
we call, Rising Stars. Join us in cele-
Please include
You may nomi- a high resolution pic- brating our future
nate any young per- ture of your nominee leaders!
son under the age of along with a support-
18. The Rising Star ing essay. The essay

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