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Skill Name

Swift Strike
Swan Style
Tranced Strike
Spur Magic
Spur Resistance
Dove Style
Graceful Heal
Seal Magic
Seal Strength
Seal Speed
War Cry
Steal Defence
Impaling Combo
Spur Defence
Triangle adept
Human Fortress
Armoured Strike
Wary Fighter
Warding Strike
Spur Speed
Falcon Style
Seal Defence
Spur Strength
Quick Riposte
Seal Resistance
Wings of Demise
Spur Resistance
Steal Speed
Steal Lifeforce
Killer Strike
Pillar of Hope
Blind Spot
Seal Skill/Luck
Sure Strike
Close Counter
Nomadic trooper
Owl Style
Inspiring Dance
Heron Style
Royal Magic
Thick Shadows
Black Flare
Tenebrae Mundi
Malice Detect
Royal Blood
Piercing Rays
White Luminem
Luces Mundi
Weak Spot
Noble Fortress
Armored Stomp
Queen Valor
White Knight
Trained Mind
Trained Steps
Trained Muscles
Tranced Blow
Shady Blow
Savage Blow
Great Jump
(Swift Strike)
I Can See You
Blinding Glare
Closed Eye
Poison Touch
Draining Touch
Undead Fortress
White Bone
(Blind Spot)
(White Bone)
Purple Femur
Tough Calcium
Purple Humerus
(Close Counter)
One-eyed Focus
Speed Reversal
(Warding Strike)
Sky Devil
Deflective Tail
Menacing Aura
Monstruous Aura
Mephitic Breath
Thick Skin
Final Glare
Sticky Web
Venomous Fur
Deadly Serum
Golden Legs
Reverse Serum
Monstruous Heal
Vulture Style
Last Stand
Demonic Aura
Hidden Blades
Absolute Terror
Absolute King
Full Eclipse
Unit gains Hit/Avo/Crit +5 when using a sword. Enables the use of katanas.
If unit initiates combat, unit gains Spd +3 during battle.
(Skl -10)% chance of hitting 5 times at half power. [Activation colour: green]
Crit +10 when unit is equipped with a sword. If unit using a sword initiates combat, Spd% chance of triggering an additiona
During battle against foes 2 spaces from user, unit gains Mag +1.
If unit initiates combat, unit gains Mag +3 during battle.
Mag +4 to all allies within 2 spaces from user during battle. Can stack with itself and other similar effects.
Mag% chance of boosting damage by user's Def. [Red]
Elu +10 to all allies within 2 spaces from user during battle. Can stack with itself and other similar effects.
Gives 1-2 Rng to swords with 1 Rng. When used at a distance, swords deal magical damage but have Hit -10.
Res +5 to all allies within 2 spaces from user during battle. Can stack with itself and other similar effects.
Res +5 if unit is equipped with a sword. When using a sword in battle, unit has (Mag x2)% chance of recovering all of its HP
If unit is mounted, unit can use their leftover movement after attacking.
When unit uses a staff, target ally gains Res +4 until the end of the next turn.
If unit's HP > 1, Luck% chance of surviving a lethal attack with 1 HP remaining.
If unit hits the enemy in combat, inflict Mag -5 to foe after combat until the end of the next turn.
Unit deals x2 effective damage against unpromoted monsters.
Unit deals x1.5 effective damage against promoted monsters. After combat, inflict -5 in all stats to monsters within 2 space
Recover 10% HP at the start of the users turn if there are any allies within 2 spaces from user.
If unit hits the enemy in combat, inflict Str -5 to foe after combat until the end of the next turn.
At the start of your turn, unit recovers 20% of its max HP.
Mag% chance of boosting damage by unit's Res. [Yellow]
When unit fights in water, damage dealt boosted by 4 during combat.
If unit hits the enemy in combat, inflict Spd -5 to foe after combat until the end of the next turn.
All foes within 2 spaces from user deal 3 less damage in combat. Can stack with itself or other similar effects.
Str% chance of boosting damage by unit's Con x1.5. [brown]
Increase damage to foes within 2 spaces from user by 3 in combat. Can stack with itself or other similar effects.
When unit's HP 40% , unit gains Crit +50.
Crit +10 to all allies within 2 spaces from user during battle. Can stack with itself or other similar effects.
At the start of user's turn, if unit's HP 50%, unit's Skl/Spd are boosted by x1.3 until the end of the next turn.
If unit's Str - foe's Str 3, user can steal an unequipped weapon from target's inventory. Doesn't work on certain enemies.
If unit hits the enemy in combat, unit gains Def +3 and foe is inflicted Def -3 until the end of the next turn.
If unit initiates combat, damage dealt is boosted by amount of spaces crossed before the attack -2 (min. 0 and max. 6).
Hit +15 to all allies within 2 spaces from user during battle. Can stack with itself and other similar effects.
(Res x2)% chance of halving damage inflicted by attacks from foes 2 or more spaces from user.
If there are any allies adjacent to this unit, unit gains Atk/Def +2 in combat.
After combat, unit gains Atk/Def +3 until the end of the next turn.
If there are any adjacent unmounted allies at the beginning of user's turn, Mov +1 to this unit and all adjacent unmounted
Skl% chance of boosting damage dealt by (Str -10) x number of adjacent allies. [red]
Def +4 to all allies within 2 spaces from user during battle. Can stack with itself and other similar effects.
If user has Triangle advantage, triples user's Triangle bonuses in combat.
If Weight of equipped weapon > unit's Con, the difference is added to unit's Def/Res during combat.
If unit initiates combat, unit gains Def +5 during battle.
Prevents follow-up attacks in combat from unit and foes if unit's HP 50%.
(Def x2)% chance of halving damage inflicted by attacks from adjacent foes.
If unit initiates combat, unit gains Res +5 during battle.
Spd +4 to all allies within 2 spaces from user during battle. Can stack with itself or other similar effects.
Avo +10 if unit is equipped with a sword. If unit using a sword initiates combat, (Spd +15)% chance of hitting 3 times at half
Avo +15 to all allies within 2 spaces from user during battle. Can stack with itself and other similar effects.
If unit initiates an attack and defeats the enemy, it can take another action after combat. (Max once per turn)
If unit hits the enemy in combat, inflict Def -5 to foe after combat until the end of the next turn.
Str +4 to all allies within 2 spaces from user during battle. Can stack with itself or other similar effects.
Unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack when attacked at HP 70%.
Unless enemy is mounted, increase damage dealt in combat by 5.
(Skl +10)% chance of halving foe's defenses in combat. [Blue]
During battle against an adjacent foe, unit gains Mag +2.
If unit hits the enemy in combat, inflict Res -5 to foe after combat until the end of the next turn.
When unit initiates combat, recover 50% HP after defeating the enemy.
If unit's HP 50%, inflict Hit/Avo/Crit/Elu -15 to all foes within 3 spaces from user at HP 75%.
Res +4 to all allies within 2 spaces from user during battle. Can stack with itself or other similar effects.
(Mag -6)% chance of reducing foe's Res by 66% and recovering HP equal to 66% of damage dealt.
If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, unit can steal an item from target's inventory. Also enables the use of lockpicks and increases visib
After combat, unit gains Spd +3 and foe is inflicted Spd -3 until the end of the next turn.
Unit can move through enemy-occupied tiles. Also disables terrain traps.
After combat, unit gains Str/Mag/Luck +7 and foe is inflicted Str/Mag/Luck -7 until the end of the next turn.
When unit initiates combat, unit gains Crit +15.
(Skill x0.25)% chance of instantly defeating the enemy when dealing 1 or more damage. Doesn't work on certain enemies.
If equipped weapon Weight > unit's Con, ignores Spd penalties when this unit initiates combat.
Unit counter-attacks first when attacked at HP 50%.
(Skl +20)% chance of healing unit by 70% of damage dealt. [yellow]
If unit's HP 50%, grants Hit/Avo/Crit/Elu +15 to all allies within 3 spaces from user at HP 50%.
If unit initiates combat while standing on a tile with terrain bonuses, this unit gains Hit +15.
If unit hits the enemy in combat, inflict Skl/Luck -5 to foe after combat until the end of the next turn.
When unit initiates combat, unit gains Hit +30.
Enables bows to counter-attack at 1 Rng.
Unit ignores movement penalty of forests and deserts.
Elu +20 when unit is equipped with a sword. If unit using a sword initiates combat, Spd x0.75% chance of putting enemy to
If Dance is used, target also granted Atk/Spd/Def/Res +3 until the end of the next turn.
Avo/Crit +10 when using a sword. If unit using a sword initiates combat, (Spd + Skl)% chance of taking another action after
At the beginning of user's turn, inflict 10 damage to all foes within 2 spaces of user (foes hit by this effect can't die; reduce
When unit defeats an enemy, recover 20% of unit's max HP and inflict 10 damage to all foes within 2 spaces of target.
Mag% chance of negating foe's Res in combat and recovering HP equal to damage dealt; then, inflict 15 damage to all foes
If unit's Mag > foe's Mag, this unit gains Mag +2 in combat.
If equipped with a Dark tome whose durability 20, unit takes 4 less damage when attacked by foe using sword, lance, axe
Mag% chance of boosting damage by Mag x1.5 and recovering HP equal to 90% of damage dealt. [black]
If there's an ally with the skill "Luces Mundi" within 3 spaces from user, this unit gains Mag/Def +5 and Elu +20 in combat.
When this unit initiates combat, Hit +15. When this unit is attacked, Avo +15. This unit has increased visibility in fog and da
If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, this unit gains Hit/Avo/Crit +5 in combat.
If equipped with a Light tome whose durability 20, unit gains Crit +10.
Spd% chance of boosting damage by Res x0.5 and triggering an additional hit. [white]
If there's an ally with the skill "Tenebrae Mundi" within 3 spaces from user, this unit gains Spd/Res +5 and Crit +10 in comb
Boosts damage dealt by 2 if this unit uses a regular Bow against a foe whose Def < Res, or a magic arrow against a foe whos
When fighting against an enemy using magic, if unit's Skl - foe's Skl 5, inflict Silence on foe after combat. Doesn't work on
All magic arrows deal x1.2 damage.
(Skl x0.75)% chance of dealing x1.5 damage and putting the enemy to sleep. [gray]
If Weight of equipped weapon > unit's Con, increase damage in combat by Weight x0.25, and reduce received damage by t
If unit's Weight > foe's Weight, when unit initiates combat, Str/Def +4 during battle.
All lances with 1 Rng deal magical damage if foe's Res < foe's Def.
Negates foes effective bonus towards this unit. Add Mag to damage whenever "Ignite" activates.
Hit/Avo +10 to all female allies within 2 spaces from user during combat. Can stack with itself or other similar effects.
Reduce damage dealt by male foes and monsters within 2 spaces from user by 3. Can stack with itself and other similar effe
If unit is Rescuing a female ally, ignore stat penalties and Skl/Spd/Def/Res +4.
If unit is Rescuing a female ally, (unit's Skl + rescuee's Skl)% chance of boosting damage dealt by rescuee's Con x2. [light blu
In memory of his days as trainee. Neutralise any stat debuffs caused by foes' skills.
In memory of her days as trainee. Neutralise Mov penalties from terrain like forests, pillars or desert.
In memory of his days as trainee. Neutralise Spd penalties during combat if equipped weapon Weight > unit's Con.
If unit initiates combat, unit gains Mag/Spd +2 during battle.
If unit initiates combat, unit gains Avo +20 during battle.
If unit initiates combat, unit gains Str +2 and Crit +5 during battle.
Enables the use of Dark and Light tomes.
Mag% chance of negating foe's Res and recovering HP equal to 50% of damage dealt. [orange]
Enables lances with 1 Rng to have 1-2 Rng.
If unit fights at a distance with a lance whose Rng was raised by "Jump", (Skl+Spd)% chance of dealing x2 damage. [Dark Bl
Enables the use of claws and fangs. Damage dealt +5 against cavalry. Unit ignores movement penalty of forests, mountains
Str% chance of halving foe's defenses during combat and boosting damage by unit's Str. [Brown]
Boosts damage dealt by 3 if this unit's Crit rate > foe's Crit rate.

This unit deals effective damage x1.5 against cavalry.

This unit's "fang" weapons with 1 Rng gain 1-2 Rng when unit initiates combat.
Hit +15 if this unit's Hit rate > foe's Hit rate.

All enemies within 3 spaces of unit suffer Hit -10 in combat. Can stack with itself and other similar effects.
75% chance of negating all damage from bows. [purple]

Reduce foes weapon durability twice as fast when fighting against this unit.
After combat, if this unit has hit the enemy, reduce foe's HP by 12. Units can't be killed by this effect (their HP will be reduc
All "claw" weapons equipped to this unit gain the following effect: "Recover 50% of damage dealt".
If Weight of equipped weapon > unit's Con, ignore Spd penalty, but the result is subtracted from unit's Def/Res during com
If unit initiates combat, damage dealt/taken +2. If unit is attacked, damage dealt/taken -2.

If unit initiates combat, damage dealt/taken +2. If unit is attacked, damage dealt/taken -2. Stacks with "White Bone".
75% chance of negating all damage from foes against whom this unit has a triangle advantage. [Purple]
If unit inititates combat, Hit +20 but Avo -20. If unit is attacked, Avo +20 but Hit -20.

Reduce damage dealt by foes by 20%.

If fighting an enemy adjacent to user, Hit +10 and damage +3. However, if fighting an enemy 2 or more spaces from user, H
If unit initiates combat, calculate this unit's Spd as if it was 40 - unit's actual Spd.

This unit deals effective damage x1.5 against fliers.

When this unit is attacked, 75% chance of negating all damage from magic. [orange]
If this unit fights against foe with sword, lance, axe, bow, claws or fangs, unit gains Avo +30 in combat.
If foe's attack against this unit Misses, increase damage of unit's next attack by 10 during the battle (if user can counter-atta
All foes within 3 range from user suffer Hit/Avo/Crit -10 and take +4 damage in combat. Can stack with itself and other sim
All monsters within 3 range from user gain Hit/Avo/Crit +10 and deal +4 damage in combat. Can stack with itself and other
This unit deals effective damage x1.3 against any foes.
Unit takes 4 less damage when attacked by foe using sword, lance, axe or bow.
Unit recovers 50% HP at the end of even-numbered Enemy Phases.
If unit's HP 50, "Stone" will never miss.
At the start of user's turn, inflict Spd -5 to all foes within 3 spaces from user until the end of the next turn.
If foe attacks this unit with a sword, lance or axe, foe gets poisoned after combat.
Avo -10 to all foes within 3 range from user in combat. Can stack with itself and other similar effects.
If this unit initiates combat and hits the enemy whose HP 70%, inflict Sleep to foe after combat.
Unit can move through enemy-occupied tiles. This unit ignores Mov penalties from any terrain.
If this unit initiates combat and hits the enemy whose HP 70%, inflict Sleep to foe after combat.
Enables all staves with 1 Rng to have Mag/2 Rng.
Unit recovers 50% of damage dealt with a sword. If unit using a sword initiates combat, Spd% chance of negating foe's next
If unit's HP 70, increase unit's Spd/Skl by 30% during combat.
(Unit's Max HP - Unit's current HP) x2% chance of dealing x1.3 damage and inflicting Berserk to foe. [yellow]
Unit doesn't take damage.
At the start of user's turn, unit recovers 30% of its max HP.
After combat, inflict 15 damage to all enemies within 4 spaces of foe. Units hit by this effect can't die (reduce their HP to 1
If user wouldn't kill the enemy with their attack, Skl% chance of reducing foe's HP to 1. [black]
Negates all enemy skills that have a chance of activating during battle. Ignores enemy debuffs. Halves all damage taken.
At the beginning of odd-numbered user's turns, inflict 10 damage and All Stats -5 to all enemies on the map, until the end
At the beginning of even-numbered user's turns, unit and all monsters on the map recover 30% HP and gain All Stats +5, un
If user wouldn't kill the enemy with their attack, 50% chance of reducing foe's HP to 1 and causing Sleep to foe and all enem
Class Type Labels guidelines
myrmidon (lv. 0) Buff1, Weapon Buff1 = buff that only applies during battle. Will be graphically repr
myrmidon (lv. 10) Buff1 Buff2 = buff that is applied directly to the unit's stat screen, similar
swordmaster (lv. 5) Distance = effect that calculates distance between units on the ma
swordmaster (lv. 15)
mage (lv. 0) Buff1, Distance Effect guidelines
mage (lv. 10) Buff1 "when unit initiates combat": when it attacks during Player Phase.
sage (lv. 5) "in combat": generally works in any Phase
sage (lv. 15) "until the end of the next turn": if effect procs during the Player Ph
mageknight (lv. 5) "Elu": Elusion, aka Crit Avoid
mageknight (lv. 15) "Con": Constitution
valkyrie (lv. 5) "water", "forest", "desert", etc.: might be worth checking for terra
valkyrie (lv. 15) "boosting damage by 2" VS "boosting Str by 2": although they mig
all mounted units (lv. 0) Movement boosting unit's St
troubadour (lv. 10) Buff2 "Trained Mind": the term "stat debuffs" include all kinds of debuffs
monk (lv. 0) Proc "Doesn't work on certain enemies": means it never works against f
monk (lv. 10) Buff2 "claws", "fangs": monster weapons. Djambo as a Savage can use th
exorcist (lv. 5)
exorcist (lv. 15)
fighter (lv. 0) Distance
fighter (lv. 10) Buff2
war monk (lv. 5)
war monk (lv. 15)
pirate (lv. 0) Terrain
pirate (lv. 10) Buff2
warrior (lv. 5)
warrior (lv. 15)
berserker (lv. 5)
berserker (lv. 15)
barbarian (lv. 5)
barbarian (lv. 15)
brigand (lv. 0) Inventory
brigand (lv. 10) Buff2
cavalier (lv. 10) Buff1, Movement
paladin (lv. 5)
paladin (lv. 15)
soldier (lv. 0) Buff1, Distance
soldier (lv. 10) Buff2
halbeldier (lv. 5)
halbeldier (lv. 15)
great knight (lv. 5)
great knight (lv. 15)
knight (lv. 0) Buff1, Inventory
knight (lv. 10) Buff1
general (lv. 5)
general (lv. 15)
peg. Knight (lv. 10) Buff1
seraph knight (lv. 5)
seraph knight (lv. 15)
griffon knight (lv. 5)
griffon knight (lv. 15)
dracoknight (lv. 10) Buff2
dracomaster (lv. 5)
dracomaster (lv. 15)
wyvern knight (lv. 5)
wyvern knight (lv. 15)
shaman (lv. 0) Buff1, Distance
shaman (lv. 10) Buff2
wicked flier (lv. 5)
wicked flier (lv. 15)
druid (lv. 5)
druid (lv. 15)
thief (lv. 0) Inventory
thief (lv. 10) Buff2
rogue (lv. 5)
rogue (lv. 15)
assassin (lv. 5)
assassin (lv. 15)
mercenary (lv. 0) Buff2, Inventory
mercenary (lv. 10) Prority
hero (lv. 5)
hero (lv. 15)
archer (lv. 0) Buff1, Terrain
archer (lv. 10) Buff2, Distance
sniper (lv. 5)
sniper (lv. 15)
ranger (lv. 5)
ranger (lv. 15)
dancer (lv.20)
dancer (lv. 30)
faratrass lord (lv. 0) Buff1
faratrass lord (lv. 10) Buff1, Inventory
faratrass d. lord (lv. 5)
faratrass d. lord (lv. 15)
shiori prodigy (lv. 0) Buff1
shiori lord (lv. 0)
shiori lord (lv. 10)
shiori p. lord (lv. 5)
shiori p. lord (lv. 15)
rya archer (lv. 0) Buff1, Inventory
rya archer (lv. 10) Inventory, Status
rya sniper (lv. 5)
rya sniper (lv. 15)
valpurga knight (lv. 0)
valpurga knight (lv. 10)
valpurga queen (lv. 5)
valpurga queen (lv. 15)
kalos gentleman (lv. 0)
kalos gentleman (lv. 10)
kalos prince (lv. 5)
kalos prince (lv. 15)
andre pupil (lv. 10) Buff2
sae'rah recruit (lv. 10) Terrain
djambo axeman (lv. 10) Inventory
andre w. Pupil (lv. 10) Buff1
sae'rah s. recruit (lv. 10) Buff1
djambo s. axeman (lv. 10) Buff1
andre master (lv. 5)
andre master (lv. 15)
sae'rah dragoon (lv. 5)
sae'rah dragoon (lv. 15)
djambo savage (lv. 5)
djambo savage (lv. 15)
luckos (lv. 0) Buff1
luckos (lv. 10)
cerberus (lv. 5)
cerberus (lv. 15)
preyedator (lv. 0) Buff1
preyedator (lv. 10)
diseyester (lv. 5)
diseyester (lv. 15)
zombie (lv. 0)
zombie (lv. 10) Inventory
revenant (lv. 5)
revenant (lv. 15)
skeleton (lv. 0) Buff1, Inventory
skeleton (lv. 10) Buff1
skeleton archer (lv. 0)
skeleton archer (lv. 10)
exoskeleton (lv. 5)
exoskeleton (lv. 15)
exoskeleton arch. (lv. 5)
exoskeleton arch. (lv. 15)
cyclops (lv. 0)
cyclops (lv. 15)
cyclops (lv. 30)
gargoyle (lv. 0)
gargoyle (lv. 10)
deathgoyle (lv. 5)
deathgoyle (lv. 15)
phantom (lv. 0)
phantom (lv. 30)
dracozombie (lv. 0)
dracozombie (lv. 15)
dracozombie (lv. 30)
medusa (lv. 0)
medusa (lv. 15)
medusa (lv. 30)
nearak (lv. 0)
nearak (lv. 10)
nearaktula (lv. 5)
nearaktula (lv. 15)
goldentula (lv. 0)
goldentula (lv. 30)
female centaur (lv 25)
female centaur (lv 35)
baelstrom (lv 25)
baelstrom (lv 35)
hellios dk
hellios dk
hellios dk
hellios dk
demon king
demon king
demon king
demon king
e. Will be graphically represented in the battle preview window and in battle. Not on stat screen. Stacks.
unit's stat screen, similarly to Pure Water. Doesn't stack: if more boosts of this type are received, the highest overlaps.
between units on the map

acks during Player Phase. Doesn't work if initiates combat during Enemy Phase via Vantage.

procs during the Player Phase, it lasts until the end of the Enemy Phase. You get the idea.

worth checking for terrain name and see if it corresponds to the ones stored in some kind of list?
by 2": although they might seem similar, they're different effects. Say you have a unit with 10 Str and a foe with 11 Def.
boosting unit's Str by 2 means it goes to 12 Str and deals 1 dmg. Boosting damage by 2 means that it goes from 0 to 2.
nclude all kinds of debuffs (in combat = Buff1 ; during turn = Buff2). For example, it negates both Seal
ns it never works against foes with the "Boss" flag.
mbo as a Savage can use those because he rides a bear.
est overlaps.

with 11 Def.
it goes from 0 to 2.

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