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Both Table 1 and Figure 1 show the result obtained from the pour plate method.

Table 1: The Amount of Bacteria in Colony Obtained Through Pour Plate Method
Dilution Factor Number of Colonies
Colony-forming unit per mL sample (CFU/ml)
10-4 91

10-5 2 2000000

10-6 1 10000000

Example of calculation for CFU/mL sample:

CFU mL-1 =

CFU mL-1 = = 9100000

10-4 10-5 10-6

Figure 1: The Sample Obtained Through Pour Plate Method

Table 2 and Figure 2 show the result obtained from the spread plate method.

Table 2: The Amount of Bacteria in Colony Obtained Through Spread Plate Method
Dilution Factor Number of Colonies
Colony-forming unit per mL sample (CFU/ml)

10-4 8 80000

10-5 0 0

10-6 0 0

Example of calculation for CFU/mL sample:

CFU mL-1 =

CFU mL-1 = = 80000

10-4 10-5 10-6

Figure 2: The Sample Obtained Through Spread Plate Method

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