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The Chesapeake Bay and

Agricultural Pollution:
The Problem, Possible Solutions,
and the Need for Verification

By Rona Kobell, Tom Horton, Tom Simpson, Ph.D.,

and Robert M. Summers, Ph.D.

December 2015
The Abell Foundation www.abell.org
Suite 2300 Phone: 410-547-1300
111 S. Calvert Street
Baltimore, MD 21202-6174


I. Agriculture and the Chesapeake Bay: A Complicated History..............3

Manure: A history.......................................................................................5

Farmers respond.........................................................................................6

The model, the measurement, and the message....................................6

The phosphorus diet: A slow way forward...............................................9

II. Solving Marylands Manure Problem: How Other States Keep

Phosphorus Out of Waterways, and What We Can Learn From
Their Efforts................................................................................................10

The Arkansas example: A court-mandated manure solution..............10

Indiana: A Ditch to Save the Farm...........................................................14

Manure to Energy in Pennsylvania: Two Birds, One Stone?.................16

III. Verification: How We Know That Controls Work, and Where to Give
Credit When Credit is Due.......................................................................19

The TMDL - Leveling the Hammer.........................................................19

How do we measure progress?..............................................................20

Bay Programs BMP Verification Framework.......................................22

Next steps in strengthening the verification process.........................26

 he case for strong verification protocols and independent,
third-party audits.....................................................................................27

Recommended Next Steps......................................................................27


Abell Foundation www.abell.org @abellfoundation P: 410-547-1300 December 2015



Forty years ago, the Chesapeake Bay shifted percent reduction of nitrogen and phosphorus
to a degraded state unprecedented in the by 2000. Subsequent Agreements in 1992
estuarys history. Population growth in the and 2000 refined the commitments. In 2006,
1960s and 70s, combined with post-war Maryland adopted its Tributary Strategies,
agricultural practices, led to an excess of which assigned responsibility for pollution
nitrogen and phosphorus two essential reductions from urban and suburban sources
nutrients for life in the Bays waterways. as well as agriculture. Yet despite all that effort
This eutrophication, or over-fertilization, and money, the Chesapeake remains seriously
has clouded Bay waters with algae, killing vital impaired today.
habitats and creating dead zones deprived
of oxygen. Many parts of the Chesapeake In 2010, the failure to meet water quality
Bay continue to be hazardous not only to the goals triggered a more regulatory approach
environment but also to human health. that required measurable, verifiable results.
The EPA instituted the Total Maximum Daily
To solve this immense pollution problem, Load (TMDL), or pollution diet. Through
government officials and scientists have the TMDL, the EPA has mandated that the
identified the key sources of excess nitrogen Chesapeake Bay watershed reduce millions
and phosphorus. The Chesapeake Bay of pounds of pollution from nitrogen,
watershed originates in Cooperstown, New phosphorus, and sediment by 2025. The
York, and covers 64,000 square miles across ramped-up pace of the cleanup, combined
six states and the District of Columbia. The with signs of slowing progress overall, raises
state of Maryland the focus of this Abell questions of cost-effectiveness and fairness
report is estimated to contribute roughly 20 among the major sectors.
percent of pollution to the Bay.1 In Maryland,
36 percent of the nitrogen and 53 percent of The Abell Foundation has a mission to focus
phosphorus in the Bay come from agriculture, on poverty in Baltimore. So why is it interested
21 percent of both come from urban and in agricultural pollution? The reason is that
suburban stormwater runoff, and about 23 the city of Baltimore is now appropriately
percent of both come from sewage treatment being held accountable by the Maryland
plants. Agriculture is responsible for more Department of the Environment (MDE) and
than half the sediment running into state the EPA for both its stormwater and sewage
waterways as well. 2 pollution. City residents of all income levels
are paying taxes and fees to enable the city to
Efforts to clean up the Chesapeake Bay fix its pollution problem. Yet farmers whose
began in earnest in 1983, when the principal collective contribution to Bay pollution is the
jurisdictions of the watershed, including largest of any single sector are not being
Maryland, signed an historic agreement required to fix their pollution problem; they
with the federal government, led by the U.S. are simply being asked to do so voluntarily.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), to Why the difference in approach?
develop coordinated plans to restore the Bays
health. In 1987, these jurisdictions, joined by Were all in this together. Urban residents
the Chesapeake Bay Commission, signed an depend on farmers for food, and all
Agreement that set forth goals to improve Marylanders suffer the consequences of an
the Bays living resources, habitat, and water unhealthy Bay. That said, it only seems fair
quality, including the specific goal of a 40 to have the same rules applied to polluters
across sectors so that one group of us does

Were all in this together. Urban residents depend on farmers for food,
and all Marylanders suffer the consequences of an unhealthy Bay.
That said, it only seems fair to have the same rules applied to polluters
across sectors so that one group of us does not end up paying more
than its fair share to clean up the Chesapeake Bay.

not end up paying more than its fair share to clean (BMPs, or practices to clean up pollution) on
up the Chesapeake Bay. their land. Agricultural BMPs are typically
far less expensive to implement per unit of
Where we spend Marylands effort and money pollution than stormwater or sewage BMPs,
to clean up the Bay between now and 2025 will but Maryland spends only one-fourteenth of
be as important as how much we spend. We the states Chesapeake restoration money on
have already picked the low-hanging fruit: We agricultural cleanup.
have spent billions of dollars on cutting nitrogen
and phosphorus from sewage discharges, That is not to say that we should spend less on
automobiles, and smokestacks. Tightly controlled urban and suburban sources. One does not
urban systems, like sewage treatment plants, want to imagine what Baltimores Inner Harbor
are easier to regulate than the more amorphous would look like with less effort. Current efforts
non-point source farm pollution. Engineers to make the Harbor fishable and swimmable
can make adjustments at a central location and are hoping to replicate the success stories of
achieve water quality benefits system-wide. Cities, cities like Boston. But if we do not adequately
with help from federal and state governments as address agriculture, we will not clean up the
well as ratepayers, have spent millions of dollars to Chesapeake Bay. And though all states must
improve sewage treatment. do their part Delaware, Pennsylvania, and
Virginia have large agricultural industries
Cities and suburbs are also now mandated by Maryland has historically led the way on
government to better manage their polluted environmental initiatives and should do so
stormwater runoff, through greening and other again now.
practices, so less surface pollution gets swept into
streams and rivers after a heavy rain. In many What can we do? First, we can learn the history
cases, they do so through a fee charged to urban of the Chesapeake Bay cleanup effort, and try
and suburban residents. not to repeat our mistakes between now and
2025. Second, we can look to other states for
Meanwhile, on the Eastern Shore and in other solutions. And finally, we should establish a
rural areas, farmers continue to spread untreated strong, independent inspection and verification
manure rich in nitrogen and phosphorus process to ensure that farmers and cities
on the ground, and because only a certain and suburbs are in fact putting the practices
amount of nitrogen and phosphorus can be in place for which they are receiving public
absorbed by the land, much of the excess seeps funds, and that these practices are achieving
into the groundwater and ends up polluting the the expected water quality improvements.
Chesapeake Bay. Without understanding where weve been,
learning from success stories elsewhere, and
Just as urban and suburban jurisdictions receive
verifying what we do going forward, we will just
federal and state funds to clean up their sewage
be treading water or, even worse, backsliding
and stormwater pollution, farmers receive public
on our efforts to have a clean Chesapeake Bay.
funds to implement best management practices

Abell Foundation www.abell.org @abellfoundation P: 410-547-1300 December 2015


Agriculture and the Chesapeake Bay:

A Complicated History
By Tom Horton and Tom Simpson

The Chesapeake Bay watershed includes six and phosphorus from sewage discharges,
states, 64,000 square miles, 17 million people, automobiles, and smokestacks. Marylands
and large-scale crop and animal agriculture greatest success to date, sewage treatment,
to feed a growing population. Once a pristine is increasingly nearing technological and cost
waterway teeming with crabs, oysters, and constraints. The latest upgrades to the District
rockfish, the nations largest estuary began its of Columbias giant Blue Plains facility, which
slow and long slide into a degraded state in serves suburban Maryland counties, removed
the 1960s. It continues to suffer from pollution about a tenth as much pollution as 1990s
today, despite billions of dollars invested in its upgrades, at roughly 10 times the cost.3 In
cleanup and tough new regulations aimed at other words, it is folly to keep spending billions
cleaning it up. to get minor reductions.

Nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment flow Stormwater work is necessary, but expensive.
into the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. There, remediation can be up to $100,000
They come from land application of fertilizer, an acre, and $150-$400 a foot for restoring
particularly manure; sewage treatment plant urban streams. Median costs of stormwater
discharges; stormwater; septic systems; and nutrient reductions ran about three times as
urban and suburban development practices. much when compared to reductions from
These pollutants cloud bay waters with algae, farmland for nitrogen, and about 10 times as
block light that sea grasses need to grow, much for phosphorus in a 2012 Chesapeake
and deprive the waters of oxygen that benthic Bay Commission assessment. An earlier
organisms such as worms and small shrimp Bay Commission study of the six most cost-
need to survive. The pollution creates harmful effective ways to help the Bay targeted
conditions up and down the food chain: Oysters agriculture in all but one (sewage treatment).4
covered in sediment cannot thrive; crabs often But stormwater reductions are projected to
die in watermens pots because of a lack of require about half of the $14 billion Maryland
oxygen; striped bass are losing their habitat. estimates it needs to meet 2025 Bay water
quality goals. Agriculture is budgeted for
What have we done about this problem? slightly less than $1 billion about one-
In 1983, the principal jurisdictions of the fourteenth of the money for nearly half the
watershed, including Maryland, signed an nutrient problem. Upgrading septic tanks,
historic Chesapeake restoration plan with a significantly smaller nutrient source than
the federal government, led by the U.S. agriculture, is projected to cost $4 billion.5
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Later iterations agreed only ambitious With that strategy, Maryland is spending
cuts in pollution on the order of 50 percent a relatively small amount of money on its
could return the Bay to the health it enjoyed largest problem. Agriculture is the biggest
as recently as the 1960s. The federal and source of nitrogen and phosphorus to the
state partners have already spent billions Bay, yet it is the one source least subject to
of dollars to dramatically reduce nitrogen the accountability and verification that has

There is strong evidence that pollution reductions from

agriculture would be substantially cheaper than from
metropolitan stormwater solutions.

worked for sewage and cleaner air. In Maryland, todays growers raise feed for livestock and
farming covers more of the land, about a third, chickens, as well as ethanol as an additive
than anything but forests (40 percent); and on for gasoline. They do it with large federal
Marylands Eastern Shore, it involves the manure subsidies that encourage plowing and planting
from about a third of a billion chickens annually. more of the land but dont have many, if any,
Maryland also has about 300,000 cows located safeguards for water quality. Here in Maryland,
mainly west and north of Baltimore. Given much of the corn we see goes to feed; in the
farmings scope and intensity, it is not surprising Midwest, it is ethanol, which takes nearly as
it contributes close to 40 percent of Marylands much energy as it gives and has already offset
nitrogen to the Bay and more than 50 percent of claimed farm pollution reductions as more
its phosphorus. lands are plowed up.6

There is strong evidence that pollution reductions If focusing on agriculture is the answer, why
from agriculture would be substantially cheaper havent we put more eggs in that basket?
than from metropolitan stormwater solutions. Simply put, agriculture has been much harder
This does not mean backing away from pollution to regulate. The powerful farm industry
controls in the cities and suburbs, or putting lobbied to be exempt from the Clean Air Act
disproportionate costs on the farming industry. and the Clean Water Act. The EPA can only
But a greater focus on agriculture makes sense. regulate farms if they meet the definition of
There is little documentation that the industry a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation.
has put runoff from farmlands on a strict enough Most in the watershed do not. There are 87,000
pollution diet, as the EPA calls it, to meet 2025 individual farms across the 64,000-square-mile
restoration goals particularly in manure-rich drainage. Complicating the problem is that
areas like the lower Eastern Shore, and to a the pollutants mostly from manure often
lesser degree the dairy farming counties along travel from a regulated source where a farmer
Marylands border with Pennsylvania. grows chickens to an unregulated one, where
a farmer has no animals but many acres of row
A greater focus on agricultural pollution reduction
crops on which he spreads manure.
must avoid setting up an urban-rural war that
pits farming against the larger public. Marylands To be sure, partnerships across the country
farmers and agribusinesses are players in a national have worked to address farm pollution. Large
and global food system that inadvertently promotes landscape initiatives such as the Cooperative
water pollution by pursuing cheap and abundant Sagebrush Initiative and the Blackfoot
food, intensive cropping, highly concentrated Challenge brought together government,
animal/manure complexes even fuel. industry, and nonprofit groups to solve the
problem. In the Chesapeake Bay and the
We think of farmers as salt-of-the-earth operators
Midwest, groups like the Nature Conservancy
who grow our food, and neither we nor they
are helping to secure funding for drainage
like to view themselves as polluters. But the
projects that will reduce nitrogen and
fact is that the agriculture of the past is not the
phosphorus, and to research resources to
agriculture we see now. Where independent
monitor their progress. And yet, we seem to
farmers once raised food for consumption,

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be not making nearly enough headway, and leaky of nutrients are row crops like corn and
not getting there nearly fast enough. To find soybeans, grown across so much of Marylands
solutions, it helps to explain how we arrived at farmland. Researchers Russ Brinsfield and
this juncture. Ken Staver at Wye showed how even carefully
fertilized corn plants cannot absorb nearly all
Manure: A history the nitrogen applied. The leftover fertilizer
moves off through shallow groundwater to
So how did we get here? Agricultures streams, rivers, and ultimately to the Bay. This
fertilizer problems throughout its 10,000- happens even with soybeans, which fix their
year history were more related to scarcity own nitrogen from the air and need none
of nutrients needed to grow crops than from the farmer. When their roots decay,
to overabundance. As cheap nitrogen and they release substantial nitrogen into the
phosphorus fertilizer became available after groundwater.
World War II, government and university
scientists encouraged farmers to increase Phosphorus, unlike water-soluble nitrogen,
fertilizer use. By the 1980s, this had reached a sticks to soil only up to a point, researchers
point where crops were absorbing less from found. But if it builds to levels found commonly
each additional pound of fertilizer nutrients on Eastern Shore fields, especially in manure-
applied, and more of it was leaking to the Bay. rich areas, phosphorus then moves with
Farmers had also quit counting the nutrient rainwater into waterways at levels several
value of manure, often spreading it on fields times higher than ideal for the Bays troubled
just to dispose of it. seagrasses, research at Wye showed.9

Scientists and regulators recognized that When chicken manure is the fertilizer, a
excess nutrients were degrading water dilemma results. All manure, or litter, is
quality as early as the 1960s, but it was largely phosphorus-rich. In putting enough on the
confined to freshwater and phosphorus, crop to meet nitrogen requirements for a
the main culprit in freshwater algal blooms. good yield, a farmer cant avoid over-applying
Nitrogen was not officially recognized as a phosphorus as he could if he bought the
pollutant in mixed, salt-freshwater systems like nutrients separately at a farm supply store.
the Chesapeake until a federal lawsuit forced This leads to phosphorus-saturated soils.
the issue around 1980, and then it was largely
Staver also has observed farmers applying up
viewed in the context of sewage in a single
to 300 pounds of nitrogen per acre in manure,
river, the Patuxent.7
more than twice what they would do with
Phosphorus, too, was mostly a concern of store-bought liquid nitrogen fertilizer. The
sewage treatment plants. Only in the 1980s reason is not all manure nitrogen is available
was research beginning to question the widely for the crop as it is in commercial fertilizer.
accepted science that said phosphorus stuck Farmers are advised by university and farm
tightly to soil in farm fields, and could not pose experts to recognize this, and to take credit
a water quality problem so long as a farmer for the slowly released manure nitrogen,
practiced tried and true erosion control. That meaning they would need to apply less
old science was largely true until we started manure in subsequent years. But in practice,
over-applying phosphorus, particularly found using manure ends up putting extra nitrogen
in manure.8 into groundwater and the Bay.

But research some of it conducted at the So why would farmers even use manure?
University of Marylands Wye Agricultural Because in animal-growing regions like the
Research Center has been building evidence Eastern Shore and north-central Maryland, it
over the last two decades as to how inherently is cheaply available indeed it may present a

disposal problem to farmers with many animals can move into waterways. This now extends
and few acres of cropland. And manures high to several hundred thousand acres.10 The bulk
organic content is excellent for growing crops of Maryland farmers also now have nutrient
and building soil health. It is a great fertilizer so management plans designed to promote more
long as water quality is not a consideration. But in efficient use of fertilizers.
places like the Delmarva Peninsula, the volumes
of manure and the proximity of farms to sensitive Poultry feed now contains phytase, an
and polluted tidal waters make it the worst of enzyme that allows the birds to retain more
fertilizers. phosphorus, thus lowering the amount in
manure. Tractors increasingly employ GPS and
And that is not the end of leakiness. Whether other techniques to let farmers who are using
fertilized with manure or purchased fertilizer, purchased fertilizer match nutrient applications
modern corn uses most of the nitrogen it more precisely to crop needs.
needs in less than 60 days. Soybeans stop using
nitrogen after about 75 days. Both are bred to All of the above represent progress, with cover
be short-lived annual crops that ripen and dry crops perhaps the most outstanding example.
in the field for fall harvest. This means they stop It is basis enough for Chuck Fry, the Maryland
using fertilizer months before decomposing roots Farm Bureau president, to earnestly proclaim
and other organic material in soil stop releasing in The Baltimore Sun that farmers are ahead of
nitrogen as winter sets in. Unlike forests or other schedule on the plan to clean up the [Bay].11
perennial, natural vegetation, corn and soybeans And Joseph Bartenfelder, Marylands Secretary
cant absorb any of this continued nitrogen of Agriculture, can accurately report in The
production before it moves off in groundwater; Sun that the latest EPA progress reports show
and after dying, they release nitrogen from their agriculture has already achieved its 2017
own decomposing roots and leaves. Finally, target goal for phosphorus.12
if drought occurs during the growing season,
No ones being dishonest here. But there is a
unirrigated farm crops grow poorly and use less
striking disjunct between what the agricultural
fertilizer than the farmer planned, translating into
community is hearing, and what the Bays
more runoff.
water quality is saying. In part, this stems from
the historical role of agricultural bureaucrats
Farmers respond and scientists to protect and promote farming.

Farmers frequently point to a list of Bay-friendly Indeed, agricultural scientists at the University
changes they have made in response to water of Maryland and other state universities have
quality concerns. They now store manure until been timid about communicating honestly
spring and quickly plow it into soils to retard to farmers and legislators the emerging
runoff. They spread it in quantities estimated at science on farm runoff and water quality.
a third of a couple decades ago. Poultry giant As recently as 2015, email communications
Perdue requires dead chickens be composted show that the EPA was in a pitched battle with
rather than buried where they can pollute the panels of agricultural experts from around
groundwater; the company also hauls around the watershed who were lobbying hard to
eight percent of Delmarvas chicken manure to a get more credit for what farmers were doing
recycling plant that makes it into soil conditioners. without adequate verification.
Farmers also participate in manure exchanges
that send it from those who have too much to The model, the measurement,
others who have fields that can accept it. and the message

Maryland farmers have also begun planting This disjunct has been exacerbated by what
winter cover crops, cereal grains grown solely remains a widespread lack of measurement,
to extract nitrogen from groundwater before it

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Like all computer models, the EPAs model is only as good as

the data it gets the old garbage in, garbage out caution
applies. And data from the watershed states on agriculture
are too often low quality or unverifiable.

monitoring, independent verification, and were fully meeting the USDA-Natural Resource
transparency as to what is actually happening Conservation Service definition of nutrient
on farmlands draining to the Chesapeake. management.13
More than in any other sector of Bay pollution,
clean water progress in agriculture is still based The EPAs computer model may continue
on assumptions and estimates. Matters can be giving the same cleanup credit for a dairy
further complicated by lag times, the months farms manure management, although the
to years it may take for more nutrients or farmer has doubled his herd and his manure.
nutrient reductions to translate from a farms The model also does not recognize a lot of
soils, through runoff and groundwater, into the excessive phosphorus that the EPA knows
rivers and the Bay. Such lags make it even more is stored in historically manured soils on the
critical to know how much pollution is being Eastern Shore and in Western Maryland. And it
reduced now, at the level of the farm field. still gives nutrient reduction credit to farmers
for conservation tillage. This does save energy
The complex computer model that the EPA and cuts soil erosion by seeding with minimal
uses to track progress and measure work is plowing but it can also increase nutrients
further contributing to the disjunct. Overall, soaking into soils and leaking to the Bay.
the model works as well as comparable
large landscape models elsewhere; but for So although Secretary Bartenfelder can claim
agricultures impact on the Bay, it has yet to farmers are meeting their goals, the EPA is
catch up to reality. Like all computer models, essentially saying thats accurate according
the EPAs model is only as good as the data to the current computer model but is likely to
it gets the old garbage in, garbage out change as it add[s] better data in the next
caution applies. And data from the watershed couple years.
states on agriculture are too often low quality
There is a vast gap between the tiny amounts
or unverifiable.
of data from actual runoff measurements on
For example, the model credits farmers with farms and estimates used in computer models.
pollution reductions if they have filed state- One place where good measurement exists is
required Nutrient Management Plans. These the Green Run watershed feeding the lower
plans are supposed to optimize fertilizer use Eastern Shores Pocomoke River, astraddle the
to reduce runoff. They dont take land out of Maryland-Delaware state boundary. Some 15
production like other farm pollution solutions. years ago, Marylands environmental agencies,
But inspections in Maryland show only about in conjunction with agribusiness groups,
two-thirds of plans being followed, and there agreed to a side-by-side comparison. One
is widespread debate as to how well they branch of Green Run that drained a few square
are being implemented and how well they miles in Delaware would continue farming
are working, with not enough independent business as usual while the Maryland branch
verification to resolve the issue. Watershed- would employ a range of techniques to reduce
wide, a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) nutrient runoff, including replacing poultry
survey found less than 10 percent of farms manure with chemical fertilizers.14

Agricultural and environmental interests have signed onto

new regulations that will more realistically limit how much
phosphorus is applied to farm fields (known technically as
the PMT, or phosphorus management tool).

Nitrogen leaving the Maryland branch of Green Farmers along the river are cooperating with
Run plummeted quickly by 30 percent. That Fisher these days to install innovative Best
required substantially larger cuts in fertilizer Management Practices to reduce nutrient
applications about 50 percent than are on runoff. They will be accompanied with the kind
the drawing boards today for most of the Bay of long-term measurement and evaluation that
watershed. has been largely absent from BMPs to date.

As for phosphorus, Stavers recent re-evaluation A larger-scale, measured (versus computer

of the Maryland branch of Green Run found that modeled) look at the problem comes from
farmers efforts there between 1999 and 2010 had improved data analysis of nutrients flowing
only succeeded in slowing, by about half, the rate down nine major Bay rivers, principally from
of increase in soil phosphorus. On Delawares Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Since 1985,
portion of Green Run, where no changes were this U.S. Geological Surveys (USGS) monitoring
made, farmers apparently remain in compliance has shown generally encouraging declines in
with water quality goals for agriculture in that nutrients, though not close to whats needed for
state. a restored Bay.

A broader look at the reality on the ground is But recent USGS analysis that looks only
the Choptank River, the Eastern Shores major at the most recent decade of water quality
drainage. Nutrient levels have been rising even monitoring shows progress in most places has
as many farmers have made sincere efforts to be slowed or reversed. Because we know pollution
more Bay friendly. Tom Fisher, an ecologist at the from sewage and the air is still declining, this
University of Marylands Horn Point laboratory implicates runoff from farmland and to some
on the Choptank, has shown that agriculture was extent stormwater. The EPA says farm fertilizer
already dominant on the Choptank 150 years ago, sales are also rising in the Bay watershed.
but water quality was far better.15 Again, paper progress appears inconsistent
with direct measurement.16
The intensity of farming has changed, Fisher
says, such that farmers are growing more crops The USGS also has found the Eastern Shore,
per acre, and using more fertilizers. Todays while its only seven percent of the Bays
landscape puts from two to 15 times as much watershed, to be delivering far higher than
nitrogen and phosphorus in the water. Sewage average pollution loads to the Bay: 40 percent
plays a role in that, but farming is driving the more nitrogen per acre and 50 percent more
rivers worsening water quality. phosphorus. The bulk is from row cropping and
poultry. Even a 40 percent decrease in fertilizer
Fisher says lag times of up to several years use wouldnt likely meet Bay restoration goals
in nutrients (or nutrient reductions) moving on some Shore rivers by the 2025 deadline.
from field to river are real. . . but I dont think
were headed down. I dont see evidence of the
progress wed need at any of our monitoring

Abell Foundation www.abell.org @abellfoundation P: 410-547-1300 December 2015


The phosphorus diet: A slow way forward needs a robust market-driven undergirding to
work properly. Certainly, the state should look
Recently, a promising consensus has emerged at expanding drainage controls. The Midwest
that could put agriculture in Maryland on a has developed many, and theyre showing
diet healthier for the Bay. Agricultural and great promise here. Finally, the state needs
environmental interests have signed onto new enforcement to ensure farmers are doing
regulations that will more realistically limit what they promise, and verification to show
how much phosphorus is applied to farm fields that those promises deliver. That model is
(known technically as the PMT, or phosphorus discussed in the third part of this report.
management tool). It is a significant platform
Maryland and its fellow watershed states have
for progress, but full implementation is by
a long way to go in sustaining agriculture while
no means a given, and if it gets implemented
also minimizing water pollution. If they cant
without change, that will not be complete until
do their part to minimize water pollution, the
sometime between 2022 and 2024, depending
Bay restoration simply cant succeed.
on the availability of alternative uses for the
manure. The new rule has the potential to
eliminate manure on many farm fields, but
Maryland does not have enough alternatives
in place for the excess manure.

What else can Maryland do? State energy

officials recently bungled the building of a
power plant to convert manure to energy, but
other companies are waiting in the wings to
have their chance, and the next part of this
report explains how they would do it. Shipping
manure elsewhere could also be a solution,
but as the next section of this report shows, it

Solving Marylands Manure Problem: How Other

States Keep Phosphorus Out of Waterways, and
What We Can Learn From Their Efforts
By Rona Kobell

The Chesapeake Bay is choking from pollution. poultry on farms increased, while the number
As in many states, agriculture is a major cause of of farms on which they were reared decreased.
that pollution. But compounding that problem is Maryland is no exception. In Somerset County
the chicken industry on the Delmarva Peninsula. alone in recent years, county officials have
permitted for 50 new chicken houses, some of
Farmers on the Maryland portion of the Eastern which can hold close to 200,000 birds per year
Shore raise close to 300 million chickens a year. on small lots. More than 60 applications are
Farmers apply much of the chickens waste pending.19
to the ground on the Shore to raise corn that
becomes feed for those same chickens. Every few The byproducts of the states $565 million
weeks, chicken farmers clean out their chicken chicken industry can be dire for both human
houses and haul away the manure, and then the health and marine life. Poultry manure
cycle begins again. While much of that manure contains both nitrogen and phosphorus.
finds a home on farm fields, about 200,000 tons Farmers who use chicken manure as fertilizer
of it is excess manure. It needs to be stored, apply it to their fields for their nitrogen needs,
hauled away, turned into energy, or otherwise and the phosphorus comes along for the ride.
addressed. Farmers cant apply the manure in The result is fields with so much phosphorus
most cases because the phosphorus levels on they need no more to grow the crops and
their fields are already too high.17 Nitrogen, too, should accept no more for environmental
is a major agriculture pollutant found in manure, reasons. When that happens, the phosphorus
fertilizer, and emissions from chicken houses in runs off the field during storms, and seeps into
the form of ammonia. And while chickens are the groundwater through sub-surface paths.
largest source of manure in Maryland, they are
not the only source. The dairy industry west and What can we do about this problem?
north of Baltimore also contributes significantly to Though Marylanders often lead the way on
the pollution load. environmental solutions, we can learn from
many innovations in other states. This report
The cycle of too much pollution from manure will discuss an export solution in Arkansas, a
continues because demand for inexpensive drainage solution in Indiana, and the move
poultry continues to rise. In 2013, at least 35 toward manure-to-energy in our own region.
percent of the cash income from Maryland farms
came from meat chickens. The state ranked The Arkansas example: A court-mandated
eighth nationwide for production, with 1,617,600 manure solution
pounds that year.18 Raising larger amounts
of animals on ever-smaller tracts of land is a From the air, Northwest Arkansas is a swirl of
nationwide trend likely to increase. During the blue lakes and lush greenery. Then suddenly,
past 10 years, the number of cattle, pigs, and long, silver structures emerge, seven or eight

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While much of that manure finds a home on farm fields, about

200,000 tons of it is excess manure. It needs to be stored,
hauled away, turned into energy, or otherwise addressed.

in a cluster. This is Chicken Country, home that produce 70,000 tons of chicken litter
of Tyson Foods. Arkansas has the nations annually. Farmers would spread the manure
second-largest poultry industry, after Georgia. on pastureland for beef cattle. 24

Arkansas produces about two billion chickens Oklahoma and Arkansas have fought for
a year, bringing in $3 billion.20 Many buildings decades over who was responsible for
at the University of Arkansas bear the names maintaining a clean water supply to those
of former poultry executives; only Wal-Mart lakes as well as others fed by the Arkansas
carries more clout in this part of the state.21 and Illinois rivers. In 1992, the legal wrangling
led to a Supreme Court ruling that upstream
And yet in one watershed, farmers have states must meet the water quality demands
reduced the amount of manure they apply to of downstream states.25
land by almost 90 percent.22 They store almost
no manure, and they have developed a robust By 2001, the lakes were becoming increasingly
private market for selling and shipping it out fouled. Tulsa leaders did not want ratepayers
of state. They file nutrient management plans to foot the bill for phosphorus from Arkansas.
with the state to control their phosphorus and So the Tulsa Metropolitan Water Authority
then follow the plans; a few have voluntarily sued the city of Decatur, Arkansas, and six
signed up for monitoring of nutrient runoff.23 poultry companies, accusing them of polluting
Tulsas drinking water supply.26
It happened because, a decade ago, a judge
required the farmers in one distinct watershed After two years of court hearings and
to reduce their phosphorus run-off. Those negotiations, the water authority and the
farmers have complied, but so have many poultry companies settled.27 Decatur would
others nearby. They want to reduce their upgrade its sewage treatment plant, which
nutrient runoff, increase their profitability, and serves about 1,600 homes in addition to a
safeguard the health of their birds. poultry plant. Much of the money came from
various stimulus packages, and the upgrade
I think we have a unique setup in Arkansas reduced phosphorus by close to 80 percent.28
in that we have a very strong conservation That contribution seemed to soften the blow of
partnership, said Mike Sullivan, state rate increases that have bedeviled other small
conservationist for the Natural Resources towns, such as those in the Shenandoah Valley.
Conservation Service, the environmental
arm of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Under the settlement, the poultry companies
Producers really want to know how their would pay $7.5 million. That would help
system is operating. I have seen a change in establish a litter bank so that farmers in other
the culture. states that wanted the Arkansas manure could
get it.
It all began in the Eucha-Spavinaw watershed.
Lake Eucha and Lake Spavinaw are man-made After reviewing evidence from University
lakes in Oklahoma. Together, they supply the of Arkansas phosphorus scientists as well
water for fast-growing Tulsa, which has half a as other experts, the judge settled on a
million people. The watershed spans 229,807 phosphorus limit of 300 parts per million. If a
acres of land, including 1,600 poultry houses soil test indicated more than that, the farmer
could spread no more phosphorus.

Jeff Marleys Northwest

Arkansas farm includes 10
chicken houses that grow
240,000 birds a year. Marley
stores no manure on his farm
and sells most of the litter his
chickens produce to out-of-
state farmers, who use it on
their pastures.

Credit: Rona Kobell

Immediately, farmers exported 15 percent of the model, where the Department of Agriculture
manure. Soon, the judge halved the phosphorus runs the manure transport program, and
limit again, to 150 parts per million. Every year, much of the manure moves within the
the percentage of exported manure rose, and the Delmarva Peninsula.
amount of manure applied to fields dropped.29
The threat of lawsuits is a major motivator for
In 2015, more than 90 percent of the litter leaves participation in Litter Link.
the Eucha-Spavinaw watershed for Kansas,
Missouri, and even Oklahoma. Only 10 percent Jeff Marley, who grows 240,000 birds a year for
is spread on the land, though even that is too Tyson in 10 well-kept chicken houses along a
much for some people, according to Andrew busy state road, said he never keeps manure
Sharpley, a leading soil scientist at the University piled up, either uncovered or covered, and
of Arkansas. neither do other chicken farmers. Once they
clean out their houses, he said, the buyer is
The upside of the new phosphorous limits was ready to come and take it away.
that many farmers in the region that did not fall
under the Eucha-Spavinaw court order suddenly That is one of the most positive offshoots of
had a market for their manure. That is because the Spavinaw lawsuit. They threw us all in the
the judge appointed Sheri Herron, a longtime same bucket. We were supposed to come out
poultry industry employee, to run the manure dirty. But we are not, said Marley, who farms
exchange, called Litter Link. Herron had $1.5 in the White River watershed. I spend more
million to jump-start the company, called BMPs time managing my litter than I do my chickens.
Inc. About half the money came from the poultry There is no comparison in terms of what we
companies, and the rest from state and federal did and what we do today. We used to pile
grants. 30 the litter. We didnt care where we piled it. We
would never consider doing that today. 31
Herron is paid on commission and said the
market has been phenomenal, with more The piles are also frowned upon because,
buyers (400) than product. Customers are paying should it rain, the pile becomes liquid manure
about $15 a ton for the manure. With 150 tons per and falls under a different EPA regulation, said
house, a chicken farmer can make about $17,000 Karl VanDevender, a University of Arkansas
a year with eight houses. Though they do need to extension agent. And an environmental
buy commercial fertilizer, many of these farmers group could turn a pile of manure into a
are raising animals in pastures. They do not have mountain of legal trouble. That happened
the intensive fertilizer needs of a row-crop farmer. in the Chesapeake Bay in 2009, when the
It is different from the Maryland Eastern Shore Assateague Coastkeeper and the Waterkeeper

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Curtis Moores family has been

raising chickens in Arkansas for
more than 50 years. Recently,
the family put in practices to
reduce runoff from the chicken
litter as it is handled and
transferred out of state. One
such practice: pads in front of
the chicken houses.

Credit: Rona Kobell

Alliance filed a lawsuit against Berlin farmer regulates the best management practices of
Alan Hudson for polluting the Pocomoke River. farms. In Pennsylvania, it is an agency that is
The piles that attracted the riverkeepers a hybrid of officials from the departments of
attention turned out to be biosolids, not environment and agriculture. Yet both states,
manure, and the environmental groups lost despite the independent agencies, have
the case. Still, the farmer spent several years their own enforcement challenges in part
and lots of money defending himself in court.32 because their agriculture industries are larger
The case further increased friction between than Marylands. A separate agency regulating
environmentalists and farmers at a time when agriculture is not a panacea.
the two sides, at least on a local level, were
striving to work together. The Arkansas model has downsides. Despite
huge reductions in the amount of manure
The Hudson lawsuit offered a trove of applied, the amount of phosphorus in the soils
information on the lax enforcement of nutrient is not coming down as much as scientists had
management plans, as Hudson admitted in hoped, in part because phosphorus moves
court that he did not have such a plan from slowly. The water quality has improved, but
2002 to 2008. He could not say for sure which upgrading the Decatur plant accounted for
of his fields were too high in phosphorus to some of that. Also, Arkansas farmers need
accept any more. The case also revealed that nutrient management plans, but the farmers
the Maryland Department of the Environment accepting their manure do not, leading some
had lax standards for storing biosolids, a to believe Arkansas is exporting its problem.
situation the department addressed following Maryland may well be, too, as some of the
the Hudson case. In the end, Hudson did have areas receiving the manure may not have
to move his pile, and the public got a glimpse plans and probably should. And at 1.8 million
into the lack of government enforcement and acres, the Eastern Shore drainage is about
oversight.33 eight times the size of Eucha-Spavinaws.

That has led some environmentalists to Despite those drawbacks, the decisive action
question Marylands enforcement system. In in the Eucha-Spavinaw case has gotten other
Maryland, the Department of Agricultures states attention, as has the fact that poultry
mission is both to regulate farms and promote companies, not water ratepayers, had to
them. It inspects about 8 percent of the finance the bulk of the improvements.
farms every year for nutrient management
compliance. In Virginia, a separate agency In 2013, environmental groups in Washington

State sued Cow Palace, an 11,000-head industrial adjustments. Another farmer, Curtis Moore,
dairy, claiming that its manure lagoons were is in his 20s, and says he likes to receive the
polluting the water supply of the Yakima Valley. information as soon as possible so he can
In January 2015, a federal judge ruled that Cow tweak his operations.
Palaces manure was the source, and posed an
imminent and substantial endangerment.34 After so many decades of growing chickens,
Two months after the Cow Palace decision, the Moores fields are too high in phosphorus for
Des Moines Water Works sued three rural Iowa more manure. And though he must pay high
counties, alleging that their inadequate drainage prices for fertilizer for his pasture, the young
tiles were leaching nitrates into the rivers that farmer said he understands.
feed the Des Moines and Raccoon rivers. Iowa
You dont want to over-apply anything, he
occupies only 5 percent of the Mississippi River
said. It does not benefit you in the long run.
Drainage Basin, but it is responsible for 25
percent of the nitrate that the Mississippi River
Indiana: A Ditch to Save the Farm
delivers to the Gulf of Mexico. The utility built
a $4.1 million facility to extract nitrate from its
A decade ago, Jamie Scott looked across his
finished water, but concentrations still exceed
2,000 acres of corn, soybeans, and wheat in
allowable levels about a quarter of the time.35
Northern Indiana and wondered if there was a
Cedar Rapids, which is three hours east of Des better way to grow food.
Moines, is hoping to avoid that situation. As
Scott and his father, Jim, were spending
nitrate levels climb, the city on the Cedar River
thousands of dollars a year on pest control,
has established a partnership with the farms
spraying large quantities of atrazine to rid
north of it to install drainage practices that will
the farm of weeds. Atrazine, an endocrine
capture runoff before it reaches groundwater
disrupter, can turn male frogs into females and
and flows into the river. The city depends on
contaminate well water. The Scotts were also
the farmers; they grow the corn and soybeans
running into problems they couldnt control
that Cedar Rapids companies process into
while tilling their land. Rainwater pooled in
cereal and foodstuffs that will travel around the
the fields, destroying crops and contributing
country. Cedar Rapids officials say theyre doing
to flooding. Banks would become destabilized,
everything possible to avoid an expensive nitrate
with sediment eroding into the streams.
treatment facility and litigation.36
Scott looked and did not like the turbidity in
EPA officials are closely watching the Des Moines
the Shatto Ditch, a canal-like structure that
case. So are Arkansas farmers. In 2005, two
ran through his farm. He knew the ditch was
years after the Eucha-Spavinaw settlement, the
taking his farms sediment and fertilizer runoff
Oklahoma attorney general sued eight poultry
and sending it down to the Tippecanoe River,
companies in Arkansas, accusing them of
which would then deposit the pollution into the
polluting the watershed. That case has not been
Wabash River. From there, it would enter the
resolved yet.37
Ohio, then the Mississippi, and then the Gulf
In Arkansas, farmers and scientists are trying to of Mexico, which suffers from dead zones of
protect their waterways and themselves. They oxygen-depleted waters every summer.
are installing swales between chicken houses,
We could look at it and say, boy thats dirty
water catchment areas to absorb runoff, and pads
water. It cant be from us. But the truth is,
in front of chicken houses to absorb manure.
we always feel like were responsible, said
Marley is one of eight operators participating
Scott, president of the Koscuisko County
in Discovery Farms through the University of
Conservation District. We know that the
Arkansas, a program that helps monitor the
Chesapeake Bay has a problem, Lake Erie has
practices to see if they work and then provides
a problem, the Gulf of Mexico has a problem.
farmers real-time data so they can make

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The two-stage ditch has benches

on either side to absorb runoff.
It does the job well, according
to Notre Dame researchers who
have been monitoring the work
for several years in the Midwest.

Credit: Notre Dame

As farmers, we say, were part of the problem. and has been monitoring their project since
We got to help solve it. 2007. Her research has found a 31 percent
reduction in nitrate in the ditchs water
Scott and his neighbors essentially turned compared to the conventional ditch and a 50
their vast acreage into a giant nutrient percent decline in phosphorus. In addition, 12
sponge. Sixty-seven percent of the farmers in percent less water ran off the landscape. Tank
the 3,000-acre Shatto Ditch watershed have and her colleagues will monitor the system and
overhauled their farming practices. They have share the data with farmers and the public.
installed acres of cover crops and buffer strips The program is a partnership between Notre
and instituted the practice of no-till farming. Dame, the farmers, the Nature Conservancy,
They spray infrequently for pests, allowing and the soil conservation districts.39
earthworms and other natural features of
healthy soil to do the job for them.38 Tank said the system functions as a
wastewater treatment plant for the farm. But
The centerpiece of the approach is called a doing it right is not just about the ditch, which
two-stage ditch. A regular ditch is trapezoidal Scott said is like a diaper, or a back-up plan,
in cross-section. Water comes over the side for everything that isnt captured. To reduce
and falls to the bottom, where it flows along the phosphorus, nitrogen, and sediment
to the stream. A two-stage ditch is more like a coming off farm fields, Scott said, farmers
split-level staircase. The water flows down the cant try an a la carte approach. They need the
sides gradually and collects in a bench on each crops, the buffers, the no-till approach, and the
side of the deeper trench. The bench is filled ditch.
with vegetation slowing the flow of water. That
means nutrients in the runoff enrich plant life Every year in the Chesapeake Bay, a record
in the bench instead of polluting the waterway. number of farmers sign up for cover crops.
The two-stage ditch also traps sediment, Many install buffers. No-till farming is
blunts storm surges, and collects nitrate. In popular. But few farmers have installed ditch
essence, the two-stage ditch creates a natural structures, according to John Rhoderick, special
floodplain. It returns channelized streams to projects and research coordinator with the
the contours of how they once flowed, before resource conservation office at the Maryland
agriculture systems altered them. Department of Agriculture. Talbot County
is experimenting with several ditch projects
Jennifer Tank, director of the Notre Dame in conjunction with the Nature Conservancy
Environmental Change Initiative, introduced and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, which
the two-stage ditch to Scott and his neighbors, helped to secure about $500,000 in funding.

The county opted not to borrow several million Tom Fisher, a nutrient input professor
dollars to spread out a two-stage project over a at the University of Maryland Center for
larger area, citing financial concerns. Many of the Environmental Science, was working on a
projects under consideration are smaller and use Caroline County farm when he stumbled on
wood chips to digest pollution or management a promising ditch-management structure.
structures to control runoff. 40 Fisher convinced the U.S. Department of
Agriculture to fund some monitoring. Results
Talbot Countys only two-stage ditch on a working were encouraging, but Fisher was able to
farm is on John Swaines 1,800-acre row-crop monitor the site for only a year. Nevertheless,
farm in Royal Oak, a couple of miles from where the government declared the practice a success
the Oxford-Bellevue ferry crosses the Tred- and will offer farmers money to implement it.43
Avon River. (The others are on county-owned
land.) Swaine, who volunteered his land as a Scott wants to know the nitrogen and
demonstration project, admits his is not a true phosphorus numbers as soon as theyre
two-stage ditch. The designers could install only available. With the facts, he said, he can
one berm because of a roadway on the other convince more farmers to invest in the two-
side. Swaine said after watching the summer stage system and decrease their collective
rainstorms that more runoff is coming from the contribution to water pollution.
roadside than from the farm.
Im out here pushing conservation every day,
Two-stage ditches cost between $6 and $10 he said. Now, theres data backing me up that
per linear foot. A farmer will pay $13,000 for a says, hey, scientifically hes right.
half-mile ditch, then still have to combine it with
the other practices. Land is also an obstacle. Manure to Energy in Pennsylvania:
Maryland has 101 tax ditch associations that Two Birds, One Stone?
run drainage ditches. Farmers pay taxes to an
association and jointly manage the maintenance Along a busy road in Gettysburg, Patrick
issues. Getting 200 feet of land to build the bench Thompson is doing something many believed
is difficult, Rhoderick said, because it requires could not be done. He and his colleagues at
the buy-in of several owners. Swaine was able to Energy Works are turning the manure from
make his own decision for the land that has been five million egg-laying hens into power. The
in his family for close to 100 years.41 nitrogen becomes the fuel that operates his
plant; the phosphorus, a potassium-rich ash.
Since the two-stage ditch was born in Ohio 13
Without the conversion, Thompson said, the
years ago, it has been gaining traction in the
pollutants would leave the Hillandale Farms
Midwest because of Lake Eries phosphorus
egg facility and be spread on farm fields
problems. The excess phosphorus coming from
throughout Maryland, West Virginia, and
fields in the Maumee watershed became so acute
that Toledo residents could not drink their water
for two days in 2014. Through federal and state Such projects not only make an alternative fuel
programs, the two-stage ditch has spread across but also reduce pollution destined for farm fields
the Great Lakes watersheds. Indiana has 52 and waterways. Farmers turn an environmental
projects in 21 counties, for a total of 23 miles of liability into an asset. They can become energy
ditch.42 independent while using the byproducts
steam heat, waste heat to fuel their operations
But as is the case for many projects, the federal
and save more money. They can also profit from
and state government programs only provide
the solids that come out of the process. Dairy
money to install the practice. They do not provide
farmers can make even more money by adding
money to monitor it, make sure its maintained,
rotten produce from places like Wal-Mart to the
and prove its continued effectiveness.
digester. Out the other end come natural gas and
more cash.

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Des Moines Water Works Lab

Manager Jeff Mitchell collects a
water sample from the Raccoon
River in Des Moines in March.
The water works company is
suing rural counties for polluting
the citys water supply.

Photo credit: Clay Masters

But turning manure into energy has for the byproducts. Thompsons Energy Works
drawbacks. Combustion processes sells bags of ash as a fertilizer, as a liming
typically lead to elevated air emissions. agent, and for remediation of acidic soils from
Environmentalists also note that manure-to- mine operations. The ash is lighter and does
energy plants are often proposed in poor, not have the same water-quality drawbacks as
disenfranchised neighborhoods. manure. Thompson is still waiting for the Food
and Drug Administration to certify it as a feed
The Environmental Integrity Project is working
additive so it can have even more commercial
with Thompsons Energy Works to bring
the emissions down. It solved part of the
problem by lowering the temperature and Perhaps the biggest drawback for manure-to-
operating at a lower capacity.44 Energy Works energy is the difficulty in extracting the energy
needs revenue to install more controls so it from the manure. Dairy manure contains
can operate at design capacity, and it cant moisture that helps convert the nitrogen and
get the revenue due to delays in the states phosphorus to fuel through tiny digesting
nutrient program, which isnt set up yet to bacteria. Chicken manure, by contrast, is dry.
buy Thompsons credits. It is, in a manner of Adding moisture is too expensive to justify
speaking, a chicken-and-egg problem. the output. For newer technologies, like
gasification, dry manure is a benefit. But that
Energy Works is not the only company facing
technology is more complicated and costly.
challenges. In Benson, Minnesota, the state
air pollution agency fined Fibrowatt $65,000 In 2013, Maryland contracted with a California
for air-quality violations shortly after its company to construct a manure-to-energy
turkey manure-to-energy plant was built. power plant on the Eastern Shore. It never
But after a couple of years, city officials had materialized.45 Perdue and AgEnergyUSA,
only praise for the plant. Fibrowatt no longer Fibrowatts parent company, have proposed
builds combustion plants, having switched to a $100 million anaerobic digester that would
the more environmentally friendly anaerobic turn manure into a nitrogen-rich fertilizer
digester models that will make natural gas. and a phosphorus-rich peat moss.46 An
These do not get rid of the nitrogen and Irish company, BHSL, has another solution:
phosphorus, but their conversion process individual farm units that combust the poultry
does not create odors and is more akin to manure in a furnace in the chicken house, then
composting. turn it back into a fuel that heats the house as
well as solid ash for sale.
Another challenge has been to find markets

More chicken farmers are interested, but they

have to change the current system. Farmers are
buying their propane from the companies for
whom they grow, and they need to be able to
save that money and use their own fuel and
maybe sell electricity back to the grid for this
system to benefit them.47 At the moment, the
price of propane is bundled into the contract,
offering no mechanism to seek a different source.

In manure-to-energy, the technology is expensive,

and the disappointments have been many: pilot
programs that do not last, digesters that become
mothballed when subsidies run out, technology
that either pollutes or doesnt live up to its
promise, and bureaucratic hassles. Yet, it remains
tantalizing. As Chesapeake Bay Commission
Executive Director Ann Swanson noted, manure
is the only renewable fuel that guards against
climate change while simultaneously solving a
major water-pollution problem.

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Verification: How We Know That Controls Work,

and Where to Give Credit When Credit is Due
By Robert Summers, Ph.D.

For decades, federal and state governments counties have contended the Bay Program
have used two primary tools to clean up water must control pollution at the Conowingo
pollution in the Chesapeake Bay and beyond. Dam before asking others to clean up their
The Clean Water Act protected the waters of parts of the Chesapeake. But if close to half
the United States from pollution that spewed the pollution is from the Susquehanna, then
into creeks and rivers from sewage treatment more than half is not from it. If we are going
plants and factories discharging industrial to restore the Bay and all its tributaries, we
waste. The Clean Air Act, meanwhile, forced cannot just address one source of pollution, we
power plants, manufacturing facilities, and need to address them all.
smokestacks to reduce their emissions and
lessen the mercury and other pollutants that The public has a huge investment and stake in
came down in the air and settled into the water. the success of the restoration of the Bay and
its tributaries. Many are making lifestyle and
These laws are powerful tools when dealing financial sacrifices and expect assurances that
with pollution that is mostly from sewage and their actions and expenditures are not in vain.
industrial sources. Enforcing them resulted The verification and audit process described
not only in cleaner air and water, but also here is essential to giving all of us the
accountability, as those who violated the laws confidence that the Bay restoration effort is on
faced fines and even prison time. the right track and is working as intended.

But this is not enough, because much of the

The TMDL - Leveling the Hammer
pollution is coming from the way we drive
our cars, grow our food, and live on the land.
In 2000, after 17 years of voluntary actions,
These diffuse sources of pollution, called
it was clear that pollution control efforts were
non-point sources, are more expensive to
not meeting expectations. Already under
control and the controls are more difficult to
a court order to either meet the nutrient
verify. But control and verify we must: The U.S.
reduction goals by 2010 or put in place a legally
Geological Surveys water quality monitoring
binding Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL),
data show that the Bay watershed states have
required by the federal Clean Water Act, all the
made significant progress reducing nitrogen
jurisdictions signed a new agreement to either
and phosphorus levels since 1985, but that
meet the goals or work with the EPA to develop
progress is slowing and is even getting worse
the TMDL. The goals were not met and the
in some areas.48
TMDL was developed by the Bay Program and
Crippling progress is an unhealthy blame game approved by the EPA in December 2010.49
that pits one sector against another as they
The TMDL has been called the Blueprint
compete for dollars to address the cleanup
for the restoration. It estimates the levels
and fend off more regulation. Because the
of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment that
Susquehanna River delivers nearly half the
the Bay can accommodate and still meet
freshwater and pollution to the Bay, some
water quality standards. The Chesapeake

The verification and audit process described here is essential

to giving all of us the confidence that the Bay restoration
effort is on the right track and is working as intended.

Bay TMDL sets an overall limit on nitrogen, How do we measure progress in the
phosphorus, and sediment loading to the restoration to make sure the restoration
Bay and its tidal tributaries, and divides the stays on track?
responsibility for meeting those limits among the
Bays 92 tributaries, seven jurisdictions, and six Any watershed, but particularly one the size of
source sectors agriculture, urban/suburban the Bays, has many places where nutrients and
stormwater, wastewater, forest, nontidal sediments can accumulate in groundwater,
atmospheric deposition, and on-site septic. floodplains, riverbeds, and reservoirs
only to release over long periods of time as
Each of the jurisdictions and the federal agencies groundwater slowly moves or catastrophically
with property in the watershed were required when major storms cause streams and
to develop detailed Watershed Implementation rivers to flood and scour stored sediments.
Plans, called WIPs, that describe the pollution Because of the tendency for watersheds to
control actions that each would take to reduce release their stored nutrients and sediments
nutrient and sediment pollution to meet their over long periods of time and because of the
TMDL allocations for each source sector. The WIPs impact of variable rainfall and large storms,
document the actions that will be taken and the pollutant loading from streams and rivers is
timeframe over which those actions will be taken. highly variable and progress is slow. A drought
The deadline is 2025, but in addition, to ensure (19992002), or large storm event (Tropical
that the restoration stays on track to achieve that Storm Lee in 2011), can exaggerate or obscure
goal, the WIPs must also set Milestone goals any progress that has been achieved by our
every two years. The EPA evaluates progress pollution control actions.
toward the Milestones and publicly reports it so
that all can see the progress. As a result, the Chesapeake Bay Program [CBP]
must rely on both monitoring and computer
modeling to set restoration goals and measure
How do we measure progress?
progress in the restoration. Monitoring tells us
Chesapeake Bay pollution comes from the specific condition of a part of the Bay, river,
everywhere: agriculture, forestry, urban and or stream at a particular point in time, but even
suburban stormwater runoff, municipal and with sophisticated, modern equipment, it is not
industrial wastewater, rural onsite sewage (septic) possible to monitor every stream and river all
systems, and air emissions from everything from the time. In addition, depending on whether it
power plants to cars and trucks. has been a wet year with many storms causing
flooding and stirring things up, or a dry year
The public and private sectors spend millions of when it is generally calm and the water clears
dollars to design and put pollution controls (Best up, water quality conditions vary considerably,
Management Practices, BMPs) into action for making it impossible to directly measure what
many of these sources throughout the watershed. occurred due to our pollution control actions
separate from what is simply the result of
How do we know whether the planned
changing weather conditions.
pollution controls are sufficient to meet
water quality goals in the watershed and Because we cant realistically monitor every
Chesapeake Bay? place all the time and we cant separate the

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human impacts from changing weather of our management actions and not just the
by monitoring alone, computer models effect of a drought or a flood.
give us the ability to separate the effects of
weather and humans and fill in the gaps in But models are only as good as the data
our monitoring data. Models also give us the on which they are based. Good data on the
ability to test different future combinations pollution control measures being implemented
of pollution control measures to predict what is essential for accurately tracking our
is needed to meet water quality standards progress in meeting the requirements of the
and predict the result of our pollution control TMDL. Accurate BMP data is also essential
actions (or lack of action) to determine for interpretation of monitoring data to see
whether the restoration is on track to meet what works and doesnt work so that adaptive
future TMDL goals. Models are not perfect management decisions can be made to
(otherwise, they wouldnt be models, they would improve the pollution reduction effort.
be the real thing), but they must have enough Many pollution sources sewage plants,
detail to reasonably represent the real world. industrial discharges, stormwater systems,
The Bay Programs watershed model concentrated animal feeding operations
represents the entire watershed and its (CAFOs) are regulated by the federal,
streams and rivers. When rain falls on the state, and local governments and are subject
forests, farms, and towns, it soaks into the to regular inspections, monitoring, and
ground and runs off the land surface. As it enforcement when they are not meeting
travels it picks up nutrients and sediments that legally mandated requirements.
flow with the water down the streams, rivers, Other pollution control measures, mostly
and reservoirs, eventually making it to the Bay. in agricultural or less densely populated
The model represents all of these processes suburban areas, are not mandated, but are
and provides an estimate of river flow and often built with public funding and are also
pollutant concentrations at key points in the critical to achieving water quality goals.
watershed where the model is calibrated to These practices must also be inspected and
match monitoring data. Calibration is the monitored to ensure that they are achieving
process of adjusting the model inputs and the expected water quality benefits. But
internal processes to match real world data. government agencies often do not have
But once it is calibrated, the model can do the money, staff, ortechnical resources to
what we cant do in the real world. With the make sure the pollution control practices are
model, we can estimate pollution loading from properly installed and working as intended.
streams and rivers where it is not possible to In May 2011, after an intensive review of the
accurately monitor or there is no monitoring Bay Program requested by the Chesapeake
data. We can add agricultural and urban runoff Executive Council, the National Academy of
controls, sewage treatment upgrades, and Sciences (NAS) released its report, Achieving
other pollution control measures to sources Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Goals in the
in the calibrated model and predict what will Chesapeake Bay: An Evaluation of Program
happen to water quality in all the rivers and Strategies and Implementation. The NAS
streams throughout the entire watershed, Panel looked carefully at the Bay Programs
and in different parts of the watershed, in a nutrient reduction program, with a focus on
wet, dry, or average year. And with accurate the tracking of BMP implementation across
data on what types and where pollution all the jurisdictions. In the report summary,
control measures are in place, we can estimate the review panels key conclusions relating to
pollution loading changes that are the result accounting for progress included:

The Bay Programs BMP Verification Framework represents a

major step forward in defining a process for determining the
reliability and accuracy of the BMP data.

Accurate tracking of BMPs is of paramount plan for federal, state, and local agencies to
importance because the CBP relies upon the follow in setting up their BMP accounting and
resulting data to estimate current and future verification systems. This process is described in
nutrient and sediment loads to the Bay. extensive documentation (527 pages, including
The current accounting of BMPs is not
consistent across the Bay jurisdictions. The Bay Programs BMP Verification Framework
Additionally, given that some source-sector represents a major step forward in defining
BMPs are not tracked in all jurisdictions, the a process for determining the reliability
current accounting cannot on the whole be and accuracy of the BMP data. It must be
viewed as accurate. successfully implemented if anyone is to have
confidence that the pollution control actions are
The committee was unable to determine being equitably applied in all jurisdictions, by all
the reliability and accuracy of the BMP data source sectors, throughout the watershed. Only
reported by the Bay jurisdictions. Independent then can we be sure that others are doing their
(third-party) auditing of the tracking and share and their failure to act is not undermining
accounting at state and local levels would be our own efforts.
necessary to ensure the reliability and accuracy
of the data reported. Verification of BMPs throughout the
64,000-square-mile Chesapeake Bay watershed
Targeted monitoring programs in is a huge undertaking. The Bay Program defines
representative urban and agricultural more than 200 BMPs that jurisdictions can get
watersheds and subwatersheds would provide nutrient reduction credit for in the Watershed
valuable data to refine BMP efficiency estimates, Model.52 The Verification Framework includes
particularly at the watershed scale, and thereby specific guidance (Appendix B) defining the
improve Watershed Model predictions. 50 verification process for each of six technical
sectors: agriculture, forestry, urban stormwater,
In short, accurate BMP data is needed to make
wastewater, wetlands, and streams. 53 Each of
sure all sectors are doing the right practices in the
these sectors has different types of BMPs that
right places, and that the practices are working
require different verification approaches.
and will continue to work.
Bay Programs BMP Verification Framework
Agriculture is particularly difficult because it
The EPA had long assumed that the states has the largest number of best management
have provided accurate information and will practices of any sector.
continue to do so, even without a framework
The agricultural BMP verification guidance
for verification. The Bay Program formed a
divides agricultural BMPs into three categories:
subcommittee to address the NASs issues, and
1) BMPs that inspectors can see only for a
over the course of the next three years, hundreds
limited time and must be verified and reported
of staff from all of the jurisdictions worked
on an annual basis (e.g., within a growing
together to develop a basinwide verification
season); 2) BMPs that inspectors can see
framework and documentation published in
for more than a single year when properly
October 2014. The framework lays out a detailed

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maintained; and 3) BMPs that inspectors information described in subparagraph (A) is

cannot see and must be verified by inspection provided. 55 Many of the agricultural BMPs
of records (e.g., nutrient management plans). that are being implemented in the Bay
These categories are further subdivided into watershed are funded by USDA programs,
four groups, based on the source of funding for and specific information needed to verify their
the BMP and whether regulations require it. implementation and continued maintenance
and operation is not available to most of
The methods of verification for BMPs that the Bay Program jurisdiction agencies or
fall into each of these categories can vary stakeholders who are interested in tracking the
considerably, including farm inventories, progress of agricultural BMP implementation
review of office/farm records, inspection for the TMDL.
of a statistical sampling of BMPs, agency-
sponsored surveys of a statistical sampling Instead, the Bay Program must rely on a
of farms, and remote sensing with aerial provision of Section 1619 that authorizes
photography or satellite imagery. The the USDA to release the information to a
guidance document includes 26 pages of 1619 Conservation Cooperator, who has
tables summarizing the considerations signed an agreement with the USDA to only
recommended for verification of agricultural release the data in aggregated form so that
BMPs.54 In general, the guidance recommends farmer privacy is protected. A number of the
that jurisdictions verify 100 percent of the Bay jurisdictions agricultural agencies have
initial identification of BMPs by trained and executed such agreements with the USDA.
certified technical field staff or engineers In addition, the U.S. Geological Survey has
with supporting documentation that the signed an agreement and is able to provide
BMP meets the governmental and/or Bay agricultural BMP data aggregated by sub-
Program practice standards. Follow-up annual watershed for use in estimating progress in
inspections should be made for a minimum meeting agricultural TMDL requirements.56
of 10 percent of multi-year BMPs that The aggregated BMP data are provided by the
collectively account for 5 percent or more of a USDA authorized agencies to the Bay Program
jurisdictions agricultural sector pollutant load for use in the Watershed model for progress
reduction as estimated in the most recent Bay accounting purposes. This allows for progress
Program progress assessment. Jurisdictions accounting but does not permit anyone other
can propose alternative statistical sampling. than 1619 Conservation Cooperators to verify
BMP verification priority should be given the installation of the BMP and continued
to those practices that provide the largest operation and maintenance of the BMPs
proportion of a given jurisdictions nutrient over their expected life span. So how can
and sediment loading reductions. environmental regulators or anyone else
verify that a practice is working if they cant
A particularly challenging aspect of verifying see it?
agricultural BMPs is the legal restriction in the
2008 Farm Bill, Section 1619, that prohibits the Another challenging aspect of agricultural BMP
disclosure of (A) information provided by an verification is accounting for BMPs funded
agricultural producer or owner of agricultural by the private sector. These BMPs, referred
land concerning the agricultural operation, to as resource improvement (RI) practices,
farming or conservation practices, or the land may or may not be constructed to the same
itself, in order to participate in programs of standards as BMPs that are constructed with
the Department; or (B) geospatial information public cost share funds. The Bay Programs
otherwise maintained by the Secretary about Agriculture Workgroup has provided additional
agricultural land or operations for which guidance for jurisdictions to determine

whether or not privately funded BMPs are newly planted riparian buffers is particularly
providing similar annual environmental benefits important due to the impact of invasive weeds
as BMPs constructed to cost-share standards.57 and dehydration. The guidance recommends
The guidance provides protocols and checklists spot-checking of buffers using statistical
for a visual inspection (VI) that can be conducted sampling.
by any trained and/or certified technical field staff
person that has the required knowledge and skills In addition, much of the watershed is already
to determine if the practice meets the applicable forested and forest harvesting is a common
RI definition and VIs may conduct the RI practice practice throughout the watershed. Forest
review. 58 harvesting BMPs are designed to protect
streams and wetlands through the use of
Forestry buffer zones, stream crossing BMPs, and
erosion controls for roads and timber loading
The forestry BMP verification guidance covers areas. Some Bay Program jurisdictions control
five different BMPs: 1) agricultural riparian forest harvesting on both public and private land,
buffers; 2) agricultural tree planting; 3) expanded others only on public land. The guidance
tree canopy; 4) urban riparian forest buffers; and recommends that jurisdictions track total acres
5) forest harvesting BMPs. As in the case of the of forest harvested using BMPs on both public
agricultural BMP verification, the forestry BMP and private land and conduct site visits within
guidance recommends that jurisdictions focus six months after site preparation for harvest
verification efforts on the practices that give to ensure proper installation. Recommended
them the most significant loading reductions. A statistical sampling methods are designed to
particular challenge in verification of forest BMPs meet a confidence level of 80 percent.60
is determining the net gain in forested area given
the loss of forest to urban/suburban development Urban Stormwater
and conversion of forested areas to cropland.59
The urban stormwater guidance divides
Verification of forest BMPs on agricultural BMPs into four categories: 1) traditional
land has the same 2008 Farm Bill restrictions stormwater BMPs (e.g., stormwater retention
on disclosure of farm-specific data as other ponds) installed under a local plan review
agricultural BMPs and requires the data to be process to meet state requirements; 2) new
aggregated within a watershed of sufficient runoff reduction BMPs (e.g., rain gardens,
size that the identity of an individual farmer infiltration basins, etc.) designed to meet
is protected. This is a severe limitation on state stormwater performance standards; 3)
the Bay Program jurisdictions and interested operational BMPs (e.g., street sweeping, urban
stakeholders ability to verify that practices are nutrient management); and 4) restoration
installed and maintained. BMPs used to treat existing impervious
areas (e.g., stormwater retrofits and stream
The forestry BMP guidance recommends that restoration). BMPs can be installed in regulated
jurisdictions use both ground-level inspections areas that fall under a Municipal Separate
and remote sensing tools to document urban Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit, in areas
tree canopy and conduct an assessment of overall outside of MS4 jurisdiction that are regulated
canopy every five years to verify that there has by a state construction stormwater general
not been a loss of tree canopy in other areas permit (one acre or larger), or in areas that
due to disease or new development. Similarly, are unregulated.61 Inspection and verification
the guidance recommends that riparian forest procedures vary depending on the resources
buffers be verified with a combination of ground available to the local government and state
surveys and remote sensing. Maintenance of overseeing the programs, with the highest

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Many acres of wetland creation, restoration, and

enhancement are funded each year by federal programs
administered by the USDA and state cost-share programs in
Maryland and Virginia.

degree of oversight in the MS4 permitted Wastewater Treatment

areas and at construction sites larger than
one acre in size that are regulated under the The guidance provides recommendations
construction general permits. for inspection and verification of municipal
sewage treatment facilities, industrial
The guidance recommends that jurisdictions wastewater treatment facilities, combined
urban BMP verification should be founded on sewer overflow (CSO) areas, and onsite
the existing MS4 inspection and maintenance wastewater treatment (septic) systems. All
framework. Initial inspections of all BMPs to wastewater facilities that discharge to surface
verify proper installation should be done by waters are under federal Clean Water Act
the MS4 permit holder with periodic review permits administered by the jurisdictions and
by state stormwater program staff. The are required to submit Discharge Monitoring
guidance recommends that local inspectors Reports (DMRs), which are reviewed by
conduct follow-up visual inspections and the state regulatory agencies. In addition,
maintenance of BMPs at least once every other all significant facilities are to be inspected
MS4 permit cycle to ensure that pollutant annually and 20 percent of nonsignificant
removal performance is maintained. Because facilities are to be inspected each year.
a permit cycle is five years, this would mean
10 percent of installed practices would need Onsite wastewater treatment (septic) systems
to be re-inspected each year. If a re-inspected are not subject to national regulations and
BMP is not performing adequately, corrective existing state regulations vary considerably
maintenance would be required within one among the Bay Program jurisdictions. The
year or the BMP would be removed from the guidance states that verification of onsite
jurisdictions inventory of BMPs, and nutrient wastewater systems is only required for
and sediment reduction credits would be nitrogen reducing systems that a jurisdiction
lost. MS4 permits require annual reports and is reporting for load reduction credit. Only
inspection documents, which are available for Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia have
review by interested members of the public. regulations in place and are intending
State stormwater program staff are responsible to obtain nitrogen credits. Jurisdictions
for reviewing local programs reports annually are required to verify proper installation,
and for periodically conducting more in-depth operation, and maintenance using state, local,
reviews. or certified design professionals. Maintenance
and inspection will be conducted and reported
Communities that are not covered under MS4 annually.
permits typically do not have the resources
to inspect, report, and verify their BMPs. In Wetlands
these situations the guidance recommends
When new wetlands are created or restored,
that the state, local government, or third-party
they reduce nutrient and sediment pollution,
performs the inspection and verification of a
and generate credits for the jurisdictions
sub-sample of BMPs using statistical sampling
TMDL limits. Many acres of wetland creation,
methods. If inspection and verification is not
restoration, and enhancement are funded each
done, the EPA will not allow credit for the BMP.

year by federal programs administered by the projects must be tailored to the specific project,
USDA and state cost-share programs in Maryland and a number of different acceptable protocols
and Virginia. are discussed in the guidance document.
The projects initial verification will typically
The guidance recommends field assessments be provided by the regulatory agency review
be conducted by the funding agency using a process to ensure that the project is properly
checklist provided in the guidance manual. The designed and constructed. Detailed protocols for
documentation should be submitted to the field inspections that have been developed for
appropriate state agency for reporting to the Bay different types of stream restoration projects are
Program. Performance of the wetland should be referenced in the guidance document.63
verified by a second inspection within three years
following construction. Wetland projects can be Because a stream is subject to periodic
done as part of agricultural, urban, or stream catastrophic flooding, ongoing inspection and
restoration BMPs. Depending on which area the maintenance is critical to long-term success of
wetland is located, specific verification guidance the BMP. The guidance calls for the jurisdictions
for that sector should be consulted.62 verification protocols to define the frequency of
field inspections and the process for reducing
As with all USDA funded agricultural BMPs, and ultimately removing the stream restoration
data on the specific location and descriptions of credits if the maintenance is not performed. The
wetland projects funded by the USDA must be agency responsible for the stream restoration
aggregated to the watershed scale to ensure project should conduct inspections within two
privacy of the participating farmers before it years of construction and at least once every
can be released to the public or many of the Bay five years thereafter to ensure that the project
Program participating agencies. is continuing to function as designed. Projects
should also be inspected after a catastrophic
Stream Restoration
flood, as defined by the jurisdictions. If
Removal of sediment accumulations in stream the inspection finds that the project is not
channels and floodplain areas, referred to as functioning, the project sponsor should be
legacy sediments, can be a very effective way allowed one year to make corrections or the
of reducing nutrient and sediment loads from pollution reduction credit would be eliminated.
watersheds. The stream channel can then be
restored using natural channel and flood plain Next steps in strengthening the verification
design to maintain its stability in a range of flow process
levels, further reducing sediment and nutrient
losses from stream banks and floodplains. Stream The Bay Programs published schedule calls for
and flood plain restoration projects are carefully the jurisdictions verification protocols to be
regulated and require permits issued by the U.S. completed, fully documented, and approved by
Army Corps of Engineers and state agencies. the EPA by January 2016, with two years after
Often, stream restoration projects include approval to implement them.64
wetland restoration as an integral component
of the design. Each stream restoration project Initial drafts of the jurisdictions verification
is unique and must be carefully designed with protocols, called Quality Assurance Project Plans
consideration of the hydrology of the watershed (QAPPs), were published by the jurisdictions in
and the hydraulics of the channel configuration early July 2015, and have been reviewed by an
to ensure that the restoration does not cause expert panel (Verification Review Panel), which is
flooding or other unintended problems for advising the Bay Program jurisdictions regarding
upstream and downstream property owners. changes needed to bring their programs into
conformance with the agreed framework.
The process for verification of stream restoration The Bay Programs BMP Verification Review

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Panel has been involved in the review and their efforts to reduce pollution are not in vain.
development of the Verification Framework This verification and audit process provides
and has provided extensive guidance for that reassurance.
the jurisdictions to use in preparing their
verification protocols. 65 The Panel issued its Recommended Next Steps
final public report in September 2015.66
1. The Bay Program jurisdictions must
The case for strong verification protocols continue to diligently follow through on
and independent, third-party audits ensuring that their verification protocols
meet the requirements of the Verification
In order to know whether the Bay Restoration Framework.
is working and on schedule, we must have
2. Anyone who is interested in the integrity
a full understanding of the verification
of the Bay Program progress accounting
procedures that will be used by the CBP,
needs to work to ensure that Bay
participating jurisdictions, and agencies. Any
Program jurisdictions develop a strong
effective verification system will need to be
BMP verification process that follows the
able to document actions taken at four key
recommendations of the Independent
points: 1) initial field inspections to determine
Verification Review Panel.
whether the pollution control system in
place is working; 2) follow-up inspections 3. A viable, third-party auditing system needs
to ensure that the pollution control system to be designed and funded to complement
is being maintained and is continuing to the jurisdictions verification protocols. The
function; 3) review of documentation and data individuals conducting the audit must have
bases to ensure the field data is accurately the expertise to understand the technical
recorded; and 4) review of the accounting aspects of the BMPs and Bay Program
model to ensure the data is being accurately accounting process, and must be credibly
represented and credited for pollution independent.
4. The third-party audit must also include a
Additionally, as is the case with any review of the installation and continued
major government program or business, operation and maintenance of agricultural
independent third-party audits (similar to BMPs over their expected life span. Due to
Maryland legislative audits of Administration the legal restrictions in the 2008 Farm Bill,
programs) are essential to maintaining the Section 1619, that prohibits the disclosure
integrity of the verification process. A third- of information about a specific farm, this
party auditing process for the Bay Program will require either a revision to the law or
will need to: 1) verify that the jurisdictions the cooperation of the USDA to authorize
and agencies reporting and verification the auditor to review the farm specific data
procedures are being followed; 2) ensure that as a 1619 Conservation Cooperator.
there is transparent and accurate accounting
of BMP implementation and progress 5. Coupling of the verified BMP information
in meeting the requirements of the Bay with water quality monitoring data
Watershed Implementation Plans; 3) regularly collected on a small watershed scale is
report the findings of the audit to the public; essential to verifying the performance of
and 4) confirm that the restoration is effective BMP systems and understanding where
and is being carried out in a manner that adaptive management adjustments would
makes best use of available resources. be beneficial, particularly in agriculturally
dominated areas where Farm Bill privacy
Again, its worth noting that the public has a restrictions require the aggregation of
huge stake in Bay restoration, and residents BMP data to the small watershed scale.
need to know that both their expenditures and


The Chesapeake Bay is a critical economic and resources, combine money, and work together.
recreational engine for Maryland, and lawmakers With an economy of scales, they can accomplish
have worked hard to protect it from harm. And more in a time of dwindling federal funds.
yet, it remains a place with frequent fish kills,
huge dead zones, harmful algae blooms, and Maryland must invest in a robust manure
imperiled habitats. Agriculture is the source of exchange that connects those who want manure
half of the pollution from Maryland that is killing with those who need to dispose of it. The state
the Chesapeake Bay, but the states relationship must also put money into technologies to keep
with the agriculture industry has complicated its pollutants out of the ditches in the first place.
curbs on farm pollution. Farmers have tried to Maryland should also invest in non-emitting
reduce pollution through voluntary programs manure-to-energy technology, and that includes
that have underperformed, are not monitored, developing markets for safe manure-to-energy
or appear to be only paper exercises. In contrast, products. The $3 million in the Maryland
urban pollution sources are tightly regulated with Department of Agricultures Animal Waste
permits, inspections, and fees. State officials must Technology Fund is a small start, but as budgets
verify that the practices for which farmers receive tighten and priorities change, the state must
taxpayer money are actually controlling pollution; make sure those funds reach the best engineers.
if theyre not, inspectors need to figure out why.
Finally, Maryland should trust but verify. It needs
If farmers do not control agricultural pollution to ramp up inspections. Currently, the Maryland
and states do not require farmers to do so, the Department of Agriculture is only inspecting
EPA has said that under the authority of the eight percent of the states farms yearly.
Clean Water Act, its only alternative will be to Inspectors must verify that farmers are following
require more regulations on the sources it can their nutrient management plans, and must
control: sewage plants, industries, and urban/ also ensure that the plans are resulting in the
suburban stormwater programs. Because it is far promised reductions of phosphorus. The state
less expensive to prevent nutrient pollution from must further verify all other best management
a farm, the failure to act aggressively to control practices. Maryland also needs an independent
agricultural pollution now will cost all of us far audit program to ensure the integrity of the
more in the long run. states verification process and ensure that
taxpayer money is actually being invested
Maryland is certainly not the only state in practices that are effectively combating
contributing to the loads of pollution in the pollution. Agriculture in particular needs to be
Chesapeake Bay. Nor is agriculture the only subject to the same level of verification and
culprit. But Maryland has traditionally been at the auditing as other sources, despite the privacy
forefront of legislation and regulation to improve provisions in the 2008 farm bill. We need and
the Chesapeakes health, and agriculture has must expect all farmers to be full partners
thus far been held to a different accountability in the restoration of Chesapeake Bay and its
standard than other sectors. tributaries.

Maryland must learn from its history and give After 30 years and billions of dollars in
farmers the best information and the most investments, the Chesapeake Bay is still impaired.
resources it can muster to tackle these problems. Agriculture practices are a major reason why.
It must also enforce the regulations it has; the They dont have to be. If we are smart about
voluntary approach, here and across the country, finding solutions to our nutrient problem,
has not been adequate to tackle the pollution everyone can benefit farmers, ratepayers,
problem. But state farmers should look into large citizens, and the Chesapeake Bay itself.
landscape partnerships that let them leverage

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Endnotes 22 Communication with Andrew Sharpley, University of

1 This information was gathered on the Chesapeake Bay 23 The Arkansas Discovery Farm Program, University of Arkansas,
Chesapeake Bay Program website by adding the phosphorus, 2014.
nitrogen, and sediment loads from three charts.
24 Watershed-based Plan for the Lake Eucha-Lake Spavinaw
http://www.chesapeakebay.net/indicators/indicator/reducing_ Watershed, Oklahoma Conservation Commissions Water Quality
nitrogen_pollution Division, July 2007.
http://www.chesapeakebay.net/indicators/indicator/reducing_ 25 Poultry Timeline, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 2009.
26 Water Board Report Confirms Algae Problems at
2 Baystat: Causes of Chesapeake Bay Pollution. Eucha/Spavinaw lakes, Oklahoma Water Resources Board
http://baystat.maryland.gov/causes-of-the-problems-map/ communication, 2002.

3 Growing Concern Series, Bay Journal Part IV, January 2013. 27 Poultry Timeline, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 2009.

4 Nutrient Credit Trading for the Chesapeake Bay An 28 Comparison of Estimation Techniques and Trend Analysis of
Economic Study, Chesapeake Bay Commission, May 2012; Cost Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sediment in the Eucha-Spavinaw Basin,
Effective Strategies for the Bay, Chesapeake Bay Commission, Northwestern Arkansas and Northeastern Oklahoma, 200210, a U.S.
December 2004. Geological Survey Report, revised January 2013.

5 Marylands Phase II Watershed Implementation Plan for the 29 Interviews with Andrew Sharpley, April 2015.
Chesapeake Bay, TMDL Costs and Financing section, Appendix 30 Interview with Sherri Herron, phone, April 2015.
C, October 2012.
31 Interview with Jeff Marley, Marley farms, Arkansas, April
6 Bay States Poised to Take Lead in Bioenergy Field, Rona 2015.
Kobell, Bay Journal, March 2010.
32 Wounds from suit by waterkeepers to take awhile to heal,
7 Chapter II, Pollution, Turning the Tide, Tom Horton, Island Bay Journal, March 2013.
Press 2003.
33 Delmarva litter storage suit ruffles feathers throughout the
8 Agriculture and Phosphorus Management: The Chesapeake poultry industry, Bay Journal, January 2012.
Bay, Andrew Sharpley, Editor, CRC Press 1999.
34 Judge: Dairy pollution threatens Washington Valleys
9 Agriculture and Water Quality on Marylands Eastern Shore, water, New York Times, January 15, 2015.
Where do we go from here? Staver and Brinsfield, Bioscience,
Vol 51 No. 10 October 2001; also Using Cereal Grain Winter 35 The Registers Editorial: 14 facts to weigh in water works
Cover Crops to Reduce Groundwater Nitrate Contamination in lawsuit, Des Moines Register, April 2015.
the Mid Atlantic Coastal Plain, Staver and Brinsfield, Journal of 36 Interview with Cedar Rapids officials (Steve Hirshner) and
Soil and Water Conservation, Third Quarter, 1998 Vol 53 No. 3. farmers during reporting trip there, November 2015.
10 Chesapeake Born Column by Tom Horton, Bay Journal, 37 Illinois River Protection at Issue in Lawsuit, Associated Press,
October 2012. May 21, 2007.
11 Chuck Fry, OMalley sticks it to farmers on his way out the 38 Personal on-site interview and communication with farmer
door The Baltimore Sun, November 18, 2014. Jamie Scott. Visit arranged through the Institute of Journalists in
12 Joe Bartenfelder, Hogans phosphorus regulations reflect Natural Resources.
the nations best science The Baltimore Sun, March 4, 2015. 39 Interview on-site in Indiana with Dr. Tank and
13 NM Implementation USDA-NRCS. Impacts of Conservation representatives from soil districts, the Nature Conservancy, and
Adoption on Cultivated Acres of Cropland in the Chesapeake several journalists.
Bay Region, 2003-06 to 2011. Conservation Effects Assessment 40 Interview with Alan Girard of the Chesapeake Bay
Project. December 2013. Foundation.
14 Chesapeake Born Column by Tom Horton, Bay Journal, 41 On-farm interview with John Swaine.
March 2013.
42 Tank, et al, in Indiana.
15 The Choptank Basin in Transition by Tom Fisher, Coastal
Lagoons 2010; Examination of Natural and Anthropogenic 43 Ditches latest tool to control nitrogen runoff from farms,
Change, CRC Press. Bay Journal, November 2012.

16 Understanding Nutrients in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed 44 Personal communication with Eric Schaeffer, Environmental
and Implications for Management and Restoration the Integrity Project.
Eastern Shore, USGS Circular 1406, 2015. 45 Manure to energy plant appears to be going nowhere, Bay
17 Legislation coming on farm pollution? The Baltimore Sun, Journal, February 2015.
January 28, 2015. 46 New plan seeks to turn chicken manure into energy, The
18 Facts About Marylands Poultry Industry: Delmarva Poultry Baltimore Sun, March 2015.
Industries, 2013. 47 Personal communication with multiple chicken farmers,
19 Poultry mega-houses forcing Somerset County residents to 2015.
flee, The Bay Journal, July 14, 2015. 48 Summary of Trends Measured at the Chesapeake Bay
20 USDAs Poultry Production and Value: A 2013 Summary, April Tributary Sites: Water Year 2013 Update, U.S. Geological
2014. Survey, December 5, 2014. http://cbrim.er.usgs.gov/
21 Observations made and communications initiated during
visit to University of Arkansas, April 2015.

49 Chesapeake Bay TMDL, U.S. EPA. http://www.epa.gov/ 57 Chesapeake Bay Program Resource Improvement Practice
chesapeakebaytmdl/ Definitions and Verification Visual Indicators Report, July 2014.
50 Achieving Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Goals in the
Chesapeake Bay: An Evaluation of Program Strategies and
Implementation, May, 2011, Page 4, http://www.nap.edu/ 58 Ibid, page 7.
59 Strengthening Verification of Best Management Practices
Implemented in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: A Basinwide
51 Strengthening Verification of Best Management Practices Framework, CBP, October,2014, Appendix B, pp 80-94. http://
Implemented in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: A Basinwide www.chesapeakebay.net/documents/Complete%20CBP%20
Framework, CBP, October 2014. http://www.chesapeakebay. BMP%20Verification%20Framwork%20with%20appendices.pdf
60 Ibid, page 93.
61 Ibid, page 96.
52 Chesapeake Assessment Scenario Tool (CAST). http://www.
casttool.org/About.aspx 62 Ibid, pp. 127-138.
53 Strengthening Verification of Best Management Practices 63 Ibid, pp. 139-147.
Implemented in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: A Basinwide
64 Chesapeake Bay Program BMP Timeline. http://www.
Framework, CBP, October 2014, Appendix B. http://www.
Verification%20Framwork%20with%20appendices.pdf 65 Chesapeake Bay Program BMP Verification Review Panel -
Scope and Purpose. http://www.chesapeakebay.net/groups/
54 Strengthening Verification of Best Management Practices
Implemented in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: A Basinwide
Framework, CBP, October, 2014, Appendix B, pages 14-40. http:// 66 http://www.chesapeakebay.net/documents/CBP_BMP_
www.chesapeakebay.net/documents/Complete%20CBP%20 Verification_Review_Panel_Final_Report-_September_21.pdf
55 PUBLIC LAW 110246 JUNE 18, 2008 122 STAT. 1751 SEC. 1619.
INFORMATION GATHERING. http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-
56 Strengthening Verification of Best Management Practices
Implemented in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: A Basinwide
Framework, CBP, October, 2014, Appendix E. http://www.

Abell Foundation www.abell.org @abellfoundation P: 410-547-1300 December 2015


About the Authors

Rona Kobell is a staff writer for the Chesapeake Bay Journal. She has been a newspaper
reporter for nearly 20 years, including almost a decade at The Baltimore Sun. For five years,
she co-hosted and co-produced Midday on the Bay with Dan Rodricks on WYPR. Her work
has appeared in numerous publications, including the Washington Post, the Boston Globe,
Yale Environment 360, and Slate.

Tom Horton is a longtime Chesapeake Bay environmental writer for The Baltimore Sun
and other publications, and author of eight books about the Bay. He currently writes for
the Chesapeake Bay Journal and is a Professor of Practice in the Environmental Studies
Department at Salisbury University.

Tom Simpson, Ph.D., directed a non-profit until 2014 that focused on developing
continuous improvement programs for agricultural water quality protection measures.
A former professor in soil science and science-policy integration at Virginia Tech and the
University of Maryland, he has served on numerous Chesapeake Bay region committees
and panels and numerous national and international panels and projects.

Robert M. Summers, Ph.D., the former Maryland Secretary of the Environment, is an

environmental engineer specializing in water resources management and the restoration
of Chesapeake Bay. After serving 32 years with Maryland's progressive environmental
programs, he retired from State service in January, 2015 and is currently a Senior
Research Scientist with the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences and
Environmental Science Practice Leader with KCI Technologies.

111 South Calvert Street, Suite 2300

Baltimore, Maryland 21202-6174

The Chesapeake Bay and Agricultural Pollution:

The The Problem, Possible Solutions, and the Need

Abell Report for Verification

By Rona Kobell, Tom Horton, Tom Simpson, Ph.D.,

and Robert M. Summers, Ph.D.
Published by the Abell Foundation
Volume 28, Number 6 December 2015

About the Abell Foundation

The Abell Foundation is dedicated to the enhancement of the quality of life

in Maryland, with a particular focus on Baltimore. The Foundation places a
strong emphasis on opening the doors of opportunity to the disenfranchised,
believing that no community can thrive if those who live on the margins of it
are not included.

Inherent in the working philosophy of the Abell Foundation is the strong

belief that a community faced with complicated, seemingly intractable
challenges is well-served by thought-provoking, research-based information.
To that end, the Foundation publishes background studies of selected issues
on the public agenda for the benefit of government officials; leaders in
business, industry and academia; and the general public.

For a complete collection of Abell publications, please visit our website at


Abell Foundation www.abell.org @abellfoundation P: 410-547-1300 December 2015

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