Sped 508 Case Study

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Case Study: Transition Plan

Daisy Angel

Azusa Pacific University

Sped 508

Professor King
Case Study: Transition Plan

Transition Plan

Student Individual Profile:

The student I will be creating an individualized transition plan for is a 15-year-old male

student who is in 10th grade. Ricardo Castro qualifies for special education due to Other Health

Impairment, that requires him to receive additional support for him to make progress with the

general education curriculum. Richard as he likes to be called, is the oldest of three children. He

has two younger sisters and lives with both of his parents. His primary language is Spanish, and

he is considered to be an English language learner. He is in the early intermediate level of second

language acquisition. He says he really likes school, however, when it comes to homework, he

struggles because his parents are unable to help him due to their limited English abilities.

Richards biggest motivators are his parents. His parents want him to succeed in school so that

he doesnt have to struggle the way they have.

Richard enjoys spending time with his family, cooking different types of food and

playing video games with his friends. He is involved in the culinary arts programs at school and

also in the video production/gaming club. He would like to work as a chef or a video game

designer when he grows up. Richard strives to be the best version of himself. He likes to set

goals and once they are accomplished, he sets new ones. His number one goal is to graduate

from high school and to go to college. In addition, Richard has good grades and recently took

two summer classes in an effort to graduate early.

Assessment Data:

As I recently learned, there are many types of assessments that can be administered to

create a transition plan. However, the first step is to get to know the student. I had the

opportunity of working with Richard during summer school. I was able to learn a little bit about
Case Study: Transition Plan

his life, his strengths, weaknesses and aspirations in life. I learned a lot of information about him

informally, through question and answer. In addition, for the purpose of this study, I also

administered two questionnaires. The first was called Student Dream Sheet. This sheet

included 15 questions such as:

Where do you want to live after graduation?

How do you intend to continue learning after graduation?

What kind of job do you want?

Where do you want to work?

The second questionnaire is called Employment Related Questions. This sheet included 21

questions such as:

Who do you currently live with?

Do you know any relatives, or persons that have what you consider to be a neat job?

What are some of your strengths?

What are some of your weaknesses?

What is your favorite class?

What are three things you would like to learn this school year?

Lastly, another assessment that would benefit Richard would to be take a career interest

inventory. There are various career interest inventories online.

Post-Secondary Resources:

There are many resources available for students after high school. I recently had the opportunity

of visiting Mt. San Jacinto College (MSJC). This school offers great resources for students with

disabilities. Some of their services include note taking, assistive technology, test taking
Case Study: Transition Plan

facilitation, and specialized counseling. The DPSS office ensures that the student receives all the

necessary services to facilitate their learning experience.

Other resources near Perris include:

Riverside Community College(RCC)

RCOE(Riverside County Office of Education)

Val Verde Regional Center

School Career of Education(SCE)

Platt College

The Art Institute of California (Inland Empire Campus)


Home Living Resources:

Richard is very high functioning and is fully capable of doing almost everything

independently. He is very detailed oriented and knows how to ask for help when it is needed.

There are a few home living resources available near his area. These include:

First Step Independent Living

Pico de Loro

Perris Valley Family Resource

Perris Oasis Inc.

Eldorado Senior Home Care LLC

Habitat for Humanity

Vocational Agency Services:

Richardss school district offers a transition program called WorkAbility. WorkAbility is

a state funded school-to-work program that provides comprehensive pre-employment training,

Case Study: Transition Plan

employment placement, and follow-up for school students in special education who are making

the transition from school to work. These services are available for Richard within his school

district. Within his community there are also employment agencies available, such as:


DMSI Staffing

Axcess Staffing Services

Kimco Staffing Services

Select Staffing

Employment Profile:

Richard is very interested in culinary arts and video game designing. He is undecided on

which career to pursue because he is very passionate about both. He loves to cook and trying

new recipes and also really enjoys video games and how they are created. He is a very dedicated

student, despite some challenges he has faced throughout his education. He is very detailed

oriented and prides himself in achieving his goals. Some of his skills include, goal setting,

cooking, video production, technology, he has good social skills and academic skills. Some of

the challenges he faces are overcoming his frustrations and knowing how to deal with them.

When he gets overwhelmed, Richard tends to shut down. He needs to learn how to deal with

challenges and learn how to express himself a little better.

Richard is fully capable of working in any field that he chooses. I can see him working as

a chef in a restaurant or a chef assistant. I can also see him working as a video game designer,

video producer or in a marketing career since he is good with technology. Richard has the right

mindset to be successful and has the full support of his parents and people around him.

Transition Implementation Guide:

Case Study: Transition Plan

In order to implement the individual transition plan for this student, it is important to

communicate with Richard and his family. His parents are very involved in his education and are

always looking for ways to help support their son. The first step was to figure out what his

strengths, weakness, academic abilities and his career goals. Once that was determined, we will

follow these necessary steps to implement his transition plan:

Communicate with the parents and involve them in any decision making

Set goals for Richard to accomplish

Involve Richard in community based learning, so that he gains practical experience

Have Richard research programs that lead to a career in the culinary arts or video game


Have Richard work on his self-determination skills

Provide the support and services for Richards success.

It is important to remember that a transition plan is a work in progress. There will be some

changes that will happen along the way. However, the most important thing to remember is that

this plan is intended to prepare Richard for his future as an adult.

Case Study: Transition Plan

School Map: Never Give Up

Case Study: Transition Plan

Community Map:

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