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Astrology Update:
the drug war, propaganda, and a total
it has been reported to Greenfuse that District misappropriation of funds by an entirely
attorney Maggie Fleming has been reviewing the unaccountable greedy county government and a
flailing population who relies on them now way too Winged creatures
case file.
heavily. But we all know absolute power corrupts and mysteries of the
While Police have closed the case, it raises night capture our
absolutely so I expect this of government, though
questions in my mind of how they conclude this imagination in the Full
I expect WAY more organization, peace and love
and other deaths just like are an accident? How Moon at 12th degree
from of the citizens, especially those in this area.
many people have the end up dead in the river or of Gemini December
burnt out in front of a church before our county How can a community which is victim of the 3. Gemini's ruler
ocials take the issue of housing and same hateful bad drug v. good drug and Mercury has gone
basic-survival options seriously? If you think this boogie man propaganda for generations, a rogue in a spin to
ongoing murders are not connected, due to drugs community at ground zero of the American retrograde motion
and/or drug-war related, take another look folks. drug war, have such amnesia and fall for the night before to set
The housing crisis, the addiction epidemic, the very same oppressive governments divide and things on end, jumble
corruption, classism, racism, and greed, it all goes conquer tactics that once (and still) threaten to up the routine and
along with extractive industry, economic inequality burying them? Where is your humanity what we thought we
just as hard drug use goes directly with prohibition Humboldt County? How many souls have to be knew.
and further criminalization of cannabis. Do not fool tragically torn from this earth before we care
about ongoing Human Rights atrocities in our Full Moon illuminates attitudes, beliefs,
yourselves expect that while the cannabis market
own backyards? When will we finally hold our perceptions and how we communicate with plenty
tanks, the harder the drugs, including
government servants accountable to do their jobs of input from the Trickster planet. Verbal impact is
pharmaceuticals our community will get wrapped
and realize solutions to the consequences of easier to observe helping us target where we need
up in. This is already the trend- as there are more
generations of failed drug war and war on the to refine and revise. Neptune square the Lights
opioid prescriptions than the number of citizens in
poor policies? When will we realize equal Rights assures intuition and psychic vision prevail,
and Justice for All?We are in this together! We are expanding consciousness into yet another level of
Brandi Wilson from the HCCHR states, Were the unknown. That is unless we're choosing to be
all Dordzhi, when he dies a little piece of youdoes
going to lose people if we continue to point fingers fooled by the masters of deception, including our
and be divisive, and were going to lose people we own inner trickster.
dont realize were going to lose because of bias McDonald was able to communicate
withDordzhis sister as well who asked that she Special care in how we speak and what we share
and stigma, she said. Seventy-five percent of
leave his remains in the US, stating Dordzhi did is required at this lunation since the possibilities
meth users are housed and employed.
not want to go back to Russia, it was his dream to for misunderstanding and/or falling for unreliable
Do a favor for Dordzhi- ask yourself whats behind information is big, especially as Jupiter gives a
live in the US while he was alive. There is a
those police reports, what does his story show us major boost to whatever Neptune's cooked up, for
Facebook page called Friends of Dordzhi
underneath all the drug war propaganda and hate good or ill. Engaging in prayerful petitions to the
(Dordzhi Sandzhiev made to organize a ceremony
campaigns? Universe or Living Field of Consciousness is highly
mid December and they are still seeking a
I see a wonderful man I was honored to know right Buddhist to lead the ceremony as Dordzhi was favored as is letting imagination run free and wild.
before he left this earth, a misunderstood artist, Buddhist and would have preferred. Vehicles and other mechanical entities and
yes in some ways escaping pain and trauma, a electronic devices may be in serious revolt, so
brother murdered as a direct consequence of preparing for those possibilities can be a wise
ongoing hate, stirred by a misinformed population -Shakti way to go.
everywhere he ran. I see the lack of awareness of
substance abuse issues and subsequent absence
of community compassion. I see consequences of


if nominated I will not run, if elected, I will not serve. War on a helpless
South. Then he went on to strategize the genocide of the Plains Indians by
systematically destroying the Bualo. He should have followed fellow Gen.

Cut to the Chase

Grant as President, instead he proclaimed immortally that if nominated I
will not run, if elected, I will not serve. Thats okay, just about every
succeeding President was a General- until President McKinley (a good statue
to remove if you dont have a General handy.)
STEP ONE: Stop Cooperating with Federal Income tax. It doesnt take STEP four: Register, or re-register in the Surprise Party. Voting can have a
much: like living below the taxable income, (that used to be confused with decisive influence when coupled with larger objectives than changing horses.
Holy Poverty. Now it is more to the point when refusal is viewed as reducing But dont give up any meta-data. Let it be a Surprise! to the Corporate and
your Ecological Footprint. It is not just the military that is synonymous with Corporatized Parties how exactly you mean to vote. The polarized party was
environmental destruction and degradation. The feds destructive intentions invented by Jeerson, Madison and Burr as a Republican Party versus the
are well served through its legally created irresponsible agent, the Monarchical Federalistss more informal aristocratic organization. This went
Corporation. against everyones grain. Madison is eloquent in abusing the very idea of a
To resist taxes eectively it is always wise to stay clear of any income political party. It was the pressure from a radicalized citizenry, inspired by the
related paperwork, but if you are forced to create some, be aware that the French Revolution and facing a panicked aristocracy driven to a campaign
number of deductions that you take can be calibrated so as to have no tax which imprisoned journalists and strove to export aliens. Instead, how
removed. In the same vein you can become a Contractor selling your services about a new government without elected party clones? Maybe our
and so take charge of your own withholding what a word - as in Withhold representative could be selected by Surprise! a lottery like jury duty. Not
Allegiance. Or how about becoming an agricultural laborer!?! My favorite a good system to run an Empire on? Fine, thats an extra.
tactic is creating our own currency, a really positive way to freeze out the feds. STEP Five: Bring about a New World Restraining Order and take a bite out
Even their own Constitution is our guide where it prohibits the state from of Terrorism as well as Sexism. If you notice, most of the old white men who
forcing you to house soldiers, a commonplace of the previous Empire. Is it any have instigated recent Mass Shootings have just got of jail for, or had a record
better that we are, so to speak, forced to pay for their motel rooms? On top of of, domestic violence. In the year of the woman, with the Me Too Movement
that, to give our representatives power against the Kings best friend the just getting started, individual women threatened by a male in their lives could
Standing Army -- the budget had to be renegotiated every two years so that join a Restraining Movement. Filing a restraining order against the
new Representatives could make a brand new balance sheet. (threatening) man in your life would have the result of taking away his guns!!!
STEP TWO: Disarm the Military and the militarized Police. Plan and carry Percentage-wise, the Restraining Movement would have more eect than any
out direct actions that will lead to ocial disarmament. Us old folks know the governmental action ever will.
drill - find where the weapons are stored and freeze them there through STEP SIX: Support your local Chamber of Refuge. Refugees are on the rise.
blockades and occupations. Do you want your best necessity defense Didnt you feel the arrival of the New Orleans exiles? There are more places
identify, locate, track and block weapons going to prosecute the Saudi war producing Refugees than ever, with no end in site. (haha) Many of these
against Yemen. The feds are supplying the means to destroy a population. people will be good Christian Republicans who might be mistaken for god
As we carry out civil direct actions, we must remember that the prize to forbid Bums. this should be one of many challenges to The Southern
keep our eyes on is a disarmed and peaceful America. If you think that to Humboldt Visitors and Business Bureau. Just when you thought the
claim eectiveness for Civil, as opposed to Military, Resistance is utopian, just CounterCulture was dead, here is a Counter-Chamber, coming into existence
check out the many modern state overthrows weve witnessed since WWII. to cover something the Business Gentry dont want their Chamber to cover
No question, these have not created utopias. Sometimes the state recharges the Cannabiz. The core of this Counter-Chamber, with oces in downtown
after successful nonviolent popular resistance in places such as Egypt, Iran, Garberville contains the cream of the current forces of Gentrification, once
Russia, the Philippines, Palestine in the First Intifada, South Africa, Poland, allied with the Gentry and the Locals on Patrol to further the holy cause of
Estonia, Portugal, Greece, Slovenia, Brazil, Guyana, Haiti, Bulgaria I am hobo cleansing. The Counter-Chambers concept of a visitor is a narrow one,
getting tired of listing examples. In our own case, for civil resistance to reduce admirable perhaps, but not likely to broaden since the Gentrifiers have
the military to a lightly armed self-defense force would end the Empire. This provided leadership for the broader HATE Coalition. Meanwhile a Respite
will require a new constitution - one that represents nature and science and Center is actually in the works (still) and Refugees of all sort will be welcome.
regionalism and human rights and direct democracy. We need to think big In case you didnt notice and thats the reason for this essay WE ARE IN
here or we wont accomplish squat. A FUCKING EMERGENCY. Lets get started for next year by doing something
Step Three: Take down statues of Gen. Sherman. If Gen. Lee was a gentleman every day against the grain of this horrific system.
killer who kept slaves, Sherman carried out the Nuremberg level War Crime of Paul Encimer

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