Ca - Caught

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Caught is a five-minute modern dance piece choreographed and performed by David Parsons

who wears only loose white pants and a serious facial expression. The work is accompanied by
Robert Fripps layered, instrumental electronic music, which remains at a slow tempo
throughout the entire work.

As the music begins, the one male dancer stands still, feet wide apart, within the single down
pool of light at centre stage. He crosses his legs around the circle of light, gradually accelerating.
His focus is directly at the audience. He revisits this same movement each time the strobe light
transitions to a single centered down pool of light.

Four other down pools of light are present, one at a time, from upstage left to downstage left
to downstage right to upstage right. Within each, Parsons alternates between fast and slow
movement. The fast movement is sharp and precise, including turns, kicks, linear arm
movements, and franticly touching his body from his feet to his head. The slower movements
include undulating the spine, passively allowing his wrists to hang, reaching up, and undulating
his arm into a fist.

Parsons frequently holds pauses or moments of stillness, whether that be in the down pools of
light or in the strobe light. He would often pause at the end of a movement. For example, after
executing multiple turns he would hold the landing with his feet wide apart. After turning
around himself in the downstage left light, he held a knock-kneed position with claw-shaped
hands and with his head tilted upwards. One is able to see snapshots or glimpses of Parsons
when he moves in the strobe light. There are times when the male dancer jumps in various
ways every time his figure appears in the light. However, there are more times when he
continuously jumps or tilts in the same way. For instance, he jumped with his arms above his
head, one leg bent in front, the other bent behind. During each glimpse of light, he executed
this exact movement, in a large circular pathway around the stage. Other examples would be
when he jumped into a centre split in the same space, inclined his whole body forward in
different areas of the stage, and jumped with straight legs and flexed feet.

In the end he lands in silence, feet wide apart, reaching and looking up until the single down
pool of light fades away.

INTRO Name & Music

BEGINS Stands still in down pool of light; Crosses legs; Focus; Revisits
FOUR POOLS Fast & Slow
PAUSES/STILLNESS In pools (multiple turns; claw) or strobe (jumps; same way)
END Silent reach until light fades

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