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Joselyn Castaneda

Angel Noriega
Janet Ponce
Brigitte Novelo


Activity: LEVEL # II WEEK #20 - Cooperative Games

GRADE LEVEL & NUMBER OF STUDENTS: Grade 2 and 32 students

TIME: 30 Minutes

Boom Box
Yarn balls
Hula Hoop
Jump ropes
Yarn Balls
Domes (40)

Students will be able to apply fundamental skills in a unique situation.
Students will be able to learn and practice personal and social skills.
Students will be able to work cooperatively in a group setting.
Introductory Activity:
2.6 Identify opportunities to use underhand and overhand movement (throw) patterns.
5.4 Encourage others by using verbal and nonverbal communication.
Fitness Activity:
1.17 Demonstrate a smooth transition between even-beat locomotor skills and uneven-beat
locomotor skills in response to music or an external beat.
3.3 Perform abdominal curl-ups, modified push-ups, oblique curl-ups, forward and side lunges,
squats, and triceps push-ups from a chair or bench to enhance endurance and increase muscle
Lesson Focus: 5.1 Participate in a variety of group settings (e.g., partners, small groups, large
groups) without interfering with others.
4.13 Identify the muscles being stretched during the performance of particular physical activities


Activity Teaching Hints

Each child has a yarn ball. Allows students Place the yarn balls around the perimeter of
to kick, throw, or move with the ball for a the area. When the students enter, they can
designated time. On signal, place the balls move to a yarn ball and begin handling it.
on the floor and perform movements
around, between and over the balls.

PART 2: FITNESS DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY (8-12 mins): Exercise to Music

Activity Teaching Hints

Rope Jumping: 25 seconds Tell students which fitness activity they are
Windmills:30 seconds performing such as aerobic or strength
Abdominal crunches: 25 seconds development and flexibility.
Walk and do arm circles: 30 seconds
Side Flex: 25 seconds Music: Perform activities (for 25 or 30
Two-Step Gallop: 30 seconds seconds)
REPEAT once. No Music: Explain the next activity

PART 3: LESSON FOCUS (15-20 mins): Cooperation Activities

Activity Teaching Hints

1. Set the Stage: During this first step -Only the essential information to get the
it is the teacher's job to sell the group going is provided.
activity with the following -Allow the students to work on their own.
information: Simply monitor the group for safety and
-What is the challenge answer any questions students may have.
-What are the rules -Make sure the questions foster discussion
2. Facilitate: Once the stage has been set,
the teacher's role is to step back and let the
students work.
3. Debrief: The foundation of debriefing
is open-ended questions.
-What did you have to do in order to
accomplish a goal
-What does communicate mean?
-What happened that was positive?

PART 4: GAME ACTIVITY (5 mins): Quiet Cooperation, Human Spelling Bee, All
Activity Teaching Hints

Human Spelling Bee: Quiet Cooperation:

Groups of 5-6 students *Remind students not to talk.
Supplies: None *Students may use their fingers to create
Students are challenged with spelling out numbers and or letters to communicate
words, letter by letter, with their bodies amongst one another.
while lying on the floor.
1. All team members must be in the letter
and the team must identify the bottom of
the letter. Human Spelling Bee:
2. Physical education terms or spelling *Remind students to keep all hands to
words may be used. themselves.
3. Also, students can spell out answers to *Be encouraging & remind students to be
questions asked by the teacher. creative.
4. Mathematical equations could also be
written (i.e. 7x7=49), one number and
symbol at a time. All Aboard:
Closure Evaluation: *Remind students to have one foot inside
1. How was math integrated into this the hoop
activity? * Students are not allowed to push one
2. Would your group have been another out of the hoop
successful if they didn't cooperate?
All Aboard:
Groups of 10-12 students
Supplies: 15 hoops
Students are challenged to get as many
students as possible into one hoop placed
on the ground. In order for a person to be
considered on board, one foot must be
touching the ground inside of the hoop and
no body parts touching the floor outside the
hoop. One technique to lead up to this
activity is to play musical hoops. Hoops are
scattered throughout the gym and music is
playing. When the music stops students
move to a hoop, placing a least one foot
inside the hoop. More than one student can
be in a hoop. Each time the music plays the
teacher removes one or two hoops until
only enough hoops remain for all students
to be aboard.
1. Raise your hand if you can recall
what was the most important thing
to remember during this game?

Quiet Cooperation:
Groups of 10-12 students.
Supplies: One marking spot for each
Students stand in a line shoulder to
shoulder with a marking spot under their
feet. Without talking, making any noise, or
touching the gym floor, students get in
order using these criteria:
1. Number of pets (fewest to most).
2. Alphabetically by first name
(fathers, mothers, or pet name can
also be used).
3. Alphabetical by last name.
4. Month of birthday (January to
December or vice versa).
5. Shortest to tallest.
Closure Evaluation:
1. What skills were needed for this
2. Why was it important that you
listened to the directions?

Ask students how many people fit in one hoop?
Ask students if they can recall one aerobic activity they performed during the fitness activity.
With their final group, have students create a positive chant.

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