Hemisection A Treatment Option For An Endodontically Treated Molar With Vertical Root Fracture

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Hemisection: A Treatment Option for an Endodontically Treated Molar with Vertical Root Fracture

Hemisection: A Treatment Option for an Endodontically

treated Molar with Vertical Root Fracture
S Anitha, 2Deepika SC Rao

ABSTRACT masticatory stress factors, VRF usually originates from

Vertical root fractures (VRF) in endodontically treated teeth apical end of the root and instigate coronally/ can origi-
have long been reported and pose diagnostic difficulties. A nate from cervical portion of theroot with extension in
hemisection/root resectionprocedures removes the fractured apical direction, or may progress horizontally.1 VRF in
fragments completely, and retains a portion of the compromized an endodontically treated teeth is a demanding task for
tooth offers a predictable treatment option. Thekey to this rests both dentistsas well as patients as it is diagnosed years
in ideal case selection involving balancing all indications and
after all endodontic and prosthodontal procedures have
contraindications. The success of the treatment depends on
carefulcase selection based on a firm set of guidelines. This been completed. Also since several etiologic factors may
article presents a case with VRF in an endodontic treated be involved, it may also have an unfavorable prognosis
molar. Thisarticle describes the case of a 65-year-old man in certain cases. Such analogous representations pose a
with a VRF on the mesial root and a healthy periodontium daunting task for the clinicians when VRF occurs, incom-
supporting the distalroot making it ideal for retention as well as pleteor complete, it may infringe on periodontal ligament
restoration and support of the final prosthesis. Also, the patient
tissues. Elucidation through the gingivalsulcus into
was motivated to try and save asmuch of the tooth as possible.
Postoperatively no untoward complication was reported making the oral cavity, wherein foreign substances, food debris
it an alternative treatment option in patients withVRF in a molar, and microbiota would obtain access into these fracture
willing to retain the remaining tooth portion. With all other factors areas initiates an inflammatory process in the adjacent
balanced, it allows for retaining theremaining intact portion of periodontaltissues results in a breakdown of periodontal
the tooth structure.
tissues which would rapidly propagate apically as well
Keywords: Hemisection, Periodontal abscess, Synthetic bone as interproximally.5
Grafts, Surgical therapy, Vertical root fractures. The signs and symptoms are elusive in nature, difficult
How to cite this article: Anitha S, Rao DSC. Hemisection: A to diagnose during patient examination, often similar to
Treatment Option for an Endodontically Treated Molar with nonhealing RCT (root canal treated tooth) including:
Vertical Root Fracture. J Contemp Dent Pract 2015;16(2):163- Vague headache and ear pain (extraoral).
Intraorally, signs and symptoms include mild pain
Source of support: Nil presence of sinus tract, exacerbation of a chronic
Conflict of interest: None lesion, pressure on mastication, a periodontal type of
INTRODUCTION Pockets adjacent to fracture sitedeep probing in one
position around the circumference of the tooth in an
Vertical root fractures (VRF) are fractures that are present
otherwise normal attachment.2
on the root surfaces extending upto the periodontium and
The radiographic features include hair-likefracture-
may involveonly a section or both sides of the root. It is
line radiolucency in the dentin/body accompanied with
an adverse drawback in certain endodontically treated large losses surrounding the tooth/root1 sometimes
cases, indicating for an extraction.1 lt may be initiated accompanied by a periapical/lateralperiodontal radio-
either during restorative procedures or during later lucency, with an angular bone loss,1 widening of peri-
stages. Factors initiating such presentations would be odontal space.2,5
abnormal masticatory stresses.1 Based onthe nature of Diagnosis is by the history, examination for pain on
masticationprolonged discomfort, probing to detect
1,2 osseous defect, intra oral periapical radiographs at two
Department of Periodontics, JSS Dental College and
Hospital, Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeswara University, Mysore different angulations. An exploratory flap achieves a
Karnataka, India definitive diagnosis.
Corresponding Author: S Anitha, Associate Professor Predisposing factors include dental caries/trauma,
Department of Periodontics, JSS Dental College and narrow mesiodistal dimension compared to buccolingual
Hospital Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeswara University, Mysore dimension of the root, moisture loss inpulpal teeth,
Karnataka, India, e-mail: anithas27@yahoo.com
extensive use of rotary instruments to remove dentin,

The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, February 2015;16(2):163-165 163

S Anitha, Deepika SC Rao

a surgical approach to visualize the furcation area is the

most predictable technique. After anesthetizing, a full
thicknessperiodontal flap was elevated to visualize the
defect. A vertical fracture line was extending from the
CEJ (cervico enamel junction) to the apical 3rdAn angular
type of bone loss was present (Fig. 2). Hemisectioning
of the tooth was performed and the fractured root
fragments along with the crown portionswere removed
(Fig. 3). Hemisectioning of the tooth was performed
and the fractured mesial root fragment was performed
with a diamond bur. The tooth wascarefully sectioned
and the fractured mesial fragment was removed. Any
Fig. 1: Preoperative viewintraoral swelling observed
defects on the sound distal root were smoothened.
loss of alveolar bone, previous cracks in dentin, excessive After thebioactive glass (perioglas) bone graft material
lateral condensationof gutta-percha, over preparation of was placed and sutured. Postoperative instructions
canals for dowels.1 were given. The patient was prescribedantibiotics and
Clinical management includes use of CO2 /NdYAG, analgesics. Patient was recalled after a week for suture
use of glass ionomercement/laser/cyanoacrylate2 to fuse removal. The next phase of the treatment schedule
fractured roots, which has been proved to be ineffective. involved the restoration ofthe hemisected tooth with
In posterior teeth hemisection/root amputation may a provisional crown. Final prosthesis was given after
beconsidered as the treatment of choice, followed by a 3 months. A full metal prosthesis with extension on 45was
new restoration of tooth.1,3 designed. A trial was done. With the patients consent,
the prosthesis was cemented (Fig. 4). Patient was re-called
CASE REPORT for re-evaluation after 1, 3, 6 months, 1 and 3 years (Figs
A male patient aged 60 years, with history of painswelling 5A and B). The patient did not report any complaints/
in a lower molar (Fig. 1). History of mild pain on chewing discomfort. The surgical area healed uneventfully. At
in relation to the same, with history of root canal treated each visit, the patient/s oralhygiene was evaluated. The
tooth in relation tothe same 10 years back. The patient patient reported once in 6 months after the first year.
indicated there was pain and was willing to retain the The patients oral hygiene was good and was able to
tooth. On intraoral examination, therewas swelling in maintainarea well and did not report any untoward
46 in the buccal aspect (Fig. 1). Exudation was noted from complications after placement of the final prosthesis.
the sulcular area. The distal root was in good condition
withalveolar bone loss. There was no trauma from
occlusion radiographically, the fracture line was not very Vertical root fracture has long been a dilemma to theclini-
clear. Antibiotics and analgesics wereprescribed and cian as it can occur at various stages of treatment (instru-
the patient was explained the prognosis. The surgical mentation, obturation/post-placement)/post-treatment.
procedure was explained and scheduled. Patients As there are more number ofpeople wanting to keep their
consent was obtained. Forhemisectioning of the tooth, teeth for longer, clinicians put in efforts to provide a wide

Fig. 2: Surgical viewfull thickness flap raised, vertical fracture line in the mesial root of 46 extending from CEJ to the apex, bone
loss seen around the same


Hemisection: A Treatment Option for an Endodontically Treated Molar with Vertical Root Fracture

Fig. 3: Surgicalafter removal of fractured segments with Fig. 4: Postsurgical. One-year follow-up. Fixed partial
periapical granuloma at the apex of the mesial root prosthesis in relation to 45, 46

Figs 5A and B: Comparison of presurgical and postsurgical (2 years follow-up)

range of treatment options based on the clinical situa- for the fabrication of the resulting final fixed restora-
tionage, economical considerations of the patient, and tion. There was no presence ofTFO/bruxism added to
the best available clinical evidence of successful treatment the advantage. Eventually, the patient was motivated to
modality. The loss of posterior molarcan result is several retain as much of the tooth as possible. The patient was
undesirable sequelae including shifting of teeth, collapse fully aware of the risksincluding the increased risk of
of the vertical dimension of occlusion, super eruption caries in resected tooth. In this case, a 3 years follow-up
of opposingteeth, loss of supporting alveolar bone and revealed a good oral hygiene with no complaints fromthe
a decrease in chewing ability. Some unrestorable cases patient suggesting that hemisectioning was a treatment
would require removable, fixed or implant substitutes substitute to extraction in certain cases of VRF in patients
as the only treatment outcomes. In teeth with restorable with an ideal oral environment, capability and willing-
solutions retaining what is present is quite vital. Hemi- ness to carry out proper oral hygiene measures.
section of the effected tooth allows the preservation of
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