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Sydney Braybrooke

Steve Saladino

EDU 201

November 8, 2015

Education History Summary

It is interesting to see how much change has occurred within the educational realm and

the law regarding Titles, Acts, and other events. Brown vs. Board of Education and Title IX are

pretty similar because they are against discrimination. Brown vs. Board of Education rules

against separate but equal so blacks and whites will not go to different schools and be

discriminated against. Title IX rules against discrimination between genders. So female and male

programs in education will not be discriminated against. All Handicapped Children Act goes

along with these other events as well. This Act rules against discrimination of handicapped

children. Those students will also have free and appropriate public education as well as the rest

of the students. The changes that have happened within the education are pretty similar in the

fact that they are trying to make the best environment for all students despite the differences.

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