Friendly Letter Final

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10589 Valdosta Avenue

Las Vegas, NV 89129

August 26, 2015

Dear Mr. Davern,

This is not a letter. What is it then, a pipe?

It has been four years since I sat in your classroom, and may I just say, that was the best
classroom on campus. I looked forward to your class every day because I never had a teacher
who was skilled enough to teach me how to write a decent paper. During the previous years, I
struggled tremendously when writing a paper, especially timed writings. I would sit there at my
desk with anxiety ruling my body as I watched my classmates begin writing words that soon
turned into paragraphs and complete papers. Maybe once I actually made it to the conclusion
paragraph of my essay.
Your class was different. Instead of expecting the students to know how to write, you
taught us how. We all worked together with you to write a sentence on the board. After some
practice with you, you would have us write some sentences in our notebooks. One tip you gave
the class was to not think. That was the weirdest thing I have ever heard in my entire life! Do not
think when writing your first draft. I tried it in my notebook and the words began to flow. Half of
the time they did not really make sense, but I continued to practice.
The final GPA of my freshman year at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, was a
3.82; and there were a significant amount of papers I was required to write well to earn that
GPA. I earned a half-ride scholarship to BYU due to my high GPA. I could not have earned that
scholarship without learning how to write a paper.
I appreciate the time you took to understand your students and their educational needs.
Your successful effort in giving students the best educational opportunity that you can give them
inspired me to major in Education. Thank you, Mr. Davern, for being my educational hero!


Sydney Braybrooke

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