3 Levels Graphic S

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Name(s): ____________________________________________________________________ Period: _______

Three Levels of
Reading Graphic Super-abstract

To practice close reading of a text to Abstract
discover layered meanings
To offer credible evidence from the text
to support an idea or assertion
To move from concrete to abstract e
To visualize textual images, and practice
representational thinking
To determine themes in a piece of writing
To connect parts of the work to the work
as a whole

Necessary Materials:

12 x 18 paper
Colored pencils, crayons, markers, thin-tipped permanent black markers or pens (for outlining),

1. Somewhere on the paper display the title of the piece (correctly punctuated) with the authors
name below it.
2. Draw three concentric circles on the paper, making the inner circle fairly large so youll have plenty
of room in it for step #3.
3. In the inner circle, the concrete level (remember, understand):
a. Write prominently the most significant word from assigned piece. (Try deciding on the most
significant moment in the piece, going to that passage and selecting its most important word.)
b. Copy the passage in which the word appearsenough of it to make sense. Document as
directed in parentheses (page #) after the quoted material.
c. Give multiple dictionary definitions of the word (denotation).
d. Place the word in context of what is going on in the work at this point. Explain why this word is
important to the meaning of the piece.
4. In the middle circle, the abstract level (apply, analyze), still referring to the text, draw three
images from the piece and write an explanation of the tie between the illustrations and the word
you selected for the first circle.
5. In the outer circle, the super-abstract level (evaluate, create), going beyond the text, write three
thematic statements drawn from the significant word and your illustrations, tying them to the
whole work. Your sentences need not use the word itself, but should be clearly related.
6. On a sheet of notebook paper, compose a 200-300 word essay tying the key word to each of the
main characters (select two or three) in the work as a whole.

adapted from Laying the Foundation: Planning Guide for Pre-AP English Grade 10 (Draft 2002)
Name(s): ____________________________________________________________________ Period: _______


90 100 These projects show that the student has clearly and effectively
a. selected a key word
b. offered a quotation clearly reflecting the words significance and
documented as directed
c. given multiple definitions of the word
d. placed the word in the context of the whole work
e. drawn images/objects that are colorful and reinforce the words significance
f. composed three thematic statements (derived from that word, tying the
word to the whole work)
g. tied the key word to each of the main characters
h. made the work neat, colorful, and correct.

80 89 These projects adequately fulfill the requirements but are less thorough, less
meticulous, less vivid, less correct than the 90-100 efforts. There are some
distracting mistakes in grammar, spelling, and/or mechanics that should have
been caught/corrected.

70 79 These projects inadequately fulfill the requirements because they are incorrect
and/or hastily/thoughtlessly done. There are numerous mistakes in grammar,
spelling, and/or mechanics; these errors may be affecting the readers ability to

60 These projects inadequately fulfill the requirements because they are

incomplete (half or more of the assignment is missing).

adapted from Laying the Foundation: Planning Guide for Pre-AP English Grade 10 (Draft 2002)

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