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On October, the 31st of 2017 was the first day of observation at Chisum Elementary

School. The anticipation in what to expect when entering the school for the first time was a little

daunting but seeing, meeting new faces and the small individual that also had the same encounter

of learning was a moment of assumption.

The teacher that I was assign to for this adventure was Mrs. Wyndi Hall. Mrs. Hall has

been a teacher for almost twenty-six years and has worked at Chisum Elementary for almost her

whole career. Mrs. Hall has educated other ages of students but has taught fifth grade math most

of her career. Out of the class she had no more than 22 children in class out of 66 students in 3

split classes. Observing Mrs. Hall, I noticed that she was very kind and positive toward the

students and the students also adored her. Mrs. Hall wanted the most out of all her students

education and she succeed in her task. She provided her student with the knowledge and

compassionate in her teaching through stories, demonstration, and activities. While lesson and

activity where taught with teacher and student centered. The children seemed very comfortable

and knew what was expected of them. Mrs. Hall was a very educated role model and impacted a

mark on me in my future teaching.

Observing and learning from another teacher that has been an experience for me and a

great obligation. I learned that the material that a teacher cover is up to that teacher as long it

follows the TEKS for that grade. The math board that consist of twenty problems. Which include

multiplication problems, division, shapes, addition and even word problems. I found this most

equivalent for the student to keep the material fresh on their minds. Also, Mrs. Hall had a

division rocket test/game for each fifth-grade class. They would go over division problems in a

two-person group and would say 9 divided by 3 is 3 out loud throughout each forty questions for
one minute. Then the next child would do the same. After both individuals have completed the

problems. They would have a one minute test on the same division problem. If they did not do

very well they tried again the following day and if they did well they moved up the rocket until

they reached the very top. Each time the student moved up the rocket the test got more strenuous.

This taught them how to do the problems in their head and on their own pace. I was astonished

how the children was enjoying the division problems and it appears they were egger to move up

the rocket.

I will take everything that I have learned and implement it into my classroom, like the

wall facts, division problems and the way that she taught with a great compassion and concern

for the childrens education. Mrs. Hall had a great and wonderful class and she made it seem

flawless. I greatly enjoyed participating in Mrs. Halls class and I look forward for my learning

opportunities in the future.

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