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Classroom Observation: Techniques for Math

2 observations to be submitted via Bb. One by Thanksgiving break, another by Dec. 14

Points to highlight/record in your observation:

Grade level observed: 6th Grade

Type of classroom: General Education
Number of students in the classroom: (#14 of boys, #15 of girls)
Number of adults in the classroom at the time of observation: 2
5 Points

Supportive Math Environment: There is group seating of 3 or 4 individual

desk. There is positive posters scattered throughout the room that
encourage the students to work hard and get things done. There is also
student work on the cupboard doors that is displayed. Reading books
are available for the students and she also displays pictures of top
notch students in her class. She has calculators displayed for the
students to use as well as a chart to help them with division. There is
informative posters as well that relate to math, like an area and
perimeter, multiplication, math symbols, etc posters.
(5 examples of the physical or emotional/social environment)
Rules for Divisibility chart
liquid measurement poster
Mathematics symbols poster
Commutative Multiplication chart
Math Word Wall
Teacher asks students questions and engages students
The room has poster the encourages students and the teacher has a
positive, friendly attitude
Teacher is filling out a chart that has to do with vocabulary and she has
the formal definition, a definition the class makes and a picture the
students can use to explain the vocabulary word.
Students are ask to recall previous information they learned to help fill out
the chart on the board.
Tells her class she is proud of her students that are using their time wisely.
5 Points

The Lesson:
Content: Algebra
Process: Problem Solving, Communication, Representation, and Connections
Factual, Procedural and/or conceptual knowledge base(s)
Use of Learning Styles: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic: all of these are used to fill out the handout
as a class. The students write the notes, listen to the lesson, and look that the notes being posted
on the board.
Use of manipulatives (at the time of observation): Non are being used at this
Use of technology (for the lesson): Smart board
Use of chalkboard/overhead, handouts & tests, use of textbook: has a note
sheet for students to fill out that is like the one on the smart board.
Adaptations of lesson for all learners, if observed: Non at this time.
10 points

Brief Summary of Lesson:

The students were given a handout at the beginning of class. The teacher had
the came chart on her smart board. As a class they filled out the chart, which
was new vocabulary words. After filling out the chart, Which had a definition the
class created and a picture to go along with it, the teacher quizzed the class by
using different pictures and asking them which vocabulary work the picture
belonged with.
5 points

Behavior to remember while observing:

Seat yourself in area outside of the direct instructional zone.
Do not interact with the teacher or students in any way.
Just sit and watch and take notes.
Always remember the rules of confidentiality.
Always record objective notes, things you see and can record.
Do not record your subjective thoughts as to why you thought things occurred or how you felt
about it.
Stick to the facts, observable measurable.

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