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Welcome Statement

The discipline I am now studying in is Educational Psychology. The field of

Educational Psychology focus on human learning, professionals made numerous

studies of the learning process, includes cognitive, social, emotional, perspectives and

differences of individuals (George Mason University, 2017). Also, it relies on

methodologies, which can assist the researchers to provide better research to improve

the environment of education and enhance humans learning process (George Mason

University, 2017).

The purpose of this project is to help students to have a deeper understanding of

their own field. The first part of my portfolio is professor research. In this section, I

researched on Professor Angela D. Miller, who is a famous professor in my field, and

discussed her background, published articles and research interests. By researching

on her made me know more about Educational Psychology and I read more articles

which are useful to my future studies. The second section is journal analysis, which is

about analyzing a journal. The journal that I analyzed is Contemporary Educational

Psychology, it is a journal of psychology, science, and education. It also had a

connection with Professor Miller, since she had published some research paper in this

journal. The third section is article analysis, I discussed the rhetorical elements and
the Moves in the article which made me understand more about the structure of

research articles and how do the professionals organize their studies. The last section

is language analysis. In this section, I analyzed the language features of the same

article as section 3, which can represent the points that the authors want to show and

emphasize to the readers.

In conclusion, this project makes me had a deeper understanding in the field of

Educational Psychology. I learned of the professor who is well-known, and I might

have a chance to take her class in the future semesters. Then, I noticed some journals

of Educational Psychology, which is practical for me to find previous studies that can

support my future research. Also, the format of the article and types of language

features that I should choose to write a research paper is important. This project is my

first step to understand Educational Psychology, but it is a good step for me to put into

this field that I choose by myself.

Hope you enjoy reading my portfolio!

George Mason University. (2017, 12 3). George Mason University-Graduate School
of Education-Educational Psychology. Retrieved from George Mason
University-Graduate School of Education:

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