Analysis of Balance Consideration With Legal I Newton Eli Trisnowati, Rifki Niza, Ismyatun F

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Eli Trisnowati, Rifki Niza, Ismyatun F.
Arranged By :

1.PUTRA RIZKY (4171121025)
2. RIZKY EFENDY (4173321044)




28 NOVEMBER 2017

The praise of My God, who has given His mercy and guidance to me so that I can
complete the critical task of journal reviews from this section which I form to fulfill the task
Hopefully, my efforts are recorded as good deeds that will be useful to me especially, and to
all students in general. In this paper I will explain some important pieces of journals that may
be familiar to us all.
I would like to thank all those who have helped sincerely until the completion of this
task, especially for Drs. Joni Haratua Pangabean, M.Si . Finally, I hope that this simple task
that can benefit all of us.

November 28th 2017


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Table Of Contents...3
Chapter 1 Preliminary.4
A. Background4
B. Problem.4
C. Research Purposes.4
Chapter 2 Basical Teory..5
Chapter 3 Method7
Chapter 4 Research Result.8
Chapter 5 Result And Conclusion..9
A. Conclusion...9
B. Suggesion.9

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A. Background
An object can move because of no style. Styles can cause changes in objects, ie changes
shape, nature of motion, speed, and direction of the object motion. Law I Newton states that:
Every object remains be in a state of silence or move with a fixed rate along a straight line,
unless otherwise given a total non-zero force.
If an object is stationary, thing is said to be in static equilibrium. Force that works on
objects can determine the static equilibrium. Static equilibrium has a lot application,
especially in engineering, for example the forces given by cable suspension cable must be
known to cable can be designed strong enough to supporting the bridge.
Believe that it takes a style to keep an object fixed moving along a horizontal plane. He
argued that for making a book move across table, we have to give style to the book it is
continuous. According to Aristotle, the natural state of an object is silent, and deemed
necessary for style keeping objects moving.
More Furthermore, Aristotle argued, increasingly big force on the object, the bigger
anyway speed Approximately 2000 years later, Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) discovered a very
different conclusion with opinion of Aristotle. Galileo maintaining that it is equally natural
for an object to move horizontally with a fixed speed, like the moment of the object is in a
state of silence. Imagine that observation involves a horizontal motion for understand the
idea of Galileo.

B. Problem
Not quite methods used by educators in learning process, thus giving rise boredom and
disinterest of the participants educated in the learning process. Pit makes a lack of
understanding learners. Physical learning should be also involves daily activities so students
are easier inside understand the material being taught. In physics learning at University
there are some material that practiced to make things easier students in understanding the
concept of physics.
Some of the material practiced in UNSIQ includes a physical swing, a swing mathematical,
static friction coefficient, constants springs, and others. Practical tools which is contained in
UNSIQ's physics laboratory still need a lot of variation for the review of the material students
are more knowledgeable.

C. Research Purposes
To know comparison between data and result of research with a theory. Classical
mechanics or Newtonian mechanics is a theory of motion based on concepts mass and style
and laws that relate these physical concepts to magnitudes kinematics. All the symptoms in
mechanics can be described using only three a simple law called Newton's law of motion.

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Based on this discovery, Isaac Newton (1642-1727), built the theory his famous
motion. Newton's analysis about the motion summarized in "the three laws motion "of his
famous. In the works the Principia (published in 1687), Newton expressed his gratitude to
Galileo.In fact, the first law Newton's motion is very close to Galileo's conclusion. Law I
Newton states that: Every object remains be in a state of silence or move with a fixed rate
along a straight line, unless it is given a total non-zero force.4 Newton's first law states that
an object is silent or moving at constant speed will remain silent or will continue to move
with a constant velocity unless there is a force external work on the object. This tendency is
illustrated by states that objects have inertia.
In connection with that, the law Newton's first is often called law of inertia. Before
Galileo, on generally thought that style, like drive or pull, necessary for keep the object
moving with constant speed. In daily experience, if a book pushed on the table then left, the
book will slide for a while then stop. Galileo, and then Newton, admits that under the
circumstances that kind of book is not free from external force because there is friction force.
If we refine the surface of the table, the book sliding further, and diminishing the speed of a
particular time is smaller. If we keep the book on the cushion which is thin (this is probably
on the air table), the book will slide for time and distance which is much with almost no
change real in speed. Galileo studied the movement with doing experiments where he is
rolling the ball up and down slopes.
He found, for example, that if a ball rolled down the incline, the speed increases with
the amount same at the same time interval. Ball rolling down a field sloping and rising other
fields. Ball rolling up the second incline until almost the same height when he began,
regardless of the slope of each inclined plane. Because of the slope the second incline is
reduced, the ball rolling farther away. Galileo explain that, if he can eliminating the effect of
friction, a balls that roll on the field horizontal will roll forever without any change of speed.
Newton states this result as as his first law.
Equilibrium is a condition objects with resultant force and resultant force moment is
equal to zero. There are two conditions that must be met by a objects to be able to reach a
state static equilibrium. First the object must be in a translational equilibrium means that
the resultant vector of all the force acting on the object must be the same with zero. The other
condition is must in a significant rotational equilibrium that the number of torches is
clockwise about the rotary axis should equal the sum torque opposite direction with needle
h around axis rotate. Torka is defined as a round effect around the rotary axis by some force.
Distance perpendicular from the center of the round against the action style line called the
arm style.
Torka defined as: 6 Torka = style X arm style Equilibrium of an object classified
according to three categories, ie stable, unstable, and neutral. Equilibrium stable is the
equilibrium of that style occurs when the torque or force appears because of the small
displacement of that object forcing the object back towards position equilibrium. Unstable
equilibrium is the equilibrium force that occurs when forces or torques that appear due small
displacement of objects forcing objects stay away from the equilibrium position. The neutral
equilibrium is force equilibrium occurs when there is no torque or a force that works so not

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forcing to stay away and neutral if no torque or driving force to one direction, because a little
disturbed. In general we will relate with the forces acting on the plane, so we usually require
x and y components.

Particles are objects of size can be ignored and only experience motion translation
(not moving rotation). Particle equilibrium conditions.

F = 0 ; FX = 0 dan FY = 0

The moment of force is the vector quantity its value is equal to the product of the force with
distance from pivot point of perpendicular direction line style work.Refined:
t = Fd
Round the force moments that are unidirectional with clockwise is called the force moment
positive, medium opposite round the clock is called a negative force moment.

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The method used in this study used the method experiment. By using tools and
materials as follows: wooden boards (1 piece), boards (2 pieces), pulleys (1 piece), iron (1
piece), rope (to taste), load beam (3 pieces), coin load (20 pieces), arc degree (1 piece), arc
support board (1 fruit).
Design of Experimental Tool In-system principles equilibrium when eligible for all the
number of forces acting on the system the F = 0. The system has two the first possibility is
silent, the second is moving straight or moving with a fixed speed. In a silent state in the
name of static equilibrium, whereas in a moving state in the name dynamic equilibrium.
Major changes mass will affect and .
The research was done by using the tool in the form of pulley. In the first experiment
with change the mass and observe how many angles . Then the masses added more weight.
In the experiment the second is just the same as changing the mass but by observing how
many angles of are obtained every addition of mass. This research uses technique repeated
measurements. Analysis is done descriptively informative ie explains the force balance. Then
we are using data analysis quantitative is used to investigate whether the experiments that
have been performed have been in accordance with existing theories.

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Based on experiment data on calculation using comparative analysis to get

comparison between and data results research by theory. With additions on m1 ,namely:
0.13 kg, 0.14 kg, and 0.15 kg with the result + is 58o, 65o and 65o , from the data the data
results with different theories.
Based on experiment data on calculation using comparative analysis to get
comparison between and data results research by theory. With additions on m3 ,namely:
0.13 kg, 0.18 kg, and 2 kg with the result + is 550 , 550 and 500 , from the data the results
of data with the theory different.
From the data results, there are differences inter-theory and experiments that
dilakaukan because Fx and Fy 0. That is because the friction style is too big so friction is
hard to ignore, for overcome this weight gain the load is enlarged but with props which is
too short then not allows to add that load too big. Like the graph below.
The string used is too big, so can not see the big angle that seen. When measuring
angles occur error observation, on experiment observers are less conscientious in observing
big corner so the angle is less precise with actual angular results. The arc corner is too small
so there is a possibility of no rope motion free, strain voltage should be ignored in theory but
in practice the strap voltage affects the pulley path because the hole in the bow is too small

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A. Conclusion
In accordance with research objectives, results research, and discussion in
chapters before, then in this study can concluded that there is a comparison between
dan with theory.

B. Suggestion
1. Preferably in every counsel the physics learning described with the basic concepts of
physics, are described by using the auxiliary tool students more quickly understand
the concept the base to be conveyed.
2. Before doing more experiments well understand the theory first which will be
discussed and reviewed on the work ilmiyah.
3. Before doing with using props then it is necessary standardized first get valid results
from the tool used with existing theories.

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