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The piece is based on four main ideas:

1) A single position of the left hand that is shifted on different frets, keeping the first and sixth string
free (chords in bar 1, 4 and 7)
2) The melodic cell E-F-G# and its expansions E-G-A# and E-F#-A-H#
3) The small melody C#-H#-C#-H#-D#-C#-D#-E
4) the technique that is systematically used from bar 51
All these different ideas are developed and combined in different ways: alternated, modified, superposed,
In some sections there is the tendency to gradually thicken the elements by adding notes to a melodic cell,
or by increasing the tempo, or by using both.
The title is a quote from Bach, and is referred to the fact that Miguel is my friend and we are far away from
each other.

Riccardo Schioppa was born in 1988. He is graduated in piano, and he is graduating in composition and
orchestra conducting. He won prizes in national and international piano and choral composition
competition. He works mainly as choral conductor (he studies at the Scuola Superiore Guido DArezzo in
Arezzo). He also has a bachelor degree in mathematics.

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