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Comparison of Website Builders


Table of Contents
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1
Methodology ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Equipment and Environment ......................................................................................................... 5
Tasks.............................................................................................................................................. 5
Metrics .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Scale .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Results............................................................................................................................................... 4
Task 1 ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Task 2 ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Task 3 ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Task 4 ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Task 5 ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Task 6 ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Task 7 ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Task 8 ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Task 9 ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Task 10........................................................................................................................................... 5
Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Recommendations and Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 4
Second Choice: Weebly .................................................................................................................. 5
First Choice: Wix............................................................................................................................. 5
Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Bibliography ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Appendix: Raw Data........................................................................................................................... 4

Weebly and Wix are popular website-builder tools, this white paper presents the results of a
usability test that compared how well the ten different tools preformed in five component
standards that define usability. These tasks are targeted to first-time users, who have an
average experience with using computers and the Internet.

Equipment and Environment:

This test of usability of Weebly and Wix for a first-time user was conducted using Google
Chrome on a 2015 MacBook Pro.

A first-time user of Weebly or Wix would supposedly work in a more focused environment,
either alone or with others who are engaged in similar tasks. Users who are using these tools for
the first time are more likely to limit internal distractions, music, other internet interests,
multitasking, etc.

Thus, this usability test was conducted in the library and fits all of the conditions discussed
above. In a work friendly space with very few distractions, internal and external. It was
approached on a task-by-task bias, I did one task on Weebly, then the exact other on Wix. In
order to minimize memory error, each evaluation of the fulfillment of the 5 pre-determined
metrics was recorded immediately after completion.

1. Select a layout or theme appropriate for an informative website
2. Create additional pages
3. Arrange page order and hierarchy
4. Change page background(s)
5. Insert and position a textbox
6. Edit the text: font, size, color, etc.
7. Insert and position an image
8. Add a header and footer
9. Attach elements to the header and footer
10. Add google maps to website.

Effective: Goal for this task was completed

Efficient: Task could be fulfilled in a reasonable amount of clicks

Engaging: Tool style enhanced the process of completion of the task

Error Tolerant: Errors were easy to fix, not ruining the whole project

Easy to Learn: Task was easy to understand and easily available

Likert Scale:
Strongly Disagree Partially Agree Agree Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5


Task 1:

Select a layout or theme appropriate for an informative website.

When selecting a layout or theme appropriate for an informative website, this task was effectively done
for both Weebly and Wix. Image one shows the step when you will pick the theme in Wix. This task is
the first step to be done right when you chose to create a website of your choice as you can see in
Figure 1. This step is clearly provided with a walk through and both web designers give you many
options to choose from.

This task can be completed in a minimum

of two clicks, and is error tolerant for
subject to change. This task can be
completed in a minimum of two clicks,
and is error tolerant for subject to
change. The software utilities needed to
complete this task are simple and easy to

ure 1

Image 1

Task 2:

Create additional pages.

When creating additional pages as shown in image 2, both website users have a direct and clear button
that says add pages on the main page. They are efficient to use doing the job in two clicks, with a two
click error reversal giving the scores in Figure 2 for error tolerant a perfect 5. The programs were both
very engaging in the helping process, Wix being more organized and helpful with clear steps. Weebly
and Wix software for this task were easy
to learn.


Image 2

Task 3:

Arrange page order and hierarchy.

When arranging page order and hierarchy
both website creators were efficient and
gave you clear and concise instructions on
how to achieve this task. It was achieved in
two clicks with using the drag and drop
system. The systems are error tolerant in a
way where to fix your error its the same way
in changing the page orders. This tools for
this system is easy to learn. When you look
above at Image 2, you can see how page 2 is
subset for hierarchy reasons. That is how you
will change and then use a drag and drop method to switch the page order around.
Figure 3

Image 3 shows on Weebly how the page order is also the same drag and drop method talked about

Image 3

Task 4:

Change page background(s).

When changing the page background appropriate for an informative website, this task was effectively
done for both Weebly and Wix. This task has more options on Wix as you can add a picture instead of
just a color change as you can see in Figure 1. This step gives a brief walk through but could be more
effective with a better description.

This task can be completed in a minimum of 3-5
clicks, and is error tolerant for subject to
change. This task can be completed in a
minimum of 3-5 clicks, and is error tolerant for
subject to change. The software utilities needed
to complete this task are simple and easy to
learn. Image 4 shows when you are changing
background color all of the options and how it
clearly shows a page background tab.

Figure 4

Image 4

Task 5:

Insert and position a textbox.

When inserting and positioning a text box this

task was effectively done for both Weebly and
Wix. This task is easily found and can be
completed in a minimum of two clicks. It is error
tolerant as you can just delete unused or
unwanted text boxes by clicking on them. When
inserting and positioning a text box this task was
effectively done for both Weebly and Wix. This
task is easily found and can be completed in a
minimum of two clicks.

Figure 5

It is error tolerant as you can just delete unused or unwanted text boxes by clicking on them. The
software utilities needed to complete this task are simple and easy to learn. Wix rated higher on all
categories in this task as you can see in figure 5. Image 5 shows all of the different text boxes you can
chose from.

Image 5

Task 6:

Edit the text: font, size, color, etc.

When editing the text on both website creators this task was effectively done for both Weebly and Wix.
This task has more options on Wix as they will give you a complete walk through and preferences on
font. This step is clearly provided with a walk through and both web designers give you many options to
choose from.

This task can be completed in a minimum 3-5

clicks, and is error tolerant, it can always be
changed to something else without other errors
happening. This task can be completed in a
minimum 3-5 clicks, and is error tolerant, it can
always be changed to something else without
other errors happening. The software utilities
needed to complete this task are simple and easy
to learn as the ratings are shown in figure 6. Image
6 shows on Weebly that there is a tab for font
change and all the different features that are offered with font change. Figure 6

Image 6

Task 7:

Insert and position an image.

When inserting and positioning an image it was semi-effectively done for both Weebly and Wix. This
task has more difficulties depending on what user you use. This step is clearly provided with a walk
through on Wix as shown in image 7 but on Weebly it struggles to give you those steps as you can see
the engaging rating is lower for Weebly in
Figure 7.

This task can be completed in a minimum

3-5 clicks, and is error tolerant with just
deleting whatever image you do not want
anymore. This task can be completed in a
minimum 3-5 clicks, and is error tolerant
with just deleting whatever image you do
not want anymore. The software utilities
needed to complete this task are more
challenging to learn.

Figure 7

Image 7

Task 8:

Add a header and footer.

When adding a header/ footer it was not very effectively done for both Weebly and Wix. This task has
more difficulties depending on what user you use. This step is provided with a few directions on Wix as
shown in image 8 but on Weebly it struggles to give you those steps as you can see the rating is lower
for Weebly in Figure 8.

This task can be completed in a minimum 3-5 clicks, and is error tolerant with just deleting the header if
you do not want it anymore. The software utilities needed to complete this task are more challenging to
learn for one web creator than the other.


Image 8 Image 9

Task 9:

Attach elements to the header and footer.

When adding elements to a header/ footer it

was not very effectively done for both Weebly
and Wix as shown by ratings in Figure 9. This
task has more difficulties depending on what
user you use, image 10 gives you an idea of
Wix's features. This step is provided with little
to none directions on both Weebly and Wix.
This task can be completed in a minimum 8-15
clicks which could be made more efficient. This
task is error tolerant with just deleting the
header or what is on it if you do not want it anymore. The software utilities needed to complete this
task are more challenging to learn for one web creator than the other.
Figure 9

Image 10

Task 10:

Add google maps to website.

When adding google maps it was effectively done for both Weebly and Wix as they are both rated at a 5
level in Figure 10. This task was efficient and didnt need much explanation as the button is shown in
image 11.

This task can be completed in a minimum 2-3 clicks. This task is error tolerant with just deleting the
maps and re-adding a different one if you do not want it anymore or the location changes. The software
utilities needed to complete this task are easy
to learn if you know your exact location.



Image 11

This top graph shows the cumulative scores of all of the tasks from each website builder. You can see
that Wix is higher in all of the categories. Multiple of the categories almost match up with eachother but
Wix has a little bit of a higher rating.

This next graph shows the cumulative rating overall of each category. Wix still beats out Weebly in every
category with this being cumulative that is even the littlest amount is a big deal. Wix overall trumps
Weebly as a website maker.

Recommendations and Conclusions:
The biggest recommendation I would have is just to have more walk throughs of tasks when people are
wanting to do them. It makes it harder if walk throughs of everything are done at once because people
cannot absorb that much information at once. Providing optional walk throughs when people are
clicking on the tasks would be much more effective. On Weebly having more options would be a big
booster for them, as in multiple categories Wix has much more to offer in the options area. Altogether,
Wix and Weebly are both very efficient and effective website builders.

Second Choice Weebly:

Weebly would be a second choice for many reasons but the biggest ones would be the lack of direction
and options available. Weebly was still just as effective as Wix, it's just harder to navigate at times. If you
have no website building experience like me than creating a website on Weebly will give you a harder
time. Weebly didnt have as many options on backgrounds or font styles as Wix provided.

Weebly was still a great website builder as many of the tasks were just as easy to perform as they were
on their competitors' website. They provided good direction in multiple categories including; theme,
text boxes, google maps, etc.

First Choice Wix:

Wix is a first choice in my opinion because overall on all ratings its more efficient and easy to learn. Wix
provides direction in more categories and has many more options. Wix helps when you make an error
with different tips provided to you on how to fix it. A downfall about Wix is that it has issues when you
are trying to reposition pictures.

When doing the usability test for both of the website creators, they came out with different results than
I expected going in. For first time users of making websites, Wix is the more leading and helping website
creator of the both of them. Wix gives you more direction and more options as you may not know
exactly how you would like to it to look. Weebly is for people with computer website building
experience and who is just looking for a basic website builder with not a lot of options.


Appendix: Raw Data

Product Weebly Wix

Task 1 Select a layout or theme appropriate for an informative website. Select a layout or theme appropriate for an informative website.

I was able to complete this task, it was the first step offered.
I was able to complete this task, first preformed, many different options
Efficient Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 5x 5
I was able to complete this task, it was the first step offered. I was able to perform this task in a reasonable two clicks
Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Effective Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 3x 5
The software led me through the task. The software led me through the task, many different categories to pick from
Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Engaging Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 5x 5
The software allowed change in web layout or theme easily The software allowed change in web layout or theme easily.
Error Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Tolerant Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 5 x 4
Software utilities needed in this task was easy to learn Software utilities needed in this task was easy to learn
Easy to Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Learn Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 5x 5


Product Weebly Wix
Task 2 Create Additional Pages Create Additional Pages

I was able to complete this task I was able to complete this task
Effective Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 5x 5
I was able to perform this task in a reasonable two clicks I was able to perform this task in a reasonable three clicks
Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Efficient Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 4x 5
The software clearly shows an add page button The software clearly shows an add page button
Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Engaging Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 5x 5
The software is error tolerant to getting rid of unneeded pages The software is error tolerant to getting rid of unneeded pages
Error Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Tolerant Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 5x 5
Software utilities needed in this task was easy to learn Software utilities in creating a page was easy to learn
Easy to Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Learn Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 5x 5


Product Weebly Wix

Task 3 Arrange page order and hierarchy Arrange page order and hierarchy

I was able to complete this task. I was able to complete this task
Effective Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 4x 5
I was able to perform this task in 3-5 clicks, depending page count. I was able to perform this task in 2-4 clicks, depending page count
Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Efficient Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 4 x 4
The software aided in the completion of the task The software aided in the completion of the task, gives you direct instructions and pointers
Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Engaging Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 5x 5
The software made it easy to recover old page count The software made it easy to recover old page count, or reverse back to an old order
Error Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Tolerant Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 5x 5
Steps preformed in this task was easy to learn Steps preformed in this task was easy to learn
Easy to Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Learn Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 5x 5


Product Weebly Wix
Task 4 Change page background(s) Change page background(s)

I was able to complete this task I was able to complete this task
Effective Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 3x 5
I was able to perform this task in 5 clicks, software could be more reasonable
I was able to perform this task in 3 clicks, software was reasonable
Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Efficient Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 3 x 4
The software did not engage in the completion of the task The software was clear on how to change background color or picture.
Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Engaging Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 4x 5
The software makes is error tolerant to background color/image change The software makes is error tolerant to background color/image change
Error Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Tolerant Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 5 x 4
Software utilities used in this task was more challenging to learn Software utilities used in this task was easy to learn
Easy to Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Learn Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 4x 5


Product Weebly Wix
Task 6 Software utilities used in this task was difficult to learn Software utilities used in this task was difficult to learn

I was able to complete this task. I was able to complete this task
Effective Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 5x 5
I was able to perform this task in 5 clicks, software could be more reasonable I was able to perform this task in 3 clicks, software could be more reasonable, but still efficient.
Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Efficient Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 3x 5
The software did not give tips in the completion of the task. The software gave tips in the completion of the task, gave preferences in font
Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Engaging Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 4 x 4
The software provides a forward and back error to go between your options The software provides a forward and back error to go between your options
Error Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Tolerant Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 4x 5
Software utilities used in this task was misleading to learn Software utilities used in this task was easy to learn
Easy to Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Learn Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 4x 5

Product Weebly Wix

Task 7 Insert and position and image Insert and position and image

I was able to complete this task I was able to complete this task
Effective Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 3 x 4
I was able to perform this task in a reasonable 3 clicks I was able to perform this task in a reasonable 3 clicks
Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Efficient Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 3 x 4
The software did not aid in the completion of the task The software did not aid in the completion of the task
Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Engaging Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 2 x 3
The software made it easy to delete unwanted photos and re-add them The software made it easy to delete unwanted photos and re-add them.
Error Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Tolerant Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 4 x 4
Software utilities used in this task was difficult to learn Software utilities used in this task was difficult to learn.
Easy to Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Learn Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 3 x 4

Notes Give direct directions to help aid in the process so it is more effeient.

Task 8 Add a header and footer Add a header and footer

I was able to complete this task I was able to complete this task
Effective Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 3 x 4
I was able to perform this task in 15 clicks, could be more reasonable. I was able to perform this task in 4 clicks.
Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Efficient Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 2 x 3
The software did not aid in the task The software did is easy to compromise
Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Engaging Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 3 x 4
The software did is easy to compromise Software utilities in this task was easy to learn.
Error Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Tolerant Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 4 x 4
Software utilities in this task was difficult to learn
Easy to Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Learn Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 3 x 4


Task 9 Attach elements to the header and footer Attach elements to the header and footer

I was not able to complete this task. I was not able to complete this task.
Effective Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 2 x 3
I was able to perform this task after looking at the help center I was able to perform this task after looking at the help center.
Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Efficient Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 3 x 4
The software did not lead me through the task The software did not lead me through the task, nor suggest this task on the side bar
Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Engaging Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 3 x 4
The software could not recover old information The software could not recover old information
Error Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Tolerant Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 4x 5
Software utilities in this task was difficult to learn Software utilities in this task was difficult to learn
Easy to Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Learn Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 3 x 4


Task 10 Add google maps to website. Add google maps to website.

I was able to complete this task I was able to complete this task
Effective Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 5x 5
I was able to perform this task in one click I was able to perform this task in one click
Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Efficient Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 5x 5
The software led me through the task The software led me through the task
Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Engaging Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 4x 5
The software was tolerant with location change The software was tolerant with location change
Error Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Tolerant Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 4x 5
Software utilities in this task was easy to learn Software utilities in this task was easy to learn
Easy to Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree Score Agree Disagree Score
Learn Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
x 3x 4



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