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Liz Kidd

MSSE 471
Extended Lesson 1
Lesson Date: 11.10.17
Extended Lesson Plan 1: Adding and Subtracting Integers
1. Topic: Adding and Subtracting Integers. The purpose of this lesson is to review and
reinforce adding and subtracting integers.
2. Content Overview: Add and subtract integers by modeling with integer chips, diagrams,
and number lines.
3. SOL information: 7.3 The student will
a. Model addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of integers; and
b. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers.
4. Instructional Objective(s): Students will better understand addition and subtraction of
integers. Be able to model and represent addition and subtraction of integers by chips,
picture/diagram, and number line.
5. Assessment Plan:
Objectives Assessments
Model integer addition Students will draw their chips on the worksheet and follow
and subtraction with chips along while also working in pairs and individually.
and number lines
Understand addition and Students diagrams of the chips should also include some
subtraction of integers, representation of pairing zero pairs.
primarily zero pairs Pre/post assessment exit card.

6. Materials: Provided: Note card (pre/post assessment/exit card), worksheet, and integer
chips. Student: pencil.
7. Hook/Warm Up/Set Introduction: Students will start off by answering the following
questions on their index card:
a. What are zero pairs and why do we want them?
b. What happens when you subtract a negative from a positive? What do we use?
c. What happens when we add a negative to a positive?
8. Closer: Students will answer the same 3 questions on the back of the index. This is an
exit ticket.
9. Lesson Body and Sequence:
Time Teacher Actions Student Actions
~5 min Hand out index cards, worksheets, Students can help pass out materials.
chips. Students will work with the person
Explain lesson: Review on adding and beside them (by themselves if odd
subtracting integers with chips and number of students).
number lines.
~15 On doc cam model questions 1-3 Participate and engage in questions,
min (addition). Engage students: model chips, draw chips & zero pairs,
Yellow is ___ (positive) and number line along with me.
Red is ___ (negative)
What chips do we use? How
many chips do we have?
Do we have zero pairs?
Liz Kidd
MSSE 471
Extended Lesson 1
Lesson Date: 11.10.17
Where do we start on the
number line? (0)
Right => +
Left <= -
~15 On doc cam model questions 5-7
min (subtraction). Engage students:
Red and Yellow chips mean the
same as before
What chips do we use? How
many chips do we have?
Do we have zero pairs? Do we
need to add any zero pairs?
On number line: do we need to
add zero pairs to take away
+s or s?
~5 min Let students complete questions 4 and Complete 4 and 8.
8 together or by themselves.
~5 min Flip index card over and answer the Answer questions. Turn in worksheet,
same three questions. index card, and clean up chips.
~ If lesson runs short, students can play Play game on chromebook.
Remai on Spider
ning Match:
time Math games
Addition and subtraction
Adding integers (spider match)

10. Diversity Plan:

Student Characteristic Method/Strategy/Activity
Students in these EXT Worksheet will represent material theyve already seen and
periods are receiving used before.
addition time with math
to reinforce what
theyve learned thus far
in their class.
Students that prefer a Chips provide physical representations of integers and a
visual representation. number line visualizes positions of integers.
Group learners Not only will having less materials out in the classroom be
handy, but students will be in pairs; theyll share chips, work
together as a team to model, and help each other if needed.
This gives them a little social interaction while learning.

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