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House Rules

1. Every boarder should watch over her own personal belongings. The landlady is not responsible for any losses of
the boarder’s personal property. Personal possessions are one’s personal concern.

2. Decency in attire and behavior is highly encouraged. Rowdy manners and wearing of provocative outfit are hence
discouraged. Respect for every person within the compound is valued.

3. Every boarder is enjoined to conserve energy and water resources. Lights and electric devices should be
switched off and unplugged when not in use.

4. Use of any combustible material for lighting purposes (e.g. candles, matches, oil lamps) is prohibited. Fire safety
is everyone’s concern.

5. Use of toilets and comfort rooms should be in consideration of other users. Cleanliness and sanitation should be
maintained always. The length of time in using should also be limited in order to accommodate other users.

6. Doing the laundry in the comfort room at the second floor is prohibited. It may only be done outside the house
near the faucet and the drainage canal.

7. Curfew hours begin at 11:00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m. No boarder is allowed entrance to or exit from the premises
beyond 11:00 p.m. and before 5:00 a.m. Any scheduled activity outside the premises that may need the boarder
to come home beyond 11:00 p.m. (e.g. hospital duty) should be personally relayed to the landlady early on for
permission and for other necessary arrangements. Safety of everyone is a priority.

8. Visitors, other than the parents and legal guardians, are not allowed to enter the house nor the rooms. Visitors
should only be entertained at the gates or at the garage. Visiting hours is only until 9:00 p.m. No visitors are to be
entertained beyond 9:00 p.m. In case of parents or legal guardians requesting entrance to the house, they should
log their names, purpose, and entry time in the visitor’s logbook. (Please ask for it from the landlady.)

9. Any activity or itinerary that may need the boarder to stay outside the house for a time longer than 24 hours (e.g.
leaving for hometown, field trips) should be personally relayed to the landlady. One may be reported to the police
as missing for 24 hours in case of non-notification prior to absence.

10. Deadline of monthly payments is in the last week of the preceding month. Therefore, monthly dues are paid in
advance before the paid month begins (e.g. the rental for the month of August should be paid in the last week of

11. In case the boarder decides to leave the house after the paid month begins, the paid amount for the rental of the
current month will be prorated by the number of days of the month. Then, the remaining amount equivalent to the
unaccounted days will be returned to the boarder. However, when the boarder decides to leave the house before
any paid month begins, the whole amount paid for the monthly rental will be returned to the boarder.

12. The television, telephone line, refrigerator, stoves, flat iron and other home appliances are for the owners’
personal use only. However, one may request permission from the landlady to use any of the home appliances in
special cases. Unauthorized use and damages incurred, if any, are to be dealt with accordingly.

13. House rules and fees are subject to change without prior notice.


Monthly Rental …………………………………………………………..……………………….. P 1,000.00 / month

inclusive of the use of water and the following electronic devices:
portable water heater
battery charger (cellular phone, digital camera, iPod)
laptop/notebook computer
electric kettle
radio/CD/DVD/cassette player
study lamp

Electronic Devices with additional charges:

rice cooker ……………………... P 200.00 / month (chargeable only to the owner of the appliance)
electric fan ……………………... P 100.00 / month (chargeable only to the owner of the appliance)
flat iron …………………..……… P 100.00 / month / user (chargeable to every user of any available flat iron)*
*Any boarder who uses a flat iron, either personal or the landlady’s, is charged P 100.00 a month.

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