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When the United States was preparing to adopt Missouri as
a state, the regional differences in America exacerbated.
Tensions heightened as people debated over whether WILMOT
Missouri was a free or slave state. In order to keep the PROVISO
balance within the nation and Congress, the Missouri 1846
Compromise was established in 1820. This compromise The Wilmot Proviso proposed that any new territory
admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free acquired from the Mexican-American War would not have
state. Furthermore, it created an imaginary 36-30 line along slavery. It was Congress way of avoiding the debate of
Missouris southern border, constituting that everything having one slave state and free state. After this law was
north of the line cannot allow slavery, and everything south proposed, the economic debates about agriculture and
could be pro-slavery. This officially segregated the north industrialism featured the element of slavery. This was a
and the south, demonstrating how disunited the nationon notable shift, because prior to the Wilmot Proviso, slavery
was. It is here where the sides of the debate were physically was not discussed about. People began questioning the
manifested into one half of a country against another. brutal nature of slavery, and how it would be handled.
Southerners were concerned since they saw the Wilmot
Proviso as a power grab by the government to force the
country into becoming more free state.
OF 1850
The Compromise of 1850 was created to accommodate the
new territory that the United States acquired from the
Mexican American War. It adopted both California and New NEBRASKA
Mexico (balance between free & slave states). California is ACT
declared a free state, which benefited the north. The south may, 1854

also benefited due to the tightening of the fugitive slave act. When Kansas and Nebraska wanted to join the United
This was disadvantageous for northerners since anyone States, the question of whether they will be free or slave
who failed to turn over a slave was culpable. This states rose once again. Stephen Douglas proposed that the
compromise led to an increase of distrust and opposition states will have popular sovereignty: they can decide for
among the states. Abolitionists became resentful because themselves. As a result, Bleeding Kansas occurs. Both pro
they felt that freedom was being stolen from them for the and anti slavery agitators enter Kansas temporarily to shape
sake of southerners happiness. The country becomes even votes. They ripped the state apart through violence: people
more censorious about the slave system and the cotton beat each other, property is destroyed, and riots took place.
economy. The votes were drastically skewed; people were forced to
vote at gunpoint and other revolted, which resulted in many
DRED SCOTT voting irregularities. This act was a key stepping stone
march, 1857 toward the Civil War as it amplified the violence that
Dred Scott was a slave, whose owner lived in Illinois and proslavery and antislavery argumentative were. It
Wisconsin territory. Dred Scott claimed that since the foreshadowed how violent the Civil War would become.
territory where he was taken to were free states, he was
free. He sued in court, and his case goes back and forth
between various courts until it reaches the Supreme Court. HARPER'S
Dred Scott is eventually ruled as a slave because he sued
for freedom after returning to Missouri, which was a slave
october, 1859
state. Supreme Court Justice Taney states that the Missouri
Compromise unconstitutional, that slaves are property
regardless of where their owners take them. This decision John Brown is a radical abolitionist who leads a slave revolt
impacts abolitionists as it meant the expansion of slavery; in Virginia in an attempt to trigger a slave insurrection. His
slavery exists where owners decide to take their slaves. It motive was that if enough slaves join together in an uprising,
threatens the balance of power in congress, and is a the economy in the south would collapse. He seizes armory
contributing event that led up to Harpers Ferry. at the Harpers Ferry. Unable to gain enough support from
slaves, Browns revolt was a debacle, and results in his
execution. This contributed towards the Civil War as the split
between the nation worsens even further. Northerners side
with the ideologies of Brown because they are so frustrated
OF 1860 with politics. Abolitionists see him as a martyr and praise
The election of 1860 was more of a regional election. him through songs. The south, however, were afraid that the
Lincoln was not on any of the southern ballots. Despite north would destroy them. They feared that abolitionists
receiving not a single southern state, Lincoln wins from would create a slave uprising and ruin the south.
electoral college votes. This served as the final straw for the
southerners. In the souths eyes, the north was gaining
political dominance, and superseding the souths voice in
government. The south felt that policies and laws were
being geared toward satisfying the norths concerns, and
worsening the souths situation. They also felt that they were CAROLINA
losing their influence. With this election, the south felt that december, 1860
everyone in the country was purposefully out to get them, South Carolina secedes in December of 1860, which
and therefore kindled their desire to secede. prompted other southern states to follow. This is the official
beginning of the Civil War. The states have declared
themselves as no longer part of the Union, which only
meant war.

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