Kim Lighting B31 Precast Concrete Bollard Brochure 1994

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Precast Concrete Bollards

. SITE / AREA Contents
Des gn Coord nat on 1
Features 2
Specificatlons 3
ARCHITECTUBAL FLOOD / ACCENT Orderlng nformat on 4
LANDSCAPE Co or Gu de 5
]6555 EASI GALE AVENUE Photometr cs 5
PO BOX r275
PHONF 818 / It68 5666 Ol992KmLghting nc.
FAX ff8 i 369 2695 ThsversionOl993

Design Coordination

K m Light ng presefts the f rst meanrngfu approach to concrete See Kim VRB Series
bo ards: des gn coordinat on between ghted and un ighted catalag far B" diameter
confrgurat ons. The spec f er now has comp ete des gn freedom Vandal Resistant Ballards
to spec ly concrete bo lards for var ous site fLrnct ons a ternatrng avatlable with aluminum
ighted and unlighted units as they are needed. Kim concrete ar cancrete shafts plus
bol ards ut ize our proven 10 round afd square h gh perfor malching unlighted
mance umina res, comb ned w th the flnest precast concrete all concrete madels.
manufactur ng rr]ethods A un que and s mp e nsla lation system
resu ts in a ower tota insta ed cost when compared to
poured n place or precast direct bur ed concrete bo lards
The coordinated des gns can becorare a cohes ve elefi]ent 1n the
overa I s te design. aiding n continuity through cons stent form.

Kim L qht nq 1
Lighted Bollards Unlighted Bollards

Top caps are heavy gauge a Lr-

minum, r g dly braced by the
optica assembly The 3L" thick
rfsu at on reduces heat transfer
to the top surfac--

Un ghted Bo lard heads are

separate cast ngs in so id con'
Patented Opt ca LouveT assem- crete. Surlace and co or are
b y de vers performance ghl dent ca to the base
ng with ow brghtness
Relectors are precis on
hydroformed with a specu ar
Alzako I n sh and are mounted
as a one p ece assemb y. U S
Patent 4,231.080 A groove is located at the
sarne evel as the umrna re
Lum na re is fu ly gasketed for base provlding design con-
weathert ght operaton U.L. t nu ty between lghted and
sted for wet ocat ons. unl ghted conf guratrons.

Bolard head s nterna y bolt-

ed at lhe factory and sh pped
E ectr ca components are fac- asasnge!nl
tory rnounted and prew red 1(]

Concrete base s precast us ng Base rs ident ca in construc

stee mo ds, w re re fforc ng ton and f n sh to the ighted
and sandblasted to an exposed bo ard base
aggregate finish Availab e in
nahrra or buff colored concrete.

Bo ard height
rs contro ed by Both ghted and un ghted bo
bura depth lards may be installed w th any
lleight above pav ng matera, s nce al mounl
grade can be
inq hardware s be ow qrade
30" Io 42"

Bo ards are nsta ed us ng

anchor bots embedded in a
poured- n-p ace fooilng (by oth
ers) Leveling nuls make insta
alon and a ignment of lhe bo ard
qu ck and simp e [,4ount ng Un ighted Bol ards uti ize the
dentica rnounting hardware
hardware must not conlact so
or other corTosve e ement
and bo t'c rc e-d ameters as
the ighted bo lards Mount ng
hardware must not conlact so
or other corrosive e ernent
2 Kim L ght ng
Lighted Bollards Unlighted Bollards

---.l io"Da |.- ---'l 10" DLa. F+-

r0" Sq. ro'sq
(.',Y I


?ort \,,'e view r

u rcle "n Min Ht. Min. Ht
Dia. above above
42', 42"
grade grade
\5" Lilax Ht Max. Ht

,/ vzx
,/ aia above l above
g rade l
i I
I t',,4 E r"J
,0" \'
J-r+ 16" N/lax
16" Max.

3?:" \r'iEl

4" [,4in.
footing and 4"Mn T-
--l Concrete
burial depth burialdepth
condurt loot ng
Flevation by olhers. E evation by others.

Entire Unit (lumina re and concrete base) shal be UL isted (for Materials Port and Cernent coflorms to current spec ficat ons
120,208 240 and 277 Va I an y) and CSA cert f ed (for I20 and for Portard Cen-rent, ASTlvl C150 Type or Aggregates
347 Vo t on y) lorwet ocatons. cu[ent reqL"] rernents of Spec Icatons for Concrete Aggregates'
ASTN4 C33. Water w be c ean and ftee from de eter ous amounts of
Top One p ece heavy gauge a !rn nL.lrrl sp nfing for rounl:l bo sit oi , acids, a ka es or organ c mater als. W re ior reinforcement
ards deep dra',!r stamp ng lor square bo ards reta ned by t\,!o cofforms to AST[,4 A185. Steei for ogs and p ates conforms to ASTlvl
co!nLersunk capt vc socket fasteners and braced at the 436, or A283 grade D.
outer eoges by the optica assembly. Ti thick nsLr at on above
tfre lamp Cure and Strength Cur ng w a ow for comp et on of the
hydrat on process and resu t n a 28 day comprehens ve strength
Optical Assembly Prec s on hydroformed optica oLrverswth of not ess than 4.500 ps
specu ar Alzakiif fish nsia ed and removab e as a ofe p ece
assemb y. Erc osure for round bo ard is one p ece extruded c ear Manufacture Stee rno ds wi be Lrsed to nsure un form and
acry ic L/r"thick SqLrare bolard enc osure s fabr cated from Z" cons steft parts Nomina concrete cover over the circur.lfelentia
c ear acryL c \,1, th po shed searars w re re nlorceaaent wi be I minir.un
Luminaire Base leavy cast a um nlrm lu y enc osing bottorn of Surface and Color Bo ard surface w I be sandb asted to
lLrm nalre with foLr screw attach..lent to concrete base. produce ar exposed aggregate. Bull colored llo ards shall be cast
wth an ntegra colorcondtof fgadmxiure
Socket Porcean wth ncke pated ampgrpscrewshel rated
600 vo ts 4KV puLse rated sockets suppl ed lor a I D I xtures. Assembly Bo ard head s nterfa y boted to the base at the
factory and shipped as a s ngle ur t (Un ghted bo ards only)
Gasketing Fixture sfu y gasketed for Weathert g ht o peration
Anchorage Bo ards are supp ied vi th four stee mounting tabs
Ballast and wiring Ba ast afd re ated components are lactory lor nsta lat on or four l" x
I0 +2 z nc e ectro p ated L hook
prew red and mounted to a . g d harness for suspens of w thin the anchorbots Each anchor bo t is supp ied with two ruts two
concrete base For I e d w re connections a stra n re el s pro washers and a rigid press board ternp ate
vided under the ba ast harness. Balast s h gh power lactor for
20" F. sta.t ng Shipment Bo ards w I be pa let zed w th adequate ho d dowfs
t to preveft oad movement ir trans t
Luminaire Finish Top cover and base cast ngs are TGIC
\ therrnoset po yester powder coal pa nt app ed over a chroLlate Note; A rnod licat ons for
convers or coat ng Ava Lab e co ors are b ack. dark brofze lght atlachment ol accessor es to
gray or wh te bo ards arc by others. K rr
Lightrng recornmends field dr ll
Concrete Base Same speclf cat ons as un lghted llo ards (at r ght).
lng for nserts to nsure proper
Caution: L ghted bo ard must be grounded accord ng to oca or ental on. Respons b lty lor
codes or the Nat ona E cctr ca Code Fa ure to do so rnay resu t n structura ntegr ty of mod f ed
ser ous persora nj!ry bo ards lles w th others

K.n L ghting 3
Ordering lnformation

Ordering Guide

Lighted Bollard:
831-10SC/ 70HP5120/DB-P

.r ,.2

Un ghted Boiard 831-1OBRC/ NAT



831-10RC 831-1oSC 831-10BBC 831-10BSC

10'Round u Jquare 10 Round 10 Square,
Lighted Lighted Unl ghted Un ighted


- Note Aways use coated lamps ratedl t!

OElectrical Modg o' .1rva sd o od. - dow. o r' -rg QLuminaire Finish EConcrete Finish
tL r, (TG C therr.roset polyester r.llSee co or qu de p 51
See page 3 for UL and CSA cert f cat on for ine voltages be ow powder coat pa nt
Line Lne [/ax See color gulde p.5)
(Lamps by others) Cat. No Vots Watts Amps
Cat. No. Co or Cat. No Descr ption
150 Watt N,4ed. Base 150lNC 120 NA NA BL-P Black BUF Buff co ored concrete
lncandescent, A21 LF DB-P Dark Bronze with earth tone
100 Walt [,4ogu Base 100MV120 120 118 105 resembles Duranodic"' aggregates.
Mercury Vapor 100MV208 2AB 118 060 3'13 in color Natural concrele w th
E237, Coated '100MV240 244 1 18 a.52 LG-P L ght Gray. white aggregates.
100MV277 277 118 0.45 WH-P While
100MV347 347 118 0.40
70 Watt lvlogul Base 70HPS120 124 B6 0.89
H gh Pressure Sod urn 70HPS208 208 9l a.47 I

F231/, Caaled 70HPS240 240 91 0.40 Options

70HP5277 277 91 0.35 {Luminaire
70HPS347 347 93 030
100 Watt Mlogul Base 100HPS120 120 I15 1.50
Cat. No Descr pt on
High Pressure Sod um 100HPS208 208 130 o.76
HS Houses de Sh eLd.
E23rl, Coated 100HPS240 240 130 0.66
lnternal 160" sh eld to
100HPs.277 277 130 060
el rarinate unwanted
100HPS347 347 130 044
back ighi. F nished
70 Watt Med. Base 70MH120 120 89 085 same color as
l\,4etal Ha de 70MH277 277 89 040 um naire For round
Venhrre ED17 Coated 70MH347 347 94 030 or square ighted
100 watt Med. Base 100MH120 120 129 r.15 bo lards on y.
l\,4etal Hal de 100MH277 277 129 0.50
Coateo 100MH347 i4/ '2q 0.40

4 Kirn L qht nq
Color Guide / Photometrics

Color Guide

eft BI.JF Concrete

R ght-Recommended
urn naire color DB-P
Dark Bronze

Left-NAT Concrete
R ght Recommended
umina re co or, LG-P
Light Gray, BL-P B ack, or
WH P Wh 1e (not shown)

Photometrics 150W ncandescent, A21 umens > lF 2850 730 3.00 0.78 0.33 016 008
Round and square bolards 100W Nlv Coated, E23%, 4600 lumens > 8.80 3.40 1.20 0.50 0.26 015 0.08
have ident ca optica systerfs. 70W l'lPS. Coated, E231r,5985 lumens > 13.00 4.70 170 075 0.41 0.20 0.11 007
ALI photometrics are for coated 10OW HPS Coated. E23lr,8800 lumens > 1700 650 2.30 095 050 0.32 0.16 010
amps, which are recomrnended
for these um naires 70W MH Coated. ED17.5000 lumens > 2.10 41A 124 043 020 0.11 006 0.04
lMu tip cation factors for correcton 100W l\lH. Coated EDl7 8000 umens > 3.40 6.50 2.00 0.69 032 018 011 0.07
of foolcandles, w th uminaireat
var ous mountlnq heiqhts. Chart at right shows ntal
ght Center y p
hor zonta footcandles at 36
L N4uLt
N4ounting Footcand es mount ng height (42 overal
Helght by bo lard he ght).
36' I 00
34' 112 T
32' 27 J.,lllrirTr--'-
30' 44
28' 65
26' 192 I
24' 225
36" 42"
,,oo ,:oo (.ri Ny'ouft ng Overa
He ght He ght
(L ght
Centcr to
Grade) .]


70w L4eta Ha de coaled

Long tudlna Dislance n N/lo!nting He ghts

roo 6o0 \OO zqo ')oo roo \OO ?oo joo \'ja :oo t'60 oao
"o! "O

r00w l,4cra Ha de coaied I00W t!,]ercury Vapor Coated 70W HPS Coaicd r00W HPS Coalc.i
K m Light fg 5

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