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June 1999 Edexcel GCSE Paper 6 (Higher Level)

Time: 2 hours
Answer all SIXTEEN questions. You must write down all stages of your working.

1. The table and the scatter graph show the number of units of electricity used in heating
a house on ten different days and the average temperature on each of the days.
Average temp (oC) 6 2 0 6 3 5 10 8 9 12
Units of electricity 28 38 41 34 31 31 22 25 23 22

(a) Draw a line of best fit on the scatter diagram on the answer sheet. [2]
Use the line of best fit to estimate
(b) the average temperature if 35 units of electricity are used, [1]
(c) the electricity used if the average temperature is 7oC. [1]

2. A rectangle is 2x units wide and 3x+2 units long. The perimeter of the rectangle is P
and the area is A.
(a) Write down an expression in its simplest terms for P. [2]
(b) Write down an expression in its simplest terms for A. [1]
(c) Work out A when P=44. [3]

3. Ben asks 50 people how much they have paid for a new computer. The results are
shown on the frequency table on the answer sheet.
(a) Calculate an estimate for the mean price paid for a new computer. [4]
(b) A new computer had a value of £1200 and fell in value by 15% per year.
Calculate its value after three complete years. [4]

4. Imran uses this formula F = to calculate F.
a −b
(a) The exact values of a and b are a=49.8 and b=30.6. Write down the values you
would use for a and b if you were estimating F without a calculator. [2]
(b) Work out the value of F given by your values of a and b. [1]
(c) Work out the exact value of F. [1]
(d) Imran now wants to work out F using two new values of a and b, namely
a=9.6x1012 and b=4.7x1011. Calculate the answer to Imran’s problem, giving
your answer in standard form, correct to two significant figures. [3]

5. The diagram shows the positions of three telephone

masts, A, B, and C. Mast C is 5km due East of mast B.
Mast A is due North of mast B, and 8km from mast C.
(a) Calculate the distance from A to B in km,
correct to three significant figures.
(b) Calculate the size of the angle marked xo, giving
your answer to one decimal place.
(c) Calculate the bearing of A from C, giving your
answer to one decimal place.
(d) Calculate the bearing of C from A, giving your
answer to one decimal place. [1]
6. Simplify:
(a) p6÷ p2
(b) q3xq
(c) (4x3)2
(d) 3a2x2a2b3
(e) (2a2)-3
(f) Factorise completely 9x2y - 6xy3 [7]

7. Sharon has 12 computer discs. Five are red, seven are black. She keeps all of the discs
in a box. She selects one disc at random. She records its colour and replaces it in the
box. Sharon removes a second disc at random, and again records its colour.

(a) Draw a tree diagram to show the possible outcomes of the two selections. [2]
(b) Calculate the probability that both discs removed will be red. [2]
(c) Calculate the probability that both discs removed will be different colours. [3]

8. (a) Expand and simplify (2x-5)(x+3) [2]

(b) Factorise x2 + 6x - 7 [1]
(c) Solve the equation x2 + 6x - 7 = 0 [2]

9. A tent - shown in the diagram below - has a groundsheet as its horizontal base. The
shape of the tent is a triangular prism of length 8 metres, with two identical half right-
circular cones, one at each end. The vertical cross-section of the prism is an isosceles
triangle of height 2.4 metres and base 3.6 metres.

(a) Calculate the area of the groundsheet in m2, correct to one decimal place. [3]
(b) Calculate the total volume of the tend in m3, correct to one decimal place. [4]

10. Part of the graph y = x3 - 10x2 + 25x has been drawn on the grid on the answer sheet.
(a) Calculate an estimate for the gradient of the curve at (1,16) [3]
(b) Calculate an estimate for the value of the area enclosed by the curve, the line
x=4, and the x-axis. [3]

11. (a) Explain what is meant by the statement “√8 is an irrational number” [1]
(b) n is a rational number and k x √8 = n. Write down suitable non-zero values of
k and n which satisfy this equation. [2]
(c) Write √8 in the form 2c where c is a rational number. [1]
(d) Find the value of d which satisfies the equation 4d+1 = √8. [2]

12. Here are six numbers which have a mean of 15: 10, 14, 15, 16, 16, 19
(a) Calculate the standard deviation of these numbers, giving your answer correct
to three significant figures. [2]
(b) Write down the standard deviation of 10+x,
14+x, 15+x, 16+x, 16+x, 19+x [1]

13. The diagram shows a lighthouse, L, and two points, A

and B, on the sea. AL=5km, and BL =6km. Angle
ALB=150o. A boat sails in a straight line from A to B.

(a) Calculate the distance AB, giving your answer in km accurate to three
significant figures. [3]
(b) At its shortest distance from the lighthouse, the boat is at point X on AB.
Calculate the distance LX, giving your answer in km accurate to three
significant figures. [5]

2 1 1
14. (a) Show that the equation − =
( x +1) ( x + 2) 2
can be written in the form x 2 + x − 4 = 0 . [4]
(b) Hence or otherwise find the solutions to the equation in part (a), giving your
answers to 2 decimal places. [3]

15. A,B,C,D are points on the circumference of a

circle. TA and TC are tangents to the circle. The
centre of the circle is at O, and ODT is a straight
line with angle OTC = 42o.
(a) Calculate the size of the angle COT,
giving reasons for your answer.
(b) Calculate the size of the angle DCT,
giving reasons for your answer.
(c) Calculate the size of the angle ABC, giving reasons for your answer.

16. (a) By writing 4891 as 702 - 32, find the prime factors of 4891. [2]
(b) By writing the nth term of the sequence 1,3,5,7,... as (2n-1) or otherwise, show
that the difference between the squares of any two consecutive odd numbers is
a multiple of 8. [3]


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