Lesson Plan Jewish Holidays

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20th 2017

PLAN TIME: 12:25 am 1:25 pm CLASS: Grade 2

Rosh Hashanah
and Yom Kippur DURATION: 60 minutes SCHOOL:
(Jewish holidays)

Competencies: Ethics and Religious Culture:

- Demonstrates an understanding of the phenomenon of religion
- Engage in dialogue

English Language Arts:

Competency #1: To read and listen to literary, popular and information-
based text
Competency #2: To write self-expressive, narrative and information-based
Competency #4: To use language to communicate and learn

Curricular Competency 2: Solves problem
Competencies Competency 9: Communicates appropriately
Competency 7: Achieves his/her potential

Broad Areas of Citizenship and community life


OBJECTIVES/ Students will be able to:

OUTCOMES - Name the Jewish holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
- Understand the purpose of these holidays
- Explain how families celebrate those holidays

Entire class
GROUP SIZE Powerpoint on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
& MATERIALS Book: New Year at the Pier by April Halprin Wayland
Envelopes and special paper
Coloring sheet on the holidays
Apple and honey treat (optional)
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEWplE9fG4M
1. To act as a professional inheritor, critic and interpreter of knowledge or culture when teaching
I will ask students how they celebrate their New Year. I will explain to them that New Year is coming
up in to the Jewish Calendar. I will tell them that Jewish people celebrate the holidays of Rosh
Hashanah and Yom Kippur. I will relate to them pertinent information on these holidays.
2. To communicate clearly in the language of instruction, both orally and in writing, using correct
grammar, in various contexts related to teaching.
I will communicate the information on the holidays in a way that children can understand. I will
explain to them unfamiliar words.
3. To develop teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the students concerned and the
subject content with a view to developing the competencies targeted in the programs of study
I have designed an activity in relation to the story book on Rosh Hashanah that I will read to students.
The activity is in relation to something Jewish people do during the holiday but is also personal to the
4. To pilot teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the students concerned and to the
subject content with a view to developing the competencies targeted in the programs of study.
I will model and explain how I want students to complete the activity by providing them with an
example and template on what to write.
5. To evaluate student progress in learning the subject content and mastering the related
I will assess students knowledge about Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur by having them answer
questions on Classcraft (multiple choice or short answers) after my presentation.
6. To plan, organize and supervise a class in such a way as to promote students learning and
social development.
I have considered classroom setting for my lesson. I will use class dojo or other classroom
management tricks (for e.g. hands on top that means stop) if students do not pay attention.
7. To adapt his or her teaching to the needs and characteristics of students with learning
disabilities, social maladjustments or handicaps.
I will provide a template for students on how to write their letter. I will also allow them to accompany
it with a drawing as not all students are proficient in writing at this stage.
8. To integrate information and communications technologies (ICT) in the preparation and delivery
of teaching/learning activities and for instructional management and professional development
I will use the Smartboard/PowerPoint for my presentation and use pictures and video(s) to make the
delivery of the information more interesting.

10 Before we begin our lesson for today, I would like everyone to put
Min. their distractions away and clear your desk and face the smartboard.
When someone is speaking whether its me or another student, I would
like everyone to listen, keep your ears open and raise your hand if you
would like to speak. Thumbs up if thats clear. (students should raise
their thumb).

I will show students a video of New Year celebration:


I will ask them What is New Years? What do people do on New


Then I will ask them, what year are we currently in? Students should
say 2017. I will ask them When is the Next New Year coming up?
(January 1st 2018).

I will tell students that we indeed celebrate New Year on that day,
however there are people around the world who celebrate it at different
times because they follow a different type of calendar.

I will tell them that Jewish New Year is happening tonight and that
according to their calendar they will be in year 5778. I will ask students
What religion do Jewish people follow? (Judaism).

I will tell students that Jewish New Year celebration is called Rosh
Hashanah and write it on the board. I will tell them that 10 days after
Rosh Hashanah, they also have a celebration called Yom Kippur.

So these two celebrations will be the focus of todays lesson.

I will tell students that we will learn about The purpose of these
celebration and how Jewish people celebrate it.

Development: All about Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

20 I will go over my PowerPoint on these holidays sharing
min. important information. The PowerPoint will consist of a lot of
for: image and a video. I may write key words on the board for
students to remember.
I will have students answer questions on Classcraft to see if they
were listening. I will have them raise their hand to answer the

25 PART 2:
min. I will ask students to go to the reading area because I will read
them a story about Rosh Hashanah.
I will read students the book New Year at the Pier by Wayland.
After reading the book, I will tell students that I will give them the
choice to either write a Im sorry letter to someone or a thank
you letter. They will have to think about something they regret
doing the past year and what they should have done instead or
something they are grateful for that someone did for them.
I will dismiss a few students at a time to go back to their desk.
I will give students an example of the work I expect from them
and a template for how to write their letter (consisting of 1-3
sentences) (which will be accompanied by a drawing).
After students are finished writing their letter (and I have
assessed their work), they may seal it in an envelope and give it
to the person to whom it is addressed.
Students who are finished early will be provided with a coloring
sheet on the holiday.
(Optional) I may bring apple and honey to class as it is something
Jewish people eat during the holidays so students may have a
taste of it.
Note: Whilst students are working, I may put the song Avinu
Malkeinu as background music as it is a song/prayer mentioned
in the storybook I will have read to them.

Time permitting, students who wish to share their letter or
5 min. drawings may do so.

Were the children able to articulate what they do for New Years
Were the children able to name the holidays discussed?
Were they able to understand how these holidays are
Were the children able to think about something they are sorry
or thankful for and write and draw it?
Did the children follow the template for the letter?
Did the children use capital letter at the beginning of a sentence
and a period at the end?

I will assess students writing of the letter.

A lot of visuals are used in the presentation and some audio.
Because some students are not able to write on their own, the
letter will be accompanied by a picture.
Students who are finished early will be able to complete a
coloring sheet on the holidays to review what was taught.

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