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1 Background of the study

A bank is an establishment which manages cash and credit. It acknowledges stores from the
general population, makes the assets accessible to the individuals who need them, and aides
in the settlement of cash starting with one place then onto the next. Truth be told, a modern
bank performs such an assortment of capacities, to the point that it is hard to give
an exact and general meaning of it. It is a direct result of these reason diverse financial
experts gives distinctive meanings of the bank.
Banking has a long and rich history. It started as a result of peoples need. And with ages it
has been playing an important role in fulfilling the dire needs of businessmen and others. As
the size and complexities of business is increasing day by day banking sector is also
providing various innovative services with basic functions to increase size but to reduce the

Modern banking is a result of evolution driven by changing economic activities and life
styles. Entering in to a new millennium, banking needs have become more diverse and exotic
than ever before. It is known now that commercial bank is a profit maximizing institution.
Hence it should provide loans to those sectors in which its return is higher. But the
nationalized commercial banks are conducting banking business with different purposes. The
main purpose is not just to make profit but also to maximize the social benefit. The main
functions of commercial banks are as follows:
A commercial bank collects and manages deposits. It provides cheque facilities and interests
for its customer deposits which may be either demand or time deposits of different maturity.
A commercial bank extends credit to a great variety of borrowers through loans as well as by
purchasing securities that are either fully or partly financed by commercial banks.
Commercial banks provide a variety of other services to their customers as for example
remittance facilities, credit information about customers, financial advice, collection of debts
and dues etc. Banks also provide a number of trust services to their customers. These services
may either corporate trust services, which arise in connection with the issue of bonds;
personal trust services under which they manage property on behave of their clients or
corporate pension funds that provide retirement benefit for their employees.

1.2 Objective of the study
Broad Objective:
The broad objective of this report is to measure the customers satisfaction through
perception of Janata Bank Ltd, Jessore Road Corporate Branch.
Specific Objective:
To know about the customers perception of Janata Bank ltd.
To analyze the customers satisfaction of service quality of Janata Bank ltd.
Understanding the procedures of customer care service of Janata Bank Limited.

1.3 Methodology
There are two types of data sources. They are primary and secondary. This report is mainly
based on primary source.
1.3.1 Sources of Data:
Primary Sources
Secondary Sources
Primary Sources:
Face to face conversation with the respective officers
Direct Observation Practical desk work
I gathered primary data from the customers when they came for services at the office
of corporate branch. I provided questionnaire to those customers who were interested
in participating in the survey.

Secondary Sources:
Annual report of Janata Bank Limited
Janata Banks internal server and external websites
Different documents provided by the concerned officers of the organization
Relevant books, research paper and journals

1.3.2 Population and sample
The questionnaire was distributed to those customers who have taken any kind of services
from this bank, whether they are account holder of this bank or not. The corporate Branch
total population is 300. I think that population size is small that is why I had taken 40 sample
1.3.3. Measurement scaling:
Study instrument is questionnaire and 5 point likert scale is used. The questionnaire consists
of both open and close ended questions. Customers opinions are also taken in some of the
cases to identify the reason behind their opinion. The close ended questions were in a 5
points likert scale, (where 5 represents strongly satisfied and 1 represents strongly
Table 1.1: 5 points likert scale measurement
5 4 3 2 1

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly


1.3.4 Survey method

I made a detailed questionnaire for my survey. I have used 12 factors for the survey. I have
collected the data both from secondary source and primary source.

1.3.5 Analysis, Interpretations and Presentation of Data

Some diagram and tables are used to analyze the collected data and gave flawless
visible representation of the study. The collected data were analyzed by mean and percentage
methodically and pointed out in a synchronized way and finally shown as findings at the
last portion of the report.

1.4 Limitation of the study
Preparing such intense report, requires huge amount of information. While preparing this
report, many limitation and hindrance have been faced to going on further. Still I managed to
bring up the best within my access limit. The limitations those I confronted mostly are-
The major hindrance that I faced that is the management of the bank was unwilling
to share or disclose some information which was really required to prepare the
report due to confidential issues.
While conducting the study, it was difficult to communicate with the selected
corporate clients because they were very busy with their regular jobs.
As I had more dependence on the primary sources, so there might be some levels of
inaccuracy with this collected information.
Another major limitation was the lack of sufficient time to prepare a report on such a
vast ranging topic.

2.1 Background of the Janata Bank Ltd.

Among stated owned giants, Janata Bank is one of the largest commercial bank in
Bangladesh. By the Presidency Order of 1972, this bank was established under Bangladesh
Bank and got nationalization. On 16th December 1971, newly formed Janata Bank
banking got special facilities from the government for mass to work as nationalized
commercial bank all over the country. With the increase of responsibility and by
quality of performance within a few years, it becomes one of the largest commercial
bank of Bangladesh with 898 branches in which 4 overseas branches are at UAE. This bank
is connected with 1239 foreign correspondents globally. Total employees of Janata
Bank Limited are approximately fourteen thousands currently. JanataBhaban, the head office
is located at Motijheel commercial area in Dhaka city.

2.1.1 Mission
Janata Bank Limited will be an effective commercial bank by maintaining a stable growth
strategy, delivering high quality financial products, providing excellent customer service
through an experienced management team and ensuring good corporate governance in
every step of banking network.

2.1.2 Vision
To become the effective largest commercial bank in Bangladesh to support socio-economic
development of the country and to be a leading bank in South Asia.

2.1.3 Objective of the bank

To be the leading bank in Bangladesh.
To expand the customer services by the development of IT-based transformation
To ensure high quality financial products to the customer.
Create employment and poverty alleviation through financing schemes
Special credit and micro credit to emphasis SME sector
Establishing financial women enterprise

2.2 Products and Services of JBL
2.2.1 Products of JBL

Deposit schemes section

Bank is the largest organization of mobilizing surplus domestic savings. For poverty
alleviation, we need self-employment, for self-employment we need investment and for
investment we need savings. In the other words, savings help capital formations and the
capital formations help investments in the country. The investment in its turn helps
industrialization leading towards creation of wealth of the country. And the wealth finally
takes the country on road to progress and prosperity. As such, savings is considered the very
basis of prosperity of the country. The more the growth of savings, the more will be the
prosperity of the nation.
The savings rate in Bangladesh is one of the lowest in the world rate of domestic saving
being 17.78 %. In order to improve the savings rate, Financial Institutions responsible for
mobilization of savings should offer attractive Savings Schemes so that the marginal
propensity to save increases. The savings do not, of course, depend only on the quantum of
income but largely depend on the habit of savings of the people.

Fixed Deposit
Fixed deposits, commonly known as FDR is putting an amount of cash is in bank for a
certain period stated and take interest in return. Hence these deposits are categorized as time
deposits. Janata Bank Limited Offers FDR as three types basis. Three months six months
and one year. The interest rates are different due to time frame like 7 at 3 month, 7.25 at
6month and 7.5 at 1 year. According to time constrain, fixed deposit interest is not repayable
before the expiry of the fixed period. In case of withdrawal the full amount, Janata Bank
allows to at any time but the interest rate of that month will not be paid. After informing
about the withdraw FDR officer might ask for short time fix the date.

Janata Bank Deposit Scheme
Under this scheme, by depositing at tk. 500 (minimum) each month for 10 years term. The
amount is up to 20000 taka. The age eligibility of applying is minimum 18 years old. The
depositor can take away the full deposited amount along with the interest or can withdraw as
monthly installment at maturity period. No joint account is permitted in this system and the
number of nominees can be more than one. JBDS allows investors to deposit money from
their early incomes to contribute their old age. The JBDS gives the depositors a chance of
bearing the educational or marital expenditures when his sons or daughters are grownup. One
of the significant benefit of JBDS is exempted from income tax.

2.2.2 JBL Services

Utility Service
Janata Bank Limited compromises utility services to a huge number of customers or
organizations all over the country. Since this bank has numerous branches, utility collection
and payment of customers went in remote place. Janata bank almost cover all types of bill
collection and pay on behalf of government. However, all branch do not have utility service.
For instance, the following branches of Janata Bank Limited collects electricity, telephone,
gas, WASA bill from customers with service charges.

Bill Collection
Gas bills of Titas, Bakhrabad and Jalalabad Gas Transmission and Distribution
Electricity bills of Bangladesh Power Development Board and Rural Electrification
Telephone bills of Telegraph and Telephone Board.
Water/Sewerage bills of Water and Sewerage Authority.
Municipal holding tax of City Corporation/Municipalities.
A pilot scheme is underway to provide personalized services to our clients.

Non- Govt. teachers salaries
Girl Students scholarship/stipend & Primary Student Stipend.
Army pension
Widows , divorcees and destitute Women Allowances
Old-age Allowances
Food procurement Bills

One Stop Service

In One stop service process a customer can simultaneously deposit and withdraw money
from a single counter. In addition, customers are receiving quick and personalized services
from a single counter. Authentication of signature became easy as the same is pre-stored in
the computer. The system of Token and Scroll has been obsoleted. Among the
Nationalized Commercial Banks in Bangladesh Janata Bank Limited was the first bank who
has introduced One Stop Service. Though limited number of branches are providing this

Online and ATM Service

Times have changed and technological boom has given the businesses superlative edges over
the manual and traditional functionalities of business operations. So the bank business in
Bangladesh has overwhelmingly changed with the introduction of online banking in bank
business. Janata Bank Limited has also stepped into the world of online banking and is
rapidly progressing in implementation of online banking through Core Banking System
(CBS). Up to January, 2015 total 174 branches out of 904 branches have been brought under
CBS and as planned all the branches will be brought under this system by 2016. Introduction
of CBS in 114 branches of the Bank has already had encouraging impact on its business and
full implementation of it will definitely have tremendously positive impact on customer
services and business growth.
Janata Bank Limited, first among the Nationalized Commercial Banks in Bangladesh, has
introduced One Stop Service. To facilitate the foreign exchange service, Janata Bank has
launched Janata bank first among the nationalized commercial bank, has introduce Janata

bank Q-Cash ATM service system in its 25 branches. The bank charged 500 taka as annually
fee. Card holder can enjoy the facilities of all ATMs of Q-Cash Network member Banks and
2 Network Sharing Banks; BRAC Bank Limited and Dutch Bangla Bank Limited. The bank
has taken a plan to launch shared ATM system in various important places.

Special Services
Financing IT sectors
Today world runs on information technology. It is very important for socio development of a
nation. After the independence of Bangladesh lots of development took place in IT sector
especially in the last two decades. To increase the growth of IT sector a credit scheme named
Financing Computer Software Development & Data Export has launched. According this
scheme, people get TK 10 million with 11% interest which is the highest amount in this
scheme. But in some cases few people with export market exposure can get the benefit 8%
(7% interest and 1% service charge). The main feature of this scheme is to make the IT
project for expansion of software as industrial based for data transfer.

Financing Industries
Janata Bank also has a great contribution in the financing industries in Bangladesh. Janata
Bank Limited has the responsibility of developing industries within the industrial frame work
according to the business law of Government of Bangladesh and credit norms of Bangladesh
Bank as well as by the Investment Board. If the project is managerially marketing point of
view, technically, commercially and financially viable, then Janata Bank Limited help to
finance the project. Sponsors/companies having prior experience in the related field are given
priority. Rate of interest of project loan is ranged from 11%-13%. Working capital rate of
interest is 12% to 13.50% and with that in export oriented industries ranges from 7% to 14
%( changeable). The project land, building, machineries and others i.e. project assets are
considered as primary security against term/project loan. But in case, if the project is to be set
up on rented premises, collateral securities is obtained minimum 1.3 times of project loan.

Ready Cash
Janata Bank Limited has entered into an agreement with AII (American International
Investment) to provide financial card services to Janata Bank Limited's clients. This "Debit
Card" called the Ready Cash. The Ready Cash system is currently effective in Dhaka and
will quickly be extended to other urban areas of Bangladesh. The primary benefits of the
Card holders are Safety issue and Shopping at a wide merchant network. Since it is micro-
processor chip based debit card (which is only used in Bangladesh) for financial payment, the
Ready Cash card is very reliable and secure.

Financing on SMEs
Janata Bank Limited has been financing Small and Medium Enterprises with a view to
developing a balanced and dynamic industrial sector having a strong base of SMEs
throughout the country. From the very inception of Industrial credit financing of Janata Bank
(Currently Janata Bank Limited) SME division has sanctioned term loan in small and
medium industries sector in 4535 projects of taka 941.36 cores. Among which taka 548.69
cores has been disbursed against 4310 projects. Outstanding as 31.12.2007 is taka 446.12
core and recovery of loan is 70%.

Foreign Remittance Service

Janata Bank Limited has a network of more than 906 domestic branches in Bangladesh
covering whole of the country including the rural areas. Remittance services are available at
all branches and foreign remittances may be sent to any branch by the remitters favoring their
beneficiaries. Remittances are credited to the account of beneficiaries instantly or within
shortest possible time. Janata Bank Limited has correspondent banking relationship with all
major banks & exchange houses located in almost all the countries/cities. Expatriate
Bangladeshis may send their hard earned foreign currencies through those banks & exchange
houses or may contact any renowned banks nearby ( where they reside/work) to send their
money to their dear ones in Bangladesh.

3.1 What is Customer Satisfaction?
The definition of customer satisfaction has been widely debated as organizations
increasingly attempt to measure it. Customer satisfaction can be experienced in a
variety of situations and connected to both goods and services. It is a highly personal
assessment that is greatly affected by customer expectations. Satisfaction also is based on
the customers experience of both contacts with the organization and personal
outcomes. Some researchers define a satisfied customer within the private sector as
one who receives significant added value to his/her bottom linea definition that may
apply just as well to public services.
Customer satisfaction differs depending on the situation and the product or service. A
customer may be satisfied with a product or service, an experience, a purchase
decision, a salesperson, store, service provider, or an attribute or any of these.

Definition of Customer Satisfaction

Codotte, Woodruff and Jenkins (1987)
Customer satisfaction as "conceptualized as a feeling developed from an evaluation of
experience". Here, the timing of satisfaction response is driving consumption.
"Customer satisfaction is a person's feeling of pleasure or disappointment resulting
from comparing a products perceived performance in relation to his or her
"Customer satisfaction, a business term is a measure of how product and services
supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation".
General Definition
"The provisions of goods or services which fulfill the customer expectation in terms of
quality and service, in relation to price paid".

3.2 Need for Customer Satisfaction
The major concern of banks today is to recover and maintain customer trust. Customers need
to feel that banks are considering their best interests. Customers are seeking for easy and
personalized information. They want to better understand their financial situation and to
control it. They want to know both the benefits, as well as the risks. Clients want to work
with banks that are concerned about them and about their personal goals. However, only an
attractive offer of banks is not the key to success today if is not supported by a superior
service culture, that can make notable differentiation in the market. Many banks all over the
world are systematically measuring how well they treat customers, identifying the factors
shaping satisfaction, and changing operations and marketing as a result. Wise banks measure
customer satisfaction regularly because it is one key to customer retention.
Customer satisfaction is increasingly becoming a corporate goal as more and more
companies strive for quality in their product and services. There is an intense competition in
the market to capture the customers. Therefore the global leaders cannot think competing in
the market, only with the price factor alone. They realized that the customer satisfaction is
the most important factor to become the business leader. The ability of the firm to remain in
the business is necessary to win customers over competition since the customer is the
foundation of the business. For example "The retailer Tesco focusing on the customer,
managed itself to increase its market share and profitability by becoming the market leader in
the highly competitive and cost-conscious market place". Today the customers were more
educated and well informed. They will not be diverted from their expectation. They have
wide range of option to choose the product and services. To achieve the complete satisfaction
from product and services the customer makes active comparison between different product
and services. The customer's expectation rises gradually when they begin to use a better
services. Therefore the organization have challenges to maintain the high level of customer
satisfaction always. The competitive market force the firm to raise their customer satisfaction
always.People are bombarded with information in all areas of their life. What they want is
something which is concise, transparent and clear. Banks should be open about the fees they
charge, rates, services and communications.

3.3 Factors of Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is a significant element in service delivery because understanding and
satisfying customers needs and wants can result in increased market share from repeat
purchases and referrals. Some of the major factors of customer satisfaction are discussed
1. Perceived Value:
Perceived value has been defined as the benefit from services which customers believe they
receive in consideration for the cost of that service.

2. Price

Price is a major determinant of consumer choice. That is its the cost incurred in making a
purchase, which together with perceived service quality and perceived value influence
spending behavior.

3. Reliability
Reliability is defined as the ability of a firm to perform the promised service dependably and

4. Tangibles
Tangibles have been defined as personal appearance, physical facilities like store
decorations, display and equipment

5. Empathy
Empathy is defined as the firms personalized attention for their customers and for giving
them care and assistance. This dimension is also more suitable to companies that are trying to
build a relationship with customers

6. Responsiveness
Responsiveness is the employees express willingness to help customers and provide quick
service. This dimension is concerned with dealing with the customers requests, questions
and complaints promptly and attentively.

4.1 Survey Result
To find out the customer satisfaction level of Janata bank limited firstly I have made
a questionnaire of 12 questions which will be rated by the existing customer of
Jessore Road Corporate Branch of Janata Bank Limited by 1-5 which will represent
strongly disagree to strongly agree. The survey will be conducted by response of 40
customers of this bank. Questionnaire is made based on some variables that have directly or
indirectly influence on the customer satisfaction level. Examination of survey data is given

4.1.1: Account Opening Procedure is Easy

The analysis of customer perception about "Account opening procedure is easy" is below
Table 4.1: Account opening procedure is easy
Options Value Frequency fx Mean Percentage
x= fx
(X) (f)
Strongly Agree 05 15 75
Agree 04 19 76
Neutral 03 00 00 4.075 81.5%
Disagree 02 06 12
Strongly Disagree 01 00 00
n=40 =163
Source: Own Survey August, 2017

From the table it has been seen that the 15 respondents are strongly satisfied and 19 are
satisfied, none is neutral and 6 respondents disagree out of 40 respondents. Since the mean of
overall customer perception about "Account opening procedure is easy" is greater than
neutral point 3 and slightly greater than 4, it indicates that the service is satisfactory level.
Mean value is 4.075 and the percentage is 81.5%.

4.1.2: The Bank provides services as promised
The analysis of customer perception about "The Bank provides services as promised" is as

Table 4.2: The Bank provides services as promised

Options Value Frequency fx Mean Percentage
x= fx
(X) (f)
Strongly Agree 05 14 70
Agree 04 14 56
Neutral 03 06 18 3.9 78%
Disagree 02 06 12
Strongly Disagree 01 00 00
n=40 =156
Source: Own Survey August, 2017

From the table it has been seen that the 14 respondents are strongly satisfied and 14 are
satisfied, 6 are neutral and 6 respondents disagree out of 40 respondents. Since the mean of
overall customer perception about "The Bank provides services as promised" is greater than
neutral point 3 and very close to 4, it indicates that the service is at near to satisfactory level.
Mean value is 3.9 and the percentage is 78%.

4.1.3: Privacy of the customers is maintained
The analysis of customer perception about "Privacy of the customers is maintained" is as

Table 4.3: Privacy of the customers is maintained

Options Value Frequency fx Mean Percentage
x= fx
(X) (f)
Strongly agree 05 14 70
Agree 04 17 68
Neutral 03 07 21 4.025 80.5%
Disagree 02 01 02
Strongly Disagree 01 00 00
n=40 =161
Source: Own Survey August, 2017

From the table it has been seen that the 14 respondents are strongly satisfied and 17 are
satisfied, 7 are neutral and only 1 respondent disagrees out of 40 respondents. Since the mean
of overall customer perception about "Privacy of the customers is maintained" is slightly
greater than 4, it indicates that the service is at satisfactory level. Mean value is 4.025 and the
percentage is 80.5%.

4.1.4: Safety and security of transactions is a priority
The analysis of customer perception about "Safety and security of transactions is a priority"
is as follows:

Table 4.4: Safety and security of transactions is a priority

Options Value Frequency fx Mean Percentage
(X) (f) x= fx
Strongly Agree 05 12 60
Agree 04 18 72
Neutral 03 07 21 3.975 79.5%
Disagree 02 03 06
Strongly Disagree 01 00 00
n=40 =159
Source: Own Survey August, 2017

From the table it has been seen that the 12 respondents are strongly satisfied and 18 are
satisfied, 7 are neutral and only 3 respondents disagree out of 40 respondents. Since the mean
of overall customer perception about "Safety and security of transactions is a priority" is very
close to 4, so it indicates that the service is satisfactory. Mean value is 3.975 and the
percentage is 79.5%.

4.1.5: Branch location is convenient for the customers
The analysis of customer perception about "Branch location is convenient for the customers"
is as follows:

Table 4.5: Branch location is convenient for the customers

Options Value Frequency fx Mean Percentage
(X) (f) x= fx
Strongly Agree 05 20 100
Agree 04 15 60
Neutral 03 02 06 4.3 86%
Disagree 02 03 06
Strongly 01 00 00
n=40 =172
Source: Own Survey August, 2017

From the table it has been seen that the 20 respondents are strongly satisfied and 15 are
satisfied, 2 are neutral and only 3 respondents disagree out of 40 respondents. Since the mean
of overall customer perception about "Branch location is convenient for you" is greater than
4, so it indicates that the service is at satisfactory level. Mean value is 4.3 and the percentage
is 86%.

4.1.6: The services provided are sufficient
The analysis of customer perception about "The services provided are sufficient" is as

Table 4.6: The services provided are sufficient

Options Value Frequency fx Mean Percentage
(X) (f) x= fx
Strongly Agree 05 04 20
Agree 04 15 60
Neutral 03 04 12 3.125 62.5%
Disagree 02 16 32
Strongly Disagree 01 01 01
n=40 =125
Source: Own Survey August, 2017

From the table it has been seen that the only 4 respondents are strongly satisfied and 15 are
satisfied, 4 are neutral and 16 respondents disagree, 1 respondent strongly disagrees out of 40
respondents. Since the mean of overall customer perception about "The services provided are
sufficient" is slightly greater than neutral point 3, so it indicates that the service is at
indifferent satisfactory level. Mean value is 3.125 and the percentage is 62.5%.

4.1.7: Interest rate on loan is low
The analysis of customer perception about "Interest rate on loan is low" is as follows:

Table 4.7: Interest rate on loan is low

Options Value Frequency fx Mean Percentage
(X) (f) x= fx
Strongly Agree 05 01 05
Agree 04 03 12
Neutral 03 09 27 2.25 45%
Disagree 02 19 38
Strongly Disagree 01 08 08
n=40 =90
Source: Own Survey August, 2017

From the table it has been seen that the only 1 respondent is strongly satisfied and 3 are
satisfied, 9 are neutral and 19 respondents disagree, 8 strongly disagree out of 40
respondents. Since the mean of overall customer perception about "Interest rate on loan is
low" is lesser than neutral point, so it indicates that the service is dissatisfactory level. Mean
value is 2.25 and the percentage is 45%.

4.1.8: Employees are helpful
The analysis of customer perception about "Employees are helpful" is as follows:

Table 4.8: Employees are helpful

Options Value Frequency fx Mean Percentage
(X) (f) x= fx
Strongly Agree 05 07 35
Agree 04 15 60
Neutral 03 13 39 3.6 72%
Disagree 02 05 10
Strongly Disagree 01 00 00
n=40 =144
Source: Own Survey August, 2017

From the table it has been seen that 7 respondents is strongly satisfied and 15 are satisfied, 13
are neutral and 5 respondents disagree out of 40 respondents. Since the mean of overall
customer perception about "Employees are helpful" is greater than neutral point 3, so it
indicates that the service is at satisfactory level and at moderate level. Mean value is 3.6 and
the percentage is 72%.

4.1.9: ATM facilities are sufficient
The analysis of customer perception about "ATM facilities are sufficient" is as follows:

Table 4.9: ATM facilities are sufficient

Options Value Frequency fx Mean Percentage
(X) (f) x= fx
Strongly Agree 05 01 05
Agree 04 15 60
Neutral 03 06 18 2.80 56%
Disagree 02 11 22
Strongly Disagree 01 07 07
n=40 =112
Source: Own Survey August, 2017

From the table it has been seen that the only 1 respondent is strongly satisfied and 15 are
satisfied, 6 are neutral and 11 respondents disagree, 7 strongly disagree out of 40
respondents. Since the mean of overall customer perception about "ATM facilities are
sufficient" is lesser than neutral point, so it indicates that the service is dissatisfactory level
and at a poor level. Mean value is 2.80 and the percentage is 56%.

4.1.10: The process of depositing and withdrawing is easy
The analysis of customer perception about "The process of depositing and withdrawing is
easy" is as follows:

Table 4.10: The process of depositing and withdrawing is easy

Options Value Frequency fx Mean Percentage
(X) (f) x= fx
Strongly Agree 05 06 30
Agree 04 20 80
Neutral 03 05 15 3.575 71.5%
Disagree 02 09 18
Strongly Disagree 01 00 00
n=40 =143
Source: Own Survey August, 2017

From the table it has been seen that 6 respondents is strongly satisfied and 20 are satisfied, 5
are neutral and 9 respondents disagree out of 40 respondents. Since the mean of overall
customer perception about "The process of depositing and withdrawing is easy" is slightly
greater than neutral point 3, so it indicates that the service is moderately satisfactory level.
Mean value is 3.575 and the percentage is 71.5%.

4.1.11: Modern internet technology is efficiently used
The analysis of customer perception about "Modern internet technology is efficiently used" is
as follows:

Table 4.11: Modern internet technology is efficiently used

Options Value Frequency fx Mean Percentage
(X) (f) x= fx
Strongly Agree 05 02 10
Agree 04 12 48
Neutral 03 14 42 3.00 60%
Disagree 02 10 20
Strongly Disagree 01 00 00
n=40 =120
Source: Own Survey August, 2017

From the table it has been seen that the only 2 respondent is strongly satisfied and 12 are
satisfied, 14 are neutral and 10 respondents disagree out of 40 respondents. Since the mean of
overall customer perception about "Modern internet technology is efficiently used" is equal
to the neutral point, so it indicates that the service is neither at satisfactory nor dissatisfactory
level. Mean value is 3.00 and the percentage is 60%.

4.1.12: E-banking services are satisfactory
The analysis of customer perception about "E-banking services are satisfactory is as
Table 4.12: E-banking services are satisfactory
Options Value Frequency fx Mean Percentage
X f x= fx
Strongly Agree 05 00 00
Agree 04 17 68
Neutral 03 18 54 3.30 66%
Disagree 02 05 10
Strongly Disagree 01 00 00
n=40 =132
Source: Own Survey August, 2017

From the table it has been seen that no respondent is strongly satisfied and 17 are satisfied,
18 are neutral and 5 respondents disagree out of 40 respondents. Since the mean of overall
customer perception about "E-banking services are satisfactory is slightly greater than
neutral point, so it indicates that the service is at moderately satisfactory level. Mean value is
3.30 and the percentage is 66%.

4.2 Statistics of Survey result

Factors Mean Value Percentage

Account opening procedure is easy 4.075 81.5%

The Bank provides services as promised 3.9 78%

Privacy of the customers is maintained 4.025 80.5%

Safety and security of transactions is a 3.975 79.5%


Branch location is convenient for the 4.3 86%


The services provided are sufficient 3.125 62.5%

Interest rate on loan is low 2.25 45%

Employees are helpful 3.6 72%

ATM facilities are sufficient 2.80 56%

The process of depositing and withdrawing 3.575 71.5%
is easy

Modern internet technology is efficiently 3.00 60%

E-banking services are satisfactory 3.30 66%

This Table summarizes the survey result of the satisfaction of the customers about services
provided by the Janata Bank, Jessore Road Corporate Branch, Khulna. From the above
discussion it is concluded that Customers have more or less good attitude about performance
of the employees. But interest rate for deposit is not adequate for them. Customers are
dissatisfied with interest rate of deposit and ATM facilities of the bank. Moreover they are
satisfied with account Opening requirements, Depositing and withdrawing process. The
location of the branch is also very much convenient for the customers.

5.1 Findings of the study
From the survey major findings are:
In case of account opening 81.5% of the customers feel that the procedure is easy and
convenient. The mean value 4.075 also indicates that customers are satisfied.
In case of Banks services, the mean value 3.9 suggests that the satisfaction level is
very close to satisfied. 78% of the customers feel the same way.
80.5% of the customers feel that the privacy of the customers is maintained. The
mean value is 4.025 which indicate that the customers are satisfied.
Safety and security of transactions is a issue where 79.5% of the customers feel that
the bank is doing enough to ensure the safety of transactions. Mean value is 3.975
In case of branch location and whether it is convenient for the customers, the survey
conveyed a result of close highly satisfied customers. The mean value 4.3 also
suggests the satisfaction level is more than moderate.
62.5% of the customers feel that the services provided by the bank are sufficient. The
mean is 3.125, which indicates that there is room for improvement.
In case of interest rate on loan, only a handful of customers agreed with the statement
that it is low. Only 45% of them are satisfied with the interest rate, the mean value
2.25 suggests the poor satisfaction level.
The mean is 3.6 in regard to the helpfulness of the employees of the bank. 72% of the
customers are happy with the issue.
ATM facilities of Janata Bank require major rethinking. Only 56% of the customers
agreed with the statement that they are sufficient. The mean value 2.8 is also below
the neutral point.
71.5% of the customers think the process of depositing and withdrawing is easy. The
mean value is 3.575.
In case of usage of modern technology customers are neutral. The mean value is 3.
E-banking services are satisfactory, according to 66% of the respondents; the mean
value 3.3o suggests the customer satisfaction level is slightly better than neutral and
approaching satisfied.

5.2 Recommendations
As per earnest observation some suggestions for the improvement of the situations are
given below:
Janata bank needs to take actions to reduce the complications regarding opening an
account in the bank. Although the survey result turned out positive but there is still
room for improvement.
The bank should continue to provide the services that they promise to their promises.
The bank should increase the emphasis on the safety and security of the transactions.
The bank should introduce some new services to increase customer satisfaction level.
As the competitors offering a higher rate on deposits and lower charges in loans,
Janata Bank Ltd should think about it and maintain the interest rate and bank
charges as similar to its competitors.
Employees of the bank should be more friendly and helpful to the customers. The
bank should initiate some training programs for the employees regarding this issue.
Bank should increase the ATM facilities for its customers. Current numbers of ATM
booths are not nearly enough to fulfill the demands of the customers.
The bank should take some actions to make the process of depositing and
withdrawing money easier than it is now.
Janata Bank Jessore Road Corporate Branch is lagging behind in using the modern
technology. Digitalization of all the activities should be done promptly and
employees should be trained to handle these technological changes.
E-banking is a crucial part of modern banking. Janata bank should take some
measures to improve the online banking experience of the customers.

5.3 Conclusion
As a bank Janata Bank Limited needs to do a ton of things for the advancement of the nation.
The Bank is emphatically situated in the business sector and with its center qualities
it can match shareholders' desires and along these lines bring their riches up in future
through moral saving money and best estimating. In this way, it needs to step up with
the goal that it can satisfy the longing of the govt. and also individuals. It will upgrade
more open administrations and develop working groups to give the best administrations to its
profitable clients. It must be keep running in composed way and control must be
guaranteed in all circle of its execution. Proficient fare group, import group and
settlement group must be framed and perform obligations appropriately. Additional
preparation, computerization, information gathering, market examination and quickness
in adjusting are basically required. To do these the prescribed recommendations can
be utilized.
Janata bank Limited is one of the giant banks in the government banking sector. It has a lot
of products and services offering. Among them many services are the first for a nationalized
bank. Every company has issues and we have witnessed some discrepancies in Janata Bank
Limited. Some of them are minor but there are some discrepancies which are critical
drawback for a bank. Since bank is vital organization of economic development of a country
and the competition among banks are increasing, Janata bank Limited needs to overcome
those discrepancy as soon as possible. If they can overcome this problems, they will do an
outstanding performance as a nationalized bank in Bangladesh.

In conclusion, I can say that the internship program is meant to give practical knowledge of
working environment and get the professional touch. However, it was a great opportunity to
work three months in Janata Bank Limited. Including both challenging and normal
activity, I would say it was a nice experience and it will help me in future bank jobs.

Annual Report of Janata Bank Limited 2015
Annual Report of Janata Bank Limited 2016
Gupta S.P and Gupta M.P (2006) Business Statistics, 11th Edition

Dear Respondent,
As a partial fulfillment of BBA program from Northern University Bangladesh, I am Tanvir
Mehadi and I am conducting a research on "Measuring customer satisfaction of Janata Bank
Limited, A study on Corporate Branch, Khulna." I need some information from you
regarding the Bank's services. The information gathered will be used for strictly academic
purposes only. All the personal information will be kept confidential; your answer will help
me completing my studies.
Part 1. Personal Information
1. Name: ..........................................................................................
2. Age: a. Below 20 b. 21-35 c. 36-50 d. 51-60
3. Gender: a. Male b. Female
4. Education Level: a. Under SSC b. SSC c. HSC d. Graduate d. Post graduate
5. Account type: a. Current Account b. Savings Account c. Fixed Deposit Receipt
d. Cash credit Account e. Short term deposit Account
6. Profession: a. Businessman b. Service Holder c.
d. Student e. Other

Part 2. Questions from customer satisfaction viewpoint

This part of questionnaire is designed to measuring the level of Customer Satisfaction in
Janata Bank, Jessore Road Corporate Branch, Khulna. You will find a number of general
statement with a set of possible responses below such as:
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
05 04 03 02 01

1. Account opening procedure is easy
a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree
2. The Bank provides services as promised
a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree
3. Privacy of the customers is maintained
a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree
4. Safety and security of transactions is a priority
a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree
5. Branch location is convenient for you
a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree
6. The services provided are sufficient
a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree
7. Interest rate on loan is low
a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree
8. Employees are helpful
a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree
9. ATM facilities are sufficient
a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree
10. The process of depositing and withdrawing is easy
a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree
11. Modern internet technology is efficiently used
a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree
12. E-banking services are satisfactory
a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

Thank you for your kind cooperation.


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