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Publication 1212

(Rev. December 2016) Contents

Cat. No. 61273T Future Developments . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Guide to
of the Photographs of Missing Children . . . . . 1
Internal Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Service Original Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Debt Instruments on the OID List . . . . . 3

Debt Instruments Not on the OID

Discount (OID) List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Information for Brokers and Other

Instruments Middlemen . . . . . . . . . . . .
Short-Term Obligations
Redeemed at Maturity . . . .
.... 3

. . . . 3
Long-Term Debt Instruments . . . . . . 4
Certificates of Deposit . . . . . . . . . . 4
Bearer Bonds and Coupons . . . . . . . 4
Backup Withholding . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Information for Owners of OID Debt

Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . .... 5
Form 1099-OID . . . . . . . . . . .... 6
How To Report OID . . . . . . . .... 7
Figuring OID on Long-Term
Debt Instruments . . . . . . . .... 7
Figuring OID on Stripped Bonds
and Coupons . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

How To Get Tax Help . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Future Developments
For the latest information about developments
related to Pub. 1212, such as legislation
enacted after it was published, go to

Photographs of Missing
The Internal Revenue Service is a proud partner
with the National Center for Missing and
Exploited Children. Photographs of missing
children selected by the Center may appear in
this publication on pages that would otherwise
be blank. You can help bring these children
home by looking at the photographs and calling
1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) if you
recognize a child.

This publication has two purposes. Its primary
purpose is to help brokers and other middlemen
identify publicly offered original issue discount
(OID) debt instruments they may hold as nomi-
nees for the true owners, so they can file Forms
Get forms and other information faster and easier at: 1099-OID or Forms 1099-INT as required. The (English) () (Espaol) (P) () (TingVit)

Dec 29, 2016

other purpose of the publication is to help own- You can send us comments from Original issue discount (OID). OID is a form
ers of publicly offered OID debt instruments de- formspubs. Click on More Information and of interest. It is the excess of a debt instru-
termine how much OID to report on their in- then on Give us feedback. ment's stated redemption price at maturity over
come tax returns. Or you can write to: its issue price (acquisition price for a stripped
The list of publicly offered OID debt instru- bond or coupon). Zero coupon bonds and debt
ments (OID list) is on the IRS website. The origi- Internal Revenue Service instruments that pay no stated interest until ma-
nal issue discount tables, Sections I-A through Tax Forms and Publications turity are examples of debt instruments that
III-F, are only available on the IRS website at 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526 have OID. by clicking the link under Washington, DC 20224
Recent Developments. The tables are posted to Accrual period. An accrual period is an inter-
the website in late November or early Decem- We respond to many letters by telephone. val of time used to measure OID. The length of
ber of each year. The information on these lists Therefore, it would be helpful if you would in- an accrual period can be 6 months, a year, or
comes from the issuers of the debt instruments clude your daytime phone number, including some other period no longer than one year, de-
and from financial publications and is updated the area code, in your correspondence. pending on when the debt instrument was is-
annually. (However, see Debt Instruments Not sued.
Although we cannot respond individually to
on the OID List, later.) each comment received, we do appreciate your
Brokers and other middlemen can rely on Acquisition premium. Acquisition premium is
feedback and will consider your comments as
this list to determine, for information reporting the excess of a debt instrument's adjusted ba-
we revise our tax products.
purposes, whether a debt instrument was is- sis immediately after purchase, including pur-
sued at a discount and the OID to be reported Ordering forms and publications. Visit chase at original issue, over the debt instru-
on information returns. However, because the to download forms and publi- ment's adjusted issue price at that time. A debt
information in the list has generally not been cations. Otherwise, you can go to instrument does not have acquisition premium,
verified by the IRS as correct, the following tax orderforms to order current and prior-year forms however, if the debt instrument was purchased
matters are subject to change upon examina- and instructions. Your order should arrive within at a premium. See Premium, later.
tion by the IRS. 10 business days.
The OID reported by owners of a debt in- Adjusted issue price. The adjusted issue
strument on their income tax returns. Tax questions. If you have a tax question price of a debt instrument at the beginning of an
The issuer's classification of an instrument not answered by this publication, check accrual period is used to figure the OID alloca-
as debt for federal income tax purposes. and How To Get Tax Help at the end of ble to that period. In general, the adjusted issue
The adjusted basis of a debt instrument. this publication. price at the beginning of the debt instrument's
first accrual period is its issue price. The adjus-
Instructions for issuers of OID debt instru Useful Items ted issue price at the beginning of any subse-
ments. In general, issuers of publicly offered You may want to see: quent accrual period is the sum of the issue
OID debt instruments must, within 30 days after price and all the OID includible in income before
the issue date, report information about the in- that accrual period minus any payment previ-
struments to the IRS on Form 8281, Information ously made on the debt instrument, other than a
Return for Publicly Offered Original Issue Dis- 515 Withholding of Tax on Nonresident payment of qualified stated interest.
count Instruments. In addition, Form 8281 must Aliens and Foreign Entities
be filed for a debt instrument that is part of an 550 Investment Income and Expenses Debt instrument. The term debt instrument
issue the offering of which is registered with the means any instrument or contractual arrange-
938 Real Estate Mortgage Investment ment that constitutes indebtedness under gen-
Securities and Exchange Commission after the
Conduits (REMICs) Reporting eral principles of federal income tax law (includ-
issue date of the debt instrument and such reg-
Information (And Other Collateralized ing, for example, a bond, debenture, note,
istration occurs on or after January 1, 2014.
Debt Obligations (CDOs)). certificate, or other evidence of indebtedness).
See the form instructions for more information.
It generally does not include an annuity con-
Issuers should report errors in and Form (and Instructions)
omissions from the list in writing at the 1096 Annual Summary and Transmittal of
following address: U.S. Information Returns Issue price. For debt instruments listed in
1099B Proceeds From Broker and Barter Section I-A and Section I-B, the issue price gen-
IRS OID Publication Project erally is the initial offering price to the public (ex-
SE:W:CAR:MP:TFP Exchange Transactions
cluding bond houses and brokers) at which a
1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526 1099INT Interest Income substantial amount of these instruments was
Washington, D.C. 20224 sold.
1099OID Original Issue Discount
8949 Sales and Other Dispositions of
Market discount. Market discount arises
Capital Assets
REMIC and CDO information reporting re when a debt instrument purchased in the sec-
Schedule B (Form 1040A or 1040) ondary market has decreased in value since its
quirements. Brokers and other middlemen
Interest and Ordinary Dividends issue date, generally because of an increase in
must follow special information reporting re-
quirements for real estate mortgage investment Schedule D (Form 1040) Capital Gains interest rates. An OID debt instrument has mar-
conduit (REMIC) regular interests, and collater- and Losses ket discount if your adjusted basis in the debt
alized debt obligations (CDO) interests. The instrument immediately after you acquired it
W8 Instructions for the Requester of (usually its purchase price) was less than the
rules are explained in Publication 938, Real Es- Forms W-8BEN, W-8ECI, W-8EXP,
tate Mortgage Investment Conduits (REMICs) debt instrument's issue price plus the total OID
and W-8IMY that accrued before you acquired it. The market
Reporting Information (And Other Collateralized
Debt Obligations (CDOs)). See How To Get Tax Help near the end of this discount is the difference between the issue
publication for information about getting publi- price plus accrued OID and your adjusted ba-
Holders of interests in REMICs and CDOs
cations and forms. sis.
should see chapter 1 of Publication 550 for in-
formation on REMICs and CDOs.
Premium. A debt instrument is purchased at a
Comments and suggestions. We welcome Definitions premium if its adjusted basis immediately after
purchase is greater than the total of all amounts
your comments about this publication and your
payable on the debt instrument after the pur-
suggestions for future editions. The following terms are used throughout this
chase date, other than qualified stated interest.
publication. Original issue discount is defined
The premium is the excess of the adjusted
first. The other terms are listed alphabetically.

Page 2 Publication 1212 (December 2016)

basis over the payable amounts. See Publica- The yield to maturity will be added to Sec- OID debt instruments that matured or were
tion 550 for information on the tax treatment of tion I-B for bonds issued after December entirely called by the issuer before the ta-
bond premium. 31, 2006. bles were posted on the IRS website.
The total OID accrued up to January 1 of a Mortgage-backed securities and mortgage
Qualified stated interest. In general, qualified calendar year. (This information is not participation certificates.
stated interest is stated interest that is uncondi- available for every instrument.) Long-term OID debt instruments issued
tionally payable in cash or property (other than For long-term debt instruments issued af- before May 28, 1969.
debt instruments of the issuer) at least annually ter July 1, 1982, the daily OID for the ac- Short-term obligations, other than the obli-
over the term of the debt instrument at a single crual periods falling in a calendar year and gations listed in Section III.
fixed rate. a subsequent year. Debt instruments issued at a discount by
The total OID per $1,000 of principal or states or their political subdivisions.
Stated redemption price at maturity. A debt maturity value for a calendar year and a REMIC regular interests and CDOs.
instrument's stated redemption price at maturity subsequent year. Commercial paper and banker's acceptan-
is the sum of all amounts (principal and interest) ces issued at a discount.
payable on the debt instrument other than quali- Section II. This section contains stripped cou- Obligations issued at a discount by individ-
fied stated interest. pons and principal components of U.S. Treas- uals.
ury and Government-Sponsored Enterprise Foreign obligations not traded in the Uni-
Yield to maturity (YTM). In general, the YTM debt instruments. These stripped components ted States and obligations not issued in the
is the discount rate that, when used in figuring are available through the Department of the United States.
the present value of all principal and interest Treasury's Separate Trading of Registered In-
payments, produces an amount equal to the is- terest and Principal of Securities (STRIPS) pro-
sue price of the debt instrument. The YTM is
generally shown on the face of the debt instru-
gram and government-sponsored enterprises Information for
such as the Resolution Funding Corporation.
ment or in the literature you receive from your This section also includes debt instruments Brokers and
broker. If you do not have this information, con-
sult your broker, tax advisor, or the issuer.
backed by U.S. Treasury securities that repre-
sent ownership interests in those securities.
Other Middlemen
The obligations listed in Section II are ar-
ranged by maturity date. The amounts listed are The following discussions contain specific in-
Debt Instruments the total OID for a calendar year per $1,000 of structions for brokers and middlemen who hold
or redeem a debt instrument for the owner.
on the OID List redemption price.
In general, you must file a Form 1099 for the
Section III. This section contains short-term debt instrument if the interest or OID to be inclu-
The OID list on the IRS website can be used by discount obligations. ded in the owner's income for a calendar year
brokers and other middlemen to prepare infor- Section III-A: Short-Term U.S. Treasury totals $10 or more. You also must file a Form
mation returns. Bills. 1099 if you were required to deduct and with-
If you own a listed debt instrument, you Section III-B: Federal Home Loan Banks. hold tax, even if the interest or OID is less than
generally should not rely on the infor- Section III-C: Federal National Mortgage $10. See Backup Withholding, later.
CAUTION mation in the OID list to determine (or
compare) the OID to be reported on your tax re- Section III-D: Federal Farm Credit Banks. If you must file a Form 1099, furnish a copy
turn. The OID amounts listed are figured without Section III-E: Federal Home Loan Mort- to the owner of the debt instrument by January
reference to the price or date at which you ac- gage Corporation. 31 in the year it is due. File all your Forms 1099
quired the debt instrument. For information Section III-F: Federal Agricultural Mortgage with the IRS, accompanied by Form 1096, by
about determining the OID to be reported on Corporation. February 28 in the year it is due (March 31 if
your tax return, see the instructions for figuring you file electronically).
Information that supplements Sec-
OID under Information for Owners of OID Debt tion III-A is available on the Internet at
Instruments, later. Electronic payee statements. You can issue
Form 1099-OID electronically with the consent
of the recipient.
The following discussions explain what in- The short-term obligations listed in this sec-
formation is contained in each section of the list. tion are arranged by maturity date. For each ob- More information. For more information, in-
ligation, the list contains the CUSIP number, cluding penalties for failure to file (or furnish) re-
Section I. This section contains publicly of- maturity date, issue date, issue price (ex- quired information returns or statements, see
fered, long-term debt instruments. pressed as a percent of principal), and discount the current General Instructions for Certain In-
Section I-A: Corporate Debt Instruments formation Returns.
to be reported as interest for a calendar year
Issued Before 1985. per $1,000 of redemption price. Brokers and
Section I-B: Corporate Debt Instruments
Issued After 1984.
other middlemen should rely on the issue price ShortTerm Obligations
information in Section III only if they are unable
Section I-C: Inflation-Indexed Debt Instru- to determine the price actually paid by the Redeemed at Maturity
ments. owner.
If you redeem a short-term discount obligation
For each publicly offered debt instrument in for the owner at maturity, you must report the
Section I, the list contains the following informa-
tion. Debt Instruments discount as interest on Form 1099-INT.

The name of the issuer.

The Committee on Uniform Security Identi-
Not on the OID List To figure the discount, use the purchase
price shown on the owner's copy of the pur-
fication Procedures (CUSIP) number. chase confirmation receipt or similar record, or
The list of debt instruments discussed earlier the price shown in your transaction records.
The issue date. does not contain the following items.
The maturity date. U.S. savings bonds. If the owner's purchase price cannot be de-
The issue price expressed as a percent of Certificates of deposit and other termined, figure the discount as if the owner
principal or of stated redemption price at face-amount certificates issued at a dis- had purchased the obligation at its original is-
maturity. count, including syndicated certificates of sue price. A special rule is used to determine
The annual stated or coupon interest rate. deposit. the original issue price for information reporting
(This rate is shown as 0.00 if no annual in- Obligations issued by tax-exempt organi- on U.S. Treasury bills (T-bills) listed in Sec-
terest payments are provided.) zations. tion III-A. Under this rule, you treat as the

Publication 1212 (December 2016) Page 3

original issue price of the T-bill the noncompeti- come as it accrued. Follow the instructions 3. Repeat steps (1) and (2) for any remaining
tive (weighted average of accepted auction in Regulations section 1.6045-1(n) to de- accrual periods for the year during which
bids) discount price for the longest-maturity termine the accruals of market discount. the owner held the debt instrument.
T-bill maturing on the same date as the T-bill Box 6. For a taxable covered security ac-
4. Add the results in steps (2) and (3) to de-
being redeemed. This noncompetitive discount quired with acquisition premium, enter the
termine the owner's OID per $1,000 of sta-
price is the issue price (expressed as a percent amount of acquisition premium amortiza-
ted redemption price at maturity.
of principal) shown in Section III-A. tion for the period the holder owned the
debt instrument. If a net amount of OID is 5. If necessary, adjust the OID in (4) to reflect
A similar rule is used to figure the discount
reported in box 1 or box 8, as applicable, the debt instrument's stated redemption
on short-term discount obligations issued by the
leave this box blank. Follow the instruc- price at maturity.
organizations listed in Section III-B through
tions in Regulations section 1.6045-1(n) to
Section III-F. Report the result on Form 1099-OID in box 1.
determine the amortization of acquisition
premium. Using the income tax regulations. In-
Example 1. There are 13-week and
Box 7. The CUSIP number, if any. If there stead of using Section I to figure OID, you can
26-week T-bills maturing on the same date as
is no CUSIP number, give a description of use the regulations under sections 1272
the T-bill being redeemed. The price actually
the debt instrument, including the abbrevi- through 1275 of the Internal Revenue Code. For
paid by the owner cannot be established by
ation for the stock exchange, the abbrevia- example, under the regulations, you can use
owner or middleman records. You treat as the
tion used by the stock exchange for the is- monthly accrual periods in figuring OID for a
issue price of the T-bill the noncompetitive dis-
suer, the coupon rate, and the year of debt instrument issued after April 3, 1994, that
count price (expressed as a percent of princi-
maturity (for example, NYSE XYZ 12.50 provides for monthly payments. (If you use Sec-
pal) shown in Section III-A for a 26-week bill
2006). If the issuer of the debt instrument tion I-B, the OID is figured using 6-month ac-
maturing on the same date as the T-bill re-
is other than the payer, show the name of crual periods.)
deemed. The interest you report on Form
the issuer in this box. For a general explanation of the rules for fig-
1099-INT is the OID (per $1,000 of principal)
Box 8. The OID on a U.S. Treasury obliga- uring OID under the regulations, see Figuring
shown in Section III-A for that obligation.
tion for the part of the year the owner held OID on Long-Term Debt Instruments under In-
the debt instrument. You may report a net formation for Owners of OID Debt Instruments,
LongTerm amount of OID that reflects the offset of later.
Debt Instruments OID by the amount of acquisition premium
amortization for the year. If you do so,
If you hold a long-term OID debt instrument as a leave box 6 blank. Certificates of Deposit
nominee for the true owner, you generally must Box 9. Investment expenses passed on to
file Form 1099-OID. For this purpose, you can holders of a single-class REMIC. If you hold a bank certificate of deposit (CD) as
rely on Section I of the OID list to determine the Box 10. For a taxable covered security ac- a nominee, you must determine whether the CD
following information. quired at a premium, enter the amount of has OID and any OID includible in the income of
bond premium amortization allocable to the owner. You must file an information return
Whether a debt instrument has OID. the interest paid during the tax year, unless showing the reportable interest and OID, if any,
The OID to be reported on the Form you were notified in writing that the holder on the CD. These rules apply whether or not
1099-OID. did not want to amortize bond premium un- you sold the CD to the owner. Report OID on a
In general, you must report OID on publicly der section 171. See Regulations sections CD in the same way as OID on other debt in-
offered, long-term debt instruments listed in 1.60451(n)(5) and 1.60499(b). If you are struments. See Short-Term Obligations Re-
Section I. You also can report OID on other required to report bond premium amortiza- deemed at Maturity and Long-Term Debt Instru-
long-term debt instruments. tion and you reported a net amount of in- ments earlier.
terest in box 2, leave this box blank.
Form 1099OID. On Form 1099-OID for a cal- Boxes 11-13. Use to report any state in- Bearer Bonds and Coupons
endar year show the following information. come tax withheld for this debt instrument.
Box 1. The OID for the actual dates the If a coupon from a bearer bond is presented to
owner held the debt instruments during a Figuring OID. You can determine the OID on a
you for collection before the bond matures, you
calendar year. To determine this amount, long-term debt instrument by using either of the
generally must report the interest on Form
see Figuring OID, next. You may report a following.
1099-INT. However, do not report the interest if
net amount of OID that reflects the offset of Section I of the OID list.
either of the following apply.
OID by the amount of acquisition premium The income tax regulations.
You hold the bond as a nominee for the
amortization for the year. If you do so, true owner.
Using Section I. If the owner held the debt
leave box 6 blank. The payee is a foreign person. See Pay-
instrument for the entire calendar year, report
Box 2. The qualified stated interest paid or ments to foreign person under Backup
the OID shown in Section I for the calendar
credited during the calendar year. Interest Withholding, later.
year. Because OID is listed for each $1,000 of
reported here is not reported on Form
stated redemption price at maturity, you must Because you cannot assume the presenter of
1099-INT. The qualified stated interest on
adjust the listed amount to reflect the debt in- the coupon also owns the bond, you should not
Treasury inflation-protected securities may
strument's actual stated redemption price at report OID on the bond on Form 1099-OID. The
be reported on Form 1099-INT in box 3 in-
maturity. For example, if the debt instrument's coupon may have been stripped (separated)
stated redemption price at maturity is $500, re- from the bond and separately purchased.
Box 3. Any interest or principal forfeited
port one-half the listed OID.
because of an early withdrawal that the
If the owner held the debt instrument for less However, if a long-term bearer bond on the
owner can deduct from gross income. Do
than the entire calendar year, figure the OID to OID list is presented to you for redemption upon
not reduce the amounts in boxes 1 and 2
report as follows. call or maturity, you should prepare a Form
by the forfeiture.
1099-OID showing the OID for that calendar
Box 4. Any backup withholding for this 1. Look up the daily OID for the first accrual
year, as well as any coupon interest payments
debt instrument. period in the calendar year during which
collected at the time of redemption.
Box 5. For a taxable covered security ac- the owner held the debt instrument.
quired with market discount, enter the
amount of market discount that accrued
2. Multiply the daily OID by the number of
days the owner held the debt instrument
Backup Withholding
during the period the holder owned the
during that accrual period.
debt instrument provided the holder noti- If you report OID on Form 1099-OID or interest
fied you of an election made under section on Form 1099-INT for a calendar year, you may
1278(b) to include market discount in in- be required to apply backup withholding to the

Page 4 Publication 1212 (December 2016)

reportable payment at a rate of 28%. The the total of the expected cash payments. For outside the United States. Receipt of the appro-
backup withholding is deducted at the time a any payment, the required withholding is limited priate Form W-8 does not relieve you from infor-
cash payment is made. See Pub. 1281, Backup to the cash paid. mation reporting and backup withholding if you
Withholding for Missing and Incorrect Name/ actually know the payee is a U.S. person.
TIN(s), for more information. Payee not the original owner. If the For information about the 28% withholding
payee is not the original owner of the obligation, tax that may apply to payments of U.S.-source
Backup withholding generally applies in the the OID subject to backup withholding is the OID or interest to foreign persons, see Publica-
following situations. OID includible in the gross income of all owners tion 515.
during the calendar year (without regard to any
1. The payee does not give you a taxpayer amount paid by the new owner at the time of Foreign-source amount. Backup with-
identification number (TIN). transfer). The amount subject to backup with- holding and information reporting are not re-
2. The IRS notifies you that the payee gave holding at maturity of a listed obligation must be quired for payments of foreign-source OID and
an incorrect TIN. determined using the issue price shown in Sec- interest made outside the United States. How-
tion I. ever, if the payments are made inside the Uni-
3. The IRS notifies you that the payee is sub- ted States, the requirements for backup with-
ject to backup withholding due to payee Bearer long-term obligations with cash holding and information reporting will apply
underreporting. payments. If a bearer long-term obligation has unless the payee has given you the appropriate
cash payments before maturity, backup with- Form W-8 or acceptable substitute as proof that
4. For debt instruments acquired after 1983:
holding applies when the cash payments are the payee is a foreign person.
a. The payee does not certify, under made. For payments before maturity, the
penalties of perjury, that he or she is amount subject to withholding is the qualified More information. For more information
not subject to backup withholding un- stated interest (defined earlier under Defini- about backup withholding and information re-
der (3), or tions) includible in the owner's gross income for porting on foreign-source amounts or payments
the calendar year. For a payment at maturity, to foreign persons, see Regulations section
b. The payee does not certify, under
the amount subject to withholding is only the to- 1.6049-5.
penalties of perjury, that the TIN given
tal of any qualified stated interest paid at matur-
is correct.
ity and the OID includible in the owner's gross
However, for short-term discount obligations income for the calendar year when the obliga- Information for
tion matures. The required withholding at ma-
(other than government obligations), bearer
bonds and coupons, and U.S. savings bonds, turity is limited to the cash paid. Owners of OID
backup withholding applies only if the payee
does not give you a TIN or gives you an obvi- Sales and redemptions. If you report the
Debt Instruments
ously incorrect number for a TIN. gross proceeds from a sale, exchange, or re-
demption of a debt instrument on Form 1099-B This section is for persons who prepare their
for a calendar year, you may be required to own tax returns. It discusses the income tax
Shortterm obligations. Backup withholding
withhold 28% of the amount reported. Backup rules for figuring and reporting OID on long-term
applies to OID on a short-term obligation only
withholding applies in the following situations. debt instruments. It also includes a similar dis-
when the OID is paid at maturity. However,
The payee does not give you a TIN. cussion for stripped bonds and coupons, such
backup withholding applies to any interest pay-
The IRS notifies you that the payee gave as zero coupon bonds available through the
able before maturity when the interest is paid or
an incorrect TIN. Department of the Treasury's STRIPS program
For debt instruments held in an account and government-sponsored enterprises such
If the owner of a short-term obligation at ma- as the Resolution Funding Corporation. How-
turity is not the original owner and can establish opened after 1983, the payee does not
certify, under penalties of perjury, that the ever, the information provided does not cover
the purchase price of the obligation, the amount every situation. More information can be found
subject to backup withholding must be deter- TIN given is correct.
in the regulations under sections 1271 through
mined by treating the purchase price as the is- 1275 of the Internal Revenue Code.
sue price. However, you can choose to disre- Payments outside the United States to U.S.
gard that price if it would require significant person. The requirements for backup with-
holding and information reporting apply to pay- Including OID in income. Generally, you in-
manual intervention in the computer or record- clude OID in income as it accrues each year,
keeping system used for the obligation. If the ments of OID and interest made outside the
United States to a U.S. person, a controlled for- whether or not you receive any payments from
purchase price of a listed obligation is not es- the debt instrument issuer.
tablished or is disregarded, you must use the is- eign corporation, or a foreign person at least
sue price shown in Section III. 50% of whose income for the preceding 3-year Exceptions. The rules for including OID in
period is effectively connected with the conduct income as it accrues generally do not apply to
Longterm obligations. If no cash payments of a U.S. trade or business. the following debt instruments.
are made on a long-term obligation before ma- U.S. savings bonds.
turity, backup withholding applies only at matur- Payments to foreign person. The following Tax-exempt obligations. (However, see
ity. The amount subject to backup withholding is discussions explain the rules for backup with- Tax-Exempt Bonds and Coupons, later.)
the OID includible in the owner's gross income holding and information reporting on payments Obligations issued by individuals before
for the calendar year when the obligation ma- to foreign persons. March 2, 1984.
tures. The amount to be withheld is limited to U.S.-source amount. Backup withholding Loans of $10,000 or less between individu-
the cash paid. and information reporting are not required for als who are not in the business of lending
payments of U.S.-source OID, interest, or pro- money. (The dollar limit includes outstand-
Registered long-term obligations with ing prior loans by the lender to the bor-
cash payments. If a registered long-term obli- ceeds from a sale or redemption of an OID in-
strument if the payee has given you proof (gen- rower.) This exception does not apply if a
gation has cash payments before maturity, principal purpose of the loan is to avoid
backup withholding applies when a cash pay- erally the appropriate Form W-8 or an
acceptable substitute) that the payee is a for- any federal tax.
ment is made. The amount subject to backup
withholding is the total of the qualified stated in- eign person. A U.S. resident is not a foreign See chapter 1 of Publication 550 for infor-
terest (defined earlier under Definitions) and person. For proof of the payee's foreign status, mation about the rules for these and other types
OID includible in the owner's gross income for you can rely on the appropriate Form W-8 or on of discounted debt instruments, such as
the calendar year when the payment is made. If documentary evidence for payments made out- short-term and market discount obligations.
more than one cash payment is made during side the United States to an offshore account Publication 550 also discusses rules for holders
the year, the OID subject to withholding for the or, in case of broker proceeds, a sale effected of REMIC interests and CDOs.
year must be allocated among the expected
cash payments in the ratio that each bears to

Publication 1212 (December 2016) Page 5

De minimis rule. You can treat OID as zero if broker may either report the acquisition pre- 10%. Assume the debt instrument is a capital
the total OID on a debt instrument is less than mium amortization adjustment amount in box 6 asset in Larry's hands. The debt instrument has
one-fourth of 1% (.0025) of the stated redemp- or may report a net amount of OID in box 1 or $13,765.00 of OID ($100,000 stated redemp-
tion price at maturity multiplied by the number of box 8, as applicable, that reflects the adjust- tion price at maturity minus $86,235.00 issue
full years from the date of original issue to ma- ment of OID by the amortized acquisition pre- price).
turity. Debt instruments with de minimis OID are mium. In general, your broker will use the rules Larry sold the debt instrument for $90,000
not listed in this publication. There are special in Regulations section 1.12722(b)(4) to deter- on November 1 of Year 4. Including the OID he
rules to determine the de minimis amount in the mine the amortization of acquisition premium. will report for the period he held the debt instru-
case of debt instruments that provide for more ment in Year 4, Larry has included $4,556.00 of
than one payment of principal. Also, the de min- Market discount. If your debt instrument OID in income and has increased his basis by
imis rules generally do not apply to tax-exempt has market discount that you choose to include that amount to $90,791.00. Larry has realized a
obligations. in income currently and if the debt instrument is loss of $791.00. All of Larry's loss is capital
a covered security under Regulations section loss.
Example 2. You bought at issuance a 1.60451(a)(15), the market discount includible
10-year debt instrument with a stated redemp- in income is reported in box 5 of Form 1099
tion price at maturity of $1,000, issued at $980 OID. Unless you notify your broker in writing Form 1099OID
with OID of $20. One-fourth of 1% of $1,000 that you have not elected to use a constant
yield method under section 1276(b) to deter- The issuer of the debt instrument (or your
(the stated redemption price) times 10 (the
mine accruals of market discount, your broker broker, if you purchased or held the debt instru-
number of full years from the date of original is-
will use a constant yield method to determine ment through a broker) should give you a copy
sue to maturity) equals $25. Under the de mini-
accruals of market discount rather than a rata- of Form 1099-OID or a similar statement if the
mis rule, you can treat the OID as zero because
ble method. accrued OID for the calendar year is $10 or
the $20 discount is less than $25.
more and the term of the debt instrument is
See Market Discount Bonds in chapter 1 of more than 1 year. Form 1099-OID shows all
Example 3. Assume the same facts as Ex- Publication 550 for information on how to figure OID income in box 1 except OID on a U.S.
ample 2, except the debt instrument was issued accrued market discount and include it in your Treasury obligation, which is shown in box 8. It
at $950. You must report part of the $50 OID income currently and for other information also shows, in box 2, any qualified stated inter-
each year because it is more than $25. about market discount bonds. If you choose to est you must include in income. (However, any
use the constant yield method to figure accrued qualified stated interest on Treasury infla-
Choice to report all interest as OID. Gener-
market discount, also see Figuring OID on tion-protected securities can be reported on
ally, you can choose to treat all interest on a
Long-Term Debt Instruments, later. The con- Form 1099-INT in box 3.) For a taxable covered
debt instrument acquired after April 3, 1994, as
stant yield method of figuring accrued OID, ex- security, Form 1099-OID may show accrued
OID and include it in gross income by using the
plained in those discussions under Constant market discount in box 5, acquisition premium
constant yield method. See Constant yield
yield method, is also used to figure accrued in box 6, or premium in box 10. For a taxable
method under Debt Instruments Issued After
market discount. covered security with acquisition premium,
1984, later, for more information.
box 1 or box 8, as applicable, may show a net
For this choice, interest includes stated in- For more information concerning premium
amount of OID that reflects the offset of OID by
terest, acquisition discount, OID, de minimis or market discount on an inflation-indexed debt
the amount of acquisition premium amortization
OID, market discount, de minimis market dis- instrument, see Regulations section 1.1275-7.
for the year. If so, box 6 will be blank. For a cov-
count, and unstated interest, as adjusted by any
ered security with bond premium, box 2 may
amortizable bond premium or acquisition pre- Sale, exchange, or redemption. Generally,
show a net amount of qualified stated interest
mium. For more information, see Regulations you treat your gain or loss from the sale, ex-
that reflects the offset of interest income by the
section 1.1272-3. change, or redemption of an OID debt instru-
amount of premium amortization for the year. If
ment as a capital gain or loss if you held the
so, box 10 will be blank. A copy of Form
Purchase after date of original issue. A debt debt instrument as a capital asset. If you sold
1099-OID will be sent to the IRS. Do not attach
instrument you purchased after the date of origi- the debt instrument through a broker, you
your copy to your tax return. Keep it for your re-
nal issue may have premium, acquisition pre- should receive Form 1099-B or an equivalent
mium, or market discount. If your debt instru- statement from the broker. Use the Form
ment has premium or acquisition premium, the 1099-B or other statement and your brokerage If you are required to file a tax return
OID reported to you on Form 1099-OID may statements to complete Form 8949, and Sched- and you receive Form 1099-OID show-
have to be adjusted. For more information, see ule D (Form 1040).
CAUTION ing taxable amounts, you must report

Showing an OID adjustment under How To Re- Your gain or loss is the difference between these amounts on your return. A 20% accu-
port OID, later. If your debt instrument is a cov- the amount you realized on the sale, exchange, racy-related penalty may be charged for under-
ered security under Regulations section or redemption and your basis in the debt instru- payment of tax due to either negligence or dis-
1.6045-1(a)(15), market discount, acquisition ment. Your basis, generally, is your cost in- regard of rules and regulations or substantial
premium, or premium is reported in box 5, 6 or creased by the OID you have included in in- understatement of tax.
10 of Form 1099-OID, respectively. The follow- come each year you held it. In general, to
ing rules generally do not apply to contingent determine your gain or loss on a tax-exempt Form 1099OID not received. If you held an
payment debt instruments. bond, figure your basis in the bond by adding to OID debt instrument for a calendar year but did
your cost the OID you would have included in not receive a Form 1099-OID, refer to the dis-
Adjustment for premium. If your debt in-
income if the bond had been taxable. For a cov- cussions under Figuring OID on Long-Term
strument (other than an inflation-indexed debt
ered security, your broker will report the adjus- Debt Instruments, later, for information on the
instrument) has premium, do not report any OID
ted basis of the debt instrument to you on Form OID you must report.
as ordinary income. Your adjustment is the total
OID shown on your Form 1099-OID.
See chapter 4 of Publication 550 for more Refiguring OID. You may need to refigure the
Adjustment for acquisition premium. If information about the tax treatment of the sale OID shown on Form 1099-OID, in box 1 or
your debt instrument has acquisition premium, or redemption of discounted debt instruments. box 8, to determine the proper amount to in-
reduce the OID you report. Your adjustment is clude in income if one of the following applies.
the difference between the OID shown on your Example 4. Larry, a calendar year tax- You bought the debt instrument at a pre-
Form 1099-OID and the reduced OID amount payer, bought a corporate debt instrument at mium or at an acquisition premium. How-
figured using the rules explained later under original issue for $86,235.00 on November 1 of ever, if you bought a covered security at an
Figuring OID on Long-Term Debt Instruments. If Year 1. The 15-year debt instrument matures on acquisition premium, you may not have to
your debt instrument is a covered security un- October 31 of Year 16 at a stated redemption refigure the OID if your broker reported a
der Regulations section 1.6045-1(a)(15), your price of $100,000. The debt instrument pro- net adjusted amount of OID in box 1 or
vides for semiannual payments of interest at

Page 6 Publication 1212 (December 2016)

box 8, as applicable, that reflects the ad- Schedule B, Part I, line 1, or Form 1040, Sched- Treasury securities are discussed under Figur-
justment of the OID by the amortized ac- ule B, line 1. Include all OID and periodic inter- ing OID on Stripped Bonds and Coupons, later.
quisition premium. est shown on any Form 1099-OID, boxes 1, 2,
The debt instrument is a stripped bond or and 8, you received for the tax year. Also in- Corporate Debt Instruments
coupon (including zero coupon bonds clude any other OID and interest income for Issued After 1954 and
backed by U.S. Treasury securities). which you did not receive a Form 1099.
Before May 28, 1969,
The debt instrument is a contingent pay-
ment or inflation-indexed debt instrument. Showing an OID adjustment. If you use Form
and Government Debt Instruments
1040 to report more or less OID than shown in Issued After 1954 and
See the discussions under Figuring OID on
box 1 or box 8 on Form 1099-OID, list the full Before July 2, 1982
Long-Term Debt Instruments or Figuring OID on
OID on Schedule B, Part I, line 1, and follow the
Stripped Bonds and Coupons, later, for the spe- If you hold these debt instruments as capital as-
instructions under 1 or 2, next.
cific computations. sets, you include OID in income only in the year
If you use Form 1040A to report the OID
the debt instrument is sold, exchanged, or re-
Refiguring interest. If you disposed of a debt shown on a Form 1099-OID you received as a
deemed, and only if you have a gain. The OID,
instrument or acquired it from another holder nominee for the actual owner, list the full OID on
which is taxed as ordinary income, generally
between interest dates, see the discussion un- Schedule B, Part I, line 1 and follow the instruc-
equals the following amount.
der Bonds Sold Between Interest Dates in tions under 1.
chapter 1 of Publication 550 for information 1. If the OID, as adjusted, is less than the number of full months X original issue
about refiguring the interest shown on Form amount shown on Form 1099-OID, show you held the debt discount
1099-OID in box 2. the adjustment as follows. instrument
Nominee. If you are the holder of an OID debt a. Under your last entry on line 1, subto- number of full months
instrument and you receive a Form 1099-OID tal all interest and OID income listed from date of original
that shows your taxpayer identification number on line 1. issue to date of maturity
and includes amounts belonging to another per- b. Below the subtotal, write Nominee
The balance of the gain is capital gain. If
son, you are considered a nominee. You must Distribution or OID Adjustment and
there is a loss on the sale of the debt instru-
file another Form 1099-OID for each actual show the OID you are not required to
ment, the entire loss is a capital loss and no
owner, showing the OID for the owner. Show report.
OID is reported.
the owner of the debt instrument as the recipi-
c. Subtract that OID from the subtotal
ent and you as the payer.
and enter the result on line 2. Corporate Debt Instruments
Complete Form 1099-OID and Form 1096
and file the forms with the Internal Revenue 2. If the OID, as adjusted, is more than the Issued After May 27, 1969,
Service Center for your area. You must also amount shown on Form 1099-OID, show and Before July 2, 1982
give a copy of the Form 1099-OID to the actual the adjustment as follows.
owner. However, you are not required to file a If you hold these debt instruments as capital as-
a. Under your last entry on line 1, subto-
nominee return to show amounts belonging to sets, you must include part of the OID in income
tal all interest and OID income listed
your spouse. See the Form 1099 instructions each year you own the debt instruments. For in-
on line 1.
for more information. formation about showing the correct OID on
When preparing your tax return, follow the b. Below the subtotal, write OID Adjust- your tax return, see the discussion under How
instructions under Showing an OID adjustment ment and show the additional OID. To Report OID, earlier. Your basis in the debt
in the next discussion. instrument is increased by the OID you include
c. Add that OID to the subtotal and enter
in income.
the result on line 2.
How To Report OID Form 1099OID. You should receive a Form
Figuring OID on 1099-OID showing OID for the part of the year
Generally, you report your taxable interest and LongTerm Debt Instruments you held the debt instrument. However, if you
OID income on the interest line of Form paid an acquisition premium, you may need to
1040EZ, Form 1040A, or Form 1040. How you figure the OID on a long-term debt in- refigure the OID to report on your tax return.
strument depends on the date it was issued. It See Reduction for acquisition premium, later. If
Form 1040 or Form 1040A required. You also may depend on the type of the debt instru- your debt instrument is a covered security un-
must use Form 1040 or Form 1040A (you can- ment. There are different rules for each of the der Regulations section 1.6045-1(a)(15), you
not use Form 1040EZ) under either of the fol- following debt instruments. may not have to refigure the OID if your broker
lowing conditions. reported a net adjusted amount of OID in box 1
You received a Form 1099-OID as a nomi- 1. Corporate debt instruments issued after or box 8, as applicable, that reflects the adjust-
nee for the actual owner. 1954 and before May 28, 1969, and gov- ment of OID by the amortized acquisition pre-
Your total interest and OID income for the ernment debt instruments issued after mium.
year was more than $1,500. 1954 and before July 2, 1982.
If you held an OID debt instrument in a
You are reporting more or less OID than 2. Corporate debt instruments issued after calendar year but did not receive a
the amount shown on Form 1099-OID, May 27, 1969, and before July 2, 1982. Form 1099-OID, see Form 1099-OID
other than because you are a nominee. For
3. Debt instruments issued after July 1, not received, immediately below, and refer to
example, you paid a premium or an ac-
1982, and before 1985. Section I-A available at
quisition premium when you purchased the
by clicking the link under Recent Develop-
debt instrument and you will report less 4. Debt instruments issued after 1984 (other
OID than shown on Form 1099-OID in than debt instruments described in (5) and
box 1 or box 8. (6)).
Form 1099OID not received. The OID listed
5. Contingent payment debt instruments is- is for each $1,000 of redemption price. You
Form 1040 required. You must use Form
sued after August 12, 1996. must adjust the listed amount if your debt instru-
1040 if you were charged an early withdrawal
penalty. 6. Inflation-indexed debt instruments (includ- ment has a different principal amount. For ex-
ing Treasury inflation-protected securities) ample, if you have a debt instrument with a
Where to report. List each payer's name (if a issued after January 5, 1997. $500 principal amount, use one-half the listed
brokerage firm gave you a Form 1099, list the amount to figure your OID.
brokerage firm as the payer) and the amount re- Zero coupon bonds. The rules for figuring
ceived from each payer on Form 1040A, OID on zero coupon bonds backed by U.S.

Publication 1212 (December 2016) Page 7

If you held the debt instrument the entire and each anniversary thereafter, or the shorter
If you held an OID debt instrument in a
year, use the OID shown in Section I-A for a cal- period to maturity for the last accrual period.
calendar year but did not receive a
endar year. (If your debt instrument is not listed Your tax year will usually include parts of two
Form 1099-OID, see Form 1099-OID
in Section I-A, consult the issuer for information accrual periods.
not received, immediately below, and refer to
about the issue price and the OID that accrued
Section I-A available at Daily OID. The OID for any accrual period
for that year.) If you did not hold the debt instru-
by clicking the link under Recent Develop- is allocated equally to each day in the accrual
ment the entire year, figure your OID using the
ments. period. You must include in income the sum of
following method.
the OID amounts for each day you hold the debt
1. Divide the OID shown by 12. Form 1099OID not received. The OID listed instrument during the year. If your tax year in-
2. Multiply the result in (1) by the number of is for each $1,000 of redemption price. You cludes parts of two or more accrual periods,
complete and partial months (for example, must adjust the listed amount if your debt instru- you must include the proper daily OID amounts
61 2 months) you held the debt instrument ment has a different principal amount. For ex- for each accrual period.
during a calendar year. This is the OID to ample, if you have a debt instrument with a Figuring daily OID. The daily OID for the
include in income unless you paid an ac- $500 principal amount, use one-half the listed initial accrual period is figured using the follow-
quisition premium. The reduction for ac- amount to figure your OID. ing formula.
quisition premium is discussed next. If you held the debt instrument the entire
year, use the OID shown in Section I-A. (If your
Reduction for acquisition premium. If you instrument is not listed in Section I-A, consult (ip ytm) qsi
bought the debt instrument at an acquisition the issuer for information about the issue price, p
premium, figure the OID to include in income as the yield to maturity, and the OID that accrued
follows. for that year.) If you did not hold the debt instru- ip = issue price
ment the entire year, figure your OID using ei-
1. Divide the total OID on the debt instrument ytm = yield to maturity
ther of the following methods.
by the number of complete months, and
qsi = qualified stated interest
any part of a month, from the date of origi- Method 1.
nal issue to the maturity date. This is the p = number of days in accrual period
monthly OID. 1. Divide the total OID for a calendar year by
365 (366 for leap years).
2. Subtract from your cost the issue price The daily OID for subsequent accrual peri-
and the accumulated OID from the date of 2. Multiply the result in (1) by the number of
ods is figured the same way except the adjus-
issue to the date of purchase. (If the result days you held the debt instrument during
ted issue price at the beginning of each period
is zero or less, stop here. You did not pay that particular year.
is used in the formula instead of the issue price.
an acquisition premium.) This computation is an approximation and may
result in a slightly higher OID than Method 2. Reduction for acquisition premium on debt
3. Divide the amount figured in (2) by the
instruments purchased before July 19,
number of complete months, and any part
Method 2. 1984. If you bought the debt instrument at an
of a month, from the date of your purchase
1. Look up the daily OID for the first accrual acquisition premium before July 19, 1984, fig-
to the maturity date.
period you held the debt instrument during ure the OID includible in income by reducing the
4. Subtract the amount figured in (3) from the daily OID by the daily acquisition premium. Fig-
a calendar year. (See Accrual period un-
amount figured in (1). This is the OID to in- ure the daily acquisition premium by dividing
der Constant yield method, next.)
clude in income for each month you hold the total acquisition premium by the number of
the debt instrument during the year. 2. Multiply the daily OID by the number of days in the period beginning on your purchase
days you held the debt instrument during date and ending on the day before the date of
Transfers during the month. If you buy or sell that accrual period. maturity.
a debt instrument on any day other than the
3. If you held the debt instrument for part of
same day of the month as the date of original is- Reduction for acquisition premium on debt
both accrual periods, repeat (1) and (2) for
sue, the ratable monthly portion of OID for the instruments purchased after July 18, 1984.
the second accrual period.
month of sale is divided between the seller and If you bought the debt instrument at an acquisi-
the buyer according to the number of days each 4. Add the results of (2) and (3). This is the tion premium after July 18, 1984, figure the OID
held the debt instrument. Your holding period OID to include in income, unless you paid includible in income by reducing the daily OID
for this purpose begins the day you acquire the an acquisition premium. (The reduction for by the daily acquisition premium. However, the
debt instrument and ends the day before you acquisition premium is discussed later.) method of figuring the daily acquisition premium
dispose of it. is different from the method described in the
Constant yield method. This discussion preceding discussion. To figure the daily ac-
Debt Instruments Issued After shows how to figure OID on debt instruments is- quisition premium under this method, multiply
sued after July 1, 1982, and before 1985, using the daily OID by the following fraction.
July 1, 1982, and Before 1985
a constant yield method. OID is allocated over The numerator is the acquisition premium.
If you hold these debt instruments as capital as- the life of the debt instrument through adjust- The denominator is the total OID remaining
sets, you must include part of the OID in income ments to the issue price for each accrual pe- for the debt instrument after your purchase
each year you own the debt instruments and in- riod. date.
crease your basis by the amount included. For Figure the OID allocable to any accrual pe-
Section I-A is available at
information about showing the correct OID on riod as follows.
pub1212 and clicking the link under
your tax return, see How To Report OID, earlier. 1. Multiply the adjusted issue price at the be- Recent Developments.
ginning of the accrual period by the debt
Form 1099OID. You should receive a Form instrument's yield to maturity. Using Section I-A to figure accumulated
1099-OID showing OID for the part of the year OID. If you bought your corporate debt instru-
you held the debt instrument. However, if you 2. Subtract from the result in (1) any qualified
stated interest allocable to the accrual pe- ment in a calendar year or the subsequent year,
paid an acquisition premium, you may need to you can figure the accumulated OID to the date
refigure the OID to report on your tax return. riod.
of purchase by adding the following amounts.
See Constant yield method and the discussions
Accrual period. An accrual period for any
on acquisition premium that follow, later. 1. The amount from the Total OID to Janu-
OID debt instrument issued after July 1, 1982,
ary 1, YYYY column for your debt instru-
and before 1985 is each 1-year period begin-
ning on the date of the issue of the obligation

Page 8 Publication 1212 (December 2016)

2. The OID from January 1 of a calendar year ment has a different principal amount. For ex- instrument maturing on March 31 has accrual
to the date of purchase, figured as follows. ample, if you have a debt instrument with a periods that end on September 30 and March
$500 principal amount, use one-half the listed 31 of each calendar year. Any short period is in-
a. Multiply the daily OID for the first ac-
amount to figure your OID. cluded as the first accrual period.
crual period in the calendar year by
Use the OID shown in Section I-B for a cal- For debt instruments issued after April 3,
the number of days from January 1 to
endar year if you held the debt instrument the 1994, accrual periods may be of any length and
the date of purchase, or the end of the
entire year. (If your debt instrument is not listed may vary in length over the term of the debt in-
accrual period if the debt instrument
in Section I-B, consult the issuer for information strument, as long as each accrual period is no
was purchased in the second or third
about the issue price, the yield to maturity, and longer than 1 year and all payments are made
accrual period.
the OID that accrued for that year.) If you did on the first or last day of an accrual period.
b. Multiply the daily OID for each subse- not hold the debt instrument the entire year, fig- However, the OID listed for these debt instru-
quent accrual period by the number of ure your OID as follows. ments in Section I-B has been figured using
days in the period to the date of pur- 6-month accrual periods.
chase or the end of the accrual pe- 1. Look up the daily OID for the first accrual
riod, whichever applies. period in which you held the debt instru- Daily OID. The OID for any accrual period
ment during a calendar year. (See Accrual is allocated equally to each day in the accrual
c. Add the amounts figured in (2a) and period under Constant yield method, period. Figure the amount to include in income
(2b). later.) by adding the OID for each day you hold the
debt instrument during the year. Since your tax
2. Multiply the daily OID by the number of
Debt Instruments days you held the debt instrument during
year will usually include parts of two or more ac-
Issued After 1984 crual periods, you must include the proper daily
that accrual period.
OID for each accrual period. If your debt instru-
If you hold debt instruments issued after 1984, 3. Repeat (1) and (2) for any remaining ac- ment has 6-month accrual periods, your tax
you must report part of the OID in gross income crual periods in which you held the debt year will usually include one full 6-month ac-
each year that you own the debt instruments. instrument. crual period and parts of two other 6-month pe-
You must include the OID in gross income riods.
4. Add the results of (2) and (3). This is the
whether or not you hold the debt instrument as OID to include in income for that year, un- Figuring daily OID. The daily OID for the
a capital asset. Your basis in the debt instru- less you paid an acquisition premium. initial accrual period is figured using the follow-
ment is increased by the OID you include in in- (The reduction for acquisition premium is ing formula.
come. For information about showing the cor- discussed later.)
rect OID on your tax return, see How To Report
OID, earlier. (ip ytm/n) qsi
Taxexempt bond. If you own a tax-exempt
bond, figure your basis in the bond by adding to
Form 1099OID. You should receive a Form your cost the OID you would have included in
1099-OID showing OID for the part of a calen- income if the bond had been taxable. You need ip = issue price
dar year you held the debt instrument. How- to make this adjustment to determine if you
ever, if you paid an acquisition premium, you have a gain or loss on a later disposition of the
ytm = yield to maturity
may need to refigure the OID to report on your bond. In general, use the rules that follow to de- n = number of accrual periods in 1 year
tax return. See Constant yield method and Re- termine your OID. If your tax-exempt bond is a qsi = qualified stated interest
duction for acquisition premium, later. covered security under Regulations section
If your taxable debt instrument is a covered 1.6045-1(a)(15), your broker will make this ad- p = number of days in accrual period
security, your broker will calculate the amortiza- justment to your basis and will report the adjus-
tion of acquisition premium for you. Your broker ted basis on Form 1099-B.
may report either a gross amount of OID in The daily OID for subsequent accrual peri-
box 1 or box 8, as applicable, and the acquisi- Constant yield method. This discussion ods is figured the same way except the adjus-
tion premium amortization in box 6, or may re- shows how to figure OID on debt instruments is- ted issue price at the beginning of each period
port a net amount of OID that reflects the offset sued after 1984 using a constant yield method. is used in the formula instead of the issue price.
of OID by the amount of acquisition premium (The special rules that apply to contingent pay-
amortization for the year in box 1 or box 8, as ment debt instruments and inflation-indexed Example 5. On January 1 of Year 1, you
applicable. In general, your broker will use the debt instruments are explained later.) OID is al- bought a 15-year, 10% debt instrument of A
rules in Regulations section 1.12722(b)(4) to located over the life of the debt instrument Corporation at original issue for $86,235.17. Ac-
determine the amortization of acquisition pre- through adjustments to the issue price for each cording to the prospectus, the debt instrument
mium. However, you may use a constant yield accrual period. matures on December 31 of Year 15 at a stated
method to amortize acquisition premium if you Figure the OID allocable to any accrual pe- redemption price of $100,000. The yield to ma-
make an election under Regulations section riod as follows. turity is 12%, compounded semiannually. The
1.12723. debt instrument provides for qualified stated in-
You may also need to refigure the OID for a 1. Multiply the adjusted issue price at the be-
ginning of the accrual period by a fraction. terest payments of $5,000 on June 30 and De-
contingent payment or inflation-indexed debt in- cember 31 of each calendar year. The accrual
strument on which the amount reported on The numerator of the fraction is the debt
instrument's yield to maturity and the de- periods are the 6-month periods ending on
Form 1099-OID is inaccurate. See Contingent each of these dates. The number of days for the
Payment Debt Instruments or Inflation-Indexed nominator is the number of accrual peri-
ods per year. The yield must be stated ap- first accrual period (January 1 through June 30)
Debt Instruments, later. is 181 days (182 for leap years). The daily OID
propriately taking into account the length
If you held an OID debt instrument in a of the particular accrual period. for the first accrual period is figured as follows.
calendar year but did not receive a
Form 1099-OID, see Form 1099-OID 2. Subtract from the result in (1) any qualified
($86,235.17 x .12/2) $5,000
not received, immediately below, and refer to stated interest allocable to the accrual pe-
181 days
Section I-B available at riod.
by clicking the link under Recent Develop- Accrual period. For debt instruments is-
ments. sued after 1984 and before April 4, 1994, an ac- $174.11020
= = $.96193
crual period is each 6-month period that ends 181
Form 1099OID not received. The OID listed on the day that corresponds to the stated ma-
is for each $1,000 of redemption price. You turity date of the debt instrument or the date 6 The adjusted issue price at the beginning of
must adjust the listed amount if your debt instru- months before that date. For example, a debt the second accrual period is the issue price

Publication 1212 (December 2016) Page 9

plus the OID previously includible in income on May 1 and November 1.) For this short pe- Contingent payment debt instruments ac-
($86,235.17 + $174.11), or $86,409.28. The riod, figure the daily OID as described earlier, quired on or after January 1, 2016, are covered
number of days for the second accrual period but adjust the yield for the length of the short securities. Dispositions of covered and non-
(July 1 through December 31) is 184 days. The accrual period. You may use any reasonable covered securities must be reported on Form
daily OID for the second accrual period is fig- compounding method in determining OID for a 8949, Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital
ured as follows. short period. Examples of reasonable com- Assets. The gain or loss on these securities
pounding methods include continuous com- subject to the noncontingent bond method will
($86,409.28 x .12/2) $5,000 pounding and monthly compounding (that is, be adjusted by any amounts shown in column
184 days
simple interest within a month). Consult your tax (g) with a corresponding code O in column (f).
advisor for more information about making this In general, the gain from the sale of these se-
computation. curities will be ordinary and losses will be ordi-
$184.55681 The OID for the final accrual period is the nary to the extent of prior year OID inclusions.
= 184 = $1.00303
difference between the amount payable at ma-
turity (other than a payment of qualified stated Because the actual payments on a contin-
Since the first and second accrual periods interest) and the adjusted issue price at the be- gent payment debt instrument cannot be known
coincide exactly with your tax year, you include ginning of the final accrual period. in advance, issuers and holders cannot use the
in income for Year 1 the OID allocable to the constant yield method (discussed earlier under
first two accrual periods, $174.11 ($.95665 Reduction for acquisition premium. If you Debt Instruments Issued After 1984) without
182 days) plus $184.56 ($1.00303 184 days), bought the debt instrument at an acquisition making certain assumptions about the pay-
or $358.67. Add the OID to the $10,000 interest premium, unless you made the constant yield ments on the debt instrument. To figure OID ac-
you report on your income tax return for Year 1. election under Regulations section 1.12723, cruals on contingent payment debt instruments,
figure the OID includible in income by reducing holders and issuers must use the noncontingent
Example 6. Assume the same facts as in the daily OID by the daily acquisition premium. bond method.
Example 5, except that you bought the debt in- To figure the daily acquisition premium, multiply
strument at original issue on May 1 of Year 1, the daily OID by the following fraction. Noncontingent bond method. Under this
with a maturity date of April 30, Year 16. Also, The numerator is the acquisition premium. method, the issuer must compute a comparable
the interest payment dates are October 31 and The denominator is the total OID remaining yield for the debt instrument and, based on this
April 30 of each calendar year. The accrual pe- for the debt instrument after your purchase yield, construct a projected payment schedule
riods are the 6-month periods ending on each date. for the instrument, which includes a projected
of these dates. fixed amount for each contingent payment. In
The number of days for the first accrual pe- Example 7. Assume the same facts as in general, holders and issuers accrue OID on this
riod (May 1 through October 31) is 184 days. Example 6, except that you bought the debt in- projected payment schedule using the constant
The daily OID for the first accrual period is fig- strument on November 1 of Year 1 for $87,000, yield method that applies to fixed payment debt
ured as follows. after its original issue on May 1 of Year 1. The instruments. When a contingent payment differs
adjusted issue price on November 1 of Year 1 is from the projected fixed amount, the holders
($86,235.17 x .12/2) $5,000 $86,409.28 ($86,235.17 + $174.11). In this and issuers make adjustments to their OID ac-
184 days case, you paid an acquisition premium of cruals. If the actual contingent payment is larger
$590.72 ($87,000 $86,409.28). The daily OID than expected, both the issuer and the holder
$174.11020 for the accrual period November 1 through April increase their OID accruals. If the actual contin-
= = $.94625 30, reduced for the acquisition premium, is fig- gent payment is smaller than expected, holders
ured as follows. and issuers generally decrease their OID ac-
The number of days for the second accrual
period (November 1 through April 30) is 181 1) Daily OID on date of purchase
(2nd accrual period) . . . . . . . . . . $1.01965* Form 1099OID. The amount shown on Form
days (182 for leap years). The daily OID for the 1099-OID in box 1 you receive for a contingent
second accrual period is figured as follows. 2) Acquisition
premium . . . . . . . . . . $590.72 payment debt instrument may not be the correct
3) Total OID remaining amount to include in income. For example, the
($86,409.28 x .12/2) $5,000 after purchase date amount may not be correct if the contingent
181 days ($13,764.83 payment was different from the projected
$174.11) . . . . . . . . 13,590.72 amount. If the amount in box 1 is not correct,
$184.55681 4) Line 2 line 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04346 you must figure the OID to report on your return
= = $1.01965 under the following rules. For information on
181 5) Line 1 line 4 ............... .04432
showing an OID adjustment on your tax return,
6) Daily OID reduced for the see How To Report OID, earlier.
If you hold the debt instrument through the acquisition premium. Line 1
end of Year 1, you must include $236.31 of OID line 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.97533 Figuring OID. To figure OID on a contingent
in income. This is $174.11 ($.94625 184 * As shown in Example 6. payment debt instrument, you need to know the
days) for the period May 1 through October 31 comparable yield and projected payment
plus $62.20 ($1.01965 61 days) for the period The total OID to include in income for Year 1 schedule of the debt instrument. The issuer
November 1 through December 31. The OID is is $59.50 ($.97533 61 days). must make these available to you.
added to the $5,000 interest income paid on
October 31 of Year 1. Your basis in the debt in- Comparable yield. The comparable yield
Contingent Payment generally is the yield at which the issuer would
strument is increased by the OID you include in Debt Instruments
income. On January 1 of Year 2, your basis in issue a fixed rate debt instrument with terms
the A Corporation debt instrument is and conditions similar to those of the contingent
This discussion shows how to figure OID on a
$86,471.48 ($86,235.17 + $236.31). payment debt instrument. The comparable yield
contingent payment debt instrument issued af-
is determined as of the debt instrument's issue
Short first accrual period. You may have ter August 12, 1996, that was issued for cash or
to make adjustments if a debt instrument has a publicly traded property. In general, a contin-
short first accrual period. For example, a debt gent payment debt instrument provides for one Projected payment schedule. The projec-
instrument with 6-month accrual periods that is or more payments that are contingent as to tim- ted payment schedule for a contingent payment
issued on February 15 and matures on October ing or amount. If you hold a contingent payment debt instrument includes all fixed payments due
31 has a short first accrual period that ends bond, you must report OID as it accrues each under the instrument and a projected fixed
April 30. (The remaining accrual periods begin year. amount for each contingent payment. The pro-
jected payment schedule is created by the

Page 10 Publication 1212 (December 2016)

issuer as of the debt instrument's issue date. It See Regulations section 1.1275-4 for ex- ple, the amount may not be correct if you
is used to determine the issuer's and holder's ceptions to these rules. bought the debt instrument other than at original
interest accruals and adjustments. issue or sold it during the year. If the amount
Premium, acquisition premium, and market shown in box 8 is not correct, you must figure
Steps for figuring OID. Figure the OID on discount. The rules for accruing premium, ac- the OID to report on your return under the fol-
a contingent payment debt instrument in two quisition premium, and market discount do not lowing rules. For information about showing an
steps. apply to a contingent payment debt instrument. OID adjustment on your tax return, see How To
1. Figure the OID using the constant yield See Regulations section 1.1275-4 to determine Report OID, earlier.
method (discussed earlier under Debt In- how to account for these items.
struments Issued After 1984 ) that applies Figuring OID. Figure the OID on an infla-
to fixed payment debt instruments. Use InflationIndexed Debt Instruments tion-indexed debt instrument using one of the
the comparable yield as the yield to matur- following methods.
ity. In general, use the projected payment This discussion shows how you figure OID on The coupon bond method, described in
schedule to determine the instrument's ad- certain inflation-indexed debt instruments is- the following discussion, applies if the debt
justed issue price at the beginning of each sued after January 5, 1997. An inflation-indexed instrument is issued at par (as determined
accrual period (other than the initial pe- debt instrument is generally a debt instrument under Regulations section 1.1275-7(d)(2)
riod). Do not treat any amount payable as on which the payments are adjusted for inflation (i)), all stated interest payable on the debt
qualified stated interest. and deflation (such as Treasury inflation-protec- instrument is qualified stated interest, and
ted securities (TIPS)). the coupons have not been stripped from
2. Adjust the OID in (1) to account for actual the debt instrument. This method applies
contingent payments. If the contingent to TIPS, including TIPS issued with more
payment is greater than the projected In general, if you hold an inflation-indexed
than a de minimis amount of premium (see
fixed amount, you have a positive adjust- debt instrument, you must report as OID any in-
Regulations section 1.1275-7).
ment. If the contingent payment is less crease in the inflation-adjusted principal amount
The discount bond method applies to
than the projected fixed amount, you have of the debt instrument that occurs while you
any inflation-indexed debt instrument that
a negative adjustment. held the debt instrument during the tax year.
does not qualify for the coupon bond
You must include the OID in gross income
Net positive adjustment. A net positive method, such as a stripped debt instru-
whether or not you hold the debt instrument as
adjustment exists for a tax year when the total ment. This method is described in Regula-
a capital asset. Your basis in the debt instru-
of any positive adjustments described in (2) tions section 1.1275-7(e).
ment is increased by the OID you include in in-
above for the tax year is more than the total of come. Under the coupon bond method, figure the
any negative adjustments for the tax year. Treat OID you must report for the tax year as follows.
a net positive adjustment as additional OID for Inflation-indexed debt instruments acquired
the tax year. Debt instrument held at the end of the
on or after January 1, 2016, are covered secur- tax year. If you held the debt instrument at the
Net negative adjustment. A net negative ities. Dispositions of covered and noncovered end of the tax year, figure your OID for the year
adjustment exists for a tax year when the total securities must be reported on Form 8949, using the following steps.
of any negative adjustments described in (2) Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets.
1. Add the inflation-adjusted principal
above for the tax year is more than the total of
Inflationadjusted principal amount. For any amount for the day after the last day of the
any positive adjustments for the tax year. Use a
date, the inflation-adjusted principal amount of tax year and any principal payments you
net negative adjustment to offset OID on the
an inflation-indexed debt instrument is the debt received during the year. (For TIPS, multi-
debt instrument for the tax year. If the net nega-
instrument's outstanding principal amount multi- ply the par value by the index ratio for the
tive adjustment is more than the OID on the
plied by the index ratio for that date. (For TIPS, day after the last day of the tax year, and
debt instrument for the tax year, you can claim
multiply the par value by the index ratio for that add any principal payments received.)
the difference as an ordinary loss. However, the
amount you can claim as an ordinary loss is date.) For this purpose, determine the outstand- 2. Subtract from (1) above the inflation-ad-
limited to the OID on the debt instrument you in- ing principal amount as if there were no inflation justed principal amount for the first day on
cluded in income in prior tax years. You must or deflation over the term of the debt instru- which you held the debt instrument during
carry forward any net negative adjustment that ment. the tax year. (For TIPS, subtract from (1)
is more than the total OID for the tax year and Index ratio. This is a fraction, the numera- above the product of the par value times
prior tax years and treat it as a negative adjust- tor of which is the value of the reference index the index ratio for the first day held during
ment in the next tax year. for the date and the denominator of which is the the tax year.)
value of the reference index for the debt instru- Interest is reported separately, as discussed
Basis adjustments. In general, increase your ment's issue date.
basis in a contingent payment debt instrument later under Stated interest.
A qualified reference index measures infla-
by the OID included in income. Your basis, tion and deflation over the term of a debt instru- Debt instrument sold or retired during
however, is not affected by any negative or pos- ment. Its value is reset each month to a current the tax year. If you sold the debt instrument
itive adjustments. Decrease your basis by any value of a single qualified inflation index (for ex- during the tax year, or if it was retired, figure
noncontingent payment received and the pro- ample, the nonseasonally adjusted U.S. City your OID for the year using the following steps.
jected contingent payment scheduled to be re- Average All Items Consumer Price Index for All
ceived. 1. Add the inflation-adjusted principal
Urban Consumers (CPI-U), published by the
amount for the last day on which you held
Department of Labor). The value of the index
Treatment of gain or loss on sale or ex the debt instrument during the tax year
for any date between reset dates is determined
change. If you sell a contingent payment debt and any principal payments you received
through straight-line interpolation.
instrument at a gain, your gain is ordinary in- during the year. (For TIPS, multiply the par
come (interest income), even if you hold the The daily index ratios for Treasury in- value by the index ratio for the sale or re-
debt instrument as a capital asset. If you sell a flation-protected securities are availa- tirement date, and add any principal pay-
contingent payment debt instrument at a loss, ble on the Internet at http:// ments received.)
your loss is an ordinary loss to the extent of 2. Subtract from (1) above the inflation-ad-
your prior OID accruals on the debt instrument. tipscpi/tipscpi.htm. justed principal amount for the first day on
If the debt instrument is a capital asset, treat which you held the debt instrument during
any loss that is more than your prior OID ac- Form 1099OID. The amount shown in box 8 the tax year. (For TIPS, subtract from (1)
cruals as a capital loss. of the Form 1099-OID you receive for an infla- above the product of the par value times
tion-indexed debt instrument may not be the the index ratio for the first day held during
correct amount to include in income. For exam- the tax year.)

Publication 1212 (December 2016) Page 11

Interest is reported separately, as discussed applying the coupon bond method to a TIPS is- as OID any excess of the stated redemption
later under Stated interest. sued with more than a de minimis amount of price at maturity over your purchase price. If
premium. you purchase the stripped coupon, treat as OID
Example 8. On February 6 of Year 9, you any excess of the amount payable on the due
bought an old 10-year, 3.375% inflation-in- date of the coupon over your purchase price.
dexed debt instrument (maturing January 15 of
Figuring OID on Stripped
Year 11) for $9,831. The stated principal (par Bonds and Coupons Form 1099OID
value) amount is $10,000 and the inflation-ad-
justed principal amount for February 6 of Year 9 If you strip one or more coupons from a bond The amount shown in box 8 of the Form
is $12,047.50 ($10,000 par value times 1.20475 and then sell or otherwise dispose of the bond 1099-OID you receive for a stripped bond or
index ratio). You held the debt instrument until or the stripped coupons, they are treated as coupon may not be the proper amount to in-
August 29 of Year 9 when the inflation-adjusted separate debt instruments issued with OID. The clude in income. If not, you must figure the OID
principal amount was $12,275.70 ($10,000 par holder of a stripped bond has the right to re- to report on your return under the rules that fol-
value times 1.22757 index ratio). Your OID for ceive the principal (redemption price) payment. low. For information about showing an OID ad-
Year 9 is $228.20 ($12,275.70 $12,047.50). The holder of a stripped coupon has the right to justment on your tax return, see How To Report
Your basis in the debt instrument on August 29 receive an interest payment on the bond. The OID, earlier.
of Year 9 was $10,059.20 ($9,831 cost + rule requiring the holder of a debt instrument is-
$228.20 OID) for Year 9. sued with OID to include the OID in gross in-
come as it accrues applies to stripped bonds
TaxExempt Bonds and Coupons
Stated interest. Under the coupon bond
and coupons acquired after July 1, 1982. See
method, you report any stated interest on the The OID on a stripped tax-exempt bond, or on a
Debt Instruments and Coupons Purchased Af-
debt instrument under your regular method of stripped coupon from such a bond, is generally
ter July 1, 1982, and Before 1985 or Debt In-
accounting. For example, if you use the cash not taxable. However, if you acquired the strip-
struments and Coupons Purchased After 1984,
method, you generally include in income for the ped bond or coupon after October 22, 1986,
later, for information about figuring the OID to
tax year any interest payments received on the you must accrue OID on it to determine its basis
debt instrument during the year. when you dispose of it. How you figure accrued
OID and whether any OID is taxable depend on
Stripped bonds and coupons include the fol-
Deflation adjustments. If your calculation to the date you bought (or are treated as having
lowing instruments.
figure OID on an inflation-indexed debt instru- bought) the stripped bond or coupon.
Zero coupon bonds available through the
ment produces a negative number, you do not
Department of the Treasury's STRIPS pro-
have any OID. Instead, you have a deflation ad- Acquired before June 11, 1987. None of the
gram and government-sponsored enterpri-
justment. A deflation adjustment generally is OID on bonds or coupons acquired before this
ses such as the Resolution Funding Cor-
used to offset interest income from the debt in- date is taxable. The accrued OID is added to
poration and the Financing Corporation.
strument for the tax year. Show this offset as an the basis of the bond or coupon. The accrued
Debt instruments backed by U.S. Treasury
adjustment on your Form 1040, Schedule B, in OID is the amount that produces a yield to ma-
securities that represent ownership inter-
the same way you would show an OID adjust- turity (YTM), based on your purchase date and
ests in those securities. Examples include
ment. See How To Report OID, earlier. purchase price, equal to the lower of the follow-
obligations backed by U.S. Treasury
ing rates.
bonds that are offered primarily by broker-
You decrease your basis in the debt instru-
age firms (variously called CATS, TIGRs, 1. The coupon rate on the bond before the
ment by the deflation adjustment used to offset
etc.). separation of coupons. (However, if you
interest income.
can establish the YTM of the bond (with all
Seller of stripped bonds or coupons. If you coupons attached) at the time of its origi-
Example 9. Assume the same facts as in
strip coupons from a bond and sell the bond or nal issue, you can use that YTM instead.)
Example 8, except that you bought the debt in-
coupons, include in income the interest that ac-
strument for $9,831 on January 6 of Year 9, 2. The YTM of the stripped bond or coupon.
crued while you held the bond before the date
when the inflation-adjusted principal amount
of sale to the extent the interest was not previ- Increase your basis in the stripped tax-ex-
was $12,050.10, and sold the debt instrument
ously included in your income. For an obligation empt bond or coupon by the interest that ac-
on March 1 of Year 9, when the inflation-adjus-
acquired after October 22, 1986, you must also crued but was neither paid nor previously re-
ted principal amount was $12,011.20. Because
include the market discount that accrued before flected in your basis before the date you sold
the OID calculation for Year 9 ($12,011.20
the date of sale of the stripped bond (or cou- the bond or coupon.
$12,050.10) produces a negative number (neg-
pon) to the extent the discount was not previ-
ative $38.90), you have a deflation adjustment.
ously included in your income. Acquired after June 10, 1987. Part of the
You use this deflation adjustment to offset the
stated interest reported to you on the debt in- Add the interest and market discount you in- OID on bonds or coupons acquired after this
strument. clude in income to the basis of the bond and date may be taxable. Figure the taxable part in
Your basis in the debt instrument on March coupons. This adjusted basis is then allocated three steps.
1 of Year 9 is $9,792.10 ($9,831 cost $38.90 between the items you keep and the items you
sell, based on the fair market value of the items. Step 1. Figure OID as if all taxable. First
deflation adjustment) for Year 9. figure the OID following the rules in this section
The difference between the sale price of the
bond (or coupon) and the allocated basis of the as if all the OID were taxable. (See Debt Instru-
Premium on inflationindexed debt instru ments and Coupons Purchased After 1984,
ments. In general, any premium on an infla- bond (or coupon) is the gain or loss from the
sale. later.) Use the yield to maturity (YTM) based on
tion-indexed debt instrument is determined as the date you obtained the stripped bond or cou-
of the date you acquire the debt instrument by Treat any item you keep as an OID bond
assuming there will be no further inflation or de- originally issued and purchased by you on the
flation over the remaining term of the debt in- sale date of the other items. If you keep the Step 2. Determine nontaxable part. Find
strument. You allocate any premium over the bond, treat the excess of the redemption price the issue price that would produce a YTM as of
remaining term of the debt instrument by mak- of the bond over the basis of the bond as OID. If the purchase date equal to the lower of the fol-
ing the same assumption. In general, the pre- you keep the coupons, treat the excess of the lowing rates.
mium allocable to a tax year offsets the interest amount payable on the coupons over the basis
of the coupons as OID. 1. The coupon rate on the bond from which
otherwise includible in income for the year. If
the coupons were separated. (However,
the premium allocable to the year is more than
Purchaser of stripped bonds or coupons. If you can use the original YTM instead.)
that interest, the difference generally offsets the
OID on the debt instrument for the year. See you purchase a stripped bond or coupon, treat it 2. The YTM based on the purchase price of
Regulations section 1.1275-7 for an example as if it were originally issued on the date of pur- the stripped coupon or bond.
chase. If you purchase the stripped bond, treat

Page 12 Publication 1212 (December 2016)

Subtract this issue price from the stated re- accrual period. The OID for the accrual period is ap = acquisition price
demption price of the bond at maturity (or, in the figured by multiplying the adjusted acquisition
case of a coupon, the amount payable on the price at the beginning of the period by the yield ytm = yield to maturity
due date of the coupon). The result is the part of to maturity. p = number of days in accrual period
the OID treated as OID on a stripped tax-ex-
empt bond or coupon. Adjusted acquisition price. The adjusted ac- The daily OID for subsequent accrual peri-
quisition price of a stripped bond or coupon at ods is figured in the same way except the ad-
Step 3. Determine taxable part. The taxa- the beginning of the first accrual period is its justed acquisition price at the beginning of each
ble part of OID is the OID determined in Step 1 purchase (or acquisition) price. The adjusted period is used in the formula instead of the ac-
minus the nontaxable part determined in Step acquisition price at the beginning of any subse- quisition price.
2. quent accrual period is the sum of the acquisi- The rules for figuring OID on these debt in-
Exception. None of the OID on your strip- tion price and all of the OID includible in income struments are similar to those in Debt Instru-
ped tax-exempt bond or coupon is taxable if before that accrual period. ments Issued After July 1, 1982, and Before
you bought it from a person who held it for sale 1985, earlier.
Accrual period. An accrual period for any
on June 10, 1987, in the ordinary course of that stripped bond or coupon acquired before 1985
person's trade or business. is each 1-year period beginning on the date of Debt Instruments and Coupons
Basis adjustment. Increase the basis of the purchase of the obligation and each anni- Purchased After 1984
your stripped tax-exempt bond or coupon by versary thereafter, or the shorter period to ma-
turity for the last accrual period. If you purchased a stripped bond or coupon
the taxable and nontaxable accrued OID. If you (other than a stripped inflation-indexed debt in-
own a tax-exempt bond from which one or more strument) after 1984, and you held that debt in-
coupons have been stripped, increase your ba- Yield to maturity (YTM). In general, the YTM
of a stripped bond or coupon is the discount strument during any part of a calendar year, you
sis in it by the sum of the interest accrued but must figure the OID to be included in income
not paid before you dispose of it (and not previ- rate that, when used in figuring the present
value of all principal and interest payments, pro- using a constant yield method. Under this
ously reflected in basis) and any accrued mar- method, OID is allocated over the time you hold
ket discount to the extent not previously inclu- duces an amount equal to the acquisition price
of the debt instrument or coupon. the debt instrument by adjusting the acquisition
ded in your income. price for each accrual period. The OID for the
Figuring YTM. If you purchased a stripped accrual period is figured by multiplying the ad-
Example 10. Assume that a tax-exempt bond or coupon after July 1, 1982, but before justed acquisition price at the beginning of the
bond with a face amount of $100 due January 1 1985, and the period from your purchase date period by a fraction. The numerator of the frac-
of Year 4 and a coupon rate of 10% (compoun- to the day the debt instrument matures can be tion is the debt instrument's yield to maturity
ded semiannually) was issued for $100 on Jan- divided exactly into full 1-year periods without and the denominator is the number of accrual
uary 1 of Year 1. On January 1 of Year 2 the including a shorter period, then the YTM can be periods per year.
bond was stripped and you bought the right to figured by applying the following formula.
receive the principal amount for $79.21. The If the stripped bond or coupon is an infla-
stripped bond is treated as if it was originally is- tion-indexed instrument, you must figure the
sued on January 1 of Year 2 with OID of $20.79 m
OID to be included in income using the discount
($100.00 $79.21). This reflects a YTM at the srp
bond method described in Regulations section
time of the strip of 12% (compounded semiann-
ually). The tax-exempt part of OID on the strip-
( ) ap 1
ped bond is limited to $17.73. This is the differ- Adjusted acquisition price. The adjusted ac-
ence between the redemption price ($100) and srp = stated redemption price at maturity
quisition price of a stripped bond or coupon at
the issue price that would produce a YTM of ap = acquisition price the beginning of the first accrual period is its
10% ($82.27). This part of the OID is treated as purchase (or acquisition) price. The adjusted
OID on a tax-exempt obligation. m = number of full accrual periods from
purchase to maturity acquisition price at the beginning of any subse-
The OID on the stripped bond that is more quent accrual period is the sum of the acquisi-
than the tax-exempt part is $3.06. This is the If the debt instrument is a stripped coupon, tion price and all of the OID includible in income
excess of the total OID ($20.79) over the the stated redemption price is the amount paya- before that accrual period.
tax-exempt part ($17.73). This part of the OID ble on the due date of the coupon.
($3.06) is treated as OID on an obligation that is If the period between your purchase date Accrual period. For a stripped bond or cou-
not tax exempt. and the maturity date (or due date) of the debt pon acquired after 1984 and before April 4,
The total OID allocable to the accrual period instrument does not divide into an exact num- 1994, an accrual period is each 6-month period
ending June 30 of Year 2 is $4.75 (6% ber of full 1-year periods, so that a period that ends on the day that corresponds to the
$79.21). Of this, $4.11 (5% $82.27) is treated shorter than 1 year must be included, consult stated maturity date of the stripped bond (or
as OID on a tax-exempt obligation and $0.64 your broker or your tax advisor for information payment date of a stripped coupon) or the date
($4.75 $4.11) is treated as OID on an obliga- about figuring the YTM. 6 months before that date. For example, a strip-
tion that is not tax exempt. Your basis in the ped bond that has a maturity date (or a stripped
debt instrument as of June 30 of Year 2 is in- Daily OID. The OID for any accrual period is coupon that has a payment date) of March 31
creased to $83.96 ($79.21 issue price + ac- allocated equally to each day in the accrual pe- has accrual periods that end on September 30
crued OID of $4.75). riod. You figure the amount to include in income and March 31 of each calendar year. Any short
by adding the daily OID amounts for each day period is included as the first accrual period.
Debt Instruments and Coupons you hold the debt instrument during the year. If For a stripped bond or coupon acquired af-
Purchased After July 1, 1982, and your tax year includes parts of more than one ter April 3, 1994, accrual periods may be of any
Before 1985 accrual period (which will be the case unless length and may vary in length over the term of
the accrual period coincides with your tax year), the debt instrument, as long as each accrual
If you purchased a stripped bond or coupon af- you must include the proper daily OID amounts period is no longer than 1 year and all payments
ter July 1, 1982, and before 1985, and you held for each of the two accrual periods. are made on the first or last day of an accrual
that debt instrument as a capital asset during The daily OID for the initial accrual period is period.
any part of a calendar year, you must figure the figured by applying the following formula.
OID to be included in income using a constant Yield to maturity (YTM). In general, the YTM
yield method. Under this method, OID is alloca- of a stripped bond or coupon is the discount
(ap ytm)
ted over the time you hold the debt instrument rate that, when used in figuring the present
by adjusting the acquisition price for each value of all principal and interest payments,

Publication 1212 (December 2016) Page 13

produces an amount equal to the acquisition n = number of accrual periods in 1 year ap = acquisition price
srp = stated redemption price at maturity ytm = yield to maturity
Figuring YTM. How you figure the YTM for ap = acquisition price n = number of accrual periods in 1 year
a stripped debt instrument or coupon pur-
chased after 1984 depends on whether you r = number of days from purchase to end of p = number of days in accrual period
short accrual period
have equal accrual periods or a short initial ac- r = number of days from purchase to end of
crual period. s = number of days in accrual period ending on short accrual period
last day of short accrual period
1. Equal accrual periods. If the period s = number of days in accrual period ending on
m = number of full accrual periods from last day of short accrual period
from the date you purchased a stripped bond or
purchase to maturity
coupon to the maturity date can be divided
The rules for figuring OID on these debt in-
evenly into full accrual periods without including
Example 12. On May 30 of Year 1, you struments are similar to those illustrated in Ex-
a shorter period, you can figure the YTM by us-
bought a coupon stripped from a U.S. Treasury ample 5 and Example 6, earlier, under Debt In-
ing the following formula.
bond through the Department of the Treasury's struments Issued After 1984.
STRIPS program for $60,000. $100,000 is pay-
Example 13. Assume the same facts as in
(( srp
ap )
1 ) able on the coupon's due date, August 11 of
Year 7. You decide to figure OID using 6-month
Example 12, and that you held the coupon for
the rest of Year 1.
accrual periods. There are 12 full 6-month ac-
For the short initial accrual period from May
crual periods and a 74-day short initial accrual
30 through August 11, the daily OID is figured
period from the purchase date to the coupon's
n = number of accrual periods in 1 year using Formula 2, as follows.
due date. The YTM on this stripped coupon is
srp = stated redemption price at maturity figured as follows.
ap = acquisition price 74
m = number of full accrual periods from
purchase to maturity ( 1
(74/181) + 12 ) $60,000 (1 + .08406/2) $60,000
If the debt instrument is a stripped coupon,
2 ($100,000 / $60,000) )
= 2 (1.04203 -1) = .08406 = 8.406%
the stated redemption price is the amount paya-
ble on the due date of the coupon. $1,018.48
Use 8.406% YTM to figure the OID for each = 74 = $13.76327
Example 11. On May 15 of Year 1, you accrual period or partial accrual period for
bought a coupon stripped from a U.S. Treasury which you must report OID. The OID for this period is $1,018.48
bond through the Department of the Treasury's ($13.76327 74 days).
STRIPS program for $38,000. An amount of Daily OID. The OID for any accrual period is For the second accrual period from August
$100,000 is payable on the coupon's due date, allocated equally to each day in the accrual pe- 12 of Year 1 through February 11 of Year 2, the
November 14 of Year 13. There are exactly 25 riod. You must include in income the sum of the adjusted acquisition price is $61,018.48. This is
6-month periods between the purchase date, daily OID amounts for each day you hold the the original $60,000 acquisition price plus
May 15 of Year 1, and the coupon's due date, debt instrument during the year. Since your tax $1,018.48 OID for the short initial accrual pe-
November 14 of Year 13. The YTM on this strip- year will usually include parts of two or more ac- riod. The daily OID is figured using Formula 1,
ped coupon is figured as follows. crual periods, you must include the proper daily as follows.
OID amounts for each accrual period.
(( $100,000
$38,000 ) 25
1 ) Figuring daily OID. For the initial accrual
period of a stripped bond or coupon acquired
$61,018.48 (.08406/2)
= 2 (1.03946 -1) = 0.07892 = 7.892% after 1984, figure the daily OID using Formula 1,
next, if there are equal accrual periods. Use $2,564.60671
= 184 = $13.93808
Use 7.892% YTM to figure the OID for each Formula 2 if there is a short initial accrual pe-
accrual period or partial accrual period for riod.
which you must report OID. For subsequent accrual periods, figure the The OID for the part of this period included
daily OID using Formula 1 (whether or not there in Year 1 (August 12 December 31) is
2. Short initial accrual period. If the pe- was a short initial accrual period), but use the $1,979.21 ($13.93808 142 days).
riod from the date you purchased a stripped adjusted acquisition price in the formula instead The OID to be reported on your income tax
bond or coupon to the date of its maturity can- of the acquisition price. return for Year 1 is $2,997.69 ($1,018.48 +
not be divided evenly into full accrual periods, $1,979.21).
so that a shorter period must be included, you Formula 1.
can figure the YTM by using the following for- Final accrual period. The OID for the final
mula (the exact method). accrual period for a stripped bond or coupon is
ap ytm / n the amount payable at maturity of the stripped
( r + m
s ) bond (or interest payable on the stripped cou-
pon) minus the adjusted acquisition price at the
n (( )
1 ) Formula 2. beginning of the final accrual period. The daily
OID for the final accrual period is figured by di-
r viding the OID for the period by the number of
s days in the period.

ap x (1 + ytm /n) ap
r How To Get Tax Help
If you have questions about a tax issue, need
help preparing your tax return, or want to down-
load free publications, forms, or instructions, go
to and find resources that can help you
right away.

Page 14 Publication 1212 (December 2016)

Preparing and filing your tax return. Find Delayed refund for returns claiming certain app. Paying electronically is quick, easy, and
free options to prepare and file your return on credits. Due to changes in the law, the IRS faster than mailing in a check or money order. or in your local community if you qual- cant issue refunds before February 15, 2017, Go to to make a payment
ify. for returns that claim the earned income credit using any of the following options.
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (EIC) or the additional child tax credit (ACTC). IRS Direct Pay: Pay your individual tax bill
(VITA) program offers free tax help to people This applies to the entire refund, not just the or estimated tax payment directly from
who generally make $54,000 or less, persons portion associated with these credits. your checking or savings account at no
with disabilities, the elderly, and limited-Eng- cost to you.
lish-speaking taxpayers who need help prepar- Getting a transcript or copy of a return. The Debit or credit card: Choose an ap-
ing their own tax returns. The Tax Counseling quickest way to get a copy of your tax transcript proved payment processor to pay online,
for the Elderly (TCE) program offers free tax is to go to Click on either by phone, and by mobile device.
help for all taxpayers, particularly those who are "Get Transcript Online" or "Get Transcript by Electronic Funds Withdrawal: Offered
60 years of age and older. TCE volunteers spe- Mail" to order a copy of your transcript. If you only when filing your federal taxes using
cialize in answering questions about pensions prefer, you can: tax preparation software or through a tax
and retirement-related issues unique to seniors. Order your transcript by calling professional.
You can go to and click on the Fil- 1-800-908-9946. Electronic Federal Tax Payment Sys
ing tab to see your options for preparing and fil- Mail Form 4506-T or Form 4506T-EZ (both tem: Best option for businesses. Enroll-
ing your return which include the following. available on ment is required.
Free File. Go to See if Check or money order: Mail your pay-
Using online tools to help prepare your re ment to the address listed on the notice or
you qualify to use brand-name software to
turn. Go to for the following. instructions.
prepare and e-file your federal tax return
The Earned Income Tax Credit Assistant Cash: If cash is your only option, you may
for free.
( determines if you are eligible be able to pay your taxes at a participating
VITA. Go to, download the
for the EIC. retail store.
free IRS2Go app, or call 1-800-906-9887
to find the nearest VITA location for free The Online EIN Application (
tax preparation. helps you get an employer identification What if I cant pay now? Go to
number. payments for more information about your op-
TCE. Go to, download the free
IRS2Go app, or call 1-888-227-7669 to The IRS Withholding Calculator ( tions.
find the nearest TCE location for free tax w4app) estimates the amount you should Apply for an online payment agreement
preparation. have withheld from your paycheck for fed- ( to meet your tax obligation
eral income tax purposes. in monthly installments if you cant pay
Getting answers to your tax law The First Time Homebuyer Credit Account your taxes in full today. Once you complete
questions. On get answers to Look-up ( tool pro- the online process, you will receive imme-
your tax questions anytime, anywhere. vides information on your repayments and diate notification of whether your agree-
account balance. ment has been approved.
Go to or The Sales Tax Deduction Calculator Use the Offer in Compromise Pre-Qualifier
pages for a variety of tools that will help ( figures the amount you ( to see if you can settle your
you get answers to some of the most com- can claim if you itemize deductions on tax debt for less than the full amount you
mon tax questions. Schedule A (Form 1040), choose not to owe.
Go to for the Interactive Tax claim state and local income taxes, and
Assistant, a tool that will ask you questions you didnt save your receipts showing the Checking the status of an amended return.
on a number of tax law topics and provide sales tax you paid. Go to and click on Wheres My
answers. You can print the entire interview Amended Return? ( under the
and the final response for your records. Resolving taxrelated identity theft issues. Tools bar to track the status of Form 1040X
Go to to get Pub. 17, Your The IRS doesnt initiate contact with tax- amended returns. Please note that it can take
Federal Income Tax for Individuals, which payers by email or telephone to request up to 3 weeks from the date you mailed your
features details on tax-saving opportuni- personal or financial information. This in- amended return for it show up in our system
ties, 2016 tax changes, and thousands of cludes any type of electronic communica- and processing it can take up to 16 weeks.
interactive links to help you find answers to tion, such as text messages and social me-
your questions. View it online in HTML or dia channels. Understanding an IRS notice or letter. Go to
as a PDF or, better yet, download it to your Go to for information to find additional information
mobile device to enjoy eBook features. and videos. about responding to an IRS notice or letter.
You may also be able to access tax law in- If your SSN has been lost or stolen or you
formation in your electronic filing software. suspect you are a victim of tax-related Contacting your local IRS office. Keep in
identity theft, visit to learn what mind, many questions can be resolved on
steps you should take. without visiting an IRS Tax Assistance
Getting tax forms and publications. Go to Center (TAC). Go to for the to view, download, or print all of Checking on the status of your refund. topics people ask about most. If you still need
the forms and publications you may need. You Go to help, IRS TACs provide tax help when a tax is-
can also download and view popular tax publi- Due to changes in the law, the IRS cant is- sue cant be handled online or by phone. All
cations and instructions (including the 1040 in- sue refunds before February 15, 2017, for TACs now provide service by appointment so
structions) on mobile devices as an eBook at no returns that claim the EIC or the ACTC. youll know in advance that you can get the
charge. Or, you can go to This applies to the entire refund, not just service you need without waiting. Before you
to place an order and have forms mailed to you the portion associated with these credits. visit, go to to find the nearest
within 10 business days. Download the official IRS2Go app to your TAC, check hours, available services, and ap-
mobile device to check your refund status. pointment options. Or, on the IRS2Go app, un-
Using direct deposit. The fastest way to re- Call the automated refund hotline at der the Stay Connected tab, choose the Con-
ceive a tax refund is to combine direct deposit 1-800-829-1954. tact Us option and click on Local Offices.
and IRS e-file. Direct deposit securely and elec-
tronically transfers your refund directly into your Making a tax payment. The IRS uses the lat- Watching IRS videos. The IRS Video portal
financial account. Eight in 10 taxpayers use di- est encryption technology to ensure your elec- ( contains video and audio pre-
rect deposit to receive their refund. IRS issues tronic payments are safe and secure. You can sentations for individuals, small businesses,
more than 90% of refunds in less than 21 days. make electronic payments online, by phone, and tax professionals.
and from a mobile device using the IRS2Go

Publication 1212 (December 2016) Page 15

Getting tax information in other languages. free. If you qualify for our assistance, you will be How Else Does the Taxpayer
For taxpayers whose native language isnt Eng- assigned to one advocate who will work with Advocate Service Help Taxpayers?
lish, we have the following resources available. you throughout the process and will do every-
Taxpayers can find information on in thing possible to resolve your issue. TAS can TAS works to resolve large-scale problems that
the following languages. help you if: affect many taxpayers. If you know of one of
Spanish ( Your problem is causing financial difficulty these broad issues, please report it to us at
Chinese ( for you, your family, or your business,
Vietnamese ( You face (or your business is facing) an
Korean ( immediate threat of adverse action, or
Russian ( Youve tried repeatedly to contact the IRS
Low Income Taxpayer
The IRS TACs provide over-the-phone inter- but no one has responded, or the IRS Clinics
hasnt responded by the date promised.
preter service in over 170 languages, and the Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITCs) serve in-
service is available free to taxpayers. dividuals whose income is below a certain level
How Can You Reach Us? and need to resolve tax problems such as au-
The Taxpayer Advocate We have offices in every state, the District of
dits, appeals, and tax collection disputes. Some
Service Is Here To Help You Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Your local advo-
clinics can provide information about taxpayer
rights and responsibilities in different languages
cates number is in your local directory and at
What is the Taxpayer Advocate for individuals who speak English as a second You can also call us
Service? at 1-877-777-4778.
language. To find a clinic near you, visit or see IRS Publication 4134, Low
The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is an in- Income Taxpayer Clinic List.
dependent organization within the IRS that How Can You Learn About Your
helps taxpayers and protects taxpayer rights. Taxpayer Rights?
Our job is to ensure that every taxpayer is
treated fairly and that you know and understand The Taxpayer Bill of Rights describes 10 basic
your rights under the Taxpayer Bill of Rights. rights that all taxpayers have when dealing with
the IRS. Our Tax Toolkit at can help you under-
What Can the Taxpayer Advocate
stand what these rights mean to you and how
Service Do For You? they apply. These are your rights. Know them.
Use them.
We can help you resolve problems that you
cant resolve with the IRS. And our service is

Page 16 Publication 1212 (December 2016)

To help us develop a more useful index, please let us know if you have ideas for index entries.
Index See Comments and Suggestions in the Introduction for the ways you can reach us.

Debt instruments issued after Information for brokers and other

A July 1, 1982 8 middlemen 3 Q
Accrual period 2 Debt instruments issued after Information for owners of OID Qualified stated interest 3
Acquisition premium 2 May 27, 1969, corporate 7 debt instruments 5
Adjusted issue price 2 Debt instruments not on the OID Issue price 2
Assistance (See Tax help) list 3 Issuers of OID debt instruments, R
Debt Instruments on the OID Instructions for 2 REMIC and CDO information
list 3 reporting requirements 2
B Definitions 2
Backup withholding 4 Accrual period 2 L
Acquisition premium 2 Longterm debt instruments 4
Bearer bonds and coupons 4 S
Brokers (See Information for Adjusted issue price 2 Section I 3
brokers and other middlemen) Debt instrument 2 Section II 3
Issue price 2 M Section III 3
Market discount 2 Market discount 2 Shortterm obligations redeemed
Original issue discount (OID) 2
C at maturity 3
Premium 2
Certificates of deposit 4 Stated redemption price at
Comments and suggestions 2 Qualified stated interest 3 O maturity 3
Stated redemption price at OID, figuring 4
Contingent payment debt Stripped bonds and coupons,
maturity 3 Using section I 4
instruments 10 figuring OID 12
Yield to maturity 3 Using the income tax Suggestions, Comments and 2
regulations 4
D OID list, Debt Instruments on 3
Debt instrument 2 E OID on longterm debt T
Electronic payee statements 3 instruments, figuring 7
Debt instruments: Tax help 14
Long-term 4 OID on stripped bonds and
Short-term 3 coupons, figuring 12
Debt instruments and coupons F Original issue discount (OID) 2 Y
purchased after 1984 13 Form 1099OID 4 Owners of OID debt instruments, Yield to maturity 3, 13
Debt instruments and coupons information for 5
purchased after July 1, 1982,
and before 1985 13 I
Debt instruments issued after Identity theft 15 P
1954, corporate 7 Inflationindexed debt Premium 2
Debt instruments issued after instruments 11 Publications (See Tax help)
1984 9

Publication 1212 (December 2016) Page 17

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