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‘97 BuyBewy mo sayddog 10/09 °2 (osn) yeufouoseain “| Jeiag ojeday eH Jaye yeoibuy'g wueos 19 °¢ ‘CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE ‘© Inthe US, the incidence of hepatocellu- lar cancer doubled between 1975 and 1998 and is expected to continue to in- Table 1 Major Cases of Hepatoceliaar Gane crease forthe next 2 decades. liseions + The American Associaton forthe Study Sonepat 8 af Liver Diseases recommends an ultra: ow eptitsD sound of the lier every 6 months in Tosi high-risk patients to screen for hepato- ‘Maton cellular cancer. etal: ‘eter metus, roacooi fatty ter dene + Liver transplantation remains the only de- Heedtay mmocionats fnitve treatment of hepatacelular can- may ary cor nae beats cr, although surgical resection and per- cutaneous therapies are more commonly Table 5 Child-Pugh Score Points for Increasing Abnormality Chemical and Biochemical Parameters 1 2 Encephalopathy (grade) None 12 Ascites None Slight Albumin (g/dL) >35 | 283.5 Prothrombin time 14 46 >6 [oe prolonged (sec) ~ Bilirubin (mg/dL) 12 23 >3 ee wee Gass A: 5-6 points (good operative risk); Gass 8: 7-9 pon | (moderate operative risk); Class C: 10-15 points (poor operative risk eects [ESTES] SRT ett woe mle tn Bin mee

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